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10-02 投稿


unpaired 发音

英:[?n?perd]  美:[?n?pe?d]

英:  美:

unpaired 中文意思翻译



unpaired 同义词

odd |unmated | unmatched

unpaired 反义词


unpaired 短语词组

1、unpaired orbital ─── 未配对轨道

2、unpaired electrons ─── [化] 不成对电子

3、unpaired fin ─── 奇鳍

4、unpaired samples ─── 未配对样品

5、unpaired spectrum ─── 未配对光谱

6、unpaired student t test ─── 非配对学生t检验

7、unpaired student ─── 未配对学生

8、unpaired data ─── 未配对数据

9、unpaired electron density ─── [化] 不成对电子密度; 自旋密度

10、paired vs unpaired t-test ─── 配对与非 ─── 配对t检验

11、unpaired t test ─── 非配对t检验

12、unpaired test ─── 未配对试验

13、Unpaired Purchase Order ─── 未配对采购订单

14、anteroposterior unpaired ─── 前后不成对

15、unpaired electron ─── 不成对电子

16、unpaired allosome ─── [医] 单染色体

unpaired 相似词语短语

1、unrepaired ─── adj.未修缮的,未修理的

2、unchaired ─── 不成对的

3、unhaired ─── v.拔掉……的毛发,除毛;(使)无毛

4、unpared ─── 无与伦比的

5、unpainted ─── adj.无复层的;未上漆的

6、unimpaired ─── adj.未受损伤的;没有削弱的,未减少的

7、au paired ─── n.互惠换工生(以帮做家务、照顾小孩等换取食宿和学习语言的外国年轻人);adj.互惠的,换工的

8、unaired ─── adj.潮湿的;不通风的

9、unpained ─── 未上漆

unpaired 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、pelvic terminus The small external spinous knob generally found at the end of the long pelvic girdle of triggerfishes and filefishes; it is unpaired and usually movable. ─── 腹鳍末端棘突小的外部棘状结瘤,通常发现于鳞鲀与鲀鱼的长腰带末端;它是不成对的,且通常是可动的。

2、Single, Dual (paired and unpaired) and Multiple Data Analysis (Multivariate analysis not in Lite Version). ─── 单,双(配对和配对)和多个数据分析(多变量分析没有在简洁版) 。

3、unpaired neutron ─── 不成对中子

4、unpaired electron density ─── [化] 不成对电子密度; 自旋密度

5、" This free radical has at least one unpaired electron in its outer orbit essentially giving it an electrical charge. ─── 下次有大型聚会的时候,仔细看看不同年龄的人的皮肤,当然是年龄造成的差异。

6、Free radical which consists of unpaired electron、ultrashort half life period and high reaction play an important role in maintaining normal physiological function. ─── 自由基是一类含有未成对电子的原子或原子团、半衰期极短且具有高度反应活性的物质,在维系人体正常生理功能中起着重要作用。

7、hemizygous Describing genetic material that has no homologous counterpart and is thus unpaired in the diploid state. ─── 是一类没有同源配对物的,因此在二倍体中不成对的遗传物质。

8、When we add a full complementary strand to the solution, it begins by joining to the unpaired extension and then strips off the rest of the set strand from the device. ─── 当我们加入完全互补的片段到水溶液后,它就开始连接到未配对的尾端,然后把其馀的设定股通通从机器上剥离下来。

9、The presence of unpaired electrons suggested that the foam should have magnetic properties as well. ─── 未成对电子的存在,同时也暗示了奈米泡沫应该具有磁性;

10、Almost a third of Laysan albatross couples are female-female pairs and they are more successful than unpaired females when it comes to rearing chicks. ─── 黑背信天翁对偶中几乎三分之一是雌雌配对,和未配对的雌性相比,她们更能成功地抚养后代。

11、ethmoid Unpaired skull bone on the anterior part of the neurocranium forming part of the nasal cavity and located above the vomer. ─── 筛骨不成对的头盖骨硬骨,在脑颅形成部份的鼻洞较前端而且位于犛骨上面。

12、one is having a building block available and the second is having information on the structure-property relationships of the organic compounds carrying the unpaired electrons. ─── 所以本篇论文的主要目的就是发展一套实验方法来验证有限元素模型,并改善电子构装元件的设计。

13、unpaired bone ─── 不成对骨

14、With this magnetometer, a sample of alkali atoms featuring a single unpaired electron is vaporized in a glass cell. ─── 通过这个磁力计,一个带有未配对电子的碱性原子在玻璃小室中气化。

15、Oxidation of oxygen the body is not the culprit, but the oxygen free radicals, is a cell nucleus with unpaired electron active groups. ─── 人体氧化的罪魁祸首不是氧气,而是氧自由基,是一种细胞核外含不成对电子的活性基团。

16、The presence of unpaired electrons suggested that the foam should have magnetic properties as well. ─── 未成对电子的存在,同时也暗示了奈米泡沫应该具有磁性;

17、By means of EPR, we estimated the number of unpaired electrons of CAW and a plenty of unpaired electrons existed in CAWs, as shown in the experiments, in agree with their structure proposed. ─── 通过电子顺磁共振,我们定量测量了碳原子线中未成对电子的数目,结果显示碳原子线中有大量的未成对电子,此结果同碳原子线的分子结构是基本一致的。

18、The researchers also found that the nanofoams had numerous unpaired electrons, which require carbon atoms with fewer than four bonds. ─── 研究人员同时发现,奈米泡沫有许多未成对的电子,因此它需要的是键结数低于四的碳原子。

19、Free radical are a highly reactive group of atoms, molecules or radicals, which carry unpaired electron in outer orbital. ─── 外层轨道上有单个不配对价电子的原子、原子团或分子。

20、So now what we have is four unpaired electrons. ─── 现在我们有4个未配对电子。

21、They are more reproductively successful than unpaired females. ─── 和未配对的雌性相比,她们更能成功繁衍后代。

22、unpaired plot design ─── 非配对试区设计

23、Therefore, the postural variations of NAR could explain the mechanism of exacerbated nasal obstruction during recumbency and nocturnal sleep in nasally unpaired patients. ─── 提示体位变化对NAR的影响在解释鼻病患者卧位或夜间睡眠时的严重鼻阻塞症状具有重要意义。

24、Three unpaired electrons in nitrogen. ─── 有三个未成键电子在氮原子中。

25、Unpaired Contract Action ─── 单方(不成双)合同行为

26、An unpaired t test showed that fatigued pedicle screws in osteoporotic ertebrae augmented by kyphoplasty showed higher pullout resistance than those placed in healthy control ertebrae (P = 0.002). ─── 一个未配对试验显示,在骨质疏松椎体使用后凸成形技术强化的螺钉在退出时教之健康对照椎体有更大的阻力(P=0.002)。

27、an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron ─── 至少含有一个不成对电子的原子或原子团

28、Previous authors have combined tests for pairs and unpaired data so that population means can be compared using a paired study design with incomplete data. ─── 本文的主要目的是对点估计、信赖区间、和假设检定的基本性质做重点整理,并透过大量的例子说明他们广泛的应用。

29、The unpaired electrons in each compound are localized.Their spin polarization dominated.Because of the important of cyano-bridged compounds, we will study them in future. ─── 考虑到氰根桥联配合物的重要作用,在今后的研究中,我们将继续深入研究各种氰根桥联配合物的磁学性质。

30、unpaired thyroid venous plexus ─── 甲状腺奇静脉丛

31、The vomer is one of the unpaired facial bones of the skull. ─── 犁骨是头骨中不成对的面部骨骼之一。

32、unpaired fin ─── 奇鳍

33、Because these things are unpaired, we have already seen how unpaired electrons play a role in the Stern-Gerlach experiment. ─── 因为这些事物都是未成对的,我们已经发现在 Stern-Gerlach 实验中,未成对电子扮演怎样一个角色了。

34、Unpaired Purchase Order ─── 单方面(不成双)购买订单

35、a chromosome having no homologue,especially an unpaired X-chromosome ─── 没有同系物的染色体,尤指不配对X-染色体

36、an atom or group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron. ─── 至少含有一个不成对电子的原子或原子团。

37、ethmoid Unpaired skull bone on the anterior part of the neurocranium forming part of the nasal cavity and located above the vomer. ─── 筛骨不成对的头盖骨硬骨,在脑颅形成部份的鼻洞较前端而且位于犛骨上面。

38、an atom or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron ─── 至少有一个游离电子的原子或一组原子

39、S is the concentration of unpaired nucleotides. ─── S是不配对的核苷酸的浓度。

40、unpaired nucleon ─── 不成对核子

41、unpaired electrons ─── [化] 不成对电子

42、A chromosome having no homologue, especially an unpaired X - chromosome. ─── 单染色体没有同系物的饿染色体,尤指不配对X-染色体


44、The pool of unpaired districts varies, making it impossible to grant every district's first choice of partner. ─── 未配对地区的多样性使它不可能同意每个地区的第一选择的夥伴。

45、Paired and Unpaired Inverse Trial Design ─── 成对或不成对反转试验设计

46、unpaired spin ─── 不成对自旋

47、The most common errors were presentation of P values without specifying the test used, use of multiple t tests instead of ANOVAs, and use of unpaired t tests when paired tests were required. ─── 最常见的问题是文章中仅有P值而所用统计方法不明、用t检验代替方差分析进行多组间的比较。

48、returns the number of code points between startIndex and endIndex - 1. Unpaired surrogates are counted as code points. ─── 返回从位置到位置之间的代码点的个数。不成对的代用品当作代码点来计数。

49、fin skeletons In unpaired precaudal fins, the basal plates and radials; ─── 鳍骨骼在不成对的前尾鳍,基板与动脉中;

50、Fish are aquatic vertebrate animals that are typically ectothermic (previously cold-blooded), covered with scales, and equipped with two sets of paired fins and several unpaired fins. ─── 鱼是水生脊椎动物,典型特征是属冷血动物,全身有鳞片,有一对鱼鳍或几个不成对的鱼翅。

51、The unpaired electron makes the atoms themselves act like spinning bar magnets, with a magnetic moment three orders of magnitude stronger than that of precessing nuclei. ─── 这一未配对电子使得原子自身像自旋的磁铁棒一样,在磁性环境中比旋进的原子核的强度高了三个级别。

52、Make as many pairs as you can and try to leave as few unpaired hearts as possible. ─── 尽可能多的将单身配成情侣,要避免射出破碎的爱心!

53、These invalid code points are the 66 noncharacters (including FFFE and FFFF), as well as unpaired surrogates. ─── 这些病人密码点是 66个非个性 (包括 FFFE 和 FFFF), 连同不成双成对的代理。

54、That P. Scalare exhibits on its unpaired fins. The mouth parts of P. Altum are notably extended away from the front of the head, ─── 埃及的嘴巴显著从头部前方延伸出去

55、unpaired median fin on the backs of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates that help to maintain balance. ─── 鱼类和其他水生脊椎动物背部帮助保持平衡的奇鳍。

56、As the last part pf this thesis, the acutely dissociation and shortly culture of dorsal unpaired median (DUM) neuron from the cockroach Periplaneta Americana were primarily studied. ─── 同时作者对美洲蜚蠊DUM神经元细胞急性分离与培养进行了初步的探索。

57、To implement this process, our set strands have short ends that remain unpaired with the machine. ─── 为达成这个目的,我们让设定股含有一小段不会与机器配对的尾端。

58、unpaired orbital ─── 非配轨道

59、The convoluted sheets would stabilize these unpaired electrons by protecting them from reacting with one another. ─── 这些曲折的原子薄片可以稳定未成对的电子,避免它们彼此产生反应。

60、The body colour is generally solid black to greyish.During spawning season, males exhibit dark black body colour and their unpaired fins are lined with bluish edges. ─── 躯干一般全黑或灰色,每逢繁殖季节雄鱼体色便会转为深黑色,背鳍、臀鳍和尾鳍边缘泛蓝白色。

61、hemizygous Describing genetic material that has no homologous counterpart and is thus unpaired in the diploid state. ─── 半合子的:是一类没有同源配对物的,因此在二倍体中不成对的遗传物质。

62、unpaired allosome ─── [医] 单染色体

63、Free radicals develop when atoms in the body's cells have unpaired electrons, which can lead to damage to different parts of the cell, including DNA. ─── 自由基发生是当身体细胞中的原子有单电子,能导致包括DNA在内的细胞不同部分的破坏。

64、The head bears two pairs of antennae, three pairs of mouthparts, and usually eyes (two compound eyes, an unpaired eye, or both). ─── 不过这些特征实际上是节肢动物一开始公有的特征,六足亚门的动物这些器官后来变化了。

65、Total organ resection WITH resection of other organs. (unpaired organ) ─── 器官全切除同时亦切除到其他器官(针对非成对之器官)

66、Free radicals are unstable and highly reactive molecules that contain one or more unpaired electrons, and are generated by metabolism, environmental pollutants, smoking and sunlight. ─── 自由基是不稳定并且具高度反应力的分子,含有一个或者一个以上不成对的电子,经由新陈代谢、环境污染、抽烟或者太阳光所产生。

67、10. A free radical is a molecular fragment having an unpaired electron. ─── 自由基是一种具有未配对电子的分子碎体。

68、The unpaired fins of the altum do not have the light markings ─── 埃及不成对的鱼鳍没有普通神仙的亮斑

69、Light hitting the proteins produces a pair of free radicals, highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons. ─── 光击中这种蛋白质产生一对游离的活性基,这是一种非常活跃的有着不成对的电子的分子。

70、To remove the pairing, open System Preferences, click Security, and click the Unpair button. ─── 要移去配对,请打开“系统预置”,点按“安全”,然后点按“解除配对”按钮。

71、unpaired electron ─── 不成对电子

72、An atom or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron. ─── 原子因,基团,至少有一个游离电子的原子或一组原子。

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