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10-02 投稿


Melanesia 发音

英:[?mel??niz???r]  美:[?mel??ni???; ?mel??ni?zi?]

英:  美:

Melanesia 中文意思翻译



Melanesia 网络释义

n. 美拉尼西亚(西南太平洋群岛)

Melanesia 相似词语短语

1、melanising ─── 熔化

2、melanosity ─── n.面黝黑

3、Melanesia ─── n.美拉尼西亚(西南太平洋群岛)

4、melanuria ─── 忧郁症

5、melanistic ─── [生物]带黑色的

6、Melanesian ─── n.美拉尼西亚;adj.美拉尼西亚的

7、melanosis ─── n.黑变病;[皮肤]黑素沉着病

8、Melanesians ─── 美拉尼西亚人

9、melanaemia ─── 忧郁症

Melanesia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An overview of music culture in the island regions of Melanesia and Micronesia ─── 美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚群岛音乐文化综述

2、This practice is widespread in India and its neighbours, in Taiwan, and in parts of South-East Asia and Melanesia. ─── 这种做法在印度已经其邻国,台湾,部分东南地区亚及美拉尼西亚地区非常普遍。

3、Up until now, potlatch to only see in North America and west North America, Melanesia and Papua. ─── 迄今为止,夸富宴只见于北美洲和西北美洲、美拉尼西亚和巴布亚。

4、islands of central and S Pacific (Indonesia and Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia). ─── 太平洋中部和南部的岛屿,包括印尼、美拉来西亚、密克罗尼西亚以及玻利尼西亚。

5、Artifacts From Papua New Guinea : New Guinea belongs to Melanesia in the Pacific. ─── 新几内亚文物:新几内亚属于大洋洲的美拉尼西亚群岛。

6、islands of central and south Pacific,including Indonesia and Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia ─── 太平洋中部和南部的岛屿,包括印尼、美拉来西亚、密克罗尼西亚以及玻利尼西亚

7、The islands of the southern, western, and central Pacific Ocean, including Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia, New Zealand, and the Malay Archipelago. ─── 大洋洲南部、西部及中部太平洋上的岛屿,包括美拉尼西克、麦克罗尼西克和波利尼西亚。这个词有时也扩展到包括澳大利亚、新西兰及马来群岛

8、black is the traditional color of mourning in the west . but on the pacific islands of melanesia , it ' s a symbol of beauty and speed. ─── 在西方黑色被视作服丧的传统颜色。但是在美拉尼西亚的太平洋群岛上,黑色象征着美和速度。

9、He specializes in cultural photography, working with museums and other cultural institutions, primarily in Melanesia. ─── 他的专长在于文化摄影,他为博物馆和其他文化机构工作,大都在美拉尼西亚。

10、People of Melanesia refer to their god as " Mana ". ─── 尼西亚种族称他们的神为「玛拿」。

11、Micronesia, the area north of Melanesia, consists primarily of small scattered islands. ─── 密克罗尼西亚位于美拉尼西亚的北部,主要由分散的小岛组成。

12、a subfamily of the Austronesian languages that includes the languages of Melanesia ─── 美拉尼西亚之南岛语南岛语的一个分支,包括美拉尼西亚语

13、A member of any of the indigenous peoples of Melanesia. ─── 美拉尼西亚人美拉尼西亚土著人之一员

14、The islands of the Pacific Ocean, including Indonesia, Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia. ─── 南岛太平洋岛屿总称,包括印度尼西亚群岛、美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚及波利尼西亚

15、An overview of music culture in the island regions of Melanesia and Micronesia ─── 美拉尼西亚、密克罗尼西亚群岛音乐文化综述

16、At the empirical level we will establish grounds for exchanges of perspectives regarding ethnographies and cultural analyses of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India and Melanesia. ─── 就民族志的研究方面,则涵盖了中国、台湾、越南、印度、印尼、美拉尼西亚等地区;

17、Church of Melanesia ─── n. 美拉尼西亚圣公宗教省

18、a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago). ─── 南太平洋中的一大群岛屿,包括美拉尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚,有时也包括澳大拉西亚和马来西亚群岛。

19、A symbol of beauty and speed on the Pacific islands of Melanesia. ─── 在太平洋的美拉尼西亚群岛,是美与速度的象征。

20、Numerous islands of Micronesia and Melanesia in the western Pacific were created in this way. ─── 西太平洋的密克罗尼西亚和美拉尼西亚众多的岛屿就是这样产生的。

21、an island republic in Melanesia; ─── 位于美拉尼西亚群岛上的一个共和国;

22、The black race is made up of the black Africans,and of other peoples living in Papua,Melanesia and nearby lands of Southeast Asia. ─── 黑色人种组成了黑色的非洲,还包括住在巴布亚岛的居民,美拉尼西亚岛上的居民,亚洲东南部的居民。

23、a large group of islands in the south Pacific including Melanesia and Micronesia and Polynesia (and sometimes Australasia and the Malay Archipelago) ─── 南太平洋中的一大群岛屿,包括美拉尼西亚和密克罗尼西亚,有时也包括澳大拉西亚和马来西亚群岛

24、an island republic in Melanesia; independent since 1980. ─── 位于美拉尼西亚群岛上的一个共和国;年独立。

25、The islands of the southern,western,and central Pacific Ocean,including Melanesia,Micronesia,and Polynesia. The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia,New Zealand,and the Malay Archipelago. ─── 大洋洲南部、西部及中部太平洋上的岛屿,包括美拉尼西克、麦克罗尼西克和波利尼西亚。这个词有时也扩展到包括澳大利亚、新西兰及马来群岛。

26、The black race is made up of the black Africans, and of other peoples living in Papua, Melanesia and nearby lands of Southeast Asia. ─── 黑色人种组成了黑色的非洲,还包括住在巴布亚岛的居民,美拉尼西亚岛上的居民,亚洲东南部的居民。

27、Indo-Australian Archipelago The combined region formed by the Malay Peninsula, northern Australia, and the numerous islands of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Melanesia. ─── 印澳群岛包含的区域由马来半岛,澳洲北部与印尼,菲律宾与美拉尼西亚的很多岛。

28、From loud barks to thunderous booms, hornbill cries resound across a range that extends from the dry savannas of sub-Saharan Africa to the lush forests of Melanesia. ─── 无论在撒哈拉以南非洲的干燥热带草原还是在美拉尼西亚茂密的森林中都可以听到犀鸟如雷的叫声。

29、Patterns in Nature: Island Aerials A dramatic collar of coral reefs rings Mondriki Island, foreground, and Monu Island, background, two of Melanesia's Fiji Islands. ─── 意译:鸟瞰岛屿在自然界的模式。戏剧性的衣领珊瑚礁环mondriki岛,前景,以及monu岛,背景下,两个美拉尼西亚的斐济群岛。

30、"After wiping out the lowland forests of Malaysia and Indonesia, companies are now moving eastwards, to New Guinea and Melanesia, where they now threaten a whole new suite of species," he said. ─── 他进一步指出,在马来西亚和印尼的森林低地都消失了之后,许多公司现在都将目标转向东方,如新几内亚和美拉尼西亚等,使当地的新物种面临威胁。

31、This concept of god occurs widely in Africa, Melanesia, and South America. ─── 对于上帝这种行为的描述广泛见于非洲、美拉尼西亚和南美。

32、Artifacts From Papua New Guinea : New Guinea belongs to Melanesia in the Pacific. ─── 新几内亚文物:新几内亚属于大洋洲的美拉尼西亚群岛。


34、Black is the traditional color of mourning in the West. But on the Pacific islands of Melanesia, it's a symbol of beauty and speed. ─── 在西方黑色被视作服丧的传统颜色。但是在美拉尼西亚的太平洋群岛上,黑色象征着美和速度。

35、Melanesia will remain a difficult region and one where a new policy is likely. ─── 美拉尼西亚将仍然是一个困难的地区,而且可能有新政策。

36、This concept of god occurs widely in Africa, Melanesia, and South America. ─── 对于上帝这种行为的描述广泛见于非洲、美拉尼西亚和南美。

37、The primary focus is on the changing geography of East and Southeast Asia and Melanesia, in particular Papua New Guinea. ─── 主要致力于东亚、东南亚和美拉尼西亚,尤其是巴布亚新几内亚的地形变化研究。

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