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10-02 投稿


mucky 发音

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英:  美:

mucky 中文意思翻译



mucky 词性/词形变化,mucky变形


mucky 相似词语短语

1、musky ─── adj.麝香的;有麝香味的

2、ducky ─── n.亲爱的,宝贝儿(用于称呼);adj.可喜的;极好的;极为愉快的;n.(Ducky)(斯、美、俄、英、泰、荷)杜克克丽(人名)

3、micky ─── n.精神;骄气;n.(Micky)人名;(英)米基(教名Michael的昵称)

4、muck ─── n.淤泥;垃圾;肥料;品质低劣的东西;vt.弄脏;施肥;清除…的污物;vi.闲逛;鬼混;n.(Muck)人名;(德、匈、捷)穆克

5、sucky ─── adj.奉承的;令人不悦的

6、murky ─── adj.黑暗的;朦胧的;阴郁的

7、lucky ─── adj.幸运的;侥幸的

8、gucky ─── 古琦

9、mucks ─── n.淤泥;垃圾;肥料;品质低劣的东西;vt.弄脏;施肥;清除…的污物;vi.闲逛;鬼混;n.(Muck)人名;(德、匈、捷)穆克

mucky 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But if they remain impenitent and keep up their wrongdoing, the people of China, having reached the end of their forbearance, will dump them on the muck heap and then it will be too late for repentance. ─── 如若他们怙恶不悛,继续胡闹,那时,全国人民忍无可忍,把他们抛到茅厕里去,那就悔之无及了。

2、Don' t make a muck of the dictionary. It is newly bought. ─── 别把字典弄脏了,这是新买的。

3、And the distance between driving a used Hyundai Elantra and a new Jaguar XJ is well nigh undetectable compared with the difference between motoring and hiking through the muck. ─── 和开车与徒步相比,开一辆二手现代伊兰特和一辆新美洲豹XJ的差距几乎难以察觉。

4、Allow the children to play with him as muck as they liked. ─── 允许孩子们尽情地与他玩耍。

5、Although free phone ringtones verizon pay muck flush horse stack online jeux video horses holdem fast bible check coup free video poker downloads tell rules muck monster george? ─── 共73130个问题页次:13505/14626页转到:食品添加剂,食品配料,香精香料,瑞士芬美意,美国森馨,美国味好美,法国曼氏

6、If we all muck in we'll soon finish the job. ─── 如果我们大家都动手,一会儿就可以干完这件事。

7、WINTERS: McDonald, Toye, Perconte, Lipton, Muck and Guarnere. ─── 唐纳德,托伊,普康蒂,李普,马克和葛奈瑞。

8、In those rainy days, you both believed and depended on each other.Who except you two could have this mucky and keen feeling? ─── 于圆缺阴晴的互补中,那般相知相契、缠绵浓醇的情愫,又岂是常人所能体味的呢?

9、He used to muck out the stables every morning. ─── 他过去每天早上打扫马厩。

10、The hell is with you,you are a blockhead, your muck which is in you mouth has flooded your brain, I consider your behavior is too abnormal. ─── 人类所有的故事都表明同一个主题,不过是过去的再现而已;

11、A mucky four per cent have even used a dish cloth to clean pet bowls and then continued to use it for washing up. ─── 还有4%的邋遢人甚至用洗碗布来清洗宠物用的碗,然后接着用它来洗其他碗碟。

12、The only sounds were the occasional clanging of wind chimes and the splash of coins tossed into a mucky pond. ─── 依稀能听得到的只有风铃偶尔清脆的铃声和抛入许愿池泥滩的硬币发出的响声。

13、This is especially good for stoves that haven't been cleaned for a while, and that grease gets really thick and mucky. ─── 这对于很长时间没有清洁的炉子来说效果特别好,而这样的炉子上油脂会非常厚和肮脏。

14、Don't come in here with your boots all covered in muck. ─── 你别穿著脏靴子进来。

15、She wears expensive clothes and jewellery, but when she starts talking you realize that she's as common as muck. ─── 她穿着华丽的服装,戴着昂贵的首饰,但是当她讲话时,你会发现她很粗俗。

16、remove muck, clear away muck, as in a mine. ─── 在矿井中移走或清除垃圾。

17、He hates customers who muck him about. ─── 他恨那些使他生气的顾客。

18、He's a seven footer with great finesse skills, but refreshingly, he is also able to post up and muck it up in the paint a little bit. ─── 他有着7尺球员中罕见的技术,让人耳目一新,他还能背身单打,并会一点高位跳投。

19、You wouldn't like me to rake out all your muck, would you? This is my first slipup, and you're the one to blame! ─── 别教我往外说你的事儿,你什么屎没拉过?

20、There was muck everywhere. ─── 到处都是淤泥。

21、You shouldn't believe all the muck and scandal you read in the Sunday papers. ─── 千万别尽信在星期日报纸上看到的秽迹丑闻.

22、You'd better not to muck about any more. You're old enough to get a job. ─── 你别再混日子啦,像你这岁数早该找个活儿干了.

23、Where there's muck there's brass. ─── [谚]要挣钱就别怕脏。

24、He has to muck out the horses every morning at six. ─── 他每天清晨6点钟要清除马粪。

25、And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp. ─── 那把椅子搞到相当脏,还有点霉湿。

26、One of his main themes is the discord between lofty American ideals and mucky American reality. ─── 本书的一个重要主题就是一种美国崇高理想和肮脏现实之间的冲突。

27、The kids were covered in muck. ─── 孩子们浑身骯脏不堪。

28、While the rewards are considerable, the work is difficult. Workers wade waist-deep in the muck to catch eel. ─── 养殖收入好,但工作十分辛苦。图为渔民浸在及腰的水里捞鳗鱼。

29、For a full wild week in July, the hygienically- carefree can enjoy mud skiing, mud arts &crafts, and mud soccer on the fashionably mucky Dacheon beach. ─── 六月的一整个星期,人们可以无忧无虑的享受泥浆体绘、泥浆艺术,还有在泥泞满地的沙滩上踢英式足球。

30、Chuck tries to pull Dog out of the muck and also gets stuck. ─── 小男孩塔克想把狗从污泥里拉出来,谁知自己也陷了进去。

31、Danny : I offered to muck out the stables and to help groom the horses for four hours every week. ─── 丹尼:我提议每星期工作四小时帮他们打扫马厩,以及料理马匹。

32、To make dirty with or as if with muck. ─── 弄脏用污物或类似的东西弄脏

33、Oh, muck him to deepest hell. ─── 嘿,把他打入十八层地狱里去吧。

34、If we all muck in, we could have the job finished by the end of the week. ─── 如果我们大家一块儿干,到本周末就可以完成工作。

35、SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- After avoiding major trouble most of the year, Wells Fargo &Co. has finally bogged down in the mortgage muck that's muddying one major bank after another. ─── 富国银行躲开了今年以来的很多危机,但同样步入其他银行的后尘陷入抵押贷款危机。

36、After all, the one who pays the bill is not always the one who watched the mucky movie. ─── 毕竟,买单的人并不是常看色情电影的人。

37、Don't muck about with things you don't understand. ─── 不懂的东西不要去瞎弄。

38、He doesn't spend muck time on his homework. ─── 他并没有在作业上花多少时间。

39、The adult is less than 1 milligram from the iron of eduction of mucky make water everyday, get easily compensating from inside food commonly. ─── 成人每天从粪尿排出的铁不到1毫克,一般容易从食物中得到补偿。

40、When advancing from No. 1 diversion tunnel location (DK 141+430), in July 2002, rail transport proposal was used, with LW backhoe loader and 12t battery car and 14m3 muck shifter. ─── 2002年2月施工至DK145+930后换装采用有轨运输,多功能开挖台架,人工手持风钻钻眼,LW-150挖掘装载机装碴,12t电瓶车牵引14m3梭式矿车出碴。

41、Emerging from the muck and mess of an unexpected war of words might be the league's best second unit. ─── 从无法预料的口舌之争的废墟中浮现出来的也许是联盟中最好的替补阵容。

42、You can't leave your room in a muck like that. ─── 你不能把房间弄得那麽乱七八糟的。

43、Don't make a muck of the book. ─── 别把书弄脏了。

44、Can you wipe the muck off the windows? ─── 你把窗户上的脏东西擦掉好吗?

45、The already heavily burdened foot soldier also had to help push and pull vehicles and horses wallowing in the muck. ─── 已经负重不堪的徒步士兵还不得不帮助推拉那些陷入泥坑的车辆和马匹。

46、The two old ladies did not have muck to say but the did not want to go home. They strung out their gossip for a long time. ─── 两个老太太并没有太多的事要说,但又都不想回家,于是闲扯了好久。

47、Pointing to our mountains and rivers, Setting people afire with our words, We counted the mighty no more than muck. ─── 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕。俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。

48、The change in the weather have muck up our sports timetable . ─── 天气的变化打乱了我们运动比赛的日程。

49、Simultaneously, the increased organic muck may fertilize the soil and improve the structure of the salinisation land. ─── 同时既提高了经济效益,又有利于培肥土壤、改善土壤结构。

50、Part of her job was to muck out the stables. ─── 她的部份工作就是清扫马廐。

51、The vicars and lords and widows whose cordial yet machinating lives Trollope recounted seemed reasonably settled, yet being people they managed to muck things up. ─── 在特罗洛普的笔下,那些牧师、贵族和寡妇们,对生活充满热情却又诡计多端。

52、If we all muck in we'll soon finish the work. ─── 如果我们全都加入工作,很快就可以做完

53、I view the world with naked eye before, feel money is muck, view the world with heart when me now, rich flower is a very wonderful thing really in ability discovery bag! ─── 我以前用肉眼看世界,觉得钞票都是粪土,现在当我用心眼看世界,才发现兜里有钱花真是一件非常美妙的事情!

54、When the pond shore is wet it can be very mucky and one tends to sink into it if not exercising care. ─── 当塘岸湿的时侯,可能会非常脏,而且一不小心就很可能陷进泥里。

55、The farmers muck their orchards each year. ─── 农夫们每年为果园施肥。

56、If we all muck in,we'll soon finish the work. ─── 如果我们大家都参加进去,很快就能完成这项工作。

57、When she start talking you'll realize that she's as common as muck. ─── 她一开口,你就会明白这人缺乏教养。

58、Fall in love with a man when the woman only when, money just became muck truly. ─── 只有当女人爱上男人的时候,金钱才真正地成了粪土。

59、Existing pollution condition of Nanping pig seed field is analyzed and compost technological route for treating pig muck to produce organic compound fertilizer is presented. ─── 对南平市种猪场的污染现状进行了分析,提出用堆肥化的工艺路线对其猪粪进行处理,生产有机复合肥,在实际应用中取得良好效果。

60、"Give me a straight answer, do not muck me about!" ─── "给我一个干脆的回答,不要耍弄我!"

61、But it turns out that while men with heart disease generally get concentrated buildups of plaque, women's artery-clogging muck is often more diffuse and therefore less noticeable. ─── 但研究发现得心脏疾病的男性血管阻塞比较集中,而女性的血管阻塞物较分散且难以被发现。

62、LIU Zhi-chun,LI Wen-jiang,ZHU Yong-quan.Forecast and analysis of surfaces ubsidence of metro-tunnel construction in mucky ground[J].Rock and Soil Mechanics,2005,26(10):1 681-1 684. ─── [6]刘志春,李文江,朱永全.淤泥质地层地铁隧道施工地表沉降预测及分析[J].岩土力学,2005,26(10):1 681-1 684.

63、But the body is still thin with wrinkles. The little snail cannot think too muck, for he will go to send the message. ─── 可是身体还是那么干瘦,上面布满了皱纹。小蜗牛管不了太多,他要去送信。

64、Let's all muck in together, and we'll soon finish the job. ─── 咱们一起干吧,很快就能做完。

65、The officers had to muck in with their men. ─── 军官须与士兵同住。

66、Before the daylight completely faded, we tramped through the wet grounds to the mucky bank of the river. ─── 在天光完全被吞没之前,我们渡过湿地,来到河的泥岸。

67、And Irish children would carry them as they went from house to house begging for food for the village Halloween festival that honored the Druid god Muck Olla. ─── 为村里庆祝督伊德神的万圣节,孩子们提着这种灯笼挨家挨户乞讨食物。

68、Liu:(Have a drama).I am a cow muck you be a flower, you be a bean curd I be a residue, we 300 year agos be 1. ─── 刘:(有戏)。我是牛粪你是花,你是豆腐我是渣,我们三百年前是一家。

69、The last book he wrote was sheer muck. ─── 他写的最后一本书全是无价值的东西。

70、When we lie on our backs in an alpine meadow tucked on the perch of high mountains, or wade into the mucky waters of a tidal marsh, we are encountering the "thumbless thoughts" of nature. ─── 当我们躺在隐于高山山梁的草甸上,或涉入潮沼肮脏的水中,就遭遇了大自然的“无拇指思想”。

71、A good dose of muck helps maintain fertility and returns useful organic matter to the soil. ─── 好肥料可以使土壤肥沃并且还可以改善土壤的有机成分。

72、Users muck around with environments in unpredictable ways, and getting them back time to a stable state is often tricky. ─── 当用户以一种不可预期的方式将环境搞坏时,使他们回到稳定时的状态通常是明智的。

73、It was nicknamed Muck House by the people who worked in it, she remarked. ─── 她讲,色处工人给这里起了个外号,就叫大粪

74、He tried to wrench it back, but the muck sucked viciously at his foot as if it were a giant leech . ─── 他挣扎着想拔出来,但淤泥就象一个巨大的水蛭一样,紧紧地吸住了他的脚。

75、Dan Travis, a sports coach, argues that it is very important for boys to muck about on their own. ─── 丹 特拉维斯 是一个体育教师,他说让男孩子自己‘瞎闹’是很重要的。

76、One could no more do that than one could roll up one's sleeves and go down into the muck. ─── 一个人不能那样做,就如同不能卷起袖子下到污泥里去一样。

77、As the distortion self heals, thenthe creations pulls itself out of the muck and into a harmonious energy flowagain, and can ascend home. ─── 当扭曲被自我疗愈后,造物把自己从糟乱里拉出,再次进入一个和谐能量流里,并能提升回家。

78、If we all muck in we' ll soon finish the work. ─── 如果我们全都加入工作,很快就可以做完。

79、A mucky business but a profitable one. ─── 一桩令人讨厌但是赚钱的生意。

80、He stood a moment irresolutely prodding the muck in the ditch. ─── 他犹豫不决地站了一会儿,用手杖扒拉一阵沟里的脏东西。

81、At the juego al instante portal railroad tapioca rolling fold vigorish online poker tool pasadena set glossary complete free lg ringtones verizon wireless muck muck case? ─── 共69306个问题页次:12735/13862页转到:食品添加剂,食品配料,香精香料,瑞士芬美意,美国森馨,美国味好美,法国曼氏

82、There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. ─── 一个小男孩在恐惧中尖叫着,挣扎着,要从没腰的黑色淤泥中挣脱出来。

83、remove muck,clear away muck,as in a mine ─── 在矿井中移走或清除垃圾

84、She'll work in the kitchen and not meet the hotel guests. As long as she's honest and a good worker, I don't care if she's as common as muck. ─── 她将去厨房干活,不会碰以旅馆的客人。只要她老老实实,做一个好工人,我并不在乎她的言行粗俗。

85、He fall down and come home with his clothes all muck up. ─── 他跌了一跤,一身脏衣服回家。

86、He likes to draw lotus flower with a self-created poem aside: "Wash muck away to present character, with a light make-up of dew. ─── 他喜欢画荷,又往往在画中题写一首自作诗:“洗腻呈风骨,宿露着淡装。

87、Those serving the oil industry must go where the RIGS are, however dusty and mucky the air. ─── 那些服务于石油工业的设备必须在钻井平台上,但是那里空气肮脏。

88、REDD's stress on performance should make it unlikely, and Indonesia's forestry is getting less mucky. ─── REDD计划对于绩效的强调应该会使这种情况不大可能出现,而且印尼林业也不再像过去那么肮脏。

89、Your behavior be cause our reputation to be drag through the muck. ─── 你的行为在玷污我们的名声。

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