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Manchu 发音

英:[?m?nt?u?]  美:[m?n?t?u?]

英:  美:

Manchu 中文意思翻译




Manchu 网络释义

n. 满语;满族人adj. 满族的;满语的

Manchu 词性/词形变化,Manchu变形


Manchu 短语词组

1、Manchu Restoration ─── 满族复辟

2、Second Manchu invasion of Korea ─── 第二次满清入侵朝鲜

3、Manchu language ─── 满语

4、Manchu people in Taiwan ─── 台湾的满族

5、Manchu people ─── 满族

6、Manchu Wok ─── 满洲镬

7、Manchu dynasty ─── [网络] 清朝;满清帝国;满清

8、full manchu ─── 全满语

9、Transliterations of Manchu ─── 满语翻译

Manchu 相似词语短语

1、manatu ─── n.新西兰棉

2、man-hr ─── 人力资源

3、mancus ─── 曼库斯

4、manchet ─── n.精粉面包;n.(Manchet)(法)芒谢(人名)

5、manitu ─── 神灵;妖魔

6、Manchus ─── n.满族人(Manchu的复数)

7、manche ─── n.芒什省(法国省份);芒什海峡

8、Manchu ─── n.满语;满族人;adj.满族的;满语的

9、Branchus ─── n.支气管

Manchu 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Hui, Manchu and She nationalities use Han language, while others use their own spoken and written languages or Han. ─── 回族、满族和畲族通用汉语,其余各族使用自己的民族语言或汉语。

2、He supposed one of them announced the visit of the Manchu. ─── 他估量其中有一张是通知那位满清大员莅临的消息。

3、"Hoist the Greatest Sail to the Blue Sea: A Manchurian Scholar Guan Jixin and His Research Work". Shenyang: Studies of Manchu Nationality, No.3,2001, serial No. 64. pp.58-63. ─── “直挂云帆济沧海:当代满族学人关纪新的学术轨迹”,《满族研究》2001年3月号,第58~63页。沈阳。

4、The cheongsam, or Qipao in Chinese, is evolved from a kind of ancient clothing of Manchu ethnic minority. ─── 旗袍是从满族古老的服装演变而来的。

5、The Khalkha was subjected to Manchu domination. ─── 喀尔喀蒙古臣服于满洲人的统治。

6、Her aba is Manchu style, some parts procrastinate from neck extend to the ground, button of a halcyon buckles the plait edge of aba all the time from right shoulder. ─── 她的长袍是满族样式的,有些部分从脖颈拖延及地,一排翡翠钮扣从右肩一直扣到长袍的褶边。

7、The native Press at Shanghai reports, it is true, that the Manchu GENERAL TUNGFUHSIANG has been arrested and the VICEROY of CHI-LI delivered up to the Board of Punishments. ─── 就上海当地媒体报导,满州将军董福祥据传已被逮捕,直隶总督也上交刑部审理。

8、In words formation, some new words comes from adding Manchu ends to Mongolian or Chinese stems. ─── 在构词方面,在来源于蒙古语或汉语的词干上接续满语的构词词缀,构成新的词汇。

9、What she did not know was that the Manchu tribes had recently united and had risen up with such force that, invading China, they had deposed the tottering Ming dynasty. ─── 他还不知道,满族部落当时刚刚统而为一,积聚了无比强大的实力;他们侵入了中国,推倒了摇摇欲坠的明王朝。

10、The homophones and allophone is the very important phenomenon in Manchu nationality writing physique. ─── 摘要同音异相是满文形体学非常重要的现象。

11、The Researchers of Russia and Manchu Studies ─── 俄罗斯满学学者与满学研究

12、Anhui is a province of east-central China. It was made a separate province in the 17th century under the Manchu dynasty. Hefei is its capital with its population of 51,560,000. ─── 安徽中国中东部的一个省,17世纪满清王朝统治时成为独立的省份,合肥是其省会,有人口51560000。

13、Xinbin Manchu Autonomous County Tourism Bureau ─── 新宾满族自治县旅游局

14、As Manchu troops poured into northern China, many Ming loyalists escaped southwards, where they resisted the foreign invasion for over 20 years. ─── 当满洲军队进入北方时,许多效忠于明的人向南逃,并抵抗外族入侵超过20年。

15、Xiuyan Jade, produced by the world as "jade homespun" Anshan City in Liaoning Province Manchu Autonomous County of Xiuyan. ─── 岫岩玉,产自被世人誉为“玉乡”的辽宁省鞍山市岫岩满族自治县。

16、So to know and grasp the adverbial forms of verbs is essential for us to study grammar,verbs and adverbs of Manchu language. ─── 了解、掌握副动形式,对于满语语法的研究,以及满语动词、副词的探索,都具有重要意义。

17、Han Learning represented more than just an antiquarian quest.Its advocates cast doubt on the Confucian ideology enshrined by Manchu rulers when they legitimated imperial power. ─── 推崇汉代学术所代表的意义远远超过嗜古者的内容,它向因为皇权辩护而受到满洲统治者崇尚的儒家意识形态提出质疑。

18、With the Manchu genealogy as their main object, the authors combine the fieldwork with the textual analysis in this case study, trying to reveal the function of genealogy in the ethnic identity. ─── 本文以满族族谱为主要对象 ,将实地调查与文本分析相结合 ,尝试对族谱在民族认同中的功能进行个案研究。

19、Throughout their long reign, the Manchu leaders of the Qing dynasty strove to retain their own culture while adopting that of their subjects as well. ─── 在清朝满族的领导的长期统治下,他们尽量保留他们自己的文化和他们的学科。

20、His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. ─── 他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。

21、In our country the minorities of the Man-Tunguska branch include Manchu, Xibo, Elunchun, Ewenke and Hezhe. ─── 摘要我国的满-通古斯语族民族有满族、锡伯族、鄂伦春族、鄂温克族和赫哲族。

22、Traditional shamanistic rites with ethnic dress and customs have also been mostly abandoned, although some wedding and funeral ceremonies retain elements of Manchu rituals, Mr. ─── 在传统的萨满教习俗中,穿民族服装和很多习俗已经被抛弃了,尽管婚礼和葬礼的仪式还保留了满族的基础,赵先生说。

23、The paper thinks that Manchu did really affect Beijing pronunciation through analyzing the influence of pitch, stress and phoneme. ─── 本文从音高的影响、重的影响、素的影响进行了分析探讨,认为满语对北京语音确实有一定的影响。

24、In history, the Manchu ruled the country for less than 200 years. ─── 上,满族人统治这个国家不到200年。

25、He was devoted to the revolution about forty years. His aim was to liberate China from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. He had not met with result, but he was not discouraged at all. As a result, he accomplished his end in the long run. ─── 他致力革命凡四十年。他的目的是从清朝手里解放中國。他曾遭遇屡次的失败,但他却一点也不灰心。那是不需说的。结果,他终于达到目的。

26、The Appear of Goddess Stones is the symbol of the Manchu who seized power and held it throughout China. ─── 曹公借人参怕风吹雨打日晒,与绛珠草、林黛玉体貌相似这一特征,喻当时大清怯弱不堪的国体。

27、Jilin fog jobs snow sports Songhuahu Ula city Beishan Temple Kwan and Manchu Korean folk customs etc. ─── 吉林雾凇冰雪与桂林山水、云南石林、长江三峡并誉为中国四大自然奇观;

28、For many years, Manchu, Hezhe, Oroqen, Ewenki and other ethnic minorities living in northern areas of this piece. ─── 在这片神奇的土地上,有连绵起伏的大、小兴安岭;有沃野千里的松嫩平原;有气势磅礴的黑龙江、乌苏里江、松花江、嫩江水域;

29、It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people. ─── 据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。

30、as an exquisite Chinese clothing, originates from China's Manchu Nationality. ─── 是一种雅致的中国服饰,源于中国的满族。

31、Qi Gong,Manchu,is the contemporary celebrated calligrapher who was born in Beijing in 1912. ─── 启功,当代著名书法家,满族,一九一二年生于北京。

32、Upon its founding, the Republic of China declared itself a unified republic of the Han, Manchu, Mongol, Hui, Tibetan and other races. ─── 中华民国一经成立,即宣布它是合汉、满、蒙、回、藏等民族为一体的共和国。

33、Mao Changxi was one of the three Chinese ministers appointed to this Office, the other three being Manchu. ─── 毛昶熙是该衙门的三位汉族大臣之一,另外三位则为满族。

34、About the time Cromwell was leading army of artisans and peasants against the English Parliament, the whole area of cultivated land within the limits of the Manchu Empire was 130 million acres. ─── 大约在克伦威尔领导工匠和农民的军队同英国国会作战的时期,清帝国疆域内的全部耕地有八亿亩,人口则有七千万,土地问题显然已到了危机关头。

35、Qing palace tablets in Manchu and Chinese. ─── 图为清皇宫中,满文与汉字在一起的牌匾。

36、A Han, Hui, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan, Zhuang, soil, Miao, Daur, and other nationalities. ─── 有汉、回、满、蒙古、藏、壮、土、苗、达斡尔等民族。

37、But in short periods spoken Manchu has declined rapidly and it is near its death today. ─── 但在较短时间里,满语在这里却迅速衰退,时至今日将近消失。

38、The translation theory such as way and skill originated from practice directly guides the actual translation of Manchu and Chinese. ─── 在长期的满文翻译实践中形成的翻译方法、技巧等理论成果,直接指导着满汉翻译实践。

39、I am the Manchu people, from north-east of China! I love my nation! ! ─── 我是满族人,来自中国的东北!我热爱我的民族!!

40、In the political reform at the Late Qing, the sensitive and critical relation of Manchu and Han always serves as an important restrictive element. ─── 摘要在清末预备立宪的政治改革中,满汉关系极为敏感,至为关键,始终是一个重要制约因素。

41、Xuantong Emperor of the Manchu Qing dynasty, the last Emperor of China, abdicates. ─── 1912年的今天,中国的最后一位皇帝,满清的宣统皇帝(宣统皇帝,溥仪)退位。

42、At the behest of his mother, he sails downstream in a raft and comes to place known as Yilihada where he successfully stops an internecine war among three Manchu tribes and is voted the chieftain of all three. ─── 他遵照母亲的嘱咐,乘坐筏子顺流而下,来到依立哈达地方,平息了这里的战乱,结束了3个部族的械斗,被推举为三族的首领。

43、Only after an analysis, resea rch and survey of the generality and particularity can there be a comprehensive understanding of the historic development of Manchu. ─── 只有对一般和特殊情况进行分析研究、考察了解,才能全面把握满文发展的历程轨迹。

44、I'll get one of the Manchu clerks to look at it and write down the Chinese words beside these squiggles. ─── 我拿去叫满洲师爷认了出来,注上咱们的中国字,就知道图中写的是甚么了。

45、In the Qing Dynasty a large number of lexicons of Manchu and Mongol were compiled and published, and these variously distinguish themselves for their scope, editing principles or complexity. ─── 摘要清代编纂了大量的满蒙文音序词典,无论是数量篇幅上,还是编纂体例、语种文种的复杂多样等都颇具特色。

46、His aim was to liberate from the hands of the Manchu Dynasty. ─── 他的目的是清朝手里解放中??。

47、A few others in Sanjiazi speak a bit of Manchu. ─── 三家子村还有几个人可以说一点满语。

48、Remember, just because Han, Manchu, Mongol are now in the same family NOW doesn't mean they were few hundred years ago. ─── 但是其他的汉文化我们是很热爱很敬佩的,要不当时已经统一中国的清朝皇帝为什么要知道汉化,连语言都改说汉语呢?

49、Manchu, which has been defined as an endangering language by Chinese linguistics circle, attracts broad attention from the academic world at home and abroad. ─── :满语已被我国语言学界确认为濒危语言 ,并受到国内外学术界及社会的广泛关注。

50、There are-sa/-s /-so in Manchu which belongs to the syllable type of Jurchen,but-so can not be found in the exiting stone of Jurchen big characters. ─── 与女真语-sa/-s同属一类的有满洲语-sa/-s/-so,-so不见于现存女真大字石刻中。

51、The rise of the Manchu in the 17th century culminated in the founding of the last feudal dynasty in Chinese history, the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). ─── 公元十七世纪,满族崛起,建立中国历史上最后一个封建王朝--清朝(1644-1911年)。

52、In the summer of 1689 Russian and Manchu delegations met at Nerchinsk. ─── 1689年夏,俄国和清廷的代表在涅尔琴斯克(尼布楚)会面。

53、Originally a broad sleeved baggy robe, it was worn by Manchu women. Its origins can be traced back further to mens clothing. ─── 旗袍是满州妇女所穿的服装,其宽袍大袖的设计可追溯到当时的男士服装。

54、The biggest ancient city ruins like Fenglin old city, the artillery Taishan ruins group in Shuangyashan, these remains is the Manchu nationality ancestors scoops up Lou to construct. ─── 最大的古城遗址如凤林古城、炮台山遗址群都在双鸭山市,这些遗存是满族先祖挹娄所建。

55、Ms Zhao grew up speaking Manchu. ─── 赵女士从小就说满语。

56、Grand, magnificent and modest, the main hall of Pudu Temple claims its uniqueness in Beijing through its distinctive architectural style of Manchu. ─── 普度寺大殿宏伟、壮丽、古朴,专家说,带有如此鲜明满族风格的建筑在北京是极少见的。

57、At today's evening party, she is dressed in splendid Manchu attire. ─── 今天在晚会上,她穿了一身漂亮的旗装。

58、That's why all the people he dispatched here were Manchu. ─── 所以他派来的都是满族人。

59、It was at this point that all of China came under Manchu rule, but an undercurrent of Chinese resentment of the Manchus lingered throughout the life of the dynasty. ─── 在中国南部有着大量的抵抗势力,它们一直维持到了十七世纪八十年代。

60、The Manchu empire collapsed a year later. ─── 一年后,满清帝国土崩瓦解。

61、Represent eight banners of the Manchu people. ─── 就代表了满族的八旗。

62、The imitation wool "wrinkle resistant tie, " shrunk by the water, was thin and twisted like an old man's pigtail in manchu times. ─── 那根充羊毛的“不皱领带”,给水洗得缩了,瘦小蜷曲,像前清老人的辫子。

63、We want to see an authentic peace drum performance by the Manchu ethnicity. ─── 我们想看原汁原味的满族太平鼓表演。

64、Snow and ice sculpture in Harbin dates back to Manchu times, but the first organized show was held in 1963, and the annual festival itself only started in 1985. ─── 哈尔滨的冰雪雕刻要追溯到满清时期,而第一次组织展览是在1963年,每年的冰雪节则是从1985年开始的。

65、The nationalism against Manchu in the Xin-hai Revolutionis a controversial topic. ─── 摘要辛亥革命时期的“排满”民族主义是颇具争议的话题。

66、Xiu Jade Industry was the characteristics industry and a mainstay of the Manchu autonomous county economy. ─── 岫玉产业是我国辽宁省岫岩满族自治县的特色产业和县域经济的支柱产业。

67、The paper analyzed and introduced the characteristics and types of these two kinds of folk narrative poem in Bi-language of Manchu and Chinese. ─── 本文对升官图与子弟书这两种满汉双语民间叙事诗的特点和类型进行了分析介绍。

68、Partly because of these qualities and partly because of the decay of Manchu rule, the Westerners, instead of being absorbed by the Chinese, introduced new ideas which played an important part in stimulating ferment and unrest. ─── 一部分由于这些品质,一部分由于清朝统治的衰落,西方人不但没有被中国融化,而且介绍了许多新思想进来,这些新思想发生了重要作用,激起了骚动和不安。”

69、A province of east-central China. It was made a separate province in the17th century under the Manchu dynasty. Hefei is the capital. Population,51, 560, 000. ─── 安徽中国中东部的一个省,17世纪满清王朝统治时成为独立的省份,合肥是其省会。人口51,560,000

70、Finally, a Manchu invasion ended the Ming regime. ─── 最终,满族的入侵结束了明朝的统治。

71、However, a wife of one of the conquering Manchu generals rescued the boy and brought him to visit a Buddhist temple where his father happened to be working. ─── 恽寿平的父亲碰巧在这家寺庙出家,两个人就这样奇迹般地团圆了。

72、The history destines me to escort him to return to the Manchu Dynasty,history to already write good! ─── 历史注定我要护送他回到清朝,历史早已写好!

73、The bearer of the Edict was Kang Xi's maternal uncle, Tong Guogang, a Manchu Bannerman, though he was in fact of pure Chinese descent. (His sister, the late Empress Kang, was Kang Xi's mother. ─── 定是这些罗刹兵中国话说得不好,把皇上听得胡里胡涂,惹得他生气。”将教授罗刹兵华语的几名师爷叫来,痛骂一顿。

74、There were particularities as well as commonalities of human society for Manchu of the Ming Dynasty in the transition from the clannish society to the civilized society. ─── 明代女真人由氏族社会进入文明社会的历程有其特殊性,但也有许多人类社会的共性。

75、Visit cultural landscape and the natural landscape at the same time, you can also participate in recreational activities with Manchu characteristics. ─── 参观人文景观与自然景观的同时,您还可参与具有满族特色的娱乐活动。

76、The far bank was ruled by a more powerful prince, a Manchu, whose army had firearms and who drank from gold cups. ─── 再远的岸则由一个更厉害的王子统治,他是满族人,他的军队有火器,他们喝酒的杯子是金子作的。

77、Presumably of foot-binding consuetudinary it is at the beginning of Qing Dynasty not popular, of quiet day royal the world that is Mongolia and Manchu, general emperor is Manchu, empress is Mongolia. ─── 想来裹脚的习俗在清初并不流行,清朝的皇家是蒙古和满族人的天下,一般皇帝是满族人,皇后就是蒙古人。

78、Hostilities alternated with negotiations until agreement was reached between Elliot and Qishan(Keshen), the Manchu Commissioner who had replaced Lin after the latter was exiled in disgrace over the preliminaries of a treaty. ─── 双方且谈且战,直至义律与琦善达成协议。林则徐在双方初步谈判失败后遭撤职,由琦善接任钦差大臣。

79、And in more recent time, look at Manchuria: it was thickly forested until the collapse of the Qing Dynasty because the Manchu did not allow other peoples to settle there. ─── 再看看更近时期的满洲(中国东北部旧称-译者著):在清朝灭亡之前那里一直树林茂密,这是因为满族禁止其它族群在那里定居。

80、It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for language and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people. ─── 据说这个男孩,有语言天赋和说服力,是满族人的祖先。

81、It is said that the boy, who had a great gift for language and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people . ─── 据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,他具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。

82、His thought, establish from Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty till Manchu Dynasty last years of the period China feudalistic society of the Rite cure mode of thought foundation. ─── 他的思想,奠定了从秦汉到晚清中国封建社会的礼治模式的思想基础。

83、January 18, this reporter walked into the collection process Lihong scene, like entering a centuries-old history of the Manchu customs. ─── 1月18日,记者走进李红的藏品整理现场,就像走进了几百年的满族风情史。

84、Meanwhile, it is an old special phenomenon, for it preserves the primitive wild gods which have almost disappeared in other names of Manchu. ─── 同时,石姓穆昆的信仰体系又是古老的特殊现象,因为它保留了满族原始的野神祭祀神灵,这种信仰对象在其他满族姓氏中基本消失。

85、Under Manchu rule the empire grew to include a larger area than before or since; Taiwan, the last outpost of anti-Manchu resistance, was also incorporated into China for the first time. ─── 在满洲人的统治下,清朝的统治范围超过了它之前的任何一个朝代,反清势力的最后一个前沿,台湾,也第一次被纳入中国领土的版图。

86、Just as the other disciplines,how to use grey literature is also exits in Manchu studies. ─── 和其他学科专业一样,满语研究也面临着如何使用灰色文献问题。

87、Ming upstairs tombstone, with Manchu, Mongolian, Han Emperor Temple name engraved text. ─── 明楼上有墓碑,用满、蒙、汉文字刻着皇帝的庙号。

88、It can be used in word processing softwares under UNIX, LINUX, MAC and WINDOWS operating system, provided the manchu font is installed properly. ─── 可用于unix,linux,Mac,Windows等操作系统,只需在这些操作系统中安装满文字体,就能在各种文档处理软件中自由编辑。

89、By the age of 20, Kang Xi has been the Emperor of Manchu Qing Dynasty for 13 years. ─── 20岁的时候,康熙已经做了13年的清朝皇帝。

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