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10-02 投稿


melamine 发音

英:[?mel?mi:n]  美:[?mel?mi?n]

英:  美:

melamine 中文意思翻译



melamine 短语词组

1、trietbhlene melamine ─── [医] 三乙烯亚胺三嗪, 替姆, 癌宁

2、melamine-formaldehyde resin ─── [化] 三聚氰氨-甲醛树脂

3、melamine resin ─── [化] 三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂; 蜜胺树脂 ─── [医] 三聚氰胺树脂

4、butylated melamine resin ─── [化] 丁醇改性三聚氰胺树脂

5、cellulose melamine ─── 蜜胺纤维素

6、melamine resin adhesive ─── [化] 蜜胺树脂胶粘剂

7、melamine resin varnish ─── [化] 三聚氰胺清漆; 三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂清漆

8、melamine plastic ─── [化] 三聚氰胺塑料; 蜜胺塑料

9、triethylene melamine ─── 三乙撑 ─── 三聚氰酰胺

10、methylol melamine ─── [化] 羟甲基蜜胺

melamine 相似词语短语

1、enamine ─── n.[有化]烯胺

2、ketamine ─── n.克他命,[药]氯胺酮(一种麻醉剂)

3、colamine ─── n.胆胺(cholamine);2-羟乙胺;氨乙醇

4、melanin ─── n.黑色素;n.(Melanin)人名;(俄)梅拉宁

5、hexamine ─── n.四氮六甲圜;六胺;乌洛托品

6、examine ─── vt.检查;调查;检测;考试;vi.检查;调查

7、Alamine ─── n.阿拉明(一种脂肪胺或其混合物,用作腐蚀抑止剂及乳化剂等)

8、etamine ─── n.筛绢,纱罗

9、calamine ─── n.炉甘石;菱梓矿,锌矿石

melamine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He said the melamine may have been added at so-called "milk stations, " which collect fresh milk from local farmers and sell it. ─── 他说,三聚氰胺可能是在从奶农收集鲜牛奶后出售的奶站添加。

2、Health experts say ingesting melamine can lead to kidney stones, urinary tract ulcers, and eye and skin irritation. ─── 健康专家称,摄取三聚氰胺可能导致肾结石,泌尿组织溃疡,并对眼睛和皮肤有刺激作用。

3、Occurs in US's this dairying event, its order of severity compares with “the melamine” goes beyond. ─── 发生在美国的这次乳业事件,其严重程度与“三聚氰胺”相比有过之而无不及。

4、Later that adding milk to some kind of chemical raw materials (melamine), can increase the detection of protein targets, you can muddle through. ─── 后来得知,向牛奶中掺加某种化工原料(三聚氰胺),能够增加蛋白质检测指标,可以蒙混过关。

5、Mechanical properties and water-resistance of the blend films were improved by adding 35% melamine of cross-linker and 1.5% borax of starch and PVA. ─── 加入交联剂戊二醛重量的35%的三聚氰胺及ST和PVA干重的1.5%的硼砂也可以改善淀粉薄膜的力学性能和防水性能。

6、In March, Chinese wheat gluten tainted with melamine, a chemical used in plastics, was discovered in pet food sold in the U. ─── 三月份,中国出口的一批谷朊粉中被查出含有三聚青安,一种用于生产塑料的化学物质。

7、This machine is just for wrapping machinethe real wood.It can wrap various thin wood or melamine pap... ─── 发布者:王冰霞所在地:山东济南市行业:机械及行业设备职位:外销员工作年限:应届毕业生

8、Wondermilk products have been certified by a government authorized testing body as melamine free. ─── 万得妙产品已取得政府审定的检测认证是绝对不含三聚氰胺的产品。

9、The company’s tests in Taiwan had determined that its nondairy creamer, which was made in China, was contaminated by melamine, the F.D.A. said. ─── 公司在台湾的测试结果显示,其产品中来自中国大陆的非奶类乳脂替代品成分中也发现了三聚氰胺。

10、Oh, yes. Melamine has been found in a lot of dairy products recently. Many infants have got kidney kidney stones from drinking tainted milk. ─── 哦,对。最近许多乳制品里都发现了三聚氰胺。许多婴儿因为饮用受污染的奶制品,患上了肾结石。

11、The crisis has already roiled the dairy industry, with widespread recalls after the industrial chemical melamine was found in milk powder. ─── 危机已经扰乱了奶制品产业,自奶粉中发现工业化学品三聚氰胺后,厂家纷纷开始大量回收奶粉。

12、A collapse of trust occurred over the melamine scandals and was further strengthened by the Telunsu OMP milk incident in the dairy industry. ─── 乳品业的信任危机自三聚氰胺事件开始,随着特仑苏OMP事件的影响进一步扩大。

13、So far, 17 other people, including some accused of selling the melamine mixtures used to adulterate milk, also have appeared in court. ─── 到目前为止,另有其他17人已经出庭受审,其中有些人被控销售用于向牛奶中掺假的三聚氰胺混合物。

14、The melamine is truly one kind can the pathogenesis chemistry supplement, but this was not equal to after all said it is one toxicoid. ─── 三聚氰胺确实是一种能够致病的化学添加物,但这毕竟不等于说它本身就是一种有毒化学物质。

15、Dear Sirs; We are interested to import many types of Melamine dinner sets for local big market and ... ─── 发布者:马艳所在地:河南郑州市行业:化工职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

16、However, Cadbury did not say whether the recall because the detection of melamine, did not take back the mainland. ─── 但是吉百利没有说明召回是否因为检出三聚氰胺,也没在内地采取召回。

17、However, scientists did not know how much melamine might accumulate in eggs from this process, until now. ─── 然而,此前科学家并不知道这一过程中可能会积累多少含量的三聚氰胺。

18、All information thus far indicates that melamine appears to be metabolically inactive or inert. ─── 到现在为止所有信息表明三聚氰胺能导致新陈代谢缓慢。

19、What is melamine generally used for? ─── 聚氰胺的一般用途是什么?

20、Since then, melamine has been found in a range of products, including milk, eggs and fish feed. ─── 其后,在一系列的产品中都发现了三聚氰胺,包括牛奶、鸡蛋和鱼饲料。

21、Arla, like many other food companies, did not test for melamine contamination when it set up its joint venture with Mengniu. ─── 与许多其他食品公司一样,阿尔拉和蒙牛建立合资企业时,没有进行三聚氰胺污染检测。

22、Melamine is a small polar triazine compound. ─── 三聚氰胺是一种三嗪类含氮杂环有机化合物。

23、Notice that melamine is not raw food, food additives are not, added to the ban on artificial food. ─── 公告称,三聚氰胺不是食品原料,也不是食品添加剂,禁止人为添加到食品中。

24、Melamine is added to milk to the wrong people can be over-estimated the protein content in milk powder, so as to achieve lower costs. ─── 三聚氰胺添加到奶粉中可以让人错误地高估奶粉中的蛋白质含量,从而达到降低成本的目的。

25、Melamine formaldehyde resin is a thermosetting polymer,spinnability and flexibility of fiber are poor. ─── 三聚氰胺甲醛树脂是热固性高聚物,成纤性差,成纤纤维韧性差;

26、Another industrial chemical- Melamine was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. ─── 在北美发现了用于宠物食品的面粉含有工业三聚氰胺。

27、Addition of melamine into food is not approved by the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius (food standard commission), or by any national authorities. ─── “在食物中添加三聚氰胺,未有FAO(联合国粮农组织)或WHO(世界卫生组织)食品标准委员会之准许,亦无任何国家当局之批准。”

28、It is regrettable that melamine, it is regrettable that want to explore the stone. ─── 令人遗憾的三聚氰氨,令人遗憾的探索欲结石。

29、Melamine is commonly used in coatings and laminates, wood adhesives, fabric coatings, ceiling tiles and flame retardants. ─── 三聚氰胺通常用于涂料,板层,木材粘合剂,织物涂胶,天花板面板和防燃剂。

30、Ternary shares that "melamine" case of different enterprises have had a different effect, in order to adjust the pattern of dairy industry possible. ─── 三元股份表示,“三聚氰胺”事件对不同企业产生了不同的影响,为乳品行业格局的调整提供了可能。

31、Sanlu milk powder incident, "melamine" has infiltrated into this fishing village. ─── 三鹿奶粉事件发生以来,“三聚氰胺”一词已渗透到这个渔村。

32、Of those, ten were negative for melamine, and in those quantitated, concentrations for melamine ranged from 30 to 120 ppm. ─── 其中,10个呈阴性三聚氰胺,并在这些定量,浓度三聚氰胺介于30至120分钟。

33、Melamine gained notoriety last year when several pets in America died after eating food contaminated with it by Chinese-made additives. ─── 去年,因为宠物食品中含有中国制造的被三聚氰胺污染的食品添加剂,美国一些宠物纷纷死亡,从而一度使得三聚氰胺声名狼藉。

34、Q10. Why didn't AVA detect the presence of melamine in the affected products earlier? ─── 为什麽农粮局没有及早检验出,相关受影响的产品是含有三聚氰胺?

35、The melamine product ion abundance ratios must match that of an external standard within 20% relative. ─── 三聚氰胺子离子的丰度比必须在(外加)标准品子离子丰度比的20%以内。

36、Cadbury in the United Kingdom, the spokesman said, are unable to recall the product of the number of melamine content. ─── 吉百利在英国的发言人说,目前仍未能确定被召回产品当中的三聚氰胺含量有多少。

37、An amine or amino resin is the alkylated reaction product of urea or melamine and formaldehyde. ─── 含胺基或氨基树脂是尿素或三聚氰胺和甲醛烷基化反应产品。

38、He said that melamine used in pet food would probably not be harmful. ─── 他说三聚氰胺用于宠物食品可能不会有多大害处。"

39、Cadbury took the action because "no level of melamine is appropriate," spokesman Tony Bilsborough told CNN on Sunday. ─── 周日,发言人TonyBilsborough对CNN表示,吉百利采取这项行动是因为“任何含量水平的三聚氰胺都是不合适的”。

40、Simultaneousl change flexility of the resin by introducing the melamine and the polyvinyl alcohol. ─── 同时加入三聚氰胺和聚乙烯醇,以改变树脂的柔韧性。

41、What are the health effects of melamine consumptions in humans? ─── 三聚氰胺对人体健康有什么影响?

42、Mars is one of several global food companies to have been caught up in China's melamine-tainted dairy products scandal. ─── 玛氏是卷入中国三聚氰胺奶制品丑闻的数家全球食品公司之一。

43、Currently, no melamine detected in the domestic market, abundant supply of milk powder brand. ─── 从目前情况看,未检出三聚氰胺的国产品牌奶粉市场供应充足。

44、For more than a month, product testing by the Pipi qualified, not detected melamine and other illicit drugs. ─── 一个多月来,产品经检验批批合格,未检出三聚氰胺和其他违禁药物。

45、The ultra-thin intumescent coatings for steel structure were prepared by ammonium dihydrogen phosphate(ADP),pentaerythritol,melamine and acrylic resin. ─── 以磷酸二氢铵、季戊四醇、三聚氰胺及丙烯酸树脂为原料研制了一种超薄膨胀型丙烯酸树脂钢结构防火涂料。

46、Plywood Core:poplarcore Face/back:okoume,redmeranti,bintangor,agathis,pine, DaBaiMuorbirch. Glue:MR,WBP,Melamine,E1orE2 &... ─── 主要经营:胶合板.覆膜板.防滑板.密度板.刨

47、Later, Gengmou that adding milk to some kind of chemical raw materials (melamine), can increase the detection of protein targets get away. ─── 后来,耿某得知向牛奶中掺加某种化工原料(三聚氰胺),可以增加蛋白质检测指标,蒙混过关。

48、Melamine has also been shown to have carcinogenic effects inanimals. ─── 三聚氰胺也已经被证明对动物有致癌作用。

49、Chinese Corporation: you have two cows, both are bover-milked, and you added melamine in the milk to poison the world. ─── 中国企业:你有两头母牛,两头都挤奶过度,所以你就在牛奶里面加了三聚氰胺毒害全世界。

50、For example, fish excrete melamine more slowly than rodents. ─── 例如,鱼类排泄三聚氰胺慢于啮齿动物。

51、U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) of melamine is 0.63 mg/kg bw/day. ─── FDA美国药物食品检验局建议:三聚氰胺每日容许摄取量为0.63毫克/公斤体重/天.

52、Suddenly, “the melamine amine” this kind of industrial chemicals, become the people spare time to discuss most nouns. ─── 一时间,“三聚氰胺”这种化工原料,成为人们茶余饭后谈论最多的名词。

53、Another industrial chemical, melamine, was found in wheat flour used to make pet food in North America. ─── 另一类化学药品三聚氰胺在面粉中发现,曾在北美用于制造宠物食品。

54、I'd rather not eat any melamine at all. ─── 我本人宁愿不吃任何含三聚氰胺的东西。

55、The emergence of melamine, hurt the heart of all parents so that their own notorious and laments us cause for regret. ─── 三聚氰胺的出现,伤了天下父母之心,让企业自身声名狼籍,令人唏嘘感叹。

56、Experts believe that melamine as pesticides, fertilizers and containers entering the human food chain, but it should be "very low. ─── 专家认为,三聚氰胺会随着农药、肥料和容器,进入人类食物链,但应该是“极微量”。

57、How is the price for the white Melamine HMR Particle Board coming. ─── 上面这句话中的HMR是什么意思?是要防水的刨花板吗?请各位高人帮忙解释一下,谢谢。

58、He said staff at the milk stations may have added melamine to poor-quality or diluted milk to raise its protein content to an acceptable level. ─── 他还说,奶站工作人员可能向低质或稀释过的牛奶中添加叁聚氰胺以增加牛奶的蛋白质含量,以使牛奶达到可以接受的标准。

59、Melamine can cause kidney stones as the body tries to eliminate it and, in extreme cases, lead to life-threatening kidney failure. ─── 三聚氰胺会在被人体排除时导致肾结石,严重的情况可能导致威胁生命安全的肾衰竭。

60、Last week, Cadbury recalled all of its Chinese-made candy products after preliminary tests showed they contained trace amounts of melamine. ─── 上周,在对其糖果制品进行初步测试发现含有少量三聚氰胺之后,吉百利召回其所有在中国制造的糖果。

61、Because the melamine is quick in vivo excretion, 24 hours may discharge above 90% from vivo, generally will not create in vivo store up. ─── 因为三聚氰胺在体内排泄较快,24小时可从体内排出90%以上,一般不会在体内造成蓄积。

62、But officials have confirmed that 10% of liquid milk from three of China’s dairies was also tainted with melamine. ─── 中国官方确认,来自中国三家奶制品商10%的液态奶还有三聚氰胺。

63、However, Erie, bright, Mengniu three well-known domestic enterprises are still checking out the milk, liquid milk also contains melamine components. ─── 但伊利、光明、蒙牛三家国内知名的乳品企业仍被检查出,液态奶中也含有三聚氰胺成分。

64、Chinese investigators said melamine may have been added to fool quality tests after water was added to fraudulently increase the milk's volume. ─── 中国调查者说三聚腈胺可能是在向牛奶中加水增加体积之后为了糊弄质量检查而添加的。

65、As the matter stands, this unknown melamine, because in its member the azotic atom are quite many, therefore had the big use. ─── 这样一来,这名不见经传的三聚氰胺的由于其分子中含氮原子比较多,于是就派上大用场了。

66、In order to detect whether milk containing melamine, the state department can be a lot of momentum. ─── 为了检测奶品中是否含有三聚氰胺,国家有关部门可费了不少的劲头。

67、Most of them, to select a optimum equipment is the key to produce melamine pyrophosphate. ─── 以上三产品受放大效应的影响较小,产品的质量及收率无明显的变化。

68、The reaction character of melamine not only reacts with formaldehyde but also copolymerizes with urea and formaldehyde. ─── 三聚氰胺的改性作用在于,它不仅能与甲醛反应,而且能与尿素甲醛发生共缩聚反应;

69、Melamine lawless elements will be added to the raw milk, the drill is the Kjeldahl method of loopholes in the milk protein content. ─── 不法分子将三聚氰胺添加到原料奶中,钻的是凯氏定氮法测定奶粉蛋白质含量的漏洞。

70、The milk drink containing melamine Will there be sequels? ─── 喝过含三聚氰胺的奶粉是否会有后遗症?

71、Melamine as a chemical raw material, can be used in plastics, coatings, adhesives, food packaging materials production. ─── 三聚氰胺作为化工原料,可用于塑料、涂料、粘合剂、食品包装材料的生产。

72、Melamine phosphate is the key material to guarantee the comprehensive performances for insulting layer. ─── 三聚氰胺磷酸盐是保障绝热层综合性能的关键材料。

73、The company this morning notified Taiwan authorities that the products contained melamine, the health department's statement said. ─── 卫生署报道说,今天上午该公司报告台湾当局说这些产品包含三聚氰铵。

74、As a result a number of lawless elements to be abused in the milk added to melamine, misleading "protein fine. ─── 于是一些不法分子就钻空子,在奶液中添加三聚氰胺,误导为“蛋白精”。

75、Health experts say ingesting a small amount of melamine poses no danger, but in larger doses, it can cause kidney stones and lead to kidney failure. ─── 健康专家表示,摄入小量三聚氰胺不会有危险,但如果摄入量很大,可导致肾结石,并会诱发肾衰竭。

76、Sanlu had the highest levels of melamine contamination out of 22 companies whose products were tainted with the industrial chemical. ─── 在22家产品受到三聚氰胺污染的企业中,三鹿产品的三聚氰胺含量是最高的。

77、"Villains can always outsmart", in a small number of evil in the hearts and minds, and always will produce other alternatives to melamine. ─── “道高一尺,魔高一丈”,在少数作恶人的心中,总是会生产出其它的三聚氰胺的替代品来。

78、Moreover, the urine is not melamine, but the fertilizer plants. ─── 况且,尿也不是三聚氰胺,反而是花草的肥料。

79、It's been a year since China lowered its quality standards for dairy products following the notorious melamine scandal. ─── 在臭名昭著的三聚氰胺丑闻之后,中国降低乳制品的质量标准已经一年了。

80、Melamine is an industrial chemical. ─── 三聚氰胺是一种工业化学制品。

81、It introduces melamine starch and other modifier modified the theory production method and quality standard of 5011 urea - formaldehyde adhesive. ─── 介绍了用三聚氰胺、木薯淀粉等改性5011脲醛树脂的反应原理,生产方法及质量标准。

82、The advantages of the ultrafiltration technology used in the waste water treatment unit of melamine plant were described. ─── 介绍超滤技术在三聚氰胺废水处理工艺中的应用优势,分析运行中出现的常见问题,提出相应处理措施。

83、Meanwhile, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is continuing to probe the use of fish feed containing melamine at fisheries and fish hatcheries. ─── 同时美国食品和药物管理局正在调查受污染影响的养鱼场和鱼苗场。

84、But, by using the melamine additive, the feed seller makes a heftier profit because melamine scrap is much cheaper than soy, wheat or corn protein. ─── 但是,用三聚氰胺添加剂饲料,卖方牟取高额利润,因为三聚氰胺废料要比大豆,小麦或玉米的蛋白质要便宜许多。

85、Fears were raised even higher after it was discovered that some creamers had also been tainted with melamine. ─── 之后又发现部分奶精也受到三聚氢胺的污染,恐慌更因此而飙高。

86、Chemical plants throughout the United States produce millions of pounds of melamine a year. ─── 美国的化工厂每年生产数以百万磅的三聚氰胺。

87、The application of melamine phosphate and its derivatives. ─── 三聚氰胺磷酸盐及其衍生物在防火材料中的应用。

88、For the purpose of this assessment it is assumed that all edible tissues contain 50 ppb melamine. ─── 为了这次评估是假定所有可食组织中含有50浓度三聚氰胺。

89、But the problem is that the first detection of melamine what-the-art equipment out, that a, there is a suspected melamine what the material how to do? ─── 但问题是,这一头,检测三聚氰胺的什么先进的仪器出来了,那一头,又出现了个什么疑似三聚氰胺的物质怎么办?

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