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09-20 投稿


minimization 发音


英:  美:

minimization 中文意思翻译



minimization 反义词


minimization 同义词

diminution | minimisation

minimization 相似词语短语

1、digitization ─── n.[计]数字化,数位化,数码化

2、minification ─── n.微小;缩小

3、maximization ─── n.[数]极大化,最大化

4、victimization ─── n.牺牲;欺骗

5、divinization ─── n.奉为神明;神圣化

6、minimisation ─── 最简化

7、dynamization ─── n.稀释增效法

8、minimalization ─── n.极小化;取极小值

9、civilization ─── n.文明;文化

minimization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the total completion time minimization problem on two machines with decision maintenance, the worst-case analysis of SPT algorithm was given. ─── 对于决策维护最小化总完工时间问题,分析了SPT算法的界。

2、Sensor and signal regulating circuit is carried out through hybrid packaging by making use of thick-film circuit technology,which realizes integration and minimization of sensor. ─── 将传感器与信号调节电路利用厚膜电路工艺进行混合封装,完成了传感器的一体化,实现了传感器的小型化。

3、The more comprehensive nature of a CLMC as an approach to waste minimization broadens the options for waste reprocessing in buildings. ─── 作为浪费最小化的一种方法,CLMC的综合性质扩大了建筑废物回收利用的选择范围。

4、Thus the whole note or semibreve has no stem, but the relative duration of the half note or minim, half the length of the whole note is indicated by the addition of a stem. ─── 因此全音符没有符干,二分音符(全音符长度的一半)的时值,用在全音符上加一条符干来表示。

5、A double dotted half note or minim is equal in length to three quarter notes or crotchets and an 8th note or quaver. ─── 半音加两个符点,时值等于三个四分音符或一个八分音符。

6、With the constraints of the due-date,performance is measured by the minimization of the weighted sum of E/T penalties of jobs. ─── 在满足目标完成时间(交货期)的前提下,使提前惩罚费用与拖期惩罚费用之和最小。

7、This is typically an energy minimization problem. ─── 这是典型的能量最小化问题。

8、Under the postulate of constrained maximization, the choice of the form of competition is always a result of constrained transaction cost minimization. ─── 在局限下极大化的假设下,竞争形式的选择一定是基于交易费用的局限下极小化的。

9、Chen L, Wu C, Sun F. Finite time thermodynamic opti-mization or entropy generation minimization of energy systems [ J ] . J Non - Equilib Thermodyn, 1999, 24(4): 327-359. ─── 严子浚,陈苏煌.三热源泵热循环的最佳泵热率与供热系数间的关系[J].科学通报,1987,32(16):1280.

10、By using least square approximation and non-linear functional minimization, the data points of plane could be faired approximately. ─── 利用最小二乘法和非线性泛函的极小值优化计算,对平面数据点进行光顺逼近,达到光顺的目的。

11、A filled function with only one parameter was introduced.Then a method based on the filled function for the unconstrained global minimization problem was presented. ─── 为此,介绍了只含一个参数的填充函数,并且根据这个填充函数提出了一个求无约束全局优化问题的填充函数算法。

12、Hwa M.Y. 、Chang R.C.(2000),Waste Minimization And Resource Recovery of Crude Oil Tank Bottoms,2nd International Conference on Solid Waste Management,C10,pp465-475. ─── 华梅英、张能复、吴宗铮、谢祝钦(2000),隧道中挥发性有机化合物之成分特徵与其排放系数,第十七届空气污染控制技术研讨会。

13、The experiment results of VEQPSO on a classic multiobjective minimization problem show the efficiency of the algorithm, for solving multi-objective optimization problem. ─── 在VEQPSO算法中改进了粒子的进化公式,通过典型的多目标测试函数所做的实验,验证了该算法解决多目标问题的有效性。

14、Minimization of joint volumes, renouncement of joint preparation , and omission of pre-and post treatment of welded joints reduce manufacturing costs of marine vessels and structures. ─── 容积最低化、免坡口及免焊前焊后处理等都是节省海洋装备、船舶制造成本的有效方式。

15、No need for threshold controlling,the experiment shows minimization of false acceptance rate. ─── 实验结果表明,该算法不需用阈值来进行控制,能有效地降低误纳率。

16、For the make-span minimization problem on two machines with periodic maintenance, it was shown that FFD algorithm was an efficient algorithm. ─── 对于周期维护最小化时间表长问题,证明了经典的FFD算法是一个很好的启发式算法,并且得到了该算法的一个上界。

17、Azizoglu, Meral; Kirca, Omer,“Tardiness minimization on parallel machines” International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.55, Issue 2, pp. 163-168. ─── 余淑惠、卢建光、傅佑璋、曾雯卿,染整工艺,1998年版,台北,专上图书,民国87年1月。

18、Through quantitative and SEM analysis, the minim zinc was found remaining on the surface of weld and the zinc thickness on the heat-affected zones appeared gradient. ─── 定量及SEM分析表明,焊缝中表面只残留少量锌,在焊缝两侧的热影响区,锌层厚度呈梯度分布。

19、An algorithm is presented through using structural risk minimization (SRM) based on statistical learning theory. ─── 在研究统计学理论的基础上,提出了以结构风险最小化为目标的训练方法。

20、It is the typical and troublesome problem that the synthesis of function generator approaches minimization of the maxiumun deviation between the output and the expected value. ─── 函数发生机构中输出角度与期望值之间的最大偏差为最小的问题机构综合中一个典型而又较难处理的问题。

21、The more comprehensive nature of a CLMC as an approach to waste minimization broadens the options for waste reprocessing in buildings. ─── 作为浪费最小化的一种方法,CLMC的综合性质扩大了建筑废物回收利用的选择范围。

22、Cost Minimization and Utility Maximization ─── 成本最小化和效用最大化

23、A hybrid approach to wastewater minimization ─── 一种复合式废水最小化方法

24、Male; 25-45 years old, healthy; 3-4 years experience for NDT testing (minim 2 years). ─── 25岁到45岁;身体健康;三至四年,最低两年无损检测相关工作经验;

25、The viscosity of HAP solution would decrease greatly with minim of cationic surfactants,non-ionic surfactants and complex surfactants respectively. ─── 微量阳离子表面活性剂、非离子表面活性剂和复合型表面活性剂均能使HAP溶液粘度大幅度降低。

26、This paper also presents the theory of minimization and how to apply it to the dip log software. ─── 介绍了极小化原理,形成软件,并应用到地层倾角测井处理中,取得了很好的效果。

27、Wastewater minimization is an environmental problem through improving the process to fully minimize wastewater so as to save water resource. ─── 废水量最小化是通过改进流程尽量减少废水生成量而节约水资源的环保课题。

28、The cost controller should periodically review the maximum and minim inventory. ─── 成本经理应定期查看最多及最少存货量。

29、Degree holder in Computer Science or equivalent ? At least 5 years working experience in ERP system ? Minim...... ... ─── 公司名称:广州市瑞川人力资源有限公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-4-2

30、The RBF network configuration is formulated as a minimization problem with respect to the number of hidden layer nodes, the center locations and the connection weights. ─── RBF网络的设计问题就是关于网络隐节点数和隐层节点RBF函数中心、宽度和隐层到输出层的权值的性能指标的最小化问题。

31、Even if the sexual excitement of minim, can allow the man immediately excited. ─── 即使是微量的性刺激,都能让男性立刻兴奋。

32、Compared with other sensors, this sensor has many advantages such as high sensitivity, small dimension and minim liquid sample, etc. ─── 与其他传感器相比,该传感器具有灵敏度高、结构尺寸小、所需液体量少等优点。

33、The core of the new technique of producing high quality low-Cr white cast iron is combining modification,inoculation and minim alloyable technique, which are affected each other. ─── 优质低铬白口铸铁生产新工艺其核心就是将变质处理、孕育处理、微合金化技术三位一体,互为作用。

34、For us, the key to intimacy is the sharing and minimization of selfishness. ─── 他的妻子是一名护士,对此表示认同;

35、Support vector machine(SVM) is a novel and powerful learning method which is derived based on statistical learning theory(SLT) and the structural risk minimization principle. ─── 建立在统计学习理论基础之上的支持向量机(SVM),是一种基于结构风险最小的小样本机器学习方法。

36、Waste minimization is the United States clean production pollution prevention after initial presentation, with one word replaced. ─── 废物最小量化是美国清洁消费的初期表述,后用污染预防一词所替代。

37、A multitaper spectral estimator is built based on the minimization of a cost function. ─── 利用最小化代价函数的方法推导了一种谱分析的多窗口。

38、We have a standardized policy of "harm minimization." ─── 我们有一套“危害最小化”的标准政策流程。

39、The formation of tailing in CPB dyeing is reported. The possibilities for the minimization of tailing are showed. The control technology and anti-tailing program are described. ─── 报道了冷轧堆染色中头梢色差的形成。指出了减小该问题发生的几种可能性。描述了控制工艺和防头梢色差程序。

40、In the United States, also known as the " clean production pollution prevention" or " waste minimization" . ─── 在美国,清洁消费又称为“污染预防”或“废物最小量化”。

41、Our Business Principle: Minimization of cost and maximization of profit. ─── 公司的经营原则:运作成本最小化,利润最大化。

42、LI Zaitian.Make use of the gas chromatography method to measurate the minim atrazine in the soil[J].Environmental Monitoring in China,2005,21(2):20-21. ─── [1]李在田.气相色谱测定土壤中微量阿特拉津[J].中国环境监测,2005,21(2):20-21.

43、Based on statistical learning theory, the SVM algorithm embodies the structural risk minimization (SRM) principle, which is more rapid more accurate, and has higher generalized performance. ─── SVM回归法采用结构风险最小化准则(SRM),以统计学习理论作为理论基础,运算速度快,泛化能力强,预测精度高。

44、ActiveX Control to Set Maximum and Minim - Add this control to your form and set the max and min properties. ─── 在你的窗体上增加这个控件,并设置它的最大和最小属性。

45、Tax avoidance The legal minimization of taxes due government by application of tax planning devices. ─── 使用避税计划手段算出的应付政府的合法最低税额。

46、Risk minimization from empirical data problem ─── 基于经验数据最小化风险的问题

47、The design criterion of the MTMD optimum parameters is defined as the minimization of the minimum values of the maximum torsional displacement dynamic magnification factors. ─── MTMD最优参数的设计准则定义为:结构最大扭转角位移动力放大系数的最小值的最小化。

48、At the same time, minimization operations were added during the evolution process so that the solutions gotten are all minimal hitting sets. ─── 在进化过程中加入了极小化操作,使得得到的结果都是极小碰集。

49、Thus the duration of a half note or minim is half that of a whole note or semibreve. ─── 半音的时值是全音的一半。

50、The provision that contains minim tantalum has: Yeast of egg, sesame seed, liver, kidney, beer, malt, water chest nut, Yi benevolence, water chestnut, lily, yam, tea. ─── 含有微量金属元素之食品有:蛋、芝麻、肝、肾、啤酒酵母、麦芽、荸荠、薏仁、菱角、百合、山药、茶叶等。

51、With utilizing the method of fuzzy rathmetics and settingup six assessment indices,an objective method is put forward to assessand select the options of waste minimization. ─── 将模糊矩阵评价法方引入废物最少化方案的评价、筛选中,提出了减少废物量在内的六项评价指标,为客观地评价、筛选废物最少化方案提供了一种方法。

52、Simultaneously, the minimization of the axiom group, which requests that each axiom is an equation and each is independent, is proved. ─── 同时还证明了公理组的极小性,即公理组中每条公理是粗糙不等式且各公理是相互独立的。

53、For example, a maximization problem can be rewritten as a minimization problem. ─── 例如,最大化问题可以重写为一个最小化问题。

54、The progress in the analysis and determination of minim germanium which including absorptiometric analysis, atomic spectrophotometry and polarographic method etc. was introduced in the paper. ─── 介绍了近几年微量锗分析测定方法的研究进展,叙述了用于微量锗分析测定的吸光光度法、原子光谱分析法、极谱法及其他等分析方法,并分别进行了评述;

55、The vitamin that exists with natural state is minim ground consist in only in natural food. ─── 以自然状态存在的维生素只是微量地存在于天然食物中。

56、If the primal were a minimization problem, then the dual would be a maximization problem. ─── 如果初始问题是一个最小化问题,那么其对偶问题就是一个最大化问题。

57、With minim flow velocity of pain killer bump, the department developed the research on the observation of the concentration of painkiller medicines. ─── 开展了微量流速止痛泵临床观察血液中止痛药物浓度的研究。

58、A new way of sludge minimization can be found to some wastewater treatment plants,and "zero discharge" of excess sl... ─── 嗜热菌好氧消化技术为城市污水处理厂提供了一种新的污泥减量化方法,使得剩余污泥"零排放"成为可能。

59、A half rest or minim rest indicates absence of sound for the duration of a half note or minim. ─── 二分休止符表示半音时值的声音中断。

60、The problems on the landfill of Nanchang city's household garbage and the feasibility of its minimization are analyzed. And then, several suggestions on the minimization are made. ─── 分析了南昌市生活垃圾填埋所呈现的问题及生活垃圾减量化处理的可行性,并就南昌市生活垃圾减量化处理提出了建议。

61、The paper analyzes minimization of nitrogen,consolidation of phosphorus,the pollution of ground water caused by nitrate,the changes of heavy mental during agricultural sludge. ─── 分析了污泥农用过程中氮素矿化、磷的固定以及地下水硝酸盐污染、利用过程中的重金属变化情况;

62、Separating minim oil and suspension whose specific gravity less than water out from the sewage through floatation, sedimentation velocity of the mud will be increased evidently. ─── 将污水中的微量油和部分悬浮物通过气浮使其浮出水面,提高污水中污泥沉淀速度,出水清澈;

63、So long as this minimization problem is solved, the whole system is asymptotically stable. ─── 只要该最小化问题有解,则整个系统是渐近稳定的。

64、It is important to realize that the top range of race speed: minimization of resistances takes priority over increased propulsive force. ─── 对于游泳速度而言,很重要的一点是:减少阻力要优先于增加推动力。

65、We formulated the spectral unmixing problem as a constrained minimization problem of the K-L distance subject to the sum-to-one and the nonnegativity constraints on abundances. ─── 我们将解析混合光谱问题看成是一个受限制的最小化问题,使K-L距离最小化且丰度满足和为一及非负的限制。

66、The detailed docking for de novo ligand design and the rough docking for known chemical database screening for drug discovery. Their demands for the global minimization algorithms are different. ─── 对接可分为两类:主要用于从头配体设计的细致对接和用于已知化合物数据库筛选以发现药物的粗略对接,它们对全局极小化算法的要求是不同的.

67、Total variation based image restoration and reconstruction lead to a kind of minimization problem that turns out to be a nonlinear integro-differential equation of elliptic type. ─── 基于总变分的图像重建和复原导致一类最小化问题,它归结为解一个非线性椭圆型偏微分方程。

68、Goals of effort minimization, negative emotions minimization and accuracy maximization influence decision making behavior altogether, and make it different from lower emotional decision behavior. ─── 在情绪性权衡困难条件下,认知努力最小化、准确性最大化与负性情绪最小化标准共同影响决策行为,表现出不同于低情绪性决策行为的特点。

69、Therefore, on the complex plane, robust stability can be formulated by minimization of pseudospectra abscissa. ─── 于是在复平面上,鲁棒稳定性问题就转化为伪谱横坐标(伪谱最右端的横坐标值)最小的优化问题。

70、In this paper, the author applies affine reduced operation to the model based secant method and gives a new method to look for the descent direction for solving unconstrained minimization problem. ─── 把仿射约化变换应用于基于模型的割线法中,给出了一种新的求解无约束极小化问题的下降方向算法。

71、Various geometrical problems are then presented, and there is detailed discussion of unconstrained and constrained minimization problems, and interior-point methods. ─── 各种各样的几何问题然后被提出, 并且有不受强制并且强制的极小化问题和内部点的方法的详细的讨论。

72、Minimization of the classification error is achieved by incorporating the design of the feature extractor with the design of the classifier based on Minimum Classification Error(MCE)training method. ─── 基于最小分类错误训练方法的特征提取器和分类器设计的合并使分类错误达到了最小化。

73、Customize the closing, hiding and minimization of applications. ─── 定制程序关闭,隐藏及最小化操作。

74、The minimization of energy consumption of solvent recovery from slag wax benzol-ketone dewaxing unit under conditions of guarantting the recovered solvent quality was analyzed. ─── 分析了在保证回收溶剂质量的前提下,尽量降低酮苯脱蜡蜡液溶剂回收装置能耗的问题。

75、The optimum criterion of MTMD can then be selected as minimization of the minimum values of the maxi-mun dynamic magnification factor(DMF). ─── 于是MTMD的优化准则可定义为设置MTMD结构最大动力放大系数的最小值的最小化。

76、The goal of myocardial preservation during cardiopulmonary bypass is the minimization of the effects of ischemia on the heart. ─── 在心肺转流术中进行心肌保护的目的是最大限度的减小心肌缺血的危害。

77、The structure of WNN is trained using Structural Risk Minimization(SR... ─── 实验结果表明,该预测模型具有预测精度高,使用方便等优点。

78、Based on minimization of Gibbs free energy,a genetic algorithm(GA) was developed for the calculation of phase equilibria and stability in multiphase reaction systems. ─── 基于吉布斯自由能最小法原理,研究用遗传算法求解复杂化学体系的平衡问题。

79、The stochastic user equilibrium with multiple user groups is represented as an unconstrained minimization problem solution and a sensitivity analysis method based on link level is proposed for it. ─── 将多用户类型随机用户平衡问题表示为一个无约束极小化问题,并提出了该问题的一种基于路段水平的灵敏度分析方法。

80、Sensor and signal regulating circuit is carried out through hybrid packaging by making use of thick-film circuit technology, which realizes integration and minimization of sensor. ─── 将传感器与信号调节电路利用厚膜电路工艺进行混合封装,完成了传感器的一体化,实现了传感器的小型化。

81、This algorithm based on the principle of structural risk minimization can solve the problem of overfitting effectively and has good generality capability and better classification accuracy. ─── 它基于结构风险最小化原则,能有效地解决过学习问题,具有良好的推广性和分类精确性。

82、The fermentative hydrogen production by using organic wastes can realize three goals: minimization of wastes, reduction of pollution and reclamation of energy. ─── 利用有机废弃物进行发酵产氢,在实现有机废弃物减量处理、资源化、降低污染的同时,可以氢能的形式再生能源。

83、Studies on packaging waste minimization and its collection system. ─── 包装废物减量及回收体系构建研究。

84、Quaver, crotchet and minim are three of the different length of notes in writing music. ─── 八分音符、四分音符和二分音符在乐谱上是不同长度的三个音符。

85、So it is necessary to optimize the luffing mechanism seriously.Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique is an indirect optimization method. ─── 惩罚函数算法[Sequential Unconstrained Minimization Technique,简称SUMT], 即序列无约束极小化方法。

86、Minimization of interference is a critical issue in design of digital systems.The wide application of programmable devices in electronic design provides a good solution for this problem. ─── 在数字系统设计时难免要遇到干扰问题,而可编程器件在电子设计中的广泛应用给我们提供了一个很好的平台。

87、The successful experience of energy saving,pollution minimization and cost effectiveness in Fujian Nanping papermaking Co.,Ltd.is summarized. ─── 总结了福建南纸通过实施清洁生产实现了节能、降耗、减污、增效的成功经验。

88、On the issue of crossing minimization, either time complexity or result of the conventional heuristic algorithm is unsatisfactory. ─── 在层次图边交叉最小化问题上,常规启发算法或者时间复杂度大或者布图效果不佳。

89、The main work in this part is to extend the DTD constraints SC(sibling constraints) to be ESC(extended sibling constraints), and propose a PTIME algorithm for XML pattern tree minimization under ESC constraints. ─── 主要工作是将DTD约束SC扩展为ESC,并提出了一个ESC下的多项式时间的XML模式树最小化算法。

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