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10-02 投稿


mendacity 发音

英:[men?d?s?ti]  美:[men?d?s?ti]

英:  美:

mendacity 中文意思翻译



mendacity 词性/词形变化,mendacity变形


mendacity 反义词


mendacity 同义词

deception | unreliability |deceit | inaccuracy | deceitfulness | falsehood | fabrication | dishonesty

mendacity 相似词语短语

1、mendacities ─── n.谎言;虚伪;撒谎癖

2、mendicity ─── n.化缘;乞丐生活(等于mendicancy)

3、mendacious ─── adj.虚假的;说谎的

4、tenacity ─── n.韧性;固执;不屈不挠;黏性

5、mordacity ─── n.辛辣(言词等的);讽刺(言词等的)

6、mentality ─── n.心态;[心理]智力;精神力;头脑作用

7、minacity ─── n.威胁性;威吓性

8、edacity ─── n.贪吃;狼吞虎咽

9、megacity ─── n.大城市(人口超过1000万的)

mendacity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The tall tale, which had been popular in America since Colonial days, spread west to reach inspired heights of mendacity . ─── 荒诞不经的故事,在殖民地时期即已风行美国,一路向西延展,到达了虚伪的极度。

2、The industry became a byword for mendacity, secrecy and profligacy with taxpayers' money. ─── 这个产业已经成为谎言、秘密以及浪费纳税人钱财的代名词。

3、A measure of diminished intellectual capacity and increased financial mendacity. ─── 衡量个人智力降低、财务虚报情况加剧的标准。

4、We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. ─── 第二十三条,我们要求制定法律禁止蓄意的政治谣言及其在出版上的散播。

5、politicians accused of hypocrisy and mendacity ─── 受到虚伪和撒谎指责的政客们

6、It was that the incentive for mendacity is growing, as unemployment balloons and competition for jobs rises. ─── 这一数字真的可能这样低吗?我向来认定,简历中充斥着遁辞、半真半假的事实和彻头彻尾的谎话。

7、Something which has reliability makes people to trust, and something which has mendacity makes people to disbelief。 ─── 题目reliable是使别人产生信任感,因此应该理解为因果关系。

8、The fixation of commentators and practitioners with them is telling, though not mainly about mendacity. ─── 虽然大部分的关注和谎言无关,评论员们和撒谎者们对于谎言“热爱”还是非常显著。

9、"In a time where there is so much mendacity and prevarication, a simple affirmation such as 'yes' doesn't quite cut it anymore," he says. ─── 他说:"在一个充斥着谎言和搪塞的时期,如‘是’这样的一个简单确认不够了”

10、But if mendacity alone were grounds for resignation, the halls of Capitol Hill would be eerily, and permanently, quiet. ─── 但如果仅因为撒了谎就引咎辞职,那么国会大厅也就剩不了几个人了。

11、Yet, periodically, politics is dominated by lies.This seems to be one such time.The fixation of commentators and practitioners with them is telling, though not mainly about mendacity. ─── 然而,政治总是时不时的被谎言所统治,正如这次发生的那样,虽然大部分的关注和谎言无关,评论员们和撒谎者们对于谎言“热爱”还是非常显著。

12、In certain, rare circumstances voters do not tell pollsters the truth, more out of embarrassment than mendacity. ─── 可以肯定的是,选民们不对民意调查专家说真话的情况很少,如果不是尴尬则不会撒谎。

13、During his lifetime, Vespucci prospered from his mendacity. ─── 终其一生,瓦斯普契因撒谎成性而飞黄腾达。

14、That points to another area of confusion, or even downright mendacity. ─── 这又引起了人们的困惑,甚至是赤裸裸的谎言。

15、The tall tale , which had been popular in America since Colonial days , spread west to reach inspired heights of mendacity . ─── 荒诞不经的故事,在殖民地时期即已风行美国,一路向西延展,到达了虚伪的极度。

16、SUBPRIME, adj. A measure of diminished intellectual capacity and increased financial mendacity. ─── 次级(SUBPRIME),形容词。衡量个人智力降低、财务虚报情况加剧的标准。

17、I feel even more strongly now than I ever did, doubt the mendacity and the corruption and the injustice of so many of the actions taken by what are called peace-loving western democracies. ─── 那些所谓热爱和平的西方国家,所做的一切只会使我更强烈感觉到他们的虚伪,腐败和不公正。

18、certain, rare circumstances voters do not tell pollsters the truth, more out of embarrassment than mendacity. ─── 可以肯定的是,选民们不对民意调查专家说真话的情况很少,如果不是尴尬则不会撒谎。

19、That bit of mendacity is further compounded byChristie's claim that they also adhere to international law on culturalproperty. ─── 佳士得声明说他们也依照了文物的国际法,这进一步组成了他们的谎言。

20、When people who tend to deceive themselves spend too much time with frequent fibbers or even others who tolerate that type of mendacity, their destructive habits won't be challenged or corrected. ─── 当那些容易欺骗自己的人花太多的时间和经常说谎,甚至对这种谎言予以容忍的人们在一起时,他们具有破坏性习惯将不会被挑战,不会被纠正。

21、2.It also accounts for his mendacity and dishonesty. ─── 这也说明了他的狡猾。

22、He lost his dignity entirely in mendacity. ─── 他在行乞中完全丧失了尊严。

23、That bit of mendacity is further compounded by Christie's claim that they also adhere to international law on cultural property. ─── 佳士得声明说他们也依照了文物的国际法,这进一步组成了他们的谎言。

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