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10-02 投稿


photometer 发音

英:[fo??tɑ?m?t?r]  美:[f???t?m?t?(r)]

英:  美:

photometer 中文意思翻译



photometer 短语词组

1、Forster's photometer ─── [医] 弗斯特氏光觉计

2、Bunsen photometer ─── [化] 本生光度计

3、integrating photometer ─── [电] 积分光度计

4、distribution photometer ─── [电] 配光光度计

5、electronic photometer ─── [电] 电子光度计

6、photometer bench ─── 光度计架

7、flame photometer ─── [化] 火焰光度计 ─── [医] 火焰光度计

8、filter photometer ─── [化] 滤光光度计

9、microphoto-electric photometer ─── [医] 微光电光度计

10、photographic photometer ─── [电] 照相测光器

11、spherical photometer ─── [电] 球形光度计

12、light-scattering photometer ─── [化] 光散射光度计

13、X-ray photometer ─── [化] X射线光度计

14、photoelectric photometer ─── [化] 光电比色计

15、flicker photometer ─── [医] 闪变光度计

16、physical photometer ─── [电] 物理测光器

17、Lummer-Brodhun photometer ─── [化] 陆末-布洛洪光度计

18、anoxia-photometer ─── [医] 光电血氧计

19、Pulfrich photometer ─── [医] 普耳弗里希氏光度计

photometer 常用词组

flame photometer ─── [物]火焰光度计

photometer 词性/词形变化,photometer变形

副词: photomechanically |

photometer 相似词语短语

1、phonmeter ─── n.测声计,测音器

2、photosetter ─── n.摄影排字机;照相排字机

3、phonometer ─── n.音强度计,[声]声强计;测音器

4、dioptometer ─── 屈光度计

5、potometer ─── n.(测量植物散发作用的)散发计;蒸腾计

6、photometry ─── n.光度测定研究,光度测定

7、photometers ─── n.光度计;测光表

8、scotometer ─── 暗点计

9、apertometer ─── n.物镜口径计;[光]数值孔径计;[仪]开角计

photometer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Far Infrared Photometer for Ground Based Astronomical Observations ─── 一个地面天文观测的远红外光度计

2、photoemissive tube photometer ─── 光电发射管光度计

3、The light from stimulating source to the pigment sample and the emitting light from the pigment sample to the photometer are transmitted by optical fibres. ─── 从激发源到样品的激发光,以及从样品到光度计的发射光均由光纤进行传导。

4、721 The Check that Divide the Light Photometer the Breakdown, Analyze and Handles the Method ─── 721分光光度计故障的检查、分析及处理方法

5、light-scattering photometer ─── 光散射光度计散光光度计

6、This paper describes an integrating photometer built at Purple Mountain Observatory recently. ─── 本文介绍紫金山天文台直流积分型光度计。

7、We must carry out the measurement with a photometer on an airplane. ─── 要进行这种测量,我们必须使用一台装在飞机上的光度计。

8、Keywords catalytic dynamic;spectrophoto photometer;application; ─── 关键词催化动力学;分光光度法;应用;

9、74.Photometer:Flame Photometer, Non-Chromatic Dispersion Atomic Fluophotometer; ─── 74. 光度计:火焰光度计、非色散原子荧光光度计;

10、Yvon photometer ─── 伊冯光度计

11、Keywords photometer;atmospheric optical thickness;aerosol; ─── 光度计;大气光学厚度;气溶胶;

12、Experiment shows that the sun photometer is reliable and accurate, and can meat the demand of detecting aerosol. ─── 实验结果表明太阳光度计运行可靠,可以满足气溶胶观测的要求。

13、The Technique Adopted in the HD Type Full-automatic Microscope Photometer ─── HD型全自动显微镜光度计开发技术

14、distribution photometer ─── 分布光度计

15、The methods of integrated water vapor estimates in the atmosphere using the GPS and the sun photometer are introduced. ─── 介绍了应用全球定位系统(GPS)和太阳光度计估算大气水汽总量的方法。

16、In this article,we analyse and discuss the math method,use skill,validate about regression and coefficient in method of atomic fluorescence photometer. ─── 对原子荧光分析方法中有关回归和相关的数学计算方法、使用技巧、验证等问题进行了分析与讨论。

17、High performance, microprocessor controlled photometer combines easy operation with highly accurate results. ─── 将高性能、微处理控制光度计与简单操作和高精度结果融为一身。

18、Bouguer's photometer ─── 布格(氏)光度计

19、Backed on high performance microscope and photometer, it is the key point of realizing coal p... ─── 以性能良好的显微镜和光度计为依托,通过技术手段进一步消除干扰测点,是实现煤岩自动测试技术进步的关键。

20、Harcourt's photometer ─── 哈考特(氏)光度计

21、Verbiscer and her colleagues used Spitzer's longer-wavelength infrared camera, called the multiband imaging photometer, to scan through a patch of sky far from Saturn and a bit inside Phoebe's orbit. ─── Verbiscer和她的同事们利用斯皮策的波长更长的红外摄像机,被称为多波段影像光度计,通过扫描补丁的天空远离土星和1位内菲比的轨道。

22、chemiluminescence photometer ─── 化学发光光度计

23、light scattering photometer ─── 光散射光度计

24、micro photoelecytric photometer ─── 微光电光度计

25、Breakdown Eliminating of Electric Meter Indicator Rocking Shakiness in the Use of 721 Photometer ─── 721分光光度计分析过程中电表指示摇摆不稳定的故障排除

26、six colo(u)r infrared photometer ─── 六色红外光度计

27、Application of atomic fluorescence photometer in monitoring water environment ─── 原子荧光光度计在水环境监测中的应用

28、Wide-Area Integrated Spectral Photometer ─── 大面积综合光谱测光仪

29、Research of the effect on degree of precision for flutuating of hydrogen buring of AFS-2201 atomic fluorescent photometer ─── AFS-2201原子荧光光度计氢焰波动对精密度影响研究

30、The paper also reports the author's latest achievement in this area, and introduces the author's opinion about the assessment method of the photometer heads for LEDs. ─── 并介绍了作者在测量LED用高精度光度探头研究方面的最新进展,讨论了国际最新关于专用于各种LED光源测试的光度探头的评价方法,同时提出了作者的评价公式。

31、A new light-emitting diode(LED) sun photometer used as spectrally selective photodetectors is developed. ─── 介绍了一种采用商用发光二极管作为探测器的新型太阳光度计。

32、Full-automatic microscope photometer ─── 全自动显微光度计

33、multichannel atomic absorpt flare photometer ─── 多导原子吸收火焰光度计

34、reflectance photometer ─── 反射光度计反射式光度计

35、IRPS, Infrared Photometer / Spectro ─── - 红外光度计/分光计

36、Photometer for measuring the directional light distribution characteristics of sources or luminaires . ─── 测量光源或灯具定向光线分布特性的光度计。

37、Keywords Atom fluorescence photometer;Trionyx triunguis;Se element; ─── 原子荧光光度计;甲鱼;硒元素;

38、polarization photometer ─── 偏振光光度计

39、reflection photometer ─── 反射式光度计

40、However, mercaptan sulfur in DCC gasoline, which has been sweetened at a low operating space velocity and concentrated by solvent extraction, cannot be detected by flame photometer detect. ─── 对脱臭汽油先进行萃取浓缩,再用气相色谱对其进行检测,无硫醇硫存在。

41、split-field photometer ─── 分场光度计

42、Atom fluorescence photometer ─── 原子荧光光度计

43、This gives the video photometer the ability to take a "snapshot" of the target and then perform photometric analysis of the captured image. ─── 这使视频光度计能够对目标进行“快照”马上进行捕获图片的光学分析。

44、Development Technology of HD Full Automatic Microscope Photometer Hardware ─── HD型全自动显微镜光度计硬件开发技术

45、The scanning of the film by the photometer in the spacial domain is equivalent to the operation of a filter on a signal flowing through it in the time domain. ─── 在空间域用光度计进行扫描,和时间域中滤波器对所通过的信号进行运算等效。

46、photoelectric photometer ─── 光电光度计

47、double beam photometer ─── 双光束光度计

48、The scanning of the film by the photometer in the special domain is equivalent to the operation of a filter on a signal flowing through it in the time domain. ─── 在空间域用光度计进行扫描,和时间域中滤波器对所通过的信号进行运算等效。

49、interference photometer ─── 干涉光度计

50、absorption type photometer ─── 吸收型火焰光度计

51、remission photometer ─── 分光光度镜

52、Implement of Solar Photometer Calibration by Transferring of Radiometric Radiator[J]. ─── 引用该论文 罗军,易维宁,何超兰,彭妮娜.

53、The content of trace element and heavy mental was measured by element-analyze r and atomic fluorescence photometer respectively. ─── 元素分析仪测无机元素的含量;原子荧光光度计测重金属的含量。

54、dual beam fiber optic photometer ─── 双光束纤维光导光度计

55、atomic absorption photometer ─── 原子吸收光度计

56、photometer calibrating method ─── 光度计标定法

57、The intensity of a source of light , such as an electric light bulb , can be measured with a photometer. ─── 光源的强度,如一个电灯泡,可以通过光度测量器测出。

58、The intensity of a source of light, such as an electric light bulb, can be measured with a photometer. ─── 光源的强度,如一个电灯泡,可以通过光度测量器测出。

59、light distribution photometer ─── 光分布光度计

60、Keywords photometer;manganese - silicon alloy;phosphorus; ─── 光度法;锰硅合金;磷;

61、ysical photometer ─── 客观光度计

62、multichannel astrometric photometer ─── 多通道天测光度计( MAP )

63、spectral photometer ─── 分光测光仪

64、all-sky photometer ─── 全天光度计

65、Effect of Transmissivity Error on Measured Value for Visible Spectro Photometer ─── 可见分光光度计透射比示值误差对测量结果的影响

66、emission type flame photometer ─── 发射型火焰光度计

67、meridian photometer ─── 中天光度计子午光度计

68、The Application of a new Portable and Multi-functional Photometer in the Environmental Analysis ─── 一种新型便携式多功能光度计在环境分析中的应用

69、Application of Liquid Crystal Graphic Display Module in Photometer ─── 图形液晶显示模块在半自动生化分析仪中的应用

70、main hardware technology in HD full automatic Microscope photometer is described. ─── HD型全自动显微镜光度计中主要的硬件技术。

71、atomic-fluorescence mercury photometer ─── 原子荧光汞光度计

72、spectral atom fluorescence photometer ─── 原子荧光分光光度计

73、photometer heads require high accurate assessment and test system for them. ─── 高精度的光度探头需要高精度的评价测试系统。

74、Basic knowledge and principles of measurement of color are described. Integrated color photometer is introduced based on them. ─── 叙述了测色的基本知识和原理,并在此基础上对积分型测色仪器做了介绍。

75、Colorimeter, photometer, or spectrophotometer for clinical use ─── 临床用色度计、光度计或分光光度计

76、portable photoelectric photometer ─── 便携光电光度计

77、iris photometer ─── 光瞳光度计可变光阑光度计

78、luminescent material photometer ─── 发光材料光度计

79、light-distribution photometer ─── 光度分布计

80、cosine photometer ─── 余弦(矫正)光度计

81、Analysis and discussion about regression and coefficient in method of atomic fluorescence photometer ─── 原子荧光方法中有关回归和相关的分析与讨论

82、Keywords photometer method;cast iron;phosphorus;arsenic; ─── 分光光度法;生铁;磷;砷;

83、The multiband imaging photometer for Spitzer was built by Ball Aerospace Corporation, Boulder, Colo., and the University of Arizona, Tucson. ─── 多波段影像光度计的为79岁的鲍尔航空建造公司,科罗拉多州和亚利桑那大学图森。

84、Electron-optical properties and morphology of the liquid crystal in polymer matrix of the PDLC composite film were obtained using UV/visible photometer and SEM, respectively. ─── 分别以紫外/可见光分光光度计及扫描式电子显微镜观察高分子分散液晶复合膜之光电特性及液晶在复合膜中之型态。

85、solar photometer ─── 太阳辐射计


87、The concept of LIDC and the distribution photometer for measuring LIDC are introduced. ─── 介绍了配光曲线的概念及为得到配光曲线而使用的分布光度计;

88、microphoto-electric photometer ─── [医] 微光电光度计

89、iris diaphragm photometer ─── 光瞳光度计

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