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10-02 投稿


logger 发音

英:['l?g?]  美:['l?ɡ?]

英:  美:

logger 中文意思翻译



logger 短语词组

1、system utilization logger ─── [计] 系统利用率记录程序; 系统利用率记录器

2、data logger checker ─── 数据输出校验器

3、utility logger system ─── [计] 实用记录系统

4、automatic data logger ─── 自动数据记录器

5、invite logger classic ─── 邀请logger classic

6、automatic recording data-logger ─── 自动记录数据记录器

7、computing logger ─── [计] 计算记录器

8、logger task ─── [计] 记录任务

9、error logger ─── [计] 出错登记程序

10、chainsaw logger ─── 电锯伐木机

11、utilization logger system ─── [计] 运行记录系统

12、sensor logger app ─── 传感器记录器应用程序

13、automatic alarm logger ─── 自动报警记录器

14、logger module ─── 记录器模块

15、logger vick ─── 对数vick

16、automatic logger ─── 自动记录器

17、data logger ─── [计] 数据记录器; 数据登录器 ─── [化] 数据记录装置

18、density logger ─── 密度测井仪

19、whites logger boots ─── 白色伐木靴

logger 词性/词形变化,logger变形


logger 相似词语短语

1、bogger ─── 盥洗室

2、loggier ─── 罗格

3、Dogger ─── n.(苏格兰北部中侏罗世形成的)道格统岩层

4、clogger ─── n.木屐匠

5、blogger ─── n.写博客的人;博客使用者

6、flogger ─── n.鞭鞑者(米格家族里的第三款超声速战斗机)

7、slogger ─── n.猛击者;乱打者;勤劳的工作者

8、vlogger ─── n.视频博主

9、loggers ─── n.伐木工人(logger的复数形式)

logger 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Instrument category: intelligent temperature and humidity logger, temperature controller, timers, counters and so on. ─── 仪器仪表类: 智能温湿度记录仪、温控器、计时器、计数器等。

2、If a given logger is not assigned a level, then it inherits one from its closest ancestor with an assigned level. ─── 如果一个指定的日志记录器没有指定级别,那么就会从最近的祖先那里继承一个已指定的级别。

3、You can customize the level of detail that you want the logger to report by using the. ─── 开关来自定义要记录器报告的详细程度。

4、gamma ray logger ─── γ测井仪

5、Brazil's worst logger: the government? ─── 巴西最糟的樵夫:政府?

6、like a basin of cold water had woken him up completely, yet he felt too lazy to stretch out his arm while his heart was no logger burning. ─── 这一阵寒气仿佛是一盆冷水把他浇醒,他的手懒得伸出来,他的心也不再那么热。

7、TYSC-3Q type digital logger ─── TYSC-3Q型数字测井仪

8、So, if more than one application is using loggers, they will share settings, and one applications logger instance can potentially inherit settings from another applications logger. ─── 因此,如果很多应用程序都在使用这个记录器,那么它们将共享设置,一个应用程序的记录器实例可以继承其他应用程序记录器的设置。

9、acoustic velocity logger ─── 声速测井仪

10、An injured logger is often far from professional emergency treatment. ─── 受伤的樵夫经常没有专业的急救护理。

11、For example, the kernel Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) logger is always active, generating trace events for file, registry, interrupt, and other types of activity into a circular buffer. ─── 例如,内核Windows事件跟踪(ETW)记录程序总是处于运行状态,能够生成有关文件、注册表、中断以及其他活动类型的跟踪事件,并保存在循环缓冲区中。

12、The Letter Logger can be programmed to check its position every few minutes, over longer intervals, or only when a built-in motion detector senses movement, says Jude Daggett, of TrackingTheWorld. ─── TrackingTheWorld公司的JudeDaggett介绍说:信件跟踪GPS设备可以被编程为每隔几分钟,或者时间间隔更长些,或者只在内置的行动探测器感觉到运动时检查一下它的位置。

13、The data logger device has been fitted to ship's engine room. ─── 数字记录仪装置已安装在船只的机舱里。

14、A Portable Multi-Channel High-Speed Data Logger and Analyzer ─── 便携式多通道高速数据记录分析仪

15、radioactive logger ─── 放射性测井仪

16、acoustic logger ─── 声波测井仪

17、Logger log = Logger.getLogger(*.class.getName()); ─── "记录日志开始");

18、The data logger is interfaced directly with the minicomputer ─── 数据记录器直接与小型计算机连接。

19、Soil Moisture Transducer Turn your tensiometer into a soil moisture data logger with this transducer unit. ─── 土壤湿度转换器将张力计转换成土壤湿度记录器。

20、PSJ-2 type digital logger ─── PSJ-2型数字测井仪

21、A rancher typically claims a part of forest and then sells the timber rights to a logger. ─── 农场主通常是声称某片森林是自己的,然后就把其上的森林采伐权卖给一个伐木工人。

22、density logger ─── 密度测井仪

23、A Method of Semantic Extending to Video Logger and Retrieval for MAM ─── 一种用于MAM的语义可扩展视频编目与检索方法

24、This logger is reserved for future use. ─── 此日志记录器保留以供将来使用。

25、You would just add it to your plug-in dependencies and get the logger objects from it. ─── 您只能将其加入插件从属关系中,并从中获得日志对象。

26、Specifies the logger to use to log events from MSBuild. ─── 指定要用来从MSBuild记录事件的记录器。

27、At this point, it's worth mentioning that the logger might be set to write output into a separate file to simplify debugging. ─── 此时,需要注意记录器可能被设置为将输出写入到一个单独文件,从而简化调试。


29、Great Capacity of Data Logger Based on Virtual Instrument Technology ─── 基于虚拟仪器技术的海量数据存储记录仪

30、Stops the logger, releases all resources, and closes the file to which the logger was writing. ─── 停止记录器,释放所有资源,并关闭记录器向其中写入消息的文件。

31、We are trading service company located in Toronto, Canada.We provides advanced data logger products and technology to the market.They can be used in many industries,(power plant,energy saving ect. ─── 提示:[点击这里免费注册自动化网个人会员]自动化网个人会员找不到需要的信息时,请点击这里在线查询。。

32、Simple Example of a Custom Logger ─── 一个自定义日志记录器的例子

33、The environment Radon logger FD216 is an instantaneous surveying instrument in situ. ─── 摘要FD216型环境氡测量仪是在现场瞬时测量氡的仪器。

34、public class SQLMap { private static final String resource = "SqlMap.xml"; private static SqlMapClient sqlMap = null; private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SQLMap.class); pri ... ─── 16浏览(106)回复(0)关键字:我已经设置了同步,这样的程序为什么还会重复插入!

35、logger process ─── 对数标度仪工作过程

36、It also gives you a nice logger. ─── 它还提供了一个很好的日志记录器。

37、The DS2422 temperature/data logger combines the core functions of a fully featured data logger in a single chip. ─── DS2422温度/数据记录器在单个芯片内整合了一个全功能数据记录器的核心功能。

38、Logger err_log = writer(err_writer);Logger warning_log = writer(warning_writer);Logger info_log = writer(info_writer); ─── 各个文件记录不同重要程度的信息是么?

39、// First, search back to a method in the Logger class. ─── 可以看到,恰好包括类名、方法名、文件名、行号等信息。

40、An optional parameter that overrides the global verbosity setting for this file logger only. ─── 一个可选的参数,仅为此文件记录器重写全局详细级别设置。

41、It clearly would be intrusive to manually replace all of the existing logging calls with calls to a generic logger interface. ─── 将现有的日志记录调用手动替换为针对通用日志记录器接口的调用显然很麻烦。

42、Registers the specified logger with the. ─── 中注册指定的记录器。

43、MSBuild also includes a file logger that logs build event information to a file. ─── MSBuild还包括一个文件记录器,它将生成事件信息记录到一个文件。

44、New Math): A logger exchanges a set L of lumber for a set M of money. The cardinality of set M is 100 and each element is worth $1. ─── 1970(传统数学):一个伐木者卖了一卡车的木得到了100元。他伐木的成本是80元。他的利润有多少??

45、In a separate attack in neighboring Jambi province, a tiger mauled an illegal logger to death and dragged away his body. ─── 在另一起事件中,一名非法伐木者在占碑省遭老虎袭击。老虎把他咬死后还把他的尸体拖走。

46、In a typical object-oriented development approach you might implement logging functionality by putting logger statements in all your methods and Java classes. ─── 在典型的面向对象开发方式中,可能要将日志记录语句放在所有方法和Java类中才能实现日志功能。

47、X-ray fluorescence logger ─── X射线荧光记录器

48、Without an external ADC, the DS2422 functions as a temperature logger only. ─── 如果没有外部ADC,DS2422只作为温度记录器。

49、Message Emitter and Message Logger enable the ability to turn logging on and off, as well as the option to log to a flat file. ─── MessageEmitter和MessageLogger支持打开和关闭日志记录的能力,以及记录到平面文件的选项。

50、bm-ADCP ) , Temperature and Pressure Logger(TP ) , anemometer and wind direction vane to observe flow field ,tidal and wind field in the locality. ─── 中文摘要近岸地区海流,受到岸线地形的影响,运动方向约与岸线平行,加上不同特性风场作用,使得近岸海流动力机制更趋复杂。

51、But, I hope it won't take any logger than that! ─── 但我希望不要比这再晚了!

52、data logger ─── 数据自动测定数据列表记录装置数据记录器

53、Research and realization of data logger source based on FPGA ─── 基于FPGA的数据记录器数据源的研究与实现

54、If the logger will display a summary of errors and warnings; otherwise, false ─── 如果记录器将显示错误和警告的摘要,则为

55、Portable Event Logger ─── 便携式事件记录仪

56、It's sent as plain text, and ANYONE on the same network and armed with a packet logger can see everything that's sent, including any passwords. ─── 如果传递的是明文密码,那么网络中同一端口的人就可以看到密码。

57、noise logger ─── 噪声记录仪

58、Development and Application of a New Intelligent Temperature Data Logger ─── 一种新型智能温度巡检仪的研制及应用

59、Allows a logger to force the build to stop in an explicit way. ─── 使记录器可以通过显式方式强制生成停止。

60、utilization logger system ─── 应用记录系统

61、Using a logger hierarchy it is possible to control which log statements are output at arbitrarily fine granularity but also great ease. ─── 使用一个日志层次对象,它有可能控制日志声明的输出在任意的好的粒度,而且这样做是很容易的。

62、This method is called when the logger is unregistered from the engine, after all events are raised. ─── 如果从引擎中注销该记录器,将在引发所有事件后调用该方法。

63、At the same time, the system alsomade use of MySQL database to realize greate data logger,data and information management and file format transform. ─── 并且介绍了如何建立数据采集记录任务,通过MySQL数据库海量存储数据,实现数据管理和信息管理以及文件转换等。

64、In intelligent instrument domain, we ownata logger for temperature and humidity ,numerical barometer with high accuracy, transducer, the CO2 density measures instrument,Gyroscope,the GPS terminal etc. ─── 在智能仪器领域,我们拥有自主产权的温湿度仪表、变送器、记录仪,高精度数字气压表、变送器,CO2浓度测量仪,电子陀螺仪,GPS终端等等智能仪器。

65、HOWL is a logger implementation providing features required by the JOTM project. ─── HOWL实现了一个日志器,提供了JOTM项目需要的功能。

66、You do not need to specify the logger class if there is exactly one logger in the assembly. ─── 如果程序集中恰好只有一个记录器,则不必指定记录器类。

67、Geochemical Logger provides proper situation for evaluating Oil gas character and the block reserve. ─── 地化录井仪在钻井现场的应用,为及时评价油气层特征及估算区块储量创造了条件。

68、Since separate logger objects are created for each class, you'll be able to turn logging on or off for individual components as needed. ─── 因为日志记录器对象是为每个类单独创建的,所以如果需要的话您可以为单个组件打开或关闭日志记录。

69、hand logger ─── 手工采运机

70、Logger logger=new ConsoleLogger(ConsoleLogger.LEVEL_INFO); ─── 创建一个包含级别设置LEVEL_INFO的记录器。

71、This implementation then redirects all the requests to a Logger created with the name you chose, usually the plug-in identifier. ─── 然后,这种实现就可以将所有的请求都重定向到一个使用您选择的名字(通常是一个插件标识符)创建的记录器中。

72、When the drilling is approaching the fault, your mud logger may see the sequence of the bugs in the cuttings repeating. ─── 当(钻头)快接近断层时,泥浆录井可能看到含有相同虫子(古生物)的岩屑重复出现

73、So you can sprinkle logger methods anywhere you find it necessary. ─── 因此您可以在任何必要的地方采用这种记录器的方法。

74、From the standpoint of know-how the only difference between the miner of graphite in Ceylon and the logger in Oregon is in the type of know-how. ─── 从实际知识的角度看,远在锡兰的石墨开采工与俄勒冈的伐木工之间的唯一区别,仅在于实际知识的类型不同。

75、1997 (Whole Math): By cutting down a forest full of beautiful trees, a logger makes $20. ─── 一个伐木者依靠砍伐一个充满著美丽树木的森林赚了20元。

76、The RLVBVID102C (Video VBOX) combines a powerful GPS data logger with a high quality solid-state video recorder. ─── 包含一个功能强大的GPS数据记录仪和一台高清晰固态视频记录仪。

77、digital data logger ─── 数字数据登记器

78、The density logger consists of a radiation source ─── 密度测井仪包括辐射源。

79、The Research of Data Processing Technology of Ultrasonic Logger with Large Diameter ─── 大直径超声测井仪数据处理技术的研究

80、Page Logger - Tracks management of pages. ─── 页面日志程序—跟踪页面的管理。

81、utility logger system ─── 实用记录系统

82、Keywords dynamic ECG machine;logger;playback system; ─── 关键词动态心电图机;记录器;回放系统;

83、The logger formats the intercepted messages into a standard format and then writes them out to a message log. ─── 记录器把拦截的消息的格式转换成标准的格式,然后把它们写出到消息日志中。

84、logger system ─── 巡检系统

85、Serves also as anti clipboard logger. ─── 同时担任反剪贴板记录。

86、While a logger is free to choose the events it logs, following the verbosity guidelines creates a consistent user experience. ─── 尽管记录器可以随意选择它所记录的事件,但遵循详细级别原则有助于保持用户体验的一致性。

87、ACS300 data logger ─── ACS300数据采集器

88、PSJ series digital logger ─── PSJ系列数字测井仪

89、productivity logger ─── 微电脑工业工时量产量管理系统


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