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10-02 投稿


metallized 发音

英:[?met??la?zd]  美:[?met??la?zd]

英:  美:

metallized 中文意思翻译




metallized 词性/词形变化,metallized变形


metallized 短语词组

1、metallized glass ─── 喷镀金属膜玻璃,敷金属玻璃

2、metallized area ─── [计] 金属化区

3、metallized film capacitor ─── 金属薄膜电容器

4、metallized capacitor ─── 镀金属电容器

5、metallized screen ─── 金属薄膜屏

6、metallized film ─── 金属化膜

7、metallized bladder ─── 金属化膀胱

8、Metallized Ceramic-Quad Flat Pack ─── 金属化陶瓷-曲平包装

9、metallized fiber ─── 金属涂层纤维

10、metallized polypropylene ─── 金属化聚丙烯

11、metallized plastic ─── 镀金属塑料

12、metallized dye ─── [化] 金属配位染料

13、metallized paper ─── 敷金属纸

14、metallized film capacitors ─── 金属化薄膜电容器

15、metallized fibers ─── 金属化纤维

16、Metallized Ceramic-Pin Grid Array ─── 金属化陶瓷-Pin网格阵列

17、metallized milk ─── [医] 金属强化乳

metallized 相似词语短语

1、metallised ─── 镀有金属膜的

2、metalize ─── v.给……包薄金属层;(使)具有金属形状(或外表)(等于metallize)

3、metabolized ─── vt.使新陈代谢;使变形;vi.新陈代谢

4、metalized ─── v.给……包薄金属层;(使)具有金属形状(或外表)(等于metallize)

5、metalizes ─── v.给……包薄金属层;(使)具有金属形状(或外表)(等于metallize)

6、metallize ─── v.给……包裹金属层,用金属涂层或处理;使金属化

7、metallizes ─── v.给……包裹金属层,用金属涂层或处理;使金属化

8、metallide ─── 金属化物

9、metalled ─── adj.碎石铺面的

metallized 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Plastics don't rust like metal. ─── 塑胶不像金属那样会生锈。

2、The jack housing includes an electrically non-conductive substrate metallized with a metal shield layer. ─── 插座外壳包括利用金属屏蔽层进行金属化的不导电衬底。

3、That is UV metallized in glossy silver. ─── 这是在紫外线金属光泽的银。

4、The relative degree of mixture with a base metal; fineness. ─── 成色,纯度和基本金属的相对混合程度; 纯度

5、An open framework made of strips of metal, wood, or similar material overlapped or overlaid in a regular, usually crisscross pattern. ─── 格构开放式格架,由金属片。木片或相类似原料搭叠成格状,通常用交叉方式构成

6、Castellation A series of ribs and metallized indentations that defines edge contact regions. ─── 一系列圆拱和金属缺口,定义了边缘接触区域。

7、A typical piezoelectric sensor comprises a disk of PZT-5A ceramic material with metallized electrodes on its surfaces. ─── 一个典型的压电传感器由表面上金属化电极的PZT-5A陶瓷材料组成。

8、The metal was submitted to analysis. ─── 对该金属进行了分析。

9、Metallic powder coatings are powder coatings with a metallic or metallized effect. ─── 金属粉末涂料是指含有金属或金属效果的粉末涂料。

10、All the material used is the non- metal. ─── 所用的材料都是非金属。

11、He hammered out the dents in the metal sheet. ─── 他把金属板上的一些凹痕敲掉或敲平了。

12、Don't touch that cold metal with bare hands, or your skin will stick to it. ─── 不要用手直接摸那块冰冷的金属,否则会沾掉你手上的皮。

13、Aluminium was slowly wedging its way in the metal market. ─── 当时铝正在慢慢地挤入金属市场。

14、On reaching welding heat, the metal surfaces are pressed together. ─── 当金属表面达到焊接热度时就会压在一起。

15、A metal stand with short feet, used under a hot dish on a table. ─── 三脚撑,三脚铁扒一种有三条短腿的金属支架,用于在餐桌上放热菜

16、Banded or trimmed with brass or a similar metal, such as bronze. ─── 包黄铜的用黄铜或其他类似金属,如青铜包住或镶嵌的

17、A small ingot of nonferrous metal. ─── 小型的非金属铸块

18、She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula. ─── 她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料。

19、The workman flatten a piece of metal by hammer it. ─── 工匠将一块金属锤平。

20、The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of. ─── 一枚钱币的内在价值是造这枚钱币的金属的价值。

21、The frame of the umbrella is made of metal. ─── 伞的骨架是金属制的。

22、Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets? ─── 我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗?

23、He made the wire fast to the metal ring. ─── 他把这根铁丝紧系在金属圈上。

24、They melted down metal scrap. ─── 他们把废金属熔化掉。

25、He shook a sheet of metal to simulate the noise of thunder. ─── 他摇动一块金属薄片来模拟雷声。

26、The opposing su*ces of the beryllium oxide are metallized and soldered to the die and heat spreader, respectively. ─── 氧化铍相对表面是金属化的,并分别焊接到管芯和散热器上。

27、Mammoth machines are always made of ferrous metal. ─── 大型机械的材质一般是黑色金属。

28、Alloys will not have the same properties as pure metal. ─── 合金没有纯金属所具有的同样的性能。

29、To transform a metal into a mineral by oxidation. ─── 使矿化通过氧化使金属转化为一种无机物

30、A metal cover or cowl for a hearth or stove. ─── 排风罩用于炉床或炉子的金属盖或罩

31、The invention relates to a method of producing metallized pellet by deoxidizing a vanadium titanium magnetite via a non-tank tunnel kiln. ─── 本发明涉及一种用无罐隧道窑还原钒钛磁铁矿生产金属化球团的方法。

32、A closed metal vessel having a spigot and used for warming or serving tea or coffee. ─── 壶封闭的有塞的金属容器,用于加热或端茶或咖啡

33、The capacity of a material, such as plastic or metal, to return to a previous shape after deformation. ─── 弹性,恢复能力物质变形后恢复原来形状的能力,如塑料或金属

34、Do you know the cause of bad losing metal? ─── 你知道酸腐蚀金属的原因吗?

35、The roofer is patching the roof with metal. ─── 屋面防水工在用铁皮修补屋顶。

36、He sank the metal rod in before the concrete set. ─── 他在混凝土凝固之前把金属棒插了进去。

37、Putting an acid and a metal together causes a reaction. ─── 将酸和金属放在一起会引起反应。

38、A large drinking bowl or goblet made of metal or hard wood. ─── 大酒碗用金属或硬木做成的大酒碗或酒杯

39、The principal metal in an alloy, as the iron in steel. ─── 合金中的主要金属,例如钢中的铁

40、A light, sharp ringing sound, as of glass or metal. ─── 叮当声轻快、清脆的铃声,如玻璃或金属发出的声音

41、An oven thermometer uses a metal strip. ─── 加热炉用金属丝作为温度计。

42、They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press. ─── 他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。

43、A figure or design carved into or beneath the surface of hard metal or stone. ─── 凹雕; 阴文刻在坚硬的金属或石头表面上的图形或图案

44、The coating can be applied to any coated paperboard substrate, including foil or metallized laminates. ─── 该涂料可用于任何基材涂布白纸板,包括金属箔或金属复合材料。

45、Because large sum of metal money is heaved and inconvenient to handle, government issue paper money. ─── 因为大量金属货币使用起来笨重不方便,政府便发行了纸币。

46、The process, material ratio and mainly technical specifications of product in metallized chiaware dope are studied. ─── 介绍了陶瓷金属化涂料的工艺路线,原料配比、产品主要技术指标。

47、Molten metal is poured back into the moulds. ─── 已熔的金属被倒回注入到铸模里。

48、A metal plate attached to the sole of a shoe for protection, as when spading ground. ─── 底铁装在鞋后跟上起保护作用的一块铁片,如用铲子挖地时

49、A removable metal covering for an engine, especially an aircraft engine. ─── 整流罩发动机尤指飞机引擎的可以活动的金属罩

50、The outer metal shell or case of a bullet. ─── 弹壳子弹的金属外壳或金属外层

51、A small metal knob on the muzzle of a firearm, such as a rifle, used for sighting. ─── 准星枪炮口上,瞄准用的小圆金属突起,如来福枪上的准星

52、A die plate for flattening metal into strips, as in the manufacture of watch springs. ─── 扁条拉模一种用来拉平钢条的模板,如用于生产手表发条的模板

53、We will use metal strap to reinforce the outside. ─── 我们会在纸箱外用金属带加固。

54、Mathematical models for the structure design and thermal computation of the metallized film capacitors are established. ─── 建立了有机薄膜电容器结构设计和热计算的数学模型。

55、A thin disk of or resembling metal. ─── 一种金属或似金属制的薄碟

56、I do not know why acid corrodes the metal. ─── 我不知道酸为什么腐蚀金属。

57、A percussion instrument consisting of a piece of metal in the shape of a triangle open at one angle. ─── 三角铁一种打击乐器,由一块三角形的金属构成,在三角形的一个角开口

58、You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. ─── 切割金属需用强劲的锯。

59、Application : This machine is designed for spraying the round metallized film capacitors with Zinc or Zinc Tin alloy. ─── 产品用途:适用于圆形金属化薄膜电容器芯子的喷金,喷锌或喷锌锡合金皆可。

60、A small earthenware or metal cooking pot. ─── 小瓦锅,小金属锅一种小的陶制或金属的烧饭菜用锅

61、She wore a metal splint on one leg. ─── 她的一条腿上上了金属夹板。

62、The aeroplane wing showed signs of metal fatigue. ─── 机翼显出有金属疲劳的现象。

63、Such a projectile in a metal casing; a cartridge. ─── 弹药(筒)装在金属盒中的射弹。弹药

64、end-spraying contact is very important for metallized film capacitor, especially under high electric field pulse condition. ─── 喷金层的端部接触对金属化膜脉冲电容器整体的质量非常重要。

65、The worker bedded metal plates together. ─── 工人把几块金属板平放在一起。

66、A strip of material, as of ribbon or leather, or a metal clamp, that is placed between the pages of a book to mark the reader's place. ─── 标签一束如带子、皮革或金属压板等物质的长条,放在书页之间以标志读者读到的地方

67、They tried to purge metal of dross. ─── 他们试图清除金属熔化时浮升表面的渣滓。

68、He filed away at the metal bar. ─── 他不停地锉着金属棒。

69、In graphical processes, the use of acid to bite an image in to a metal plate. ─── 在图形处理技术中,用酸在金属板上腐蚀出图象的处理方法。

70、They poured the hot metal into the mould. ─── 他们把熔化了的金属倒进模子里。

71、He has solved the question why acids eat in metal. ─── 他已经解决了酸腐蚀金属的问题。

72、In this paper metallized conductive fibers are discussed on their conductive theory, produced methods, applied fields and development. ─── 本文综述了金属化导电纤维的导电原理、制备方法、应用领域及发展概况。

73、Mathematical models for the structure design and thermal computation of the metallized film capacitors are established. ─── 建立了有机薄膜电容器结构设计和热计算的数学模型。

74、He made fast the rope to the metal ring. ─── 他把绳子紧紧地绑在那金属圈上。

75、We can use plastics in place of wood or metal. ─── 我们可用塑料来代替木材或金属。

76、A metal or metal-tipped spear, about 2.5 meters in length, used in contests of distance throwing. ─── 标枪一种用于投掷距离的比赛的金属的或带金属尖端的长矛,长约2.5米。

77、In severe cold, your fingers can freeze onto metal handles, so be sure to cover your hands. ─── 严寒时,你的手指会冻粘在金属把手上,所以一定要戴手套。

78、A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab. ─── 拉链由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物

79、He made the rope fast to the metal ring. ─── 他把这根绳子紧系在金属圈上。

80、He picked up the hot metal with a pair of tongs. ─── 他用一把钳子夹起这块热金属。

81、A shallow, wide, open container, usually of metal and without a lid, used for holding liquids, cooking, and other domestic purposes. ─── 平底锅一种浅、宽而且敞口的容器,常用金属制成并且没有盖子,用来盛液体、烹调和其它家用

82、They divined metal on the mountain. ─── 他们用占卜杖在山上探测金属。

83、They recycle empty tins so as to use the metal. ─── 他们回收空罐头盒以利用其金属。

84、A metal box for holding tinder. ─── 引火盒一种装引火物的金属盒子

85、Cowards are not made of the same metal as heroes. ─── 懦夫与英雄本质不同。

86、The sound produced by or as if by bits of metal striking together. ─── 叮当声有金属片相互撞击而发出的声音或象由其发出的声音

87、Large-scale enterprises in Hong Kong, professional metallized film capacitor manufacturers have CBB. ─── 大型港企,专业的金属化薄膜电容厂家,有CBB。

88、In former times it was thought that ordinary metal could be transmuted into gold. ─── 古时认为一般金属能变成黄金。

89、She knows why the metal is the good conductor. ─── 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。

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