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10-02 投稿


mincer 发音

英:[?m?ns?r]  美:[?m?ns?(r)]

英:  美:

mincer 中文意思翻译




mincer 网络释义

n. 碎肉器(等于mincing machine);说话吞吐的人n. (Mincer)人名;(英)明瑟

mincer 词性/词形变化,mincer变形


mincer 短语词组

1、feed mincer ─── 饲料粉碎机

mincer 相似词语短语

1、minced ─── adj.切碎的;切成末的;v.剁碎;细分;委婉地说(mince的过去分词)

2、mince ─── vt.切碎;矫揉做作地说;vi.装腔作势;碎步走;n.切碎物,肉馅

3、mincier ─── 最小值

4、minger ─── 球

5、miner ─── n.矿工;开矿机;n.(Miner)人名;(英)迈纳;(西)米内尔

6、minceur ─── 瘦长;苗条

7、mincers ─── n.碎肉器(等于mincingmachine);说话吞吐的人;n.(Mincer)人名;(英)明瑟

8、minder ─── n.看守者;照顾者;n.(Minder)人名;(法)曼代;(德、匈)明德

9、minces ─── v.切碎(mince的第三人称单数形式);n.切碎物(mince的复数形式)

mincer 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、electric meat mincer ─── 电动绞肉机

2、Briefly Introduce of High Fineness Wind-selected Mincer Equipment ─── 高细风选粉碎机组的设计

3、BJRJ-160B mincer can grind meat lump and foods into different sizes. ─── BJRJ-160B 绞肉机可将块状肉或类似食品绞至不同大小的颗粒。

4、BJRJ-98A mincer can grind meat lump and foods into different sizes. ─── BJRJ-98A 绞肉机可将块状肉或类似食品绞至不同大小的颗粒。

5、10. and therefore, a mind fixed, and bent upon somewhat that is good, doth avert me dolours of death: but above all, believe it, the sweetest canticle is, minc difmittis; ─── 所以一个坚定的,一心向善的心智是能免死底痛苦的。

6、Xangv xaol xangv xaol nyenc dul ees,Minc &n... ─── 侗族表达爱情的歌,也说给九妹等听听。

7、Provide sections of small and medium-sized blender, juicer with bowl and non-bowl-type mixer, mincer, hair dryer and other electrical products, all products to export them. ─── 提供各款中小型搅拌器、榨汁机、带碗及不带碗型打蛋器、碎肉器、电吹风机等电器产品,所有产品以出口为主。

8、meat mincer; ─── 绞肉机;

9、Taihe Iron Ore Minc ─── 太和铁矿

10、Keywords Mined area reclamation Management of minc wastes Environmental protection; ─── 矿山土地复垦;矿山废弃物管理环境保护;

11、Cutter, Mixer, Mincer, Frozen Meat Cutter. ─── 机,搅拌机,绞肉机,冻肉切割机。

12、Minc is media-minded. ─── 明克很有媒体头脑。

13、Bowl Cutter, Mixer, Mincer, Frozen Meat Cutter. ─── 真空斩拌机,搅拌机,绞肉机,冻肉切割机。

14、According to Mincer's eminent model (1968), schooling and work experience are two main essentials of wage determination. ─── 除了上述的影响变数之外,新加入的行业别与职业别变数亦显著地影响薪资。

15、coal minc ─── 煤矿

16、hand-operated meat mincer ─── 手摇绞肉机

17、Carlos Minc, the Rio State Environment Minister, says the risk of a serious accident is very real. ─── 里约环境局长米克说,严重意外发生的可能性很大。

18、The Design of Mincer for Paper ─── 板浆粉碎机的设计

19、Chopping food: Use a lighter knife to avoid extra load on the shoulder. Use a mincer instead of chopping the meat. ─── 切食物:可选用较轻的刀切食物以免因用重力加剧肩关节痛楚,另外肉类可用碎肉机搅碎。

20、Mincer rate of return ─── 明瑟收益率

21、With mincer and casings procured, the rest, as you'll see from the pictures, is as simple as pumping pork into a pipe. ─── 准备好绞肉机和肠衣,剩下的,如你从图片里看到的,就是把肉装到肠衣里这么简单。

22、tissue mincer ─── 组织切碎器

23、Minc is good at manipulating words, ideas and concepts, just like his new boss, Lula. ─── 明克善于操弄文字、想法与概念,跟他的新老板卢拉一样。

24、Mincer, a 7-year-old dog, has developed a white haze in her eyes. ─── 粉碎机,一个7岁的狗,已制定了一个白色烟霞,她的眼睛。

25、With a household food mincer, one can cook many kinds of food for immediate consumption. ─── 有了家用食品粉碎机,很多食品都可以现做现吃了。

26、Both parties to this Agreement agree that upon acceptance by ABC's Service Department, ABC's interest in the Agreement is assigned to ABC, Inc. (MINC). ─── 一旦ABC的维修部门接收这个合同,合同中的ABC利益归ABC公司所有。

27、From the practical point of view, Mincer's function model is comparatively the best. ─── 从实用性的角度来看,明瑟收入函数模型可能会更好一些。

28、mincer and bowl cutter ─── 斩拌机

29、Take fresh or frozen ideal pig’s heart, which is free from fat and ligaments, wash away blood with water and cut into small block.Use mincer at the highest speed to homogenize the tissue. ─── 取新鲜或冰冻猪心,除去脂肪和韧带,用水洗去积血,将猪心切成小块,放入绞肉机绞碎。

30、meat mincer ─── 铰肉机

31、Based on urban households survey data provided by the National Bureau of Statistics in 2000 and the Mincer income function, this paper has explained the income gaps among 15 industries. ─── 本文使用2000年国家统计局城镇住户调查数据,利用明瑟收入函数方程对我国收入差异进行了分解。

32、BJRJ-98B mincer can grind meat lump and foods into different sizes. ─── BJRJ-98B 绞肉机可将块状肉或类似食品绞至不同大小的颗粒。

33、The Design of Mincer for Paper ─── 板浆粉碎机的设计

34、Food processing machinery, such as meat mincer,food mixer,dough mixer,oven ect. ─── 销售产品:食品机械:碎肉机,搅拌机,和面机,烘炉,发酵箱.....

35、rock mincer ─── 振动切碎器

36、This paper introduces the utilization of oscillating release ore sublevel caving in design and production tak-ing mining technique condition under O m in Mazhuang minc district for example. ─── 本文以马庄矿区0m以下开采技术条件为例,介绍了振动放矿阶段崩落采矿方法在设计、生产中的应用。该法出矿效率高,采切比小.降低能耗和成本,经济效益显著。

37、feed mincer ─── 饲料粉碎机

38、The Best Bounds in Minc H and Sathre L Inequality ─── Minc H和Sathre L不等式最好的界(英文)

39、Mincer J.Investment in human captal and personal income distribution[J].1958,.The Journal of Political Economy,66(4). ─── 刘国光.经济形势分析与预测1994年春季座谈会开幕词、数量经济技术经济研究1994(5).

40、This is achieved by breaking up the cells in a mincer or grinder and then centrifuging the resultant liquid. ─── 通过研磨器皿或粉碎仪器破碎细胞,然后离心剩余的液体。

41、In this case, Minc has limited himself to banter the provocation addressed at him. [http://oglobo.globo.com/pais/noblat/post.asp?cod_post=103351 The Amazon is ours? ─── 在这情形下,明克将他自己限于与挑衅他的言语开玩笑的状况中。

42、Design of Double Degree - of- Freedom Anti - Resonance Mincer of Producing Samples ─── 双自由度反共振制样粉碎机的设计

43、With a household food mincer, one can cook many kinds of food for immediate consumption. ─── 有了家用食品粉碎机,很多食品都可以现做现吃了。 收藏。

44、Wash cuttlefish flesh and finely chop. Process in mincer. ─── 墨鱼肉洗净,切碎,放入碎肉机内打至碎。

45、Genetic and expression studies have revealed that MinC encode an inhibitor of division that is activated by MinD and toplogically regulated by MinE. ─── minC基因所编码的MinC蛋白是细胞分裂的抑制因子,与具有ATPase活性的MinD蛋白结合后被激活。

46、Using the Mincer income function this paper investigates econometrically the main factors that had significant impacts on the enlarging income gaps among Chinese urban laborers. ─── 摘要本文在明瑟收入函数的基础上对我国城镇职工的收入影响因素进行了计量回归分析。

47、Wash cuttlefish flesh and finely chop. Process in mincer. ─── 墨鱼肉洗净,切碎,放入碎肉机内打至碎。

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