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Mithras 发音


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Mithras 中文意思翻译



Mithras 词性/词形变化,Mithras变形


Mithras 相似词语短语

1、kitharas ─── n.西萨拉(等于cithara)

2、mitres ─── n.斜接;主教法冠;僧帽;vt.将…斜接;vi.斜接;n.(Mitre)人名;(西、罗)米特雷;(英)迈特;(法)米特

3、citharas ─── n.西塔拉琴;类似竖琴的乐器

4、mithers ─── n.(苏格兰)母亲(等于mother)

5、Mithras ─── n.密特拉神(古波斯的光神)

6、miters ─── n.主教冠;斜接,斜面接头;笔螺(mitre的美式拼写);v.(使)斜接(miter的美式拼写);n.(Miter)(美、俄、波)米特尔(人名)

7、mitral ─── adj.二尖瓣的,僧帽瓣的;主教冠形的

8、Mithra ─── n.密特拉(波斯神话中的光明之神,等于Mithras)

9、mithan ─── 白肢野牛

Mithras 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mithras was known throughout Europe and Asia by the names Mithra, Mitra, Meitros, Mihr, Mehr, and Meher. ─── 密特拉也被欧洲和亚洲所知,其他名称是Mithra,Mitra,Meitros,Mihr,Mehr,andMeher。

2、In Armenian tradition, Mithras was believed to shut himself up in a cave from which he emerged once a year, born anew. ─── 在亚美尼亚的传统,密特拉被认为是把自己关在洞穴,每年浮现一次,重新诞生。

3、It was believed that Mithra, an infant god, was born of a rock. ─── 据信,密斯拉神是一个婴儿神,出身于岩石中。

4、It is hard to avoid the conclusion that the Mithras cult was transferred to the previously unvenerated archangel. ─── 这很难消除一个结论,那就是密特拉神的祭礼被转换成以前的天使长崇敬。

5、And it was at Pergamum, in the 2nd century BC, that Greek sculptors started to produce bas-relief imagery of Mithra Taurocthonos, "Mithra the bull-slayer. ─── 在帕加马(古希腊城市,现为土耳其伊兹密尔省贝尔加马镇),在公元前二世纪,希腊雕刻家开始制造密特拉神的浅浮雕,“密特拉,公牛的杀手”。

6、According to Persian mythology, Mithras was born of a virgin given the title 'Mother of God'. ─── 依照波斯神话,密特拉是由一位头衍为“神的母亲”的童贞女所生。

7、This is a God that would be almost as unfamiliar to Edmund Gosse's father, to John Calvin or the pope as it would to a Roman sacrificing a bull to Mithras. ─── 柯林斯为他称为“有神进化论”的理论辩护,他认为该理论还未被接受,因为它有个可怕的名字。

8、The ancient Romans held year-end celebrations to honor Saturn (the harvest god) and Mithras (the god of light). ─── 古罗马人举行年终祭典来歌诵他们的农神与太阳神。

9、When Mithras later became the Roman god of contracts, the handshake gesture was imported throughout the Mediterranean and Europe by Roman soldiers. ─── 密特拉后来成为了罗马的盟约之神,握手姿态的意义通过罗马士兵而传播整个地中海和欧洲。

10、In Armenian tradition, Mithras was believed to shut himself up in a cave from which he emerged once a year, born anew. ─── 在亚美尼亚的传统,密特拉被认为是把自己关在洞穴,每年浮现一次,重新诞生。

11、Legion Arena Cult of Mithras Standalone ─── 古罗马军团竞技场.密特拉神的信徒

12、In Rome, more than a hundred inscriptions dedicated to Mithras have been found, in addition to 75 sculpture fragments, and aseries of Mithraic temples situated in all parts of the city. ─── 在罗马,发现了超过一百个有关献身于密特拉神的碑铭,除此之外还有75个雕刻碎片,还有一系列密特拉教庙宇,位置城市的各个部分。

13、The name Mithras was the Persian word for 'contract'. ─── 密特拉神的名字波斯语叫做“盟约”。

14、In the Persian calendar, the seventh month and the sixteenth day of each month were also dedicated to Mithras. ─── 在波斯历法上,第七个月和每个月的第十六天都用来献身于密特拉神。

15、Mithra like the rest of the gods and goddess of the Iranian Pantheon was stripped of his sovereignty, and all his powers and attributes were bestowed upon Zarathustra. ─── 密特拉就像伊朗万神殿的其余神和女神一橛,被剥夺了他的王权,所有他的力量和属性都把安放在琐罗亚斯德上。

16、Mithras was worshipped as guardian of arms, and patron of soldiers and armies. ─── 密特拉作为士兵的武器而被崇拜,士兵和军队的资助者。

17、" While the markets are offering plenty of outlets for a variety of shareholder outrage, at least one Yahoo investor, Mithras Capital, is proposing a new Microsoft-Yahoo deal. ─── 虽然设计师可以同时突出多个项目,但当被突出项目太多的网页设计时候,反而会造成用户认知的网页设计困难。

18、Romans encountered worship of the deity Mithras as part of Zoroastrianism in the eastern provinces of the empire, particularly in Asia Minor (now modern Turkey). ─── 罗马在帝国东部的省份内遇见了崇拜密特拉神作为其中一部分的琐罗亚斯德教,尤其是在小亚细亚(现在的土耳其)。

19、Legion Arena - Cult of Mithras ─── 军团竞技场:密特拉神的信徒

20、Mithras thus became the giver of authority and victory to the Imperial House. ─── 密特拉神因此而成为了皇帝房间的权威和胜利的给予者。

21、In the absence of any Mithraist scripture, all we know about Mithras is what can be deduced from his images in the mithraea that have survived. ─── 没有密特拉教的手稿,一切有关密特拉教的都是根据幸存的太阳洞穴里面的肖像的推断而得知。

22、Mithras represented a system of ethics in which brotherhood was encouraged in order to unify against the forces of evil. ─── 密特拉被描绘成一种道德规范的体系,兄弟关系是被鼓励的,联成一体去对抗魔鬼的力量。

23、Instead of theism he is a devotee of atheism, instead of Dionysus he favours the more modern Mithras, and instead of heaven he seeks paradise on earth. ─── 代替神,他献身给无神论,代替狄俄尼索斯,他更喜欢更现代的蜜特拉神,代替天堂,他寻找地球上的乐园。

24、Why is Mithras shown wearing a Phrygian cap? ─── 为什么密特拉神会戴一顶弗利吉亚国的帽子?

25、It would seem that, in those kingdoms, Mithra was a god whose power lent luster even to a king. ─── 看上去,在那些王国上,密特拉是一个神,甚至把光彩借给国王。

26、All souls were to be judged by Mithra (represented as a bull) with the Elect going to heaven, and the earthly and evil being annihilated in a great battle. ─── 所有灵魂都受到密特拉神的审判(以公牛作为代表),推选出上天堂的灵魂,俗世和邪恶的会在一场伟大的战役中被歼灭。

27、Sitting next to Mithra (Father), dressed in red, color of sun, fire and blood of life. ─── 坐在密特拉(父亲)旁边,穿上红衣服,代表太阳的颜色,火和生命之血。

28、Christ and Mithra were both referred to directly as the "Logos" (Larson 184). ─── 基督与密特拉两者都直接地提及到“逻各斯(Logos,道,道体,道成肉身)。”

29、But none of this affected the existing cult of Mithras, which remained a non-official cult. ─── 但这一切都没有影响到密特拉神的祭礼,仍然保留一个非官方的祭礼。

30、In grade of Heliodromus (sun runner) under sun, the initiate imitates Sun at the ritual banquet. Sitting next to Mithra (Father), dressed in red, color of sun, fire and blood of life. ─── 在太阳之下的太阳信使等级,在典礼的宴会上开始模仿太阳。坐在密特拉(父亲)旁边,穿上红衣服,代表太阳的颜色,火和生命之血。

31、Several of their kings were called Mithradates, meaning "given by Mithra", starting with Mithradates I of Parthia (died 138 BC). ─── 它们的几个国王就称为密特兰达特斯,意思是“由密特拉神所给”,从帕提亚的密特拉达特斯一世开始(死于公元前138年)。

32、Mithras is often represented as carrying a lamb on his shoulders, just as Jesus is. ─── 密特拉经常被描绘成是肩膀上扛着一只羔羊,就像耶稣那样。

33、The Persians called Mithras 'The Mediator' since he was believed to stand between the light of Ahura-Mazda and the darkness of Ahriman. ─── 波斯人称密特拉为“仲载者,中保”,因为他被认为是站立在光明之神阿胡—玛兹达和黑暗之神阿里曼之间。

34、It was also a time when many of the members of the upper class celebrated the birthday of Mithra, the god of the unconquerable sun, on December 25. ─── 同样,许多上层社会的人们会在12月25号这天庆祝无敌的太阳神密斯拉。

35、" Although the cult of Mithras never caught on in the Greek homeland, those sculptures may indicate the route between Persian Mithra and Roman Mithras. ─── 尽管密特拉的祭礼没有在希腊本国流行,那些雕刻品可以指出波斯密特拉与罗马密特拉之间的路线。

36、Some commentators surmise that the Mithraists worshipped Mithras as the mediator between Man and the supreme God of the upper and nether world. ─── 一些评论员猜测密特拉教崇拜的密特拉神是人与天和地之间的至高神之间的中保或仲栽者。

37、In every Mithraic temple, the place of honor was occupied by a representation of Mithras killing a sacred bull, called a tauoctony. ─── 在每一座密特拉教庙宇里,荣耀的地方被密特拉神宰杀神圣公牛的画像占据着,称为一个tauoctony。

38、The German frontiers have yielded most of the archaeological evidence of its prosperity: small cult objects connected with Mithra turn up in archaeological digs from Romania to Hadrian's Wall. ─── 德国边境大多数的考古证据也表明它的繁荣:从罗马到哈里安城墙都可以找到细小的祭礼对象,与密特拉神相关联。

39、These cave temples were created in the image of the World Cave that Mithras had created, according to the Persian creation myth. ─── 依照波斯人的传统神话,这些洞穴庙宇是以密特拉创造的世界洞穴肖像而创造的。

40、Mithras was seen as the protector of just souls from demons seeking to drag them down to Hell, and the guide of these souls to Paradise. ─── 密特拉神被看作正义的灵魂的保卫者,引领这些灵魂进入天堂,而魔鬼就把他们拖入地狱。

41、Mithra is also seen in Chinese mythology, where he is known as The Friend. ─── 密特拉在中国也可以见得到,他被认为是朋友。

42、3.The cult of Mithras began to attract attention at Rome about the end of the first century AD, perhaps in connection with the conquest of then-Zoroastrian Armenia. ─── 密特拉教的祭礼在头一个世纪末开始引起罗马的注意,可能与征服当时亚美尼亚索罗亚斯德教徒有关。

43、The sun itself was considered to be "the eye of Mithras".The Persian crown, from which all present day crowns are derived, was designed to represent the golden sun-disc sacred to Mithras. ─── 太阳本身被认为是“密特拉的眼睛”,波斯人的冠冕,所有现世的冠冕都源于此,设计来描绘神圣的密特拉的金黄色太阳状圆盘。

44、For some Romans, Mithra's birthday was the most sacred day of the year. ─── 对于一些罗马人来说,密斯拉的生日一年中最神圣的日子。

45、The relief, made of white Carrara marble and weighing 1,500 kilogrammes, comes from Vejo - a former Etruscan city that flourished in the 5th century BC - and shows the god Mithras slaying a bull. ─── 这座1500公斤的浮雕是由卡拉拉白大理石制造而成,产自公元前5世纪的伊特鲁里亚(意大利古国)。浮雕生动地表现了蜜特拉神猎杀公牛的情景。

46、Mithras was seen as the protector of just souls from demons seeking to drag them down to Hell, and the guide of these souls to Paradise. ─── 密特拉神被看作正义的灵魂的保卫者,引领这些灵魂进入天堂,而魔鬼就把他们拖入地狱。

47、It is believed that to this small but powerful sect, the birthday of Mithra, December 25th, was the holiest day of the year. ─── 这支规模很小但很有势力的宗教相信,密特拉的生日,十二月二十五日是一年中最神圣的日子。

48、Mithra is represented as a Military General in Chinese statues, and is considered to be the friend of man in this life and his protector against evil in the next. ─── 密特拉在中国雕像是被描绘成一位军中将领,被认为是人这一生的朋友和来世防止邪灵的保护者。

49、He is a bride (lover) of Mithra. He also offers a cup of water to the statute of Mithra, the cup is his heart and the water is his love. ─── 他是密特拉的爱人。他也向密特拉的肖像提供一杯水,杯是他的心,水是他的爱。

50、Plutarch's Life of Pompey also makes it clear that the worship of Mithras was well known at that time. ─── 希腊历史学家帕拉塔斯在普皮的生活也清晰地提到过密特拉崇拜在当时是十分流行。

51、7.It was based on worship of the god Mithras and derives from the Persian and Indic god Mithra and other Zoroastrian deities. ─── 它主要是崇拜密特拉神,源自波斯和印度的神密特拉和其他琐罗亚斯德的神。

52、It is also hard to explain how the Sun-god Mithra would come to be worshipped in the windowless, cave-like mithraeum. ─── 这也很难解释太阳神密特拉如何在无窗,洞穴似的太阳式洞举行崇拜。

53、For over three hundred years the rulers of the Roman Empire worshipped the god Mithras. ─── 三百多年以来,罗马帝国的统治者崇拜密特拉神。

54、In addition, members of the upper classes often celebrated the birthday of Mithra, the god of the unconquerable sun, on December 25. ─── 此外,上层阶级的人经常在12月25日庆祝不可征服的太阳神密斯拉的生日。

55、According to some accounts, Mithras died, was buried in a cavernous rock tomb, and was resurrected. ─── 根据一些传说,密特拉神死后被埋在一个似巨穴的岩石坟墓,然后复活。

56、West of Hatra at Dura Europos, Mithraeums were found with figures of Mithras on horseback. ─── 赫拉西部,发现的密特拉庙宇拥有密特拉在马背上的图像。

57、The divine duty of Mithras was to ensure general prosperity through good contractual relations between men. ─── 密特拉的神圣职责就是通过与人类之间的良好盟约关系而确保普遍的繁荣。

58、Mithras was known as the God of Truth, and Lord of Heavenly Light, and said to have stated "I am a star which goes with thee and shines out of the depths". ─── 密特拉被认为是真理之神,天上的光之主,据说声称“我是与你同在的一颗星,从深处射出来。”

59、According to some accounts, Mithras died, was buried in a cavernous rock tomb, and was resurrected. ─── 根据一些传说,密特拉神死后被埋在一个似巨穴的岩石坟墓,然后复活。

60、It is tempting to identify the Roman Mithras with the Persian Mithra, except that there is no known Persian legend or text about Mithra killing a bull or being associated with other animals. ─── 把罗马密特拉教和波斯密特拉教看成是一样,是很诱惑人的,只可惜是没有人知道波斯传统或者文献提到过密特拉神杀害了一只公牛或者与其他动物联结在一起。

61、It was practiced by the Brahmins of India, and was introduced into the mysteries of Mithras. ─── 它由印度的婆罗门实践,然后被引入密特拉神的仪式上。

62、Mithras is associated with Perseus, whose constellation is above that of the bull. A serpent, a scorpion, a dog, and a raven are present, also thought to represent associated constellations. ─── 密特拉神与珀尔修斯联合,星座是在公牛之上,呈现出毒蛇,一只蝎子,一条狗和一只大乌鸦,都被认为是描绘星座。

63、This also symbolizes the removing the head(intellect) itself, allowing Mithra to be the guide. ─── 这也象征着除去头(智力)本身,允许密特拉成为指引。

64、Some Romans, particularly soldiers and government officials, also worshipped Mithra, the sun god. ─── 有些罗马人,特别是士兵和政府官员,也崇拜波斯的太阳神密特拉。

65、The legions brought home cults originating from Egypt, Britain, Iberia, Germany, India and Persia. The cults of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras were particularly important. ─── 古罗马军团带来了源自埃及、不列颠、伊比利亚(古西班牙)、德国、印度和波斯的家庭祭礼。西布莉(古代小亚细亚人崇拜的自然女神)、伊希斯和密特拉的祭礼变得尤为重要。

66、It was believed that Mithra, an infant god, was born of a rock.For some Romans, Mithra's birthday was the most sacred day of the year. ─── 传说密斯拉出生于一块石头,对一些罗马人密斯拉的生日是一年中最神圣的日子。







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