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10-02 投稿


nepenthes 发音

英:[n??penθiz]  美:[n??penθi?z]

英:  美:

nepenthes 中文意思翻译



nepenthes 词性/词形变化,nepenthes变形

形容词: nepenthean |

nepenthes 短语词组

1、nepenthes rajah ─── 猪笼草

2、nepenthes mirabilis ─── 猪笼草

3、Nepenthes L. ─── [医] 猪笼草属

4、Nepenthes thai ─── 泰菜

5、genus Nepenthes ─── [网络] 猪笼草属

6、nepenthes lowii ─── 猪笼草

7、nepenthes london ─── 伦敦猪笼草

8、nepenthes pharmakon ─── 猪笼草

nepenthes 相似词语短语

1、nepenthe ─── n.(据传说古希腊人用的)忘忧药(形容词nepenthean);解忧烦之物

2、repented ─── vi.后悔;忏悔;vt.后悔;对…感到后悔;adj.[植]匍匐生根的;[动]爬行的

3、nepetas ─── 尼佩塔斯

4、repents ─── vi.后悔;忏悔;vt.后悔;对…感到后悔;adj.[植]匍匐生根的;[动]爬行的

5、nepenthean ─── 猪笼草

6、epenthesis ─── n.插音;增音

7、depeches ─── 德佩奇

8、epentheses ─── n.插音;增音;插字(epenthesis的变形)

9、repenter ─── 忏悔者

nepenthes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A few does common nepenthes have to plant, different and phyletic, the appearance of the bottle that catch bug, size and color are different also. ─── 只要有小蚊虫落在上面便被粘住,之后,虫子尸体被其慢慢消化作为其生长营养。

2、The Nepenthes which can sawllow the rodents. ─── 可以吞噬啮齿类动物的猪笼草。

3、Nepenthes alata Blanco is a tropical insectivorous plant with pitchers which can catches and digests insects. ─── 摘要猪笼草为热带食虫植物,其叶先端中脉变形为捕虫袋,能捕获昆虫将之消化。

4、You'll hear me group Nepenthes together as "lowland", "intermediate", "highland", and "ultra-highland. ─── 你将会听我说明将猪笼草种植在一起,如,低地,中海拔,高地,及极高地。

5、My favourite honeypot for these purposes is known as Nepenthes [ref 6], named after a genus of pitcher plants [ref 9]. ─── 为了这些目的我最喜欢的蜜罐就叫做“猪笼草蜜罐”,这个名字是按“猪笼草”这种植物来命名的。

6、In this paper we describe how a particular low-interaction honeypot, Nepenthes [ref 6], can be used to quickly alert an administrator to a network compromise. ─── 我们在本文中描述了一个低交互蜜罐,即“猪笼草”蜜罐,它可以在网络危机时迅速向管理员发出警报。

7、Nepenthes L. ─── [医] 猪笼草属

8、My favourite honeypot for these purposes is known as Nepenthes [ref 6], named after a genus of pitcher plants [ref 9]. ─── 为了这些目的我最喜欢的蜜罐就叫做“猪笼草蜜罐”,这个名字是按“猪笼草”这种植物来命名的。

9、like the lyrics of "nepenthes" very much. Don't know whether StormCaster. ─── 很喜欢《忘忧草》的歌词,不知道今天暴风会不会来做翻译,很期待。

10、In Borneo and Malaysia, the Nepenthes pitcher plant traps insects using a jug-shaped attachment, or pitcher, at the end of its leaves. ─── 在婆罗洲和马来西亚,忘忧瓶子草用它叶子末端水壶状的部位或瓶状叶吸引着昆虫。

11、Some members of the Nepenthes pitcher plant family are large vines that can grow to several metres in length. Some pitcher plants catch frogs as well as insects. ─── 忘忧瓶子草植物的一些成员是巨大的蔓生植物。它们能长到几米长。一些瓶子草不仅可以捕捉昆虫,还能捕捉青蛙。

12、2. Some members of the Nepenthes pitcher plant family are large vines that can grow to several metres in length. Some pitcher plants catch frogs as well as insects. ─── 忘忧瓶子草植物的一些成员是巨大的蔓生植物。它们能长到几米长。一些瓶子草不仅可以捕捉昆虫,还能捕捉青蛙。收藏指正

13、Keyword: Nepenthes Alata; ─── 关 键 词: 猪笼草;

14、I was told that Viking is the only Nepenthes on this Island, is it correct? ─── 有人跟我说维京猪是这岛上唯一的猪笼草,是真的吗?

15、3. In this paper we describe how a particular low-interaction honeypot, Nepenthes [ref 6], can be used to quickly alert an administrator to a network compromise. ─── 我们在本文中描述了一个低交互蜜罐,即“猪笼草”蜜罐,它可以在网络危机时迅速向管理员发出警报。收藏指正

16、Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Nepenthes mirabilis ─── 猪笼草组培快繁技术研究

17、Common nepenthes: It is the typical plant that feed bug, it is long have peculiar leave, and top is hanging grow a circle " the bottle that catch bug " , opening has a lid, can leave can close. ─── 食虫草: 是一种菊科草本植物,可长到1米来高,花小黄色,一株达数百只花头,各花头的外围有粘液,就像五个伸开的小手指,很有趣。

18、Do not use your tap water unless you know it is safe for Nepenthes. ─── 除非你知道这对他没有伤害,不然不要用你加的自来水。

19、The Investigation and Study on the Germplasm Resources and Growth of the wild Common Nepenthes in Hainan ─── 海南岛野生猪笼草资源调查及其营养成分分析

20、the local people as a beautiful name "nepenthes" . ─── 当地人冠以美丽的名字“忘忧草”。

21、Among the many species that grow in New Caledonia, the pitcher plant Nepenthes vieillardii has a high degree of morphological variation. ─── 南美西南、新西兰和新苏格兰一种高雅的树种,常绿树叶,有光泽,木有香气。

22、2.A low-interaction honeypot like Nepenthes is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance. ─── 如猪笼草蜜罐这种低交互的蜜罐易于安装并且只需要很少的维护量。

23、Mother's day, ErNvQing, carnation, nepenthes! ─── 母亲节,儿女情,康乃馨,忘忧草!

24、If you make a cutting, Roridula will usually divide (like Nepenthes). ─── 如果你剪下分枝,捕虫树通常会长出分枝(如猪笼草一样)。

25、nepenthes aspartic proteinase ─── 忘忧天冬氨酸蛋白酶

26、Study on the Tissue Culture and Breeding Technology of Nepenthes mirabills ─── 猪笼草组织培养育苗技术的研究

27、A low-interaction honeypot like Nepenthes is easy to install and requires minimal maintenance. ─── 如猪笼草蜜罐这种低交互的蜜罐易于安装并且只需要很少的维护量。

28、Places such as northern California and Denver, Colorado are excellent places to grow highland and ultra highland Nepenthes . ─── 有些地方像是北加州和科那拉州丹佛。是很适合种植高地及极高地猪。

29、Photo ID: SIN0238. nepenthes, the insect eater. Singapore Botanic Garden. Jan 2005. ─── 照片号SIN0238。新加坡植物园.吃昆虫的猪笼草。2005年1月。

30、common nepenthes ─── 猪笼草

31、By following the ideas in this list, you will get off to a better start in growing Nepenthes. ─── 藉由这些准则内的观念,你将会有个好的开始享受种植猪笼草。

32、By following the ideas in this list, you will get off to a better start in growing Nepenthes. ─── 借由这些准则内的观念,你将会有个好的开始享受种植猪笼草。

33、Tissue Culture and Fast Propagation in Nepenthes Alata ─── 猪笼草组培快繁技术

34、Common nepenthes but officinal, have certain curative effect to the disease such as hepatitis, gastralgia, hypertension and cold, it is the ace that catch midge more. ─── 若有灰尘粘落上面数天后也被消化得无影无踪,盆栽摆放一盆在家中捉蚊又吸尘。

35、Places such as northern California and Denver, Colorado are excellent places to grow highland and ultra highland Nepenthes. ─── 有些地方像是北加州和科那拉州丹佛。是很适合种植高地及极高地猪。


NEP是新经济政策(New Economic Policy)的缩写,是指苏联在1921年至1928年间实施的一项经济政策。



penn.笔,笔尖; 笔法,文笔; 作家; 围栏vt.写; 把…关入栏中; 关押,囚禁

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