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10-02 投稿


rescinding 发音

英:[r??s?nd??]  美:[r??s?nd??]

英:  美:

rescinding 中文意思翻译



rescinding 短语词组

1、rescinding hairline ─── 取消发际线

rescinding 词性/词形变化,rescinding变形

名词: rescinder |动词现在分词: rescinding |动词过去分词: rescinded |动词第三人称单数: rescinds |形容词: rescindable |动词过去式: rescinded |

rescinding 相似词语短语

1、rebinding ─── v.重新装订(rebind的现在分词)

2、abscinding ─── vt.切断,切开;分开

3、reminding ─── v.提醒;使联想起(remind的现在分词)

4、refinding ─── 重新找到

5、prescinding ─── vt.割去;分开;孤立地思考;vi.脱离;不加考虑

6、exscinding ─── vt.切断;切除;割开

7、descending ─── v.下降;下倾;降临;下(坡,楼梯);依次递降;(声响)渐低;(感觉,气氛)突然笼罩;交由……继承(descend的现在分词);adj.递降的

8、resending ─── v.再发,再送(resend的现在分词)

9、regrinding ─── n.二次粉碎;再次研磨;v.重新研磨(regrind的ing形式)

rescinding 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、rescind You can outlaw technique,you cannot repeal biology. ─── 可以立法禁止(某项)技术,但不能废除生物学。

2、By rescinding our unvested options for unfounded reasons, eBay should properly compensate us for this. ─── 公司没有理由要废除之前给予我们的目前授权实施的员工期股,为此公司应该给予我们一定的赔偿。

3、Since the is enacted, some unreasonable factors of rescinding a contract are emerging, which also bring confusion and puzzle to judicial practice. ─── 合同法颁布实施以来,我国合同解除制度设计中的一些不合理因素逐渐显现出来,并给司法实践带来诸多混乱和困惑。

4、The sixth chapter of the law provides rules and institutions on “the right to rescind the contract”. ─── 其中,第六章规定了“合同解除权之行使”的规则和制度。

5、rescind agreement ─── 取消合约

6、Yesterday, Human Rights Watch said it had written to the Nepalese authorities urging them to rescind the order. ─── 尼泊尔如此做的动机是它要加强与其这个强大的邻国的关系。

7、In order to avoid unreasonably high tender offer, the bidding office is entitled to rescind the bidding documents whose tender offers deviate form the normal level. ─── 为防止出现不合理的高标价,招标委员会有权将明显背离正常价格水平的标书视为废标。

8、The statutory right of marine insurers to rescind contracts with a special eye to balancing the interests of parties of marine insurance contract ─── 从平衡保险双方利益的角度看中国海上保险人的法定解除权

9、right to rescind the contract ─── [法] 解除契约的权利

10、(3) Lift the ban on the bookshops which have been closed down in various places, and rescind the order for impounding anti-Japanese books and news papers in post offices. ─── 三、启封各地被封书店,解除扣寄各地抗战书报的命令;

11、A lawfully formed contract shall be legally binding on the parties. The parties shall perform their respective obligations as agreed, and no party may unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. ─── 依法成立的合同,对当事人具有法律的约束力。当事人应当按照约定履行自己的义务,不得擅自变更或者解除合同。依法成立的合同受法律的保护。

12、rescind a decision ─── 取消决定

13、The parties may rescind the contract at any time, but the lessor shall, at the rescission of the contract, notify the lessee before a reasonable time limit. ─── 当事人可以随时解除合同,但出租人解除合同应当在合理期限之前通知承租人。

14、Termination of the Contract shall not rescind compensation responsibility the Contractor should bear. ─── 合同的终止并不解除承包人应承担的赔偿责任。

15、(4) rescinding or terminating labor contracts with the workers who did not receive post-leaving occupational health examination; ─── {0>(四)对未进行离岗职业健康检查的劳动者,解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同的;

16、9.A voidable contract is one that a party will be entitled to rescind. ─── 在可撤销合同中,合同一方有权废止合同。

17、Beijing has made some efforts to rescind outdated laws, and some of the more egregious rules, such as the Hubei smoking edict and the Chongqing chastity test, have been withdrawn. ─── 北京已经采取了一些措施取消过时法律,而那些更加离奇的规定,其中一些也已经收回,比如湖北的吸烟令和重庆的贞洁测试。

18、The parties shall perform their obligations stipulated in the contract. No party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. ─── 当事人应当履行合同约定的义务,任何人不得擅自变更或者解除合同。

19、Thus far, American International Group officials have refused to rescind the payments. ─── 到目前为止,美国国际集团高层官员已经表明拒绝退回奖金。

20、If the parties concerned come to an agreement of non-competition, they shall not come to any agreement on the advance notice period for the laborer to request for rescinding the labor contract. ─── 劳动合同双方当事人约定竞业限制的,不得再约定解除劳动合同的提前通知期。

21、At the aspect of value, the abrogation of the death penalty is a problem that surmounts the space category, on the ultimate end meaning, China should rescind the death penalty. ─── 在应然层面上,死刑的废除是一个超越空间范畴的问题,在终极意义上,中国应该废除死刑。

22、SETC, SAIC rescind more departmental ordinances ─── 国家经贸委、工商局又废除一批部门规章

23、rescind a law ─── [法] 废止, 取消法律

24、Agreement between the hypothecator and the hypothecatee about rescinding the hypothecation contract (1 original); ─── 出质人与质权人签署的解除质押合同的协议(原件1份);

25、"rescind" rates high, and "rescind" reasons are complicated and changeable, it is also a problem for more and more and more serious. ─── “退订”率高企,而且“退订”原因复杂多变,其所引发的问题也越来越多且越为严重。

26、The parties shall perform their obligations stipulated in the contract.No party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. ─── 当事人应当履行合同约定的义务,任何一方不得擅自变更或者解除合同。

27、rescind an agreement, order, act, etc ─── 废除协定、 收回成命、 撤消法案.

28、Thousands of people are fleeing the Swat Valley in northern Pakistan in spite of the authorities' rescinding an earlier order to encourage them to leave. ─── 尽管当局已取消了告诫民众撤离的命令,仍有数千民众正从巴基斯坦北部的斯瓦特山谷撤离。

29、The act of rescinding; annulment or cancellation. ─── 废除撤消的行为;解除或取消

30、But for the rights of the liability of warrant for defects, different countries have different ideas, but in a whole it appears as rescinding contracts and claiming damages. ─── 但对于权利的瑕疵担保责任的承担,各国有不同的见解,但总体上反映为解除合同和请求损害赔偿。

31、"If a real problem caused by the project itself rescind high consumers might not buy. ─── “如果某个楼盘因项目本身问题造成退订率很高,消费者可能就不会买。”

32、If one ** has been induced and injured by reliance on the other's misrepresentation of a material fact, it may rescind the contract. ─── 如一方因信赖对方对重要事实的误述被利诱被损害,该方可以解约。

33、Camoranesi ponders FIFA move to rescind contract ─── 卡莫考虑用国际足联法规结束合同

34、The responsible Chinese authorities may rescind their consent at any time. ─── 中国主管机关可以随时撤销此项同意。

35、rescind an agreement ─── 废除协定

36、If Party B fails to redress the breach within the fifteen (15) day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract. ─── 如果乙方在十五(15)天期限内未予改正,甲方则有权解除合同并要求得到违约赔偿。

37、Rescinding prohibition ─── 弛禁

38、We have legislation on rescinding the agricultural tax and taxes on special agricultural products. ─── 我们免除农业税和农业特产税是立了法的;

39、Lawyers have joined a chorus of condemnation and asked the government to rescind the ruling. ─── 但肯尼亚律师界等均对此进行谴责,并要求政府撤销这一规定。

40、If Party B fails to redress the breach within the fifteen(15)-day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract. ─── 如果乙方未能在十五(15)日内补救违约,甲方有权解除本协议,并就本协议的违约要求损害赔偿。

41、In case beneficiaries fail to utilize the financial support in accordance with the contract or violate the contract, foundations are entitled to rescind the financial support contract. ─── 受助人未按协议约定使用资助或者有其他违反协议情形的,基金会有权解除资助协议。

42、Legal rescinding and engagement rescinding in the broad sense. ─── 法定解除与广义的约定解除。

43、After the rescinding of the parties, the organizations are controlled chiefly by commission of clerical workers.The relationship between the party and the masses deteriorates. ─── 国民党控制民众团体的结果导致党群关系恶化,从而使它失去了群众基础。

44、Notice of Recision A recorded notice to rescind a notice of default of mortgage or deed of trust. ─── 一当借款人付清所有银行欠款,银行开立的取销违约记录之证明书,终止房子被进入拍卖的程序之中。

45、rescind a judgement ─── [法] 取消判决

46、rescinding contract ─── 合同解除

47、First, the rescinding of Odom's contract. ─── 首先,出现了撤销合同的状况。

48、As a result, in 2008 the American Heart Association recommended that the FDA rescind the health claim. ─── 因此,2008年美国心脏协会建议美国食品及药物管理局撤销该健康声明。

49、A breach of contract allows the innocent party to enforce the contract, rescind the contract or sue for damages. ─── 合同违约可导致无辜一方强制执行合同,废止合同或就损失提出诉讼。

50、If the contract is null and void, the remedy is to rescind and to put the parties in the position in which they were prior to the attempted agreement. ─── 如果合同无效,救济方法是撤销合同,使双方当事人回复到协议签署之前的地位。

51、She was summoned to a church mission in Santa Monica and shown a statement rescinding the ruling that her parents were S.P.s. ─── 圣塔莫妮卡的教会代表团召雷纳德前去,向她出示了一份声明,撤销了她父母是“抑制者”的那个裁决。

52、But I'm rescinding my previous contention that the team with the better record would decide the Kobe vs. ─── 他忍受着球队不断有人受伤:拜纳姆将以缺席半数以上比赛结束本赛季;

53、We will rescind and cease collecting 100 items of administrative fees. ─── 取消和停征100项行政事业性收费。

54、The second chapter: "The condition of rescinding contracts" . It's the key chapter the assay focuses on. ─── 第二章为“合同解除的条件”,是文章着重论述的章节。

55、The parties shall perform their respective obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract.Neither party may unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. ─── 当事人应当按照约定履行自己的义务,不得擅自变更或者解除合同。

56、He founded Operation Rescue, and for 20 years has been a leading figure in the struggle to rescind Roe v Wade. ─── 他创立了“拯救会”,20年来他是罗伊诉韦德案翻案斗争中的一面旗帜。

57、2 BB may rescind the Agreement if AA fails to reach the minimum annual purchase quantity without any compensation. ─── 如果AA没有达到最低年采购量,BB可以解除本协议,并且没有任何赔偿。

58、Bush's promises upon taking office was to review these executive orders to determine which ones he would rescind. ─── 例如,克林顿总统任职期间曾发布了许多行政命令,而小布什总统的许诺之一就是回顾这些行政命令以决定哪一项应该废除。

59、Though some argue for rescinding Egypt's peace treaty of 1979 with Israel, they probably would not risk another war. ─── 即使他们中有些主张废除1979年埃及与以色列签订的和平条约,也不会愿意冒险发起另一场战争。

60、change and rescind unilaterally ─── 单方变更与解除

61、In case of late arrival of the L/C, the Seller shall not be liable for any delay in shipment and shall have the right to rescind the contract and /or claim for damages. ─── 假如到货期超过信用证期限,卖方不承担货物延期的任何责任而且有权撤消合同或提出赔偿(这个应该是买方的权利,反了.

62、If a sale to rescind rate, consumers may be a prudent choice. ─── 如果某个楼盘退订率很高,消费者可能就会慎重选择了。

63、An Enterprise shall be entitled to rescind labor contracts, dismiss and fire employees according to laws, regulations and bylaws. ─── 企业有权依照法律、法规和企业规章,解除劳动合同、辞退、开除职工。

64、after the 60 days, a sales promoter shall notify the direct selling company 15 days before rescinding the sales contract. ─── 60日后,直销员解除推销合同应当提前15日通知直销企业。

65、President Obama called on his treasury secretary to find a way of rescinding the payments, and Congress said it might try to tax them away. ─── 总统奥巴马要求财政部长设法收回这笔奖金。国会称其或许可以试着通过征税来实现。

66、Rescinding those powers was a major demand of Morsi's opponents. ─── 废除那些权力是反穆尔西派的主要要求。

67、The party may, if the other party disagrees therewith, request the people's court or an arbitration institution to confirm the effectiveness of rescinding the contract. ─── 对方有异议的,可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构确认解除合同的效力。

68、rescind a contract ─── 取消合同

69、A contract shall be legally Bindings as soon as it is established in accordance with the law. The parties shall perform their obligations stipulated in the contract. No party shall unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. ─── 合同依法成立,即具有法律约束力。当事人应当履行合同约定的义务,任何一方不得擅自变更或者解除合同。

70、Rescinding or terminating labor contracts with the workers who did not receive post-leaving occupational health examination; ─── 对未进行离岗职业健康检查的劳动者,解除或者终止与其订立的劳动合同的;

71、rescind | abolish ─── 废止| 撤销

72、House Votes to Rescind Oil Drillers'. ─── 众议院决定废除石油开发商的税负减免。

73、Following a paperwork dispute, the North West Leicestershire District Council is due to vote on whether to rescind planning permission for formula one renovations at Donington Park. ─── 争端,西北莱斯特区议会是由于投票决定是否撤销规划许可一级方程式翻修在多宁顿公园。

74、If Party B fails to redress the breach within the fifteen (15)-day period, Party A is entitled to rescind the Contract and claim damages for the breach of contract. ─── 如果未能在十五(15)日内对违约进行赔偿,甲方有权废除合同并对因违约而造成的损失要求索赔。

75、The key is to decrease carbon emissions, that is to say, China needs to improve production skills through an introduction of new expertise,not only rescinding anti-dumping tariffs. ─── 关键要在源头上减少碳排放,也就是说中国更需要通过引进新技术改进生产工艺,而并不仅仅是取消反倾销关税。

76、The fearless public servants in the White House resisted a full 24 hours before rescinding the fee. ─── 白宫里那些英勇无畏的人民公仆们在顽强抵抗了整整24个小时后终于还是撤回了这一决议。

77、Mrs. Chou had actually regretted everything that same afternoon.Having tasted the hollowness of victory, she was merely waiting for Hung-chien to come meekly back and apologize and then she would rescind all her orders. ─── 周太太其实当天下午就后悔,感觉到胜利的空虚了,只等鸿渐底下气来赔罪,就肯收回一切成命。

78、IDSA is urging EPA to rescind its decision. ─── IDSA强烈要求EPA取消它的这项决定。

79、Construction of open TBM rescinding precast concrete inverted arch ─── 开敞式TBM取消预制混凝土仰拱的施工

80、The buyer shall establish the covering L/C before the above stipulated time, failing which the seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice, to lodge a claim for direct losses sustained by the seller. ─── 买方应在上述规定时间内开立相关信用证,如不开证卖方则保留不予通知而撤消合约,或对因此遭受的直接损失提出索赔的权利。

81、The parties shall perform the obligations stipulated in the contract.No party may unilaterally modify or rescind the contract. ─── 当事人应当按照约定履行自己的义务,不得擅自变更或解除合同。

82、The Exercise of the Rights to Rescind Contracts ─── 合同解除权的行使

83、Otherwise the Seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice or to accept whole or any part of this Sales Confirmation not fulfilled by the Buyer or to lodge a claim for losses this sustained if it is necessary. ─── 否则,售方有权:不经通知取消本确认书,或接受买方对本约未执行的全部或一部,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。

84、To revoke by taking back; rescind ─── 取消禁运

85、May 31, 1996, the State Council approved Hengshui area removed and replaced Hengshui City-based level, while at the county level rescind Hengshui City, to set uptao cheng qu . ─── 1996年5月31日,国务院批准撤销衡水地区,改设地级衡水市,同时撤销原县级衡水市,改设桃城区。

86、As the circumstance was complicated, however, the plan of rescinding rickshaws in Chengdu was without concrete result. ─── 不过,因情况复杂,成都市废除人力车的计划最终不了了之。

87、A person induced to enter a contract due to a fraudulent misrepresentation can rescind the contract and claim damages. ─── 因欺诈性虚假陈述而签订合同的人有权撤销合同并进行索赔。

88、A total of about more than 100 suites and son for mortgage processing can rescind. ─── 共计约有100多套房子因办理不成按揭而退订。

89、3. Agreement between the hypothecator and the hypothecatee about rescinding the hypothecation contract (1 original); ─── 出质人与质权人签署的解除质押合同的协议(原件1份);

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