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10-02 投稿


mediatory 发音

英:[?mi?di?t??ri]  美:[?mi?d??t?ri]

英:  美:

mediatory 中文意思翻译



mediatory 词性/词形变化,mediatory变形

动词过去分词: mediatized |动词过去式: mediatized |动词现在分词: mediatizing |名词: mediatization |动词第三人称单数: mediatizes |

mediatory 相似词语短语

1、radiatory ─── 辐射的

2、predicatory ─── adj.宣言的;说教性的;断定的

3、deviatory ─── 离经叛道的(deviate的变体)

4、mediatorial ─── adj.调解的;仲裁的

5、mediator ─── n.调停者;传递者;中介物

6、mediators ─── n.介质;介体(mediator的复数);中介人;调解者

7、meditator ─── n.冥想者;沉思者;策划者

8、dedicatory ─── adj.献纳的;奉献的

9、mediately ─── 立即

mediatory 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、How, in medical practice, can the mediatory role of morals be brought about so as to harmonize the doctor-patient relationship ? ─── 在医疗实践中,如何发挥道德调节的作用,从而使医患关系由不和谐趋于和谐,由冲突走向融合。

2、The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue. ─── 斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。

3、mediatory acceptance of bribe ─── 斡旋受贿


5、Certified Public Accountant (CPA) is one of the most important parts among all kinds of mediatory agencies. ─── 注册会计师(CPA)是社会中介组织中的一个重要组成部分。

6、The constitution of mediatory acceptance of bribe has always been a problem at issue. ─── 斡旋受贿的构成一直是有争议的问题。

7、There has been mediatory tradition since ancient times in our country, and this kind of tradition has been extended for thousands of years. ─── 我国自古以来就有调解的传统,这种传统已有数千年的历史,在我国纠纷解决中发挥了重大的作用。

8、How, in medical practice, can the mediatory role of morals be brought about so as to harmonize the doctor-patient relationship ? ─── 在医疗实践中,如何发挥道德调节的作用,从而使医患关系由不和谐趋于和谐,由冲突走向融合。

9、A few remain sympathetic to the call from the Quartet, the international umbrella of Middle East mediatory, to return to negotiations. ─── 另一些顾问更倾向于接受国际负责中东调停的中东问题有关四方呼吁继续开始谈判。

10、Mediatory Effect ─── 中介

11、subject of can only be state officials, Retired personnel and family members who work for mediation is not the subject of Mediatory-bribe. ─── 的犯罪主体限定为国家工作人员,离退休人员及国家工作人员的家属不应是斡旋受贿罪的主体。

12、mediatory type ─── 介入型

13、Those who dissolve two negative is strong bottle, had better be to use masculine gender to come peacemaker, ining that case is namely become the man should pay responsibility to go mediatory. ─── 化解两阴性之冲斗,最好是用阳性来作和事老,然则即是做丈夫的要付责任去调停。

14、The mediatory effects of pneumococcal surface proteins on the adherence of bacteria to host cell in vitro ─── 肺炎链球菌表面蛋白在细菌体外粘附中的介导作用

15、After they go back to the motherland, before just knowing Hou Ji of article of the Kingdom of Wei to send envoy respectively, come mediatory, advisory both sides appeases flames of war. ─── 当他们回国后,才知道魏文侯己分别派使者前来调停,劝告双方平息战火。

16、The legislation of the crime of mediatory acceptance of bribe needs reconsideration. ─── 斡旋受贿的立法规定需要重新定位。

17、The video shot by Hamas militants was delivered to Israel through the efforts of Egyptian and German mediatory . ─── 这份录像是哈马斯激进组织所录并由在埃及和德国从中斡旋才得以送抵以色列。

18、Photography is inclusive in its mediatory role. ─── 摄影在其调解的角色中具有包容性。

19、calcium mediatory protein ─── 钙中介蛋白质

20、Analysis of Some Issues about Crime of Mediatory Acceptance of Bribe ─── 斡旋受贿犯罪若干问题探析

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