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10-02 投稿


manifolding 发音

英:[?m?n??fo?ld??]  美:[?m?n?f??ld??]

英:  美:

manifolding 中文意思翻译




manifolding 网络释义

n. [印刷] 复写;[建] 歧管装置v. [印刷] 复写(manifold的ing形式)

manifolding 词性/词形变化,manifolding变形

动词过去式: manifolded |名词: manifoldness |动词第三人称单数: manifolds |动词过去分词: manifolded |动词现在分词: manifolding |副词: manifoldly |

manifolding 常用词组

intake manifold ─── 进气歧管

exhaust manifold ─── [化]排废管汇

riemannian manifold ─── [数]黎曼流形;黎曼廖

manifolding 相似词语短语

1、enfolding ─── vt.拥抱;包裹;折叠;围绕

2、infolding ─── n.内折;v.裹住;包住(infold的现在分词,等于enfolding)

3、bifolding ─── 双折

4、manifolded ─── adj.多种多样的,许多种类的;n.(汽车引擎用以进气和排气)歧管,多支管;有多种形式之物;流形;adv.非常多;v.复印;使……多样化;n.(Manifold)(美、英、澳)马尼福尔德(人名)

5、landholding ─── n.拥有(或租用的)土地

6、manifesting ─── v.使显现;显示;证明(manifest的现在分词)

7、handholding ─── 手握

8、fanfolding ─── 扇形折叠

9、manifold ─── adj.多种多样的,许多种类的;n.(汽车引擎用以进气和排气)歧管,多支管;有多种形式之物;流形;adv.非常多;v.复印;使……多样化;n.(Manifold)(美、英、澳)马尼福尔德(人名)

manifolding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、BR>In darkness the One appears as uniform; in the light the One appears as manifold. ─── 在黑暗中,“一”视如一体;在光亮中,“一”便视如众多。在静听着的松林之间。

2、Maintenance-free overload relief manifold and valve. ─── 免维护的液压集成安全阀。

3、The moves in chess are not only manifold, but involute. ─── 下棋的走法不但多种多样, 而且错综复杂。

4、In this paper a newly-developed 1+2 MIXPC turbocharging system and its exhanst manifold is introduced. ─── 主要介绍了最新开发的1+2MIXPC涡轮增压系统及其排气管系。


6、Can stimulate growth of breast tissue quickly,extend and manifold galactophore between body and mammilla so that augment cubage of breast. ─── 同时增强乳房周围的脂肪及韧带组织,使乳房更加丰满、结实。对乳房偏小、松弛、下垂等都具有显著的效果。

7、Integral manifold model reduction(IMMD)has been applied for the analysis of distribution system with dynamic voltage regulator(DVR) in the paper. ─── 利用积分流形模型化简 ( IMMD)的思想 ,给出了含动态电压调节器( DVR)配电网络的动态电压分析方法。

8、In order to producte qualified inlet manifold casting, top gating system with lip riser and shell core made of precoated sand is used. ─── 为了获得合格的进气歧管铸件,采用压边顶铸浇注系统和覆膜砂壳芯制作工艺。

9、This paper introduces the calibration system and static and dynamic calibration method of an engine intake manifold pressure sensor. ─── 介绍了发动机进气歧管压力传感器的标定系统和传感器静、动态标定方法。

10、The ministry of books is manifold. ─── 书的用处很多。

11、Comparison of Manifold Animal Model on Experimental Pulmonary Edema in Rabbits. ─── 几种家兔实验性肺水肿动物模型的比较。

12、The City Council has a manifold plan to beautify the city. ─── 市政府制定了一个美化城市的多重规化。

13、IT English vocabulary is manifolding with the development of information technology. ─── IT英语词汇随着信息技术的飞速发展而日益增多。

14、Penn President Amy Gutmann cited Schmidt's "manifold contributions to putting the world at humanity's fingertips. ─── 宾大校长艾米.古特曼赞赏施密特“为人类能够驾驭世界做出了多重贡献”。

15、The main distribution manifold supplies the passenger compartment overhead distribution system through tow sidewall risers. ─── 主分配管道通过两个侧壁竖管供气给客舱顶部分配系统。

16、The solving equations of numerical manifold method (NMM) used to be formulated by minimum potential energy principle. ─── 以往的数值流形方法都是以最小势能原理或变分原理为基础来建立求解方程的。

17、If fitted, does vapor line return manifold in compliance with OCIMF Guidelines? ─── 如装有,回毒管是否依据OCIMF指南要求回到管汇?

18、Do the vessel's derricks or cranes reach at least 1 meter outboard of rail at the cargo manifold? ─── 吊杆式起重机或克令吊在货油总管处是否至少伸出栏杆外1米?

19、The Realization of Fieldbus Intelligent IonizationVacuum Gauge. Can operated with manifold ionizationvacuum gauges have. ─── 基于现场总线的智能热阴极电离规控制器的实现。

20、Interconnecting flow passages travel through the manifold from the valve cavities. ─── 互相连接流程通道旅行过来自活瓣洞的复印本。

21、The heavens reward thee manifold, I pray. ─── 只能祈求上天给予你许多酬劳。

22、Harmonic Analysis on Bounded Domain that has USp(2n) as Its Characteristic Manifold. ─── 以酉辛群为特征边界的双曲空间的调和分析

23、The supercharger replaces the upper and lower intake connectors and bolts to the manifold. ─── 增压器替换上面和在低处吸入连接器并且螺栓对多样。

24、Typical applications include manifold absolute pressure (MAP), barometric, EGR pressure and brake boost. ─── 主要用于进气歧管绝压、大气压力、排气再循环阀(EGR)压力和制动泵压力测量。

25、Tiger is in possession of manifold patents authorized by Chinese government and its intellectual property is safeguarded by Chinese law. ─── 一流的研发实力使公司产品拥有多项中国国家专利,其知识产权受中国国家法律保护。

26、Mosque has had manifold social functions,played an important role in developing politic,economy and culture during Islamic history all along. ─── 在伊斯兰史上,清真寺在促进穆斯林社会的政治、经济、文化发展方面一直发挥着重要作用,具有诸多社会功能。

27、The causes are manifold, bbut can be reduced to tthree. ─── 原因是多方面的,但归结起来,不外乎三点。

28、They are always quiet, always cheerful, comfortable, and appreciative of life and its manifold blessings. ─── 他们向来稳重,向来安分,向来愉快、舒畅、乐天知命。

29、But for all his manifold difficulties, which other contemporary architect can claim an equivalent achievement? ─── 但是,哪一位当代建筑师能够取得同样的成就?

30、Numerous and varied; manifold. ─── 多样的,多方面的数量多且种类多的;多方面的

31、Goodness is simple, badness manifold. ─── 善良单纯; 邪恶复杂。

32、The tee,a key part of high pressure pipe manifold,often encounters cracking in actual application. ─── 三通作为高压管汇中的关键部件,在实际使用中经常出现刺裂现象。

33、Put the wellhead in right place after removing the cementing head and manifold. ─── 卸水泥头及管汇后,将井口拉正。

34、Having, relating to, or consisting of more than one individual, element, part, or other component; manifold. ─── 复合的由一个以上组成、涉及或包含一个以上个体、元素、部分或其它组成部分的;多样的

35、Dark smoky cherry aromas on nose and the palate. Firm but ripe tannins with fresh acidity balancing the manifold layers of ripe fruit on the palate. ─── 一闻即是成熟黑樱桃的烟薰香气,口感上也满是樱桃甜美。紧实又成熟的单宁带出一丝酸度,与口中不同层次变化的果香,达到和谐的口感。

36、The flow manifold system of recycle sprinkler of quenching column in acrylonitrile unit was studied. ─── 对国内现有丙烯腈装置急冷塔循环液喷淋器的分流流道进行了研究。

37、Install the high pressure relief valve in the compressor manifold fitting. ─── 在压缩机歧管配件里安装高压释放阀。

38、As every man hath received grace, ministering the same one to another: as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. ─── 各人应依照自己所领受的神恩,彼此服事,善做天主各种恩宠的管理员。

39、She descanted on the beauty of the neighbourhood, the size of the yard, and the manifold conveniences of the establishment. ─── 她在信里赞美那地方的风景多么好,院子多么大,以及说不尽种种舒适便利的地方。

40、High quality &manifold wood products: FJL, flooring, stair, furniture by Oak, Ash, Teak, Walnut, Beech, Birch, Rubberwood, Maple, Cherry. ─── 主要产品:地板;集成材;楼梯板;扶手;家具等等,产品出口到日本,美国,欧洲国家。

41、However, manifolding may not be adequate if ambient temperature conditions do not yield sufficient heat flow or product vapor pressures within the containers. ─── 但是,如果周围温度条件不能产生足够的热流或容器内的蒸气压,并联就没有作用了。

42、The tray at the bottom of the manifold can prevent glass chamber fraying. ─── 底部特配有托盘保护玻璃真空气室,防止其磨损。

43、In this sector, gantry robots, automatic loading- and unloading devices for machine tools as well as manifold transport devices are offered. ─── 在此领域,利勃海尔提供门式机器人、机床刀具自动装卸设备,以及集成传输设备等。

44、It English vocabulary is manifolding with the development of information technology. ─── IT英语词汇随着信息技术的飞速发展而日益增多。

45、Similarly, the Ricci flow is like a microscope for looking at a manifold at a chosen magnification. ─── 同样地,瑞奇流就像是显微镜,可以用所选择的放大倍率去观看流形。

46、Install the intake manifold (refer to Group 11, Exhaust System and Intake Manifold). ─── 安装进气歧管(见单元11-排气系统和进气歧管)。

47、The results reveal some flow characters of manifold junctions,which lay the foundation of further study of turbulent flow for manifold junctions. ─── 实验结果揭示了三分支管的一些流动特性,为进一步的研究打下了基础。

48、In many engines, the thermostat is located in a well in the intake or exhaust manifold. ─── 在很多发动机内,恒温控制器装在进气岐管或排气岐管的空腔中。

49、A typical oxygen central installation includes cylinders, manifold and piping, rigidly secured to a bulkhead in order to prevent the possibility of unsafe condition in a seaway. ─── 典型布置包括气瓶、管路装置以及坚固的隔离板用以防止航海时的非安全因素的产生。

50、A variety of options and accessories are available such as Manifolding; Integrated Flow Controls, Regulators, and Tube Fittings; ─── 阿各种配件的选择,并Manifolding可用,例如:综合流量控制,调节,及管件;

51、Goodness is simple,badness manifold. ─── 善良单纯;邪恶复杂。

52、Only the blind can realized the manifold blessings that lie in sight. ─── 只有盲人才能意识到视觉带来的种种幸福。

53、You can explain for this term by manifold way. ─── 你可以对这个术语做多种解释。

54、To finish the task ordered by the leader, I will not hesitate to undergo manifold ordeals. ─── 为了完成领导交给的任务,上刀山,下火海,也在所不辞。

55、She walked about the room, turning over her manifold wrongs. ─── 她在房间里走来走去,深思她受的种种折磨。

56、It will proceed manifold analyzing for the identical input signal, and reduce the testing time. ─── 对同一输入信号同时进行多种分析,减少了测试所需时间;

57、His interests are manifold. ─── 他的兴趣广泛。

58、In darkness the One appears as uniform; in the light the One appears as manifold. ─── 在黑暗中,“一”视如一体;在光亮中,“一”便视如众多。

59、On a typical in-line six-cylinder engine the carburetor is located on the intake manifold between cylinder 3 and 4. ─── 在标准的六缸直列式发动机上,化油器被设置在进气歧管上3号和4号缸之间。

60、The apparatus consists of a bulb of known volume and valve block or manifold. ─── 仪器由一个已知体积的球管和一个阀组或管网所组成。

61、Gas manifold provide gas sources switchover function.24h uninterruptedly supply. ─── 主要实现气源自动切换功能,保证24小时不间断供气。

62、In this paper, we derive the homeomorphic classes of graphlike manifold with contraction by means of twist operation. ─── 在这篇文章中,通过使用扭转运算,我们获得了具有缩影的图式流形的同胚分类.

63、Endlessly varied art thou in the exuberant world, Lady of Manifold Magnificence. ─── 大千世界里,你无穷无尽地变幻,华丽多姿的姑娘。

64、Pascal was a man of manifold but contradictory qualities. ─── Pascal 是个多才多艺然而性格矛盾的人。

65、The main products are as follows, exhaust manifold, bent axle, camshaft, rubbing sassafras nestification, gearbox, support, flywheel, etc. ─── 主要产品有:排气歧管、曲轴、凸轮轴、摩擦嵌套、变速箱、支架、飞轮等。

66、A: TheInternet has brought manifold impact to our life. ─── 因特网给我们的生活带来了多方面的影响。

67、This method is adopted in simulation of exhaust manifold of 6105FB flameproof-diesel to get the temperature field and flow field. ─── 以6105FB防爆柴油机排气歧管为例,模拟排气岐管冷却系统的流场和温度场。

68、Gas Engine Block, Engine Head, Bearing Cap, Turbo-charge Housing, Manifold Exhaust, Diesel Engine Parts, Slotware. ─── 产品/Product:汽车发动机缸体、缸盖、轴承盖、涡轮增压器壳体、排汽歧管、柴油发动机铸件、槽盘。

69、Holmes, that you can see deeply into the manifold wickedness of the human heart. ─── 你能给我忠告,怎样在危险的包围下走过。”

70、Yau in compuct hypersurfaces (for the manifold which satisfy curvature assumption of Nomizu and Smyth). ─── Yau关于超曲面的一个结果进行了部分推广。

71、Algorithm of DNA computing for time-table problem was obtained with introducing manifold biochemical experiments on closed circle DNA computing model. ─── 基于闭环DNA计算模型引入多种生化实验得出求解排课表问题的DNA算法。

72、The reasons are manifold but,I believe,the following are relevant. ─── 原因是多方面的,但我相信,以下是相关的因素。

73、Are pressure gauges fitted outboard of manifold valves? ─── 压力表是否安装在货管集合歧管处出口阀的外侧?

74、It was not clear that Nixon retained enough authority to manage the manifold pressures about to descend him. ─── 尼克松是否还保持着足够的权威来对付即将降临到他头上的多方面的压力,还很不清楚。

75、If the engine backfires, the sudden pressure in the intake manifold forces the valve back. ─── 如果发动机回火,进气歧管骤增的压力就迫使阀门向后移动。

76、Speaker Identification Based on Efficiently Combining Manifold Features. ─── 基于多特征有效组合的说话人识别。

77、P4 and P7melters provide an auxiliary hose port at the bottom of the manifold. ─── P4和P7型号的喷胶机上的进气管底部装有一个辅助喷口。

78、A new casting technology for inlet manifold in tilt casting machine for gravity die casting was described. ─── 介绍了在可倾式金属型浇注机上制造进气歧管的铸造新工艺。

79、Moreover, we consider the Gauss-Bonnet-Chern form imbedded in arbitrary higher-dimensional manifold, which suggests a Hodge dual tensor current. ─── 并进一步研究了Gauss-Bonnet-Chern定理浸入到任意高维流型中的理论,由此导出了一个新的Hodge对偶张量流。

80、The Riemann manifold and the Quasi-Riemann manifold are given in 3N dimensional Euclid space and its l-order tangential space respectively. ─── 在3N 维 Euclid 空间及其一阶切空间中,分别给定Riemann 流形及准 Riemann 流形。

81、Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200 kpa. ─── 将液压控制管线压力减少到5200千帕。

82、Each gas manifold shall be constructed to provide semi-automatic switch over from in-use cylinders to online backup cylinders. ─── 使用的气瓶和备用气瓶之间有一个半自动调节阀来控制。

83、Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. ─── 只有聋子才珍惜听力,唯有瞎子才体会到能看见事物的种种幸福。

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