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10-02 投稿


mugginess 中文意思翻译



mugginess 词性/词形变化,mugginess变形

形容词比较级: muggier |名词: mugginess |形容词最高级: muggiest |

mugginess 相似词语短语

1、pugginess ─── n.哈巴狗;狮子鼻;泥料;脚印(pug的变形)

2、bugginess ─── n.童车;双轮单座轻马车(buggy的变形)

3、dogginess ─── n.狗臭;爱狗;象狗

4、bogginess ─── n.多沼泽;泥沼状态

5、fugginess ─── 朦胧

6、bagginess ─── n.膨胀状

7、bulginess ─── n.凸面木杆

8、smudginess ─── n.脏污;模糊不清

9、quagginess ─── n.[林]生理心裂;松软;薄弱

mugginess 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The weather break,low temperature and overcast and rainy,mugginess and sub-tropical high pressure are the exogenous factor to induce diseases. ─── 其中天气突变、低温阴雨、闷热、副高控制等天气系统影响是致病的外因;高血压和心脏病受季节性转换影响最明显;

2、room free of mugginess for causing no temperature rise. ─── 温度不上升,房间不会闷热。

3、When the vapor emanated from the skin surface can not easily permeate to the air, it will form a high humidity region between the skin and the fabric which makes people feel mugginess and discomfort. ─── 当人体皮肤表面散热蒸发的水汽不易透过织物陆续排出时,就会在皮肤与织物之间形成高湿区域,使人感到闷热不适,因而服用织物尤其是内衣,必须具备良好的吸湿透湿性能。

4、At exactly the moment, the huddle and the mugginess before were forgotten entirely. ─── 一刹那间,那公共汽车上的拥挤闷热全被忘却了。

5、Down helps to keep absorbing and discharging the sweat to relieve the body from moisture and mugginess. ─── 羽绒能不断吸收并排放人体释放的汗水,使身体没有潮湿和闷热感。

6、After the mugginess, there is a unordinary natural claim and comfortable. ─── 闷热的过后,是一种不自然的凉爽与舒适。

7、After the mugginess, there is a unordinary natural claim and comfortable. ─── 闷热的过后,是一种不自然的凉爽与舒适。

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