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turkeys 发音

英:[?t??kiz]  美:[?t?rkiz]

英:  美:

turkeys 中文意思翻译



turkeys 词性/词形变化,turkeys变形

名词复数: turkeys |

turkeys 常用词组

roast turkey ─── 烤火鸡;烧火鸡

cold turkey ─── 突然完全停止使用毒品

wild turkey ─── 野火鸡(威士忌品牌)

turkeys 短语词组

1、roast turkeys ─── 烤火鸡;烧火鸡

2、gobbling turkeys ─── 狼吞虎咽的火鸡

3、brush-turkeys (brush-turkey ─── 的复数) 灌丛火鸡 丛冢雉

4、infectious sinusitis virus of turkeys ─── [医] 吐绶鸡传染性窦炎病毒

5、decoying turkeys ─── 诱捕火鸡

turkeys 相似词语短语

1、turkey ─── n.火鸡;笨蛋;失败之作

2、burkes ─── v.(通常用窒息方式)秘密谋杀;n.(Burke)(美、加、英、澳)伯克(人名)

3、punkeys ─── 朋克

4、turnkeys ─── n.狱吏;监狱的看守;总控钥匙;牙钥;交钥匙

5、burkers ─── 伯克(英格兰人姓氏)

6、hunkeys ─── n.匈牙利人

7、darkeys ─── n.黑人

8、tureens ─── n.焙盘;盖碗

9、tickeys ─── n.(南非)三便士

turkeys 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The cost of roasting turkeys doesn't tend to follow actual wholesale prices but is often a loss leader. ─── 烤火鸡的费用并不跟随实际的批发价格走还经常亏本。

2、We received cash, hams, turkeys, and countless boxes of candy. ─── 我们收到了现金、火腿、火鸡,还有数不清的盒糖。

3、Several efforts to make it easier for shareholders to nominate directors have been frustrated by lobbying from corporate turkeys keen to postpone Christmas for as long as they can. ─── 但是多次的使股东更加方便提名董事的努力都在公司那些不作为的的人游说尽力推迟圣诞节中受挫。

4、The spectacle of the President carving up the turkeys stands out in my mind among the most agreeable features of the halt at Cairo. ─── 总统切火鸡的景象,是我在开罗停留期间所有最愉快的经历中最突出的印象。

5、All farmed chickens, turkeys, and pigs spend their brief lives in dark and crowded warehouses, many of them so cramped that they can't even turn around or spread a single wing. ─── 大部分农场里的鸡,火鸡,和猪,短暂的一生都生活在黑暗狭小的空间里,它们生活得如此拥挤,甚至不可能转身,或伸展开单只的翅膀。

6、Thanksgiving is here, most turkeys are going to the Thanksgiving dinner table. ─── 感恩节到了,多数火鸡都成了感恩节大餐.

7、Ramsey police dispatcher said the department had received three calls about the traveling turkeys who also were blamed for causing morning rush hour traffic problems on a roadway. ─── 一名拉姆齐警方接线员说,他们部门已经收到了三个关于火鸡在早上上班高峰时堵塞交通的电话。

8、type genus of the Meleagrididae: wild and domestic turkeys. ─── 吐绶鸡科的模式属;野生的和家养的火鸡。

9、I wonder how many turkeys are in a turkey burger, or how many pieces of different animals are in, dare I even imagine it, a hot dog. ─── 我想知道在一个火鸡堡里有多少只火鸡,或多少不同的动物碎肉,我甚至都不敢想象,在一个热狗里。

10、If you want to fly with the eagles,you cannot scratch with the turkeys. ─── 如果你想要与老鹰一起飞翔,就绝不要跟火鸡呆在一起爬。

11、In those days, during the 1950s, the big concern of ornithologists in our area was the wild turkey. They were rare, and the pure-strain wild turkeys had begun to interbreed with farmers domestic stock. The species was being degraded. ─── 在50年代,我们这一地区鸟类学家最关心的是稀有的野火鸡。纯种野火鸡已经和农户的家养火鸡混种,品种质量有所下降。

12、Catalog of Single Gene Mutations in Turkeys from T.F. Savage and E.I. Zakrzewska, Oregon State. ─── 奥立冈州T.F.沙维吉和萨卡。如斯加之火鳼单一基因实变目录。

13、A group of turkeys is technically called a "rafter" , though they are often incorrectly referred to as a "gobble" or simply a "flock" . ─── 技术上讲,一群火鸡应该称为“rafter”,尽管通常都被不正确的称为“gobble(火鸡咯咯声)”,或仅仅是“flock(畜群)”。

14、Comical in their ungainly gait, nunas are flightless fowl native to the swamps of Naboo.The rounded two-legged "swamp turkeys" have short beaks, fatty waddles, and slow wits. ─── 努那兽是原生于那卜沼泽不能飞的鸟类,牠们笨拙的步伐相当滑稽,这体态浑圆的两足"沼泽火鸡"有著短短的嘴喙、肥胖摇摆的步伐、以及迟钝的智力。

15、But turkeys are sold by weight, and people often buy big ones for the holidays. So price may be the biggest consideration of all. ─── 但火鸡是称重出售的,且在节日期间,人们通常更愿意购买大只的火鸡。因此,价格可能是人们最关注的问题。

16、make a gurgling sound, characteristic of turkeys. ─── 像火鸡一样发出咯咯地声音。

17、We regard turkeys as human's best friends. ─── 我们认为火鸡是人类最好的朋友。

18、Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets. ─── 不仅如此,火鸡是我们最喜欢的宠物。

19、She is bosom friend to all the ducks, chickens, turkeys and guinea hens on the place. ─── 她是那里所有的鸭子、小鸡、火鸡以及珠鸡的知心朋友。

20、It's hard to soar with eagles when you've surrounded by turkeys. ─── 当你周围都是火鸡时,你很难与雄鹰一起翱翔。

21、Do we give turkeys and hams to half of the people or do we give them to none of them and put that money back in the general food budget? ─── 我们是把火鸡和火腿给一半的人,还是什么都不给,把钱放到日常食品预算里面?

22、Turkeys bid for First World status includes The giant Ataturk Dam. ─── 土耳其向世界一流国家迈进的努力就是包括建立巨大的A水坝。

23、Of,belonging to,or characteristic of the order Galliformes,which includes the common domestic fowl as well as the pheasants,turkeys,and grouse. ─── 家禽的,鹑鸡类的属于或具有鹑鸡目特性的,包括普通的家禽、雉鸡、火鸡和松鸡

24、In a 90-minute argument before the constitutional court, Turkeys chief prosecutor Abdurrahman Yalcinkaya called for the ruling Justice and Development Party, known as the AK, to be closed down. ─── 在土耳其宪法法院进行的90分钟的陈词中,土耳其首席检察官阿卜杜勒.亚尔琴卡亚要求取缔执政党正义与发展党。

25、You can use it to carve turkeys. ─── 你可以用它来切火鸡肉。

26、During his last moments in the Oval Office, former President Ronald Reagan scribbled a note for his successor on a notepad with a turkey insignia that said "Don't let the turkeys get you down. ─── 前总统罗纳德?里根离任前在印有火鸡徽章图案的便条本上给继任者乔治?

27、infectious sinusitis virus of turkeys ─── [医] 吐绶鸡传染性窦炎病毒

28、We also raise turkeys. ─── 我们还养有火鸡。

29、Domestic fowls, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, or geese, raised for meat or eggs ─── 家禽用作蛋品或肉类的家养禽类,如小鸡、火鸡、鸭或鹅

30、Domestic fowls,such as chickens,turkeys,ducks,or geese,raised for meat or eggs. ─── 家禽用作蛋品或肉类的家养禽类,如小鸡、火鸡、鸭或鹅。

31、Little Bear brought home a turkey almost everyday. There may be more turkeys coming next week. What should we do with these FAT turkeys? ─── 小熊这阵子,几乎每隔几天就带只火鸡回家,据了解还有几只在学校,不得了!这可真糟糕,到时怎麽处理这些火鸡。

32、We have a large demolition shipyard in town of Aliaga Izmir located Aegean Sea on Turkeys west coast. ─── 我们有一个大型船厂拆卸镇阿利亚加伊兹密尔位于爱琴海的土耳其西海岸。


34、Turkeys are not allowed to work for this company. ─── 头脑迟钝的人没资格在这家公司工作。

35、After six weeks, the researchers infected all the young turkeys with listeria. ─── 六周之后,研究人员让所有的幼鸡都感染李斯特菌属。

36、This year, two National Thanksgiving Turkeys traveled from the Midwest state of Indiana for President Bush to spare their lives in the Rose Garden. ─── 今年,两只传统的感恩节火鸡从中西部印第安娜洲而来,布什总统将在玫瑰花园里赦免它们.

37、infectious sinus of turkeys ─── 传染性火鸡窦炎

38、Their geese and turkeys I usually ate at a mouthful, and I confess they far exceed ours. ─── 他们的鹅和火鸡我通常是一口一只;应该承认,它们的味道远比我们的要好。

39、Turkeys are fed mainly corn and soy beans meal. ─── 喂养火鸡的饲料通常为玉米和大豆。

40、The Census Bureau says the United States imported ten million dollars worth of live turkeys during the first half of the year. ─── 人口统计局说美国在上半年进口了价值一亿美元的活火鸡。

41、And in those sad days,the turkeys were flying low and slow. ─── 在那些伤心的岁月里,火鸡飞得又低又慢。

42、And in those sad days, the turkeys were flying low and slow. ─── 在那些令鸟类学家关切的岁月里,火鸡飞得又低又慢。

43、The customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys that were served at the Pilgrims' first thanksgiving feast. ─── 传统的火鸡晚餐就是让人们回顾清教徒举行的第一次感恩宴会上做的四只野火鸡。

44、The results of the digestibility tests show that, for example, the use of NSP-enzymes in a corn-soybean based feed ration significantly increases metabolisable energy, i.e. +65% kcal/kg for broilers and turkeys. ─── 例如,消化代谢试验结果表明,在玉米豆粕型日粮中添加非淀粉多糖酶可显著提高肉鸡和火鸡的代谢能65千卡/千克。

45、They shall come from the livestock bred for slaughter and through the cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, turkeys or any other animal raised in captivity, including buffalo, elk or deer. ─── 他们将来自用以宰杀的饲养的家畜,通过牛、猪、羊、鸡、火鸡或任何其它被囚禁饲养的动物,包括水牛、麋鹿或鹿。

46、Two enormous turkeys were brought in with all ceremony. ─── 两只大火鸡由人按照隆重的仪式送了进来。

47、She keeps chickens and turkeys. ─── 她饲养一些小鸡和火鸡。

48、But when I pulled down the covers, there staring up at me with googly eyes and wide mouths were sixteen fuzzy baby turkeys, and the cracked chips and caps of sixteen brown speckled eggs. ─── 但当我拉开被子,便看到16只毛茸茸的雏火鸡张大嘴睁大眼睛瞪着我,还有16个棕色带斑纹的破蛋壳和一些碎壳片。

49、But public officials say no turkeys in the United States have been infected with the deadly kind of avian influenza. ─── 但是官方人员表示美国的火鸡都很安全没有感染这一病毒。

50、Local politicians used to distribute Thanksgiving turkeys to needy families. ─── 地方政客们过去常给穷人家分送感恩节火鸡。

51、I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. ─── 我开始思索起感恩节这个节日来,想着清教徒前辈移民、印第安人、野火鸡、南瓜、玉米棒等等。

52、Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the order Galliformes, which includes the common domestic fowl as well as the pheasants, turkeys, and grouse. ─── 家禽的,鹑鸡类的属于或具有鹑鸡目特性的,包括普通的家禽、雉鸡、火鸡和松鸡。

53、In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys. ─── 在中国,只有文盲才吃火鸡。

54、A: It was the chicken's day off.Q: Why do turkeys always go, "gobble, gobble"?A: Because they never learned good table manners! ─── 基于“来者是客”的信念与习俗,印第安人给这些移民送来了生活必需品,并且教导他们狩猎、捕鱼和种植玉米、南瓜等等生存方法。

55、Most turkeys are raised what is known as the conventional way. But some higher-priced birds are raised outdoors, without antibiotic drugs and with a diet of feed grown without chemicals. ─── 很多火鸡是按常规方法喂养,但是一些高价的则是用不含抗生素的药物,并且不用化学饲料喂养的。

56、If you want to fly with the eagkes,you can't scratch with the turkeys. ─── 如果你想和雄鹰一次飞翔,请你不要跟火鸡呆在一次。

57、Thanksgiving Dayis a time to offer thanks, a time of family gatherings and holiday meals, a time of turkeys, stuffing and pumpkin pie, and a time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons. ─── 感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子;是一个家家餐桌上都有火鸡、填料、南瓜馅饼的日子。

58、It's difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys. ─── 当你跟王八蛋为伍,你就难随高明人飞扬了。

59、Some small farms raise what are called heritage turkeys. ─── 一些小农场还按照传统方式喂养火鸡。

60、They ate deer, ducks, geese, turkeys and pumpkins. ─── 他们吃鹿肉,鸭子,鹅,火鸡和南瓜。

61、We eat turkeys, corn and pumpkin pie. ─── 我们吃火鸡,玉米和南瓜派。

62、Heritage turkeys have a stronger taste that some people like. ─── 传统火鸡的味道更美味,受到一些人的喜爱。

63、However, bird flu is very contagious among birds and can make some domesticated birds, including chickens, ducks, and turkeys, very sick and kill them. ─── 不过禽流感在禽鸟之间传染力很强,也可以使有些家禽,包括鸡、鸭及火鸡,病得很严重,以致死亡。。。

64、After men behead the birds, the women plunge the turkeys into a trough of steaming water to loosen the feathers. ─── 在男人们砍去火鸡的头后,女人们把火鸡投入一个水汽腾腾的槽里,以去除火鸡的毛。

65、THANKSGIVING is a happy day for most Americans, but a gloomier one for turkeys. ─── 对于绝大多数美国人而言,感恩节是一个快乐的日子,但对于火鸡则是世界末日。

66、Agriculture Report: At Thanksgiving, Turkeys Fly Out of Stores ─── 农业报道:美国人爱吃火鸡

67、Study on the Histological Morphology and Structure of Thymus of Different-Day Old Turkeys ─── 不同日龄火鸡胸腺组织形态结构的研究

68、Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets.We regard turkeys as human's best friends.In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys. ─── 与此同时,火鸡是我们最喜欢的宠物,我们认为火鸡是人类最好的朋友,在中国,只有最没有文化的人才吃火鸡。

69、Domestic poultry, including chickens and turkeys, are particularly susceptible to epidemics of influenza. ─── 各种家禽,包括鸡和火鸡等,则特别容易受禽流感病毒感染。

70、Konieczka said he'd rather spend US$5 for a can of orange paint than have one of his animals killed or injured.He painted his horses, cows, goats, turkeys and even his Dalmatian, Buddy. ─── 于是,这位老兄就把他家的马、牛、羊、火鸡,甚至一条达尔马提亚狗都统统涂上了颜色。

71、Thanksgiving Day in America is considered as a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals, such as turkeys, pumpkin pie, Indian corn and so on. ─── 感恩节那天,家家都团聚在一起,享受着像火鸡、南瓜饼、印第安玉米等丰美的食物。

72、Two-thirds of the turkeys are expected to come from Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas,Virginia A***, ***, Missouri and California. ─── 其中,三分之二的火鸡分别来自明尼苏达州、北卡罗来纳州、阿肯色州、维吉尼亚州密苏里州以及加利福尼亚洲。

73、A disease of birds, especially young domesticated chickens and turkeys, caused by gapeworms and resulting in obstructed breathing. ─── 张口病鸟类尤其是驯化的小鸡、火鸡的一种疾病,因张口病线虫引起并导致呼吸困难

74、This year, the turkeys will be honorary grand marshals at Disneyland's Thanksgiving Day Parade. ─── 今年,这两只火鸡将作为名誉司仪参加迪斯尼乐园的感恩节游行活动。

75、Unlike some neighbors, Logan said, she never had thoughts of catching one of the turkeys in her yard and turning it into dinner. ─── 洛根说,她与一些邻居的想法不同,她从没想过要从院子里抓一只火鸡,把它变成盘中餐。

76、"There is cranberry sauce, there are vegetables, there is canned fruit, there are some turkeys that we will be giving out later. ─── “这里有酸果曼沙司、蔬菜、水果罐头。等一会儿我们还会发放一些火鸡。”

77、Fifteen wild turkeys strutted into a suburban hamlet of N.Y. on Thanksgiving Day and then left just in time to avoid dinner. ─── 感恩节当天,15只野火鸡“大摇大摆地”闯进美国纽约市郊的一个村庄,之后又“及时地”在晚饭前撤离了该地。

78、The farmer is feeding the turkeys off for Thanksgiving. ─── 农场主正把火鸡养肥以供应感恩节市场。

79、Most turkeys taste better the day after; my mother's tasted better the day before. ─── 大多数火鸡在做好了之后第二天吃更美味;我妈妈做的前一天吃更美味。

80、I got to thinking about Thanksgiving, of the Pilgrims, Indians, wild turkeys, pumpkins, corn on the cob, and the rest. ─── 我开始思索起感恩节这个节日来,想着清教徒前辈移民、印第安人、野火鸡、南瓜、玉米棒等等。

81、The customary turkey dinner is a reminder of the four wild turkeys that were served at the Pilgrims'first thanksgiving feast. ─── 传统的火鸡晚餐,就是让人们回顾清教徒举行的第一次感恩宴会上做的四只野火鸡。

82、I have sixteen turkeys. ─── 我有十六只火鸡。

83、But some turkeys are lucky. ─── 但是一些火鸡很幸运。

84、Especially on your "Thanks giving" day.Besides, turkeys are our favorite pets.We regard turkeys as human`s best friends.In China only the most uneducated eat turkeys. ─── 另外,火鸡是我们最喜爱的宠物,我们觉得火鸡是人类最好的朋友,中国只有文盲才吃火鸡。

85、Fifteen wild turkeys strutted into a suburban hamlet of N.Y.on Thanksgiving Day and then left just in time to avoid dinner. ─── 感恩节当天,15只野火鸡“大摇大摆地”闯进美国纽约市郊的一个村庄,之后又“及时地”在晚饭前撤离该地。

86、Turkeys are fed mainly corn and soybean meal. ─── 人们主要用玉米和大豆喂火鸡。

87、Thanksgiving Day is a time to offer thanks,a time of family gatherings and holiday meals,a time of turkeys, stuffing and pumpkin pie,and a time for Indian corn,holiday parades and giant balloons. ─── 感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子;是一个家家餐桌上都有火鸡、填料、南瓜馅饼的日子。

88、After all, CEOs seldom tell their shareholders that they have assembled a bunch of turkeys to run things. ─── 因为一家企业的总经理很少会告诉公司股东说,你们所投资的公司是由一群笨蛋组成的经营阶层来管理

89、We had a hayride, picked up pumpkins, went through haunted house, visited an old logan house built sometime in the 18th and we saw animals, goat, pig, rooster,hen, donkey and turkeys. ─── 十七,八个月左右,他就开始讲一些完整的句子了,但只有主语和谓语,象妈妈来了之类。

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