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10-02 投稿


trundle 发音

英:[?tr?ndl]  美:[?tr?ndl]

英:  美:

trundle 中文意思翻译




trundle 词性/词形变化,trundle变形


trundle 短语词组

1、counter trundle lol ─── 计数器滚动lol

2、trundle bed ─── 有脚轮的矮床

3、counter trundle jg ─── 对轮jg

4、counter trundle jungle ─── 反脚踏车丛林

5、trundle a hoop ─── 滚动铁环

6、counter trundle ─── 反脚轮

7、trundle wheel ─── 滚轮

8、trundle along ─── 滚动前进

9、counter trundle top ─── 计数器滚轮顶部

10、trundle-tail ─── 摇尾狗

trundle 相似词语短语

1、trundler ─── n.高尔夫袋;购物手推车;婴儿手推车

2、grundles ─── 基本

3、rundle ─── n.梯级;n.(Rundle)人名;(英)朗德尔;(德)伦德勒

4、trindle ─── v.使滚动;n.夹紧装置;圆形之物

5、trundled ─── v.使滚动;运送(trundle的过去式和过去分词)

6、brindle ─── n.斑纹;有斑纹的动物;adj.有斑纹的;n.(Brindle)人名;(英、西)布林德尔

7、trundlers ─── n.高尔夫袋;购物手推车;婴儿手推车

8、trundles ─── v.(车)缓慢地移动;(人)沉重缓慢地走;n.缓慢沉重的移动;小脚轮

9、grundle ─── 粗暴的

trundle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Trucks and motorized carts zoom past workers who bark at tourists to clear the way as they trundle wooden carts laden with Styrofoam boxes. ─── 有火车和电动车轰隆隆地驶过正在沉重地推着木制手推车的工人们,他们大喊着让游客 “让路”,车上装满的是发泡胶盒。

2、2, the dressing that takes trundle is put to wear among freezer and catharsis chamfer ark, solved already deposit a problem, achieved removed result again. ─── 2、电冰箱和洗涤槽柜中间放带脚轮的调味品架,既解决了存放问题,又达到了间隔效果。

3、You don't have to trundle around to each workstation.Just modify the system software servers. ─── 你不需要在每台电脑间转来转去,只要改动服务器上的软件就可以了。

4、trundle process ─── 滚压

5、Abstract:This paper introduces particularly the arithmetic of trundle estimation in date fusion and proves that the arithmetic equals entirety to the average value. ─── 摘要:本文详细介绍了一种递推估计数据融合算法,证明了它完全等效于算术平均值。

6、2. freezer and catharsis chamfer put the dressing that takes trundle to wear among ark, solved already deposit a problem, achieved removed result again. ─── 2.电冰箱和洗涤槽柜中间放带脚轮的调味品架,既解决了存放问题,又达到了间隔效果。

7、Key word: Superficial deformation; Strengthened technology; Trundle; In extrudes; Rotoblast ─── 关键词:数学应用;应用能力;数学应用能力;基本途径

8、Cowed, the little monsters trundle off, but just as the boy is getting to sleep, four new monsters barge in looking for fun, then three, then two, and finally, one. ─── 这些小怪物听到医生的话,被吓住了,他们一个个步履沉重地离开了,但是,当小男孩正要睡着的时候,又有四个小怪物闯了进来,然后又有三个,又有两个,最后又有一个。

9、This paper introduces the trundle gray GM(1,1) model, which is improved from GM(1,1) model and has the best initial point and cuts down system errors. ─── 使用改进的GM(1,1)模型,即滚动灰色GM(1,1)模型,其中模型初始点是动态且最佳的,并减少了系统误差。

10、Limitation and Ways-out of Developing Tourism in Guangxi by Mains of its Backward Trundle Transport Situation ─── 浅论广西旅游交通对旅游业的制约及其对策

11、At this party, Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee all staff's name trundle presents on the electronic curtain wall which surrounds in the Wukesong basketball hall. ─── 在这场晚会上,北京奥组委所有员工的名字滚动出现在五棵松篮球馆内环绕的电子幕墙上。

12、In one end trundle aircraft fuselages that have come by rail from a former Boeing factory in Kansas now owned by a private-equity company. ─── 一端推动着的是从设在堪萨斯、如今归一家私有资产公司所有的前波音工厂通过铁路运过来的飞机机身。

13、We also have convenient traffic and rich technical force of production, so that our annual production of nylon trundle is to 50 million. ─── 公司创建于1976年,占地面积13500平方米,厂房面积8000平方米,生产技术力量雄厚,尼龙脚轮年产量5千万只。

14、The capital is may accumulate through the trundle, but the key is must attain the first barrel gold. ─── 资本是可以通过滚动积累起来的,但关键是要拿到第一桶金。

15、He didn't come.Laura and Mary were undressed, and they said their prayers and snuggled into the trundle bed. ─── 劳拉和玛莉脱了衣服,做了祷告之后一起钻到被里。

16、Every day, hundreds of trucks trundle into Hong Kong from neighbouring Guangdong province, carrying the fresh vegetables, meat and fish that are the lifeline for a metropolis of 7m which imports 60 per cent of its food from mainland China. ─── 每天,数百辆来自毗邻省份广东的卡车驶入香港,载着新鲜的蔬菜、肉类和鱼类,对于这个拥有700万人口、60%食品来自中国内地的大都市来说,这些食品是它的生命线。

17、And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies is a wee one's trundle bed. ─── 一开始就叫我介绍项目,这个人技术问的很细,我要在黑板上画啊,写啊,他要是有疑问就提问。

18、When the children and the scooters have assembled, they trundle to school. ─── 当孩子们和滑板车集合好后,他们就慢慢地滑滚到学校。

19、Trundle operation which attracts many times through Gao Paodi, reduces owns stocks the cost, the atonement earlier period loss. in five, plates T+0 transaction. ─── 通过多次高抛低吸的滚动操作,降低持股成本,弥补前期亏损。

20、You know which trundle bed is yours. Sleep tight. You've earned it. ─── 你知道那张床是你的。好梦,你努力挣来的。

21、A trundle bed. ─── 带脚矮轮车

22、"The trundle plan" manages finances the system flexibility application in the enterprise ─── "滚动计划"在企业理财系统柔性化中的应用

23、And Little Jack Rollaround sailed his trundle-bed boat up the beam, through the keyhole, and into the street. ─── 小杰克摇摇乘着他的矮床帆船沿着光束向上穿过锁眼,来到门前的街上。

24、There are a colony of dung beetles in the forest.They trundle sphere of the dungs working hard everyday. ─── 森林里住着一群勤劳的屎克郞,它们每天推着粪球辛勤地工作着。

25、network has shrunk by roughly a third since its postwar heyday, but more trains now trundle up and down the country than ever before. ─── 自战后全盛时期以来,铁路网络已经缩减了约三分之一,但现在全国上下行驶的列车比以往任何时候都多。

26、Freezer and catharsis chamfer put the dressing that takes trundle to wear among ark, solved already deposit a problem, achieved removed result again. ─── 电冰箱和洗涤槽柜中间放带脚轮的调味品架,既解决了存放问题,又达到了间隔效果。

27、The network has shrunk by roughly a third since its postwar heyday, but more trains now trundle up and down the country than ever before. ─── 铁路网络从战后最高峰时期已经缩减了大约三分之一,但是现在有更多的火车在运行。

28、They plan to trundle across the Martian surface searching for signs of water and life. ─── 他们计划在火星地表移动寻找水和生命的迹象。

29、Of the portable type sofa of trundle, not only mobile and convenient, can alternate more different use kind, use as deck chair, bed or sofa. ─── 装有脚轮的可移动式沙发,不但移动方便,更可以变换不同的使用方式,作为躺椅、床或沙发使用。

30、The network has shrunk by roughly a third since its postwar heyday, but more trains now trundle up and down the country than ever before. ─── 尽管铁路网比战后鼎盛时期缩减了约三分之一,但行驶在其之上的火车不降反升,达到历史顶峰。

31、"I doubt if Emerson could trundle a wheelbarrow through the streets" (Henry David Thoreau) ─── “我怀疑爱默生是否能把一辆独轮车推过街道”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)

32、Giant yellow dump trucks trundle around the mine 24 hours a day in an effort to boost production from the project, which was ally inaugurated last month after a $1.1bn development programme. ─── 庞大的黄色翻斗卡车每天24小时不停穿梭,以提高矿山产量。这个投资11亿美元开发的项目,上个月正式投产。

33、After doing this article’s research, it can propose certain rationale for designing and manufacturing this trundle equipment. ─── 经本文研究后,能为该滚压设备的设计制造提一定的理论基础。

34、trundle of a birch tree ─── 白桦树的树干

35、In one end trundle aircraft fuselages that have come by rail from a former Boeing factory in Kansas now owned by a private-equity company. ─── 一端推动着的是从设在堪萨斯、如今归一家私有资产公司所有的前波音工厂通过铁路运过来的飞机机身。

36、Base is pulled with trundle, and can appear on the stage, make two pieces of beds are in identical height. ─── 底座以脚轮拉出,并且能够上台,使两张床处于相同的高度。

37、UK Style Furniture---Export Furniture----Solid pine wood furniture, bedroom 2-Tier Trundle bed / night stand / chest / office desk and so on.Natural wood color.K/D construction, Assebly inquirement. ─── 尺寸:L80”*D42”英式风格家具---出口产品---实木松木家具,卧房两层床/床头柜/斗柜/办公桌等等.自然木材颜色,拆装结构,组装要求.

38、to trundle a hoop ─── 滚铁环

39、trundle bed | truckle bed ─── 活动矮床

40、The sun has to trundle across the sky, and they want relief from working and laboring at their assigned stations. ─── 太阳则必须滚过天际,他们想从在指定的地点工作和劳动中得到解脱。

41、Odder still, most of the irregulars have retrograde orbits, which means they each trundle around their host planet in a direction opposite to the sense of the rotation of the planet. ─── 更诡异的是,大部份的不规则卫星都是逆行的,意即它们绕行的方向与母行星的自转方向相反。

42、Outside lorries trundle by, selling water at three times the usual price to the many households where the public water supply has failed. ─── 外面,火车沉重地驶过,以平常三倍的价格向自来水供给中断的家庭卖水。

43、Game's operation is mainly the migration, the trundle, the caper, crawls, climbs up and aims. ─── 游戏的操作主要是移动,滚动,跳跃,匍匐,攀爬和瞄准。

44、The image may touch the screen high and low glide through the finger the way to enlarge, the reduction, the motion touching trundle type examination picture. ─── 图像可以通过手指触屏上下滑动的方式放大、缩小、移动触摸滚动式查看图片。

45、2.Freezer and catharsis chamfer put the dressing that takes trundle to wear among ark, solved already deposit a problem, achieved removed result again. ─── 2.电冰箱和洗涤槽柜中间放带脚轮的调味品架,既解决了存放问题,又达到了间隔效果。

46、Trundle a hoop along. ─── 滚铁环。

47、trundle screen ─── 转动筛

48、Because however here road section the landslide falls the stone, the slope steep valley is deep, the crushed stone trundle, did not look that the accident vehicles and are stranded the personnel. ─── 然而因此处路段因塌方落石,坡陡谷深,碎石滚动,根本看不到事故车辆和被困人员。

49、European attempts at intervention with Microsoft, including then-record fines, trundle along, with little effect on the company's behaviour. ─── 欧洲干涉微软(Microsoft)——包括当时创纪录的罚款——的尝试仍在推进,但对该公司的行为没什么影响。

50、Cattle rind not blow Train not trundle ─── 牛皮不是吹的,火车不是推的

51、two famers came here when they had no idea!so they had to engage them to trundle their car away here. ─── 正在夫妻俩坐立不安,束手无策时,有两个农夫走了过来,于是只得请他们帮着车子。

52、Adopt the great peak covering to trundle voluntarily to solder and great peak covering together with automatic point welding installation of framework 。 ─── 采用大顶蒙皮自动滚焊和大顶蒙皮与骨架自动点焊设备。

53、Contain the box type tea table that receives a function and the tea table that lead trundle to make great efforts in respect of convenient people life sufficient. ─── 带有收纳功能的箱式茶几和带脚轮的茶几则在方便人们生活方面下足了功夫。

54、I doubt if Emerson could trundle a wheelbarrow through the streets(Henry David Thoreau) ─── 我怀疑爱默生是否能把一辆独轮车推过街道(亨利 戴维 索罗)

55、trundle plan ─── 滚动计划

56、trundle bed ─── n. 有脚轮的矮床

57、Hungarian keeper Gulacsi saved a Lee Trundle penalty during the 2-0 victory, while Antwi, whose emergency move was completed only yesterday, set up a goal. ─── 在赫里福德2比0完胜利兹联的比赛中,匈牙利门将格拉希斯扑出利兹联的一个点球,然而昨天匆匆加盟赫里福德的安特维,助攻一球。

58、The method has been applied to the field successfully and can be good reference to the fine trundle research on complex fault blocks in Bohai Bay area. ─── 本方法在现场应用中取得了不错的效果,对渤海湾地区复杂断块的精细滚动研究有一定的借鉴意义。

59、The main product has the steel matrix, flushes the matrix, concave-convex matrix, mark matrix, trundle matrix, punched matrix, code matrix and so on. ─── 主要产品有钢字模,冲字模,凹凸字模,标记字模,滚压字模,冲压字模,编码字模等。

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