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10-02 投稿


misrepresenting 发音

英:[?m?s?repr??zent??]  美:[?m?s?repr??zent??]

英:  美:

misrepresenting 中文意思翻译




misrepresenting 词性/词形变化,misrepresenting变形

形容词: misrepresentative |动词现在分词: misrepresenting |动词过去式: misrepresented |名词: misrepresentation |动词过去分词: misrepresented |动词第三人称单数: misrepresents |

misrepresenting 相似词语短语

1、misrepresents ─── vt.歪曲,误传;不合适地代表;vi.虚伪陈述;歪曲报道

2、misrepresentations ─── n.歪曲;误传

3、representing ─── v.代表;表示,表现(represent的ing形式)

4、misrepresentation ─── n.歪曲;误传

5、misrepresenter ─── 失实陈述者

6、misrepresent ─── vt.歪曲,误传;不合适地代表;vi.虚伪陈述;歪曲报道

7、misrepresented ─── adj.不如实叙述的;v.不如实地叙述(misrepresent的过去式)

8、misreferencing ─── 错误引用

9、misrepresentative ─── adj.不如实表达的;歪曲的;给人以假象的

misrepresenting 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From this story people have derived the set hrase "calling a stag a horse" to mean deliberately misrepresenting some thing and misleading the public. ─── 成语“指鹿为马”比喻故意颠倒是非,混淆黑白。

2、misrepresenting desire ─── 沈从文

3、You are misrepresenting my view on this matter. ─── 你在曲解我对此事的意见。

4、Gizmodo posted an article earlier today, accusing Apple of misrepresenting the true reasons for Jobs decision to stay away from Macworld. ─── Gizmodo今天早些时候发表了一篇文章,指责苹果公司歪曲乔布斯避开Macworld大会的真正原因。

5、Its reputation restored after a scandal over misrepresenting oil reserves, the company is cutting layers of management to match lower oil prices and profits. ─── 在石油储备谎报丑闻后受损的名誉已经得到了恢复。公司正在削减管理层以应对低油价和低收益。

6、The first is to minimize the possibility of misrepresenting a solution principle that may be effective. ─── 第一个步骤,应排除可能误导或影响有效解决方案的可能性因素。

7、The first is to minimize the possibility of misrepresenting a solution principle that may be effective. ─── 第一个步骤,应排除可能误导或影响有效解决方案的可能性因素。

8、He stands accused of misrepresenting the fiscal plight that the victor of next year's general election will face, and Labour's ability to continue raising public spending. ─── 他由于曲解了下届大选胜利者将面临的财政困难以及工党继续提高公共支出的能力而受到指责。

9、"We want to make sure those misrepresenting their ages don't have an advantage," said Ye Xiquan, deputy sports bureau chief of Guangdong. ─── 广东省体育局副局长叶细权表示,一定要让造假的人一点好处都没有。

10、From this story people have derived the set phrase "calling a stag a horse" to mean deliberately misrepresenting some thing and misleading the public. ─── 事后,赵高通过各种手段把那些不顺从自己的正直大臣纷纷治罪,甚至满门抄斩。

11、Following a test or examination, a student will not try to deceive teachers or graders by misrepresenting or altering his or her previous work. ─── 测验或考试之后,学生不可作出虚假陈述或修改自己以前的作业以欺骗老师和评分员。

12、The Federal Bureau of Investigation has launched a preliminary inquiry into whether Lehman or its executives committed fraud by misrepresenting the firm's condition to investors. ─── 美国联邦调查局(FBI)已经就雷曼或其管理人员是否因向投资者谎报公司状况而涉嫌欺诈展开初步调查。

13、We are even found to be misrepresenting God, because we testified about God that he raised Christ, whom he did not raise if it is true that the dead are not raised. ─── 并且明显我们是为神妄作见证的,因我们见证神是叫基督复活了。若死人真不复活,神也就没有叫基督复活了。

14、In a response, Obama's foreign policy advisor Susan Rice said in a conference call that McCain was "misrepresenting and distorting" Obama's positions. ─── Obama的国防政策顾问Susan Rice 在国会说McCain 是“虚假和捣乱”与Obama观点相对。

15、misrepresenting your car.Not your fault, just the lighting and angle.Maybe u are a good photographer. ─── 另个人看法、关点有所不同:我认为,在这里是有本事的人开旧车;

16、20. You are misrepresenting my view on this matter. ─── 你在曲解我对此事的意见。

17、Ms Chua is trying to protect her immoderate ambition from scrutiny and judgment by misrepresenting it as an ethnic peculiarity. ─── 蔡美儿试图通过把自己的过度野心假扮成一种民族特质,而使其免受审视和评判。

18、These demonstrations and simulations, I think, diminish the experience of beauty in science by misrepresenting the experimental process. ─── 查找了一下,有这篇文章,世界上最美的十个物理实验,埃拉托色尼的实验名列其中。

19、Over the last week of talks, each side accused the other of misrepresenting its proposals. ─── 在上周的几次谈话中,双方都指责对方曲解提议。

20、Joseph promised litigation if his group determines that the content in the upcoming assessment is unfounded, unproven and lacking in or misrepresenting facts. ─── 约瑟夫许诺,如果他的集团诉讼确定该内容在即将到来的评估是毫无根据的,未经证实的,缺乏或歪曲事实。

21、In addition, we could lose the right to export to your country should it ever be discovered that we were misrepresenting the value. ─── 此外如果我们歪曲商品的真实价格,一旦被发现我们可能会失去出口到贵国的权利。

22、Misrepresenting your income or failing to pay appropriate taxes can carry heavy penalties including fines, jail sentences, and felony convictions. ─── 虚报收入或者少交应纳税额可能受到严厉的惩罚,包括罚款、蹲监狱或被判重罪。

23、It could take years before the complete picture of the cacophony of lies, cheating, misrepresenting, and fraud will be brought to light. ─── 我们要花费多年的时间,才能将这个由众多的谎言、欺骗、提供虚假信息和造假构成的整个画面公之于世。

24、If an insured attempts to defraud an insurer by misrepresenting a material fact, the insurance contract generally becomes void and unenforceable. ─── 若被保险人企图通过误告重要事实来欺骗保险人,一般情况下保险合同是无效的,不可实施的。

25、The paper points out that the critical activity is a kind of philosophical criticism, and also misrepresenting, misapprehending to Relativity. ─── 文章指出,我国“文革”期间对相对论的批判是一种哲学批判,是对相对论物理内容的严重歪曲和误解。

26、Clinton accused Obama of misrepresenting her position on those issues in printed pamphlet that his campaign mailed to voters in Ohio. ─── 克林顿指称奥巴马在竞选中散发给俄亥俄州选民的宣传小册子的内容误传克林顿在那些问题上的立场。

27、Tony cautioned against misrepresenting the situation. ─── 托尼告诫说不要歪曲事实。

28、While some cases of dishonesty in journalism involve plagiarism, other cases involve other ways of misrepresenting the truth. ─── 在新闻报道中,有时候记者会扭曲事实,还有些时候他们还有抄袭剽窃的不诚实行为.

29、Misrepresenting yourself occurs frequently because you are often unsure how to define yourself. ─── 你时常会错误地呈现自己,因为你也不确定该如何定义自己。

30、Some Democrats said the Republicans were simply misrepresenting the legislation. ─── 一些民主党人也认为共和党人完全歪曲了立法的本来目的。

31、When did fudging, lying, dissembling, dissimulating, equivocating, falsifying, fibbing, inventing, misleading, misrepresenting, misstating, and prevaricating, become business as usual? ─── 当胡说八道,说谎,掩饰,装糊涂,说话模棱两可,伪造,撒小谎,发明,令人误解的,误传,说错话,支吾搪塞时,仍象往常一样成为生意伙伴吗?

32、9. It could take years before the complete picture of the cacophony of lies, cheating, misrepresenting, and fraud will be brought to light. ─── 这些公司不仅欺骗了公众,而且谎报业绩,通过各种名目如“创造性的会计手法”故意掩盖大量的债务。收藏指正

33、Misrepresenting or failing to explain any matter affecting the rights and interests of the proposer or the insured. ─── 就影响要保人或被保险人权益之事项为不实之说明或不为说明者。

34、He intends to bring suit against them for misrepresenting the merchandise they sold him. ─── 他打算告发他们把货物卖给他时作虚伪不实的吹嘘。

35、Forging, misrepresenting, omitting, or deleting message headers, return mailing information and/or Internet protocol addresses to conceal or misidentify the origin of a message is prohibited. ─── 锻造,谎报,漏报,或删除的邮件标题,返回邮件信息和/或互联网协议地址来隐瞒或misidentify来源的讯息,是禁止的。

36、In this case, doing so required ignoring inconvenient facts and misrepresenting the record of a dedicated public servant like Schaffer. ─── 在这件事情上,他们如果要达到目的,就必须抹煞与动机不符的事实,还得歪曲沙费尔这样尽职尽责的公务员的工作表现。

37、As you are probably aware, you can do all kinds of things with HTML to adjust your presentation, which sometimes has the side effect of misrepresenting your content. ─── 您可能已经发觉,用HTML可以对表示作出各种调整,但有时候副作用是歪曲了内容。

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