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10-02 投稿


unprofessional 发音

英:[??npr??fe??nl]  美:[??npr??fe??nl]

英:  美:

unprofessional 中文意思翻译



unprofessional 短语词组

1、unprofessional operation ─── [法] 违章操作

2、unprofessional design ─── 非专业设计

3、unprofessional manner ─── 不专业的态度

4、unprofessional conduct ─── [法] 违反职业道德的行为

5、unprofessional lawyer ─── [法] 非职业性律师, 诉讼代理人, 公证人

6、unprofessional accident ─── [法] 违章事故

unprofessional 同义词

wrong | slack | dishonorable | sloppy | improper | unprincipled | amateur | incompetent | inexpert | shoddy | amateurish | immoral | dishonourable | slapdash |unethical

unprofessional 反义词


unprofessional 词性/词形变化,unprofessional变形

名词: unprofessionalism |副词: unprofessionally |

unprofessional 相似词语短语

1、processional ─── adj.游行的;列队行进的;n.游行圣歌

2、subprofessional ─── adj.(常指在专业人员直接督导下的)次专业的

3、preprofessional ─── adj.为从事职业作准备的,职前的

4、unprofessionally ─── adv.非职业性地;非专业性地

5、subprofessionally ─── 次专业

6、professional ─── adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员

7、nonprofessional ─── adj.无专长的;无职业的;业余的;n.外行;非专业人士

8、professionals ─── n.[管理]专业人员(professional的复数)

9、paraprofessional ─── adj.辅助专职人员的;专业人员的助手的;n.辅助专职人员的人;专业人员的助手

unprofessional 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Out-of-date, poorly written content is rife because there are no standards, no measures, and few staff resources.Instead of freedom of expression what we get is freedom to be unprofessional. ─── 由于没有统一的标准、规则以及足够的员工,所以经常出现过期、质量差的内容。

2、The need for BeiMac SOS was realized following incessant reports of unprofessional service from Apple China and the lack of tech support in China. ─── 本组成立,主要是面对苹果中国的技术支持缺陷以及中国苹果支持资源的缺乏,而成立。

3、One of the possible explanations that an unprofessional mind inevitably comes up with in such a situation is poisoning. ─── 在这种情况下,一个非专业大脑不可避免地会闪过一个可能的解释:中毒。

4、Workplace profanity is offensive and unprofessional, say three-quarters of small business employers, and nearly half say it can border on harassment. ─── 有四分之三的小企业主称,在工作场合说粗话对同事不敬,也很不专业,近半数业主声称这近乎于骚扰。

5、Sometimes unprofessional, awkward or embarrassing events occur that can test your ability to hle yourself. ─── 她可以回答,她个人原则之一就是不和同事约会。

6、"Some are defanged in the most unprofessional way. They suffer from mouth infection and their poison gland is punctured. We have kept them under medical observation," she told reporters. ─── 她告诉记者说:"一些蛇被拔去毒牙,方法当然是最不专业的,并且会因此而口腔感染。它们的毒腺往往也被刺破。目前我们一直在对它们进行医疗观察。"

7、Do not use animated GIFs : unless you have advertising banners that require animation, avoid animated GIFs. They make a site look unprofessional and detract the attention from the content. ─── 不要使用动态GIF。除非你有需要动画的广告条,否则避免使用动态GIF。它会使网站看上去很业余,并且会分散访问者的注意力。

8、Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her. ─── 特里也直觉地感到了这一点,而且为自己这种显然非职业的情感感到沮丧和矛盾。

9、Unprofessional, there are opportunities in the market early, but as the market towards specialization, more trouble. ─── 不专业,在市场初期还有机会,但随着市场走向专业化,就比较麻烦了。

10、was fired for unprofessional conduct. ─── 专业的操作而被解雇。

11、But because of technical unprofessional, crafts crude, temporarily can not see, As time went on, problems will be revealed. ─── 可是由于技术不专业,工艺粗糙,暂时是看不出问题,时间一长,问题就会暴露出来。

12、She was found guilty of unprofessional conduct. ─── 她因违反职业道德而被判罪。

13、A blog that looks like it was put together by someone’s nephew in their basement or uses a free template will give off the impression of being unprofessional, lack of credibility, and sketchy. ─── 如果一个博客看上去像是由某个人的侄子在地下室拼凑出来的,或是套用免费模版做出来的,那它就会给人留下不专业、缺乏可信度以及粗略的印象。

14、The board considers your behaviour highly unprofessional. ─── 董事会认为你的行为严重违反职业道德.

15、Web pages may look different on your visitors' computers, depending on their computer, monitor, browser, and fonts.What may look great on one browser may look unprofessional on another. ─── 计算机、显示器、浏览器以及字体,都会影响网站外观,这个浏览器中精美的网站外观可能在另外一个浏览器中会显得业余。

16、The people's jury system is the system that the national judicial organs bring the case to trial with unprofessional judges. ─── 人民陪审制度是国家审判机关吸收非职业法官参加案件的事实审判的制度。

17、He knows nothing of unprofessional matters ─── 与专业无关的事, 他什么也不知道。

18、described in unprofessional language so that high school students could understand it; was censured for unprofessional conduct; unprofessional repairs ─── 用高中生可以理解的非职业术语来描述;因其外行行为被责难;非专业的补救

19、We thought of ourselves as impostors, succeeding despite being totally unprofessional. ─── 我们认为自己是骗子,虽然毫不专业但却意外成功。

20、Overestimation or underestimation of the existence of such a party to produce valuation reports of unprofessional conduct; ─── 是否存在高估或低估等迎合委托方出具估价报告等违反职业道德的行为;

21、Small scale community based tourism projects are often unprofessional and with limited market suitability. ─── 规模较小的以社区为单位的旅游项目管理不够专业化,市场可持续性较为有限。

22、For some, emoticons are still the mark of an unprofessional, lazy e-mailer. ─── 对一些人来说,那些非专业的、懒惰的人才会在电子邮件中使用表情符号。

23、unprofessional accident ─── [法] 违章事故

24、No matter is the unprofessional public figure or the real estate observer, extremely pays attention to this session of fall rendezvous the result and the room business fixed price trend. ─── 不论是外行人士还是地产观察人士,都极关注本届秋交会的成效和房企定价的走向。

25、However, this is an unprofessional view. ─── 不过,这属于非专业人士的观点。

26、Friends also said that mess, "Coban students unprofessional" is also in his recruiting process is often encountered problems. ─── 胡来友也表示,“科班学生不专业”也是他在招人过程中经常遭遇的问题。

27、Even though the owner is a consortium of 30 influential corporations in Taiwan, it does not include a railway company, which makes it unprofessional in the building of railways and their management. ─── 台湾高速铁路的拥有者由30个具有影响力的顾问团组成,尚未包括高速铁路公司在内,在台铁的建筑物中会出现非专业性的铁道及管理问题。

28、A boring blog or an unprofessional Web site is worse than none at all, Ms.Paprocki said. ─── 一个令人厌烦的博客或不专业网站不如根本没有,帕若克女士说。

29、R. executive asks for autographs from or taking a photo with the artistes, that's very unprofessional. ─── 我没有见过有人这样做,但若果一个公关在宣传活动期间向明星取签名或要求合照,是十分不专业的。

30、If you can't leave a fight or a bad breakup outside of the office, you both might end up looking unprofessional, regardless of whose fault it is. ─── 如果不能把争吵和决裂留在办公室外,不考虑谁对谁错,你们两个还是不能很有职业精神的完美收场。

31、According to many years of work experience,the author has provided a set of unprofessional methods of safeguard of the com-puter and network for those companies without special network administrators. ─── 该文依据多年工作实践,为不设置专职网管的单位提出了一套保障计算机及网络正常使用的非专业方法。

32、I felt guilty about my unprofessional behaviour. ─── 我为失职而内疚。

33、The boardconsiders your behaviour highly unprofessional. ─── 董事会认为你的行为严重违反职业道德。

34、Without accuracy, your documents look unprofessional and may even be unreadable. ─── 没有准确性,你的文档看上去就不专业化,甚至不值一看。

35、"Putting MBA on your business card could be seen as pretentious and a bit unprofessional. " ─── “把MBA学历放在名片上,可能会被视为自命不凡,还有一点儿不专业。”

36、's unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues. ─── 总是指责同事,这不符合职业道德。

37、Do not put both hands in your pockets for long periods of time. This tends to make you look unprofessional. ─── 别把两只手一直插在口袋里,这会让你看起来很不专业。

38、It is considered unprofessional to let your pet peeves or annoyances get in the way of your job. ─── 如果让烦恼的东西影响到自己的工作,那是不理智的。

39、I decided not to translate this poem, fearing that my unprofessional translation will ruin the rhyme. Wish everyone a Merry Christmas. ─── 我决定不把这首诗翻译出来,怕我译的不够专业,破坏了原来的味道。祝大家有个喜乐的圣诞节哦!

40、Do our sites look unprofessional? ─── 我们的网站外观业余吗?

41、It was unprofessional of you not to check the facts before issuing the statement. ─── 在发布声明之前不核对事实是违反职业道德的。

42、unprofessional creation ─── 警察

43、It will make the band look unprofessional, it will not create a desire in anyone to even listen to the band, no one will sign your guest book, and you will eventually be frustrated. ─── 业余的网站设计不会引发浏览者聆听音乐的欲望,乐队也就没有听众,这样你会很失望。

44、They make a site look unprofessional and detract the attention from the content. ─── 它会使网站看上去很业余,并且会分散访问者的注意力。

45、Can now fine players for unprofessional behaviour / sending off again within the period of their last fine. ─── 现在已经可以以不职业的行为或被罚下对球员进行罚款,哪怕还处在他上一次罚款期间。

46、It is unprofessional to go around criticizing your colleagues. ─── 四处活动批评同事是不符合职业道德的。

47、unprofessional lawyer ─── [法] 非职业性律师, 诉讼代理人, 公证人

48、I worried that if I said too much I'd seem unprofessional, like I was blubbering about my personal problems, and it might open the door to questions about how I would be able to handle my job. ─── 我担心,如果我说的太多,我可能就会显得不职业,好像我在哭诉我的个人问题一样,这可能会引发关于我是否能干好工作的质疑。

49、Pentagon described the Chinese action as "dangerous, unprofessional" and a "violation of international law". ─── 五角大楼称中国的行动是“危险的、不专业的”“违反国际法”。

50、Frames, if not properly used, can make your site look unprofessional. ─── 框架如果运用不恰当,会使网站显得不专业。

51、described in unprofessional language so that high school students could understand it; was censured for unprofessional conduct; unprofessional repairs. ─── 用高中生可以理解的非职业术语来描述;因其外行行为被责难;非专业的补救。

52、She was found guilty of unprofessional conduct. ─── 她因违反职业道德的行为而被判罪。

53、The officers were severely reprimanded for their unprofessional behaviour. ─── 军官们因违反行业规则而受到了严厉的斥责。

54、Why was the presentation so unprofessional? ─── 为什么这个发言这么没有专业水准?

55、He knows nothing of unprofessional matters. ─── 与专业无关的事,他什么也不知道。

56、What do you think is completely silly, or unwise, or unprofessional, or impossible? ─── 您认为什么是十分愚蠢的、不明智的、不专业的或不可行的?

57、5.The best estimate available shows nearly one in 10 kids faces misbehavior ranging from unprofessional to criminal sometime between kindergarten and 12th grade. ─── 据最佳估算,从幼儿园到12年级有十分之一的儿童面临来自非职业和职业的性不当行为的困扰。

58、He should be courteous, civil, and considerate of jurors, witnesses, and others in attendance upon the court, but should criticize and correct unprofessional conduct of attorneys. ─── 他应该讲礼貌有修养,对陪审员、证人和其他出庭人员应该殷勤周到,但对律师的不符合职业水准的行为要批评指正。

59、amateurish, unprofessional, dilettante, unaware, amateurishly, laic, laical ─── 外行的。非专业的。非职业性的。业余的。

60、It' s unprofessional to go round criticizing your colleagues. ─── 四处活动批评同事是不符合职业道德的.

61、Colored paper, cutesy fonts, links to personal websites and childish e-mail addresses all scream unprofessional and are not a changing off to hiring managers. ─── 彩色简介、花哨的字体、独立个体site连接、天真的电子邮件地址都给人一种强烈的、不够事业化的感觉,让招工经理失去兴趣。

62、If you use profanity in your speech, you will seem unprofessional. ─── 如果你演讲中讲不文明的语言,听起来会很不专业。

63、Unprofessional behavior could force your managers to reprimand you, or in the worst case, ask you to leave. ─── 不合职业标准的行为可能会让你的经理不得不对你加以申斥,最严重的可能还会让你走人。

64、I hear a lot of offensive and unprofessional talk at work and in my environment. ─── 我在工作场合和自身环境当中,听到很多冒失及非专业(违反职业道德)的谈话。

65、And I saw you flirting with him. So unprofessional. You're gonna lose your job over this. ─── 我还看到你和他调情,非常不专业,你会因此丢掉工作的

66、Do not clutter your website with badges : first of all, badges of networks and communities make a site look very unprofessional. ─── 社交网络和社区的标志会让你的网站看起来十分不专业。

67、Then there's the Shaolin kungfu of Mengke Bateer, the facile but graceful martial arts of Leon Lai , and the unprofessional street-fighting skills of Nicholas Tse that add variety to the fight scenes. ─── 此外,巴特尔的少林功夫,黎明流畅优雅的武术动作以及谢霆锋草根的街头打斗都让影片的打斗场景变得多样化。

68、People sometimes pass out their business cards as if they were dealing at a poker game,and this unprofessional. ─── 有时人们就像发扑克牌一样分发名片,这样做是很外行的。

69、I cannot bear his constant criticism; the new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks ─── 我不能容忍他的不断的责备;新的秘书必须忍受很多不专业的评论

70、Colored paper, cutesy fonts, links to personal websites and childish e-mail addresses all scream unprofessional and are a turn off to hiring managers. ─── 彩色简历、花哨的字体、个人网站连接、天真的电子邮件地址都给人一种强烈的、不够职业化的感觉,让招聘经理失去兴趣。

71、And, if you have to apologize for out-of-date information, broken images, poor design, difficult navigation or anything else on your site, it makes you look unprepared and unprofessional. ─── 如果网站信息陈旧、图片难以操作、设计糟糕、导航系统混乱,用户会认为网站业余,进而对网站产品以及公司产生不好的印象。

72、"Some are defanged in the most unprofessional way. ─── 她告诉记者说:"一些蛇被拔去毒牙,方法当然是最不专业的,并且会因此而口腔感染。

73、As the most unprofessional and insincere musician in Hong Kong, the pancakes knows everything about the TV series broadcast in TVB and ATV at or outside prime time. ─── 别名港岛牢骚王,堪称全港最不专业及最没有诚意的音乐人,精通无线亚视黄金及非黄金时段连续剧剧情。

74、A disciplinary tribunal ensures that the system is complied with, and anyone can go to the disciplinary tribunal if a member is alleged to have acted in an unprofessional manner. ─── 如果任何人有非专业的行为,都会被送交至协会的纪律法庭,协会的纪律法庭可以保障这个系统一致性。

75、I made another unprofessional sacrifice to mere curiosity. ─── 我纯粹出于好奇心,就又作了一次与我本行业务无关的牺牲。

76、He makes a very unprofessional job of putt up the garden shed for us. ─── 他给我们搭的花园棚屋很没水平。

77、Conflict deserves respect. Conflict is not a sign of unprofessional behavior. ─── 冲突应当引起重视,冲突并不是缺乏职业道德的行为。

78、I cannot bear his constant criticism; The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks. ─── 我不能容忍他的不断的责备;新的秘书必须忍受很多不。

79、Features of the New Criminal Law about the Crime Unprofessional Conduct of a Serviceman ─── 新刑法对军人违反职责罪的修订

80、Shame on CNN and VOA for their unprofessional behaviors and misguide! ─── 发信打电话控告鄙视他们的不专业和误导。

81、These can be very distracting and can cause your page to look unprofessional. ─── 动画图片会分散网站浏览者的注意力,会使网页显得业余。

82、and many consider the old-style " social kiss " to be unprofessional if not patronizing. ─── 许多人反而认为旧式的"社交接吻"即使不是傲慢无礼也是违背职业惯例的。

83、unprofessional operation ─── [法] 违章操作

84、He made a very unprofessional job of putting up the garden shed for us ─── 他给我们搭的花园棚屋很没水平.

85、One of the possible explanations that an unprofessional mind inevitably comes up with in such a situation is poisoning. ─── 在这种情况下,一个非专业大脑不可避免地会闪过一个可能的解释:中毒。

86、But all of these efforts will come to nought if the public has no confidence in the police and consider it unprofessional. ─── 不过,如果不能恢复人民对警方的信任和信心,过去做得再好也是功亏一篑。执法很重要,消除警民对立情况也很关键。

87、unprofessional ways of livelihood ─── 异业治生

88、"Some are defanged in the most unprofessional way. They suffer from mouth infection and their poison gland is punctured. ─── 她告诉记者说:"一些蛇被拔去毒牙,方法当然是最不专业的,并且会因此而口腔感染。它们的毒腺往往也被刺破。

89、The people's jury system is the system that the national judicial organs bring the case to trial with unprofessional judger. ─── 摘要人民陪审制度是国家审判机关吸收非职业法官参加案件的事实审判的制度。

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