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10-02 投稿


macadamize 发音

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macadamize 中文意思翻译



macadamize 网络释义

vt. 以碎石铺路,在路面铺设碎石;简易地铺装

macadamize 词性/词形变化,macadamize变形


macadamize 相似词语短语

1、macadamiser ─── 澳洲坚果酱

2、macadamia ─── n.[植]澳洲坚果树;夏威夷果

3、macadamizer ─── 澳洲坚果

4、macadamises ─── 澳洲坚果

5、macadamized ─── vt.以碎石铺路,在路面铺设碎石;简易地铺装

6、macadamise ─── vt.用碎石筑(路)

7、macadamizes ─── vt.以碎石铺路,在路面铺设碎石;简易地铺装

8、macadamias ─── n.夏威夷果(macadamia的复数)

9、macadamised ─── 澳洲坚果

macadamize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Investigation of reflective cracking and stress analysis for overlay structure with large-size asphalt macadam ─── 大粒径沥青碎石加铺层结构反射裂缝调查及应力分析

2、4. The paper analyzed the condition of cement stability macadam crack, introduced the technical measures of reducing pavement shrinkage and temperature contraction for reference. ─── 分析了水泥稳定砂砾(石)出现路面开裂现象,介绍了减少路面干缩和温缩的技术措施,并提出怎样兼顾混合料的强度和抗裂性的要求。

3、bituminous macadam ─── 柏油路

4、Microstructure Analysis of Lime-fly Ash Stabilized Bound Macadam with High-temperature Curing and Standard Curing ─── 二灰稳定碎石高温养生与标准养生的微结构分析

5、An Analysis on Effecting Factors Cement Stabilized Macadam Base Strength ─── 影响水泥稳定碎石混合料基层强度的因素分析

6、Macadam pier dynamically compacted ─── 强夯碎石墩

7、large-sized cement stabilized macadam ─── 大粒径抗裂水稳

8、Combined with the practice,the paper introduced mix design,mixing,transportation,rolling and quality control of expressway cement gradation macadam. ─── 介绍了湖北随岳高速公路水泥稳定级配碎石的配比设计、拌和、运输、碾压的施工工艺及质量控制。

9、Abstract : skeleton-dense cement stabilized macadam have high strength but low shrinkage cracks. ─── 摘要 :骨架密实型水泥稳定碎石能够提高基层强度,改善基层裂缝。

10、Construction Technology of Ash - Lime - Bound Macadam Pavement Foundation of Jing - shen Freeway ─── 京沈高速公路路面二灰碎石基层的施工工艺

11、Compared with macadam performance, slag owns high strength and better combination with lime and fly-ash, so they can be used in road construction. ─── 本文用电镜等手段对其进行了微观分析;

12、Cement - stabilized macadam base ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层

13、cement stabilized macadam pile ─── 水泥碎石桩

14、-- scramble up and down at macadam along the Great Wall on the ridge was very difficult. ─── --沿着长城走并不轻松,要踩着碎石艰难地翻越一座座山头。

15、Joint filling 48 hours after macadamize, use the mixture of cement and crushed sand with 1:0.5 to fill, after that, use the water to clean roughly the tile surface. ─── 铺装48小时后进行填缝,用水泥与石粉以1:0 . 5的比例确实填满砖缝,并确实地把砖面用清水清洗干净。

16、macadam compaction pile ─── 挤密碎石桩

17、During the macadamize process, attention to the flatting combination layer reverse mortar, if there are some polluted tile, please use the water to clean at once. ─── 铺装时注意找平结合层砂浆反浆,如有污染砖面应马上用水清洗干净。

18、With biographical notes by John Macadam. ─── 作者声明: by Gordon Anthony.

19、cement emulsified asphalt stabilized macadam ─── 水泥-乳化沥青稳定碎石

20、Study on design solution to semi-rigid asphalt pavement with flexible base (grading macadam) ─── 具有柔性基层(级配碎石)的半刚性沥青路面设计方法的研究

21、The Design and Construction of Bituminous Macadam Overlay of Pavement with Rubber Powder ─── 橡胶粉沥青碎石罩面路面设计与施工

22、Analysis of Road Usage Performance Test for Asphalt Stabilized Macadam with Dense and Coarse Gradation ─── 密实型粗级配沥青稳定碎石路用性能试验分析

23、Research on Dry Shrinkage Deformation Properties of Cement-Stabilized Macadam Base Course Materials ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层材料干缩及影响因素分析

24、Matters need attention in construction of cement stable macadam base ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层施工中应注意的问题

25、cement-lime-fly ash stabilized bound macadam ─── 水泥-二灰稳定碎石

26、Causes of Crevices in Diad Ashes Macadam Foundation Layer and Its Preventive Measures ─── 二灰碎石基层裂缝的原因及防治措施

27、Controlling for Base Course Material Construction of Lime-flash Stablized Macadam Road ─── 二灰稳定碎石路面基层材料施工技术控制

28、Test Study on Dry Shrinkage Deformation Properties of Cement-stabilized Macadam Base Course Materials ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层材料干缩变形特性的试验研究

29、Use level survey to mark the paving design elevation of the cement stabilized macadam with obvious mark on indication piles both sides. ─── 利用水准测量,在两侧指示桩上用明显标记标出,水泥稳定碎石的铺筑设计标高。

30、The Notability Analysis of the Effect Factors to Lime Fly Ash Bound Macadam's Early Compression Strength ─── 二灰碎石早期强度影响因素的显著性分析

31、The research of the structure of the base with gap filling macadam ─── 填隙碎石路面基层结构的研究

32、After experiment,we made a lot initial clinical applications and got ideal macadam effect. ─── 并在此基础上进行了初步的临床应用,获得了理想的碎石效果。

33、manual pore-forming compaction macadam pile ─── 人工成孔夯实碎石桩

34、forced compaction macadam pier ─── 强夯置换碎石墩

35、tamping macadam compaction pier ─── 夯实碎石挤密墩

36、surface with macadam, of a road. ─── 在路的表面用碎石覆盖。

37、large particle asphalt stabilized macadam ─── 大粒径沥青稳定碎石

38、Performance comparison of asphalt macadam mixtures based on different molding methods ─── 基于不同成型方法的沥青碎石混合料性能对比

39、cement stabilized macadam soil ─── 水泥稳定碎石土

40、vibrating macadam pile ─── 振冲碎石桩

41、Analysis on bearing capacity of compound foundation of manual pore-forming compaction macadam pile ─── 人工成孔夯实碎石桩复合地基承载力分析

42、Orthogonal experiment research on cement stabilized aeolian sand and macadam base course ─── 水泥稳定风积砂碎石基层正交试验研究

43、cement-fly-ash stabilized macadam ─── 水泥粉煤灰稳定碎石

44、Shrinkage nature of the macadam stabilized by cement ─── 水泥稳定碎石收缩性能研究

45、Keywords : Cement-stabilized macadam; ─── 关键词 :水泥稳定碎石 级配组成;

46、Trial Study on Influence Factors of Cement-Stabilized Macadam Strength ─── 水泥稳定碎石强度影响因素的试验研究

47、Construction Process of Dry-vibrating Macadam Pile Used in Soft Soil Subgrade Treatment ─── 干振碎石桩在软土路基处治中的施工工艺

48、Test Research on Influential Factor for Shrinkage Performance of Cement-treated Macadam Base ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层收缩性能影响因素试验研究

49、The paper mainly expounds essentials for control of cement-stabilized macadam base for construction. ─── 主要阐述了水泥稳定碎石基层施工控制的要点。

50、It is found by comparing trial results that curing temperature has influence on strength and shrinkage performance of cement-stabilized macadam. ─── 比较这2种养生温度下的试验结果发现:养生温度对水泥稳定碎石的强度及收缩性能均有影响;

51、anti-crack cement stabilization macadam ─── 抗裂水泥稳定碎石

52、Reason Analysis and Control of Segregation in Cement Stabilized Macadam Base Course Construction ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层施工中离析问题原因及防治

53、synchronous macadam seal ─── 同步碎石封层

54、Analysis of Construction Technique for Experiment Section of Cement Stabilized Macadam Base on Dan- Ben Freeway ─── 丹本高速公路水泥稳定碎石基层实验段施工技术分析

55、Theory of consolidating soft foundation by dryly-vibrated macadam piles and exploration of construction technology ─── 干振碎石桩加固软基的原理及施工工艺探讨

56、Curing and constructing for cement-stabilized macadam under the condition of lower temperature is benefit to improve its crack resistance. ─── 低温条件下养生、施工有利于改善水泥稳定碎石基层材料的抗裂性能。

57、Mix Ratio Optimization Design of Cement Stabilized Macadam Based on Static Pressure Method and Vibration Method ─── 水泥稳定碎石混合料配合比的优化

58、Cement - stabilized graded macadam ─── 水泥稳定级配碎石

59、Investigation on Deformation and Its Influencing Factors of Cement-stabilized Macadam Base ─── 水泥稳定碎石变形性能及其影响因素

60、compared to semi-rigid base, asphalt stabilized macadam base mostly increases the portion of compaction, and the portion of shear flow is almost unchanged. ─── 上面层不同级配形式对混合料的抗车辙能力有显著影响;

61、Experiment Research on Temperature Contraction Performance of Cement Stabilized Macadam and Application ─── 水泥稳定碎石温缩性能试验研究及工程应用

62、Research on Crack Resistance of Cement Stabilized Macadam Base Course ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层的抗裂稳定性研究

63、Construction technology and quality control of cement stabilized grades macadam base ─── 水泥稳定级配碎石基层的施工工艺及质量控制

64、Gradation Composition of Cement-Stabilized Macadam Based on Dry Shrinkage Deformation Properties ─── 基于干缩变形特性的水泥稳定碎石级配组成

65、By the Finite Element Method,deflection and stress of asphalt pavement structure with the poor emulsification asphalt stabilized macadam base for the country highways are calculated and analyzed. ─── 利用有限元法,对设置贫乳化沥青稳定碎石柔性基层的农村公路沥青路面结构的弯沉和应力,进行了计算分析。

66、But the dry shrinkage property of cement stabilized macadam is relatively high, the property of base will be influenced if dry shrinkage wouldn't be well controlled to produce easily cracks. ─── 但是水泥稳定碎石的收缩性较大,施工时若控制不好容易产生裂缝,使基层的性能受到影响。

67、lime-fly ash macadam base course ─── 二灰碎石基层

68、Dry Shrinkage Property of Lime-fly-ash Bound Macadam Joined with Steel Slag ─── 掺钢渣二灰碎石的干缩性能

69、It's sunday today. Without taking photos yestorday, great changes could be seen today: bituminous macadam was paved already. ─── 星期日,就差昨天没拍,今天就看到了翻天覆地的变化:柏油路面已经铺上了。

70、The article puts forward a view about how to determine the optimum content of lime-flyash mixture and how to reach the highest strength of the lime-flyash macadam base. ─── 本文对如何确定二灰碎石中石灰与粉煤灰的比例关系,如何使二灰碎石能够达到最高强度提出自己的见解,以便在今后设计、施工中达到防范于未然作用。

71、MacAdam ellipses ─── MacAdam椭圆

72、fly-ash and lime stabilized macadam ─── 二灰碎石

73、cement and emulsified asphalt stabilized macadam ─── 乳化沥青-水泥稳定碎石材料

74、Technology for Improving the Performance of Bitumen Macadam Bottom Layer ─── 提高沥青碎石底面层性能的施工工艺

75、Next moment his nose was buried in the macadam and his right knee was out through his torn garment. ─── 不一会儿,他在碎石路上跌了个狗吃屎,裤子撕破,露出了右腿的膝盖。

76、The modified porous riverbed model was constructed of gravel and bionic filler;and the other porous riverbed model constructed of macadam was tested as a contrast. ─── 官家滑坡是一个典型的碎石土滑坡,这类滑坡在我国南方地区广泛发育,地下水是影响碎石土边坡变形和稳定性的重要因素。

77、lime-flash stabilized macadam ─── 二灰稳定碎石

78、Techniques for Construction in Hole of Tunnel with Macadam Sand Clay Formed from Strong Weathering-Breaking Talus Slope ─── 强风化破碎坡积松散碎石砂土岭隧道进洞施工技术

79、XIE Xiao-guang,WANG Zhe-ren.Research on dynamic deformation characteristic of asphalt macadam mixture[J].China Journal of Highway and Transport,2006,19(2):24-30. ─── [2]解晓光,王哲人.沥青碎石混合料动力变形特性研究[J].中国公路学报,2006,19(2):24-30.

80、CCement - stabilized macadam ─── 水泥稳定碎石

81、dry vibration macadam pile ─── 干振碎石桩

82、Construction Technology Control and Quality Assurance Counter Measure of Cement Stabilization Macadam Base ─── 水泥稳定碎石基层施工工艺控制与质量保障对策

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