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10-02 投稿


muscat 发音

英:[?m?sk?t]  美:[?m?sk?t]

英:  美:

muscat 中文意思翻译



muscat 词性/词形变化,muscat变形

形容词: muscarinic |

muscat 短语词组

1、muscat grape ─── 麝香葡萄,玫瑰香葡萄

2、muscat festival ─── 马斯喀特音乐节

3、muscat oman ─── 阿曼马斯喀特

4、frontignan muscat sca ─── 佛朗蒂南麝香

5、Muscat and Oman ─── [网络] 马斯喀特和阿曼;马斯喀特及阿曼;之马斯开特暨阿曼

6、frontignan muscat ─── 佛朗蒂南麝香

muscat 相似词语短语

1、Muscae ─── 麝香

2、musical ─── adj.音乐的;悦耳的;n.音乐片

3、muscari ─── n.(Muscari)人名;(意)穆斯卡里

4、muskrat ─── n.(北美洲生活在水中的)麝鼠;麝鼠毛皮;n.(Muskrat)(美)穆史克拉特(人名)

5、Tuscan ─── n.托斯卡纳人;托斯卡纳语;adj.托斯卡纳的

6、musar ─── (Musar)摩萨(宗教思想);n.关于伦理、正确行为等的拉比文学

7、muscatel ─── n.麝香葡萄酒;麝香葡萄(等于muscat,muscadel,muscadelle);n.(Muscatel)人名;(法)米斯卡泰尔

8、muscats ─── n.马斯喀特(阿曼首都)

9、Muscat ─── n.马斯喀特(阿曼首都)

muscat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、As for devices that claim to protect against radiation," There's no evidence that they work," says Muscat. ─── 对于那些宣称能保护人体免遭辐射的装备,米斯卡认为:"没有证据表明它们能起什么作用。

2、Most wines are reportedly fresh and characteristically fruit-driven, with mainly healthy grapes despite local cases of rot - particularly among Muscat Ottonel. ─── 据报道大多数葡萄酒口感新鲜,这要得益于所用葡萄健康优质,尽管当地有烂箱,特别是马斯喀特昂托地区。

3、Straw in colour ,this wine shows beautifully lifted floral and apricot characters on the bouquet, coupled with pungent and intense muscat gordo aromas. ─── 淡黄色,呈现美丽的花束和杏的颜色,带有强烈的麝香。

4、Musky: Tasting term used to indicate a floral, perfumed aroma, typical of aromatic grapes of the Muscat family. ─── 麝香味的:品尝术语,用来指花香、香水味,麝香族葡萄典型的葡萄香味。

5、The Olympic flame wrapped up its journey in Europe, America and Africa, going back to Asia with a relay on Monday in Oman capital Muscat, the only stop in Arab world. ─── 奥运圣火经欧洲、美国和非洲之旅后,将重返亚洲。圣火已于周一抵达阿曼首都马斯喀特,这也是阿拉伯国家唯一的一站。

6、Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Muscat via Dubai on EK (E-Ticket). ─── 阿联酋航空公司来回香港至马斯喀特经杜拜经济客位机票(电子机票)。

7、Abu Dhabi, Muscat, TbilisiArabian Standard TimeArabian Daylight Time* ─── 阿布扎比,马斯喀特,第比利斯阿拉伯标准时间阿拉伯夏时制*

8、His projects include The Chedi Muscat, Amanwana, Amanyara, Hotel Bora Bora, The Setai, One&Only Resort Reethi-Rah and The Malikha Lodge. ─── 他的项目包括阙马斯喀特,Amanwana,Amanyara,酒店博拉博拉,在Setai,度假村的One&Only Reethi - Rah和别墅的Malikha。

9、"Exploding from the gate, young jockeys spur their mounts in a race outside Muscat. ─── 在马斯喀特城外的一场比赛中,年轻的骑师们驱策着他们的骆驼,从大门中奔涌而出。

10、He planted Muscat Hamburg grapes over the entire ten mu of his vineyard, to be picked one month later. ─── 他的几十亩葡萄园都种植了玫瑰香, 再过一个月就可以采摘了。

11、Muscat Hambourg ─── 玫瑰香

12、One of the famous and most visited museum is the Muscat Gate Museum . It is among the popular Tourist attractions in Muscat. ─── 其中最为著名、游览人最多的是马斯科特门博物馆,它也是马斯科特最著名的旅游胜地。

13、Variety characteristics of 'Muscat Hamburg' and analysis of Hangu grape region ─── 玫瑰香葡萄品种特性与汉沽产地分析

14、autotetraploid grape muscat hamburg ─── 同源四倍体玫瑰香

15、Our flights depart around the clock, you could find yourself flying off to Muscat at 7 o'clock in the morning, or to Kathmandu at 11 o'clock at night. ─── 我们的航班昼夜不停的出发,你将发现早上7点飞往马斯喀特,而晚上11点则飞往加德满都.

16、muscat hamburg ─── 玫瑰香葡萄

17、He piled up hard currency like British pounds in his palace in Muscat, but rats began to gnaw at it, Mr. Weatherford said. ─── 他将英镑之类的硬通货都堆在他位于首都马斯喀特的宫殿中,结果却招来了鼠咬。

18、Dozens of Omani athletes will carry the torch on a 20-kilometer route Monday through Muscat and along its scenic waterfront. ─── 星期一,几十名阿曼运动员将高举火炬,穿越马斯喀特全城,沿着风景如画的河边大道进行20公里长的火炬接力活动。

19、muscat wine ─── 香葡萄酒

20、Newspapers such as the Muscat Daily have begun to cover the protests in a way that would have been unthinkable even a week ago. ─── 《马斯喀特日报》等报纸已开始报导抗议活动,使用甚至一周前根本无法想像的一种方式。

21、The torch arrived in the capital, Muscat, early on Monday morning from Tanzania, where the relay run passed off without incident. ─── 圣火是在周一早起从坦桑尼亚首都达累斯萨拉姆送往马斯喀特的。这一站的火炬传递基本上毫无阻碍。

22、This wine has a pale-gold colour and typical Muscat bouquet and flavour that reminds of reseda. ─── 具有淡金色的色泽,和典型的麝香葡萄香味。

23、Muscat is primarily a business centre although the many monuments it houses do give it a touch of age-old charm. ─── 马斯喀特港是古代中国和阿拉伯国家贸易的重要港口,是海上“丝绸之路”途经阿拉伯半岛的唯一港口城市。

24、Technical Code on high quality and dependable cultivation of muscat grape ─── 玫瑰香葡萄优质稳产栽培技术规范

25、Bouquet: A lovely bright Muscat nose, showing floral notes and musk sticks, with hints of fresh summer berry fruits and orange peel. ─── 气味:此酒散发着宜人又鲜活的蜜丝佳桃葡萄香气,再伴有花香、麝香味还有丝丝新鲜夏日浆果和橙皮的清香。

26、Muscat can do luxury if you want it. ─── 如果你喜欢的话可以在马斯喀特过得很奢侈。

27、In this paper,by freezing and concentrating Muscat grape juice,then fermenting it,a kind of high quality sweet white wine was produced. ─── 通过采用冷冻法浓缩玫瑰香葡萄汁,然后进行发酵,生产出了一款优质的甜白型葡萄酒。

28、10. Hailing from North of Italy, Christian Frigo worked at Intercontinental Muscat Hotel, Middle East, opening “Tomato Restaurant” from 2005 ? 2007. ─── 出生于意大利北部的福瑞安先生,自2005年至2007年,曾在中东阿曼首都马斯喀特的洲际酒店的“番茄餐厅”参与开业工作。收藏指正

29、The discussion on the standardized culture of 'Muscat Hamburg' Grape ─── 浅淡玫瑰香葡萄标准化栽培

30、The content of this page is from the MUSCAT port or MUSCAT customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自MUSCAT港口或MUSCAT海关的进出口公司目录;

31、Muscat and Oman ─── 阿曼伊斯兰教长国和马斯喀特苏丹国,简称"阿曼"(首府为马斯喀特)的旧称

32、‘Symphony Series' is made of a Muscat grape variety and exhibits immense floral aromas with firm acidity and an off-dry finish. ─── 这款美酒由100%莫丝卡葡萄酿制而成,初接触时即绽放出迷人的花香,干爽怡人,余味略带甘甜。

33、Due to its low aroma and high acid, high production clones of pinot blanc are also used for blending with muscat in Spumante. ─── 由于其较淡的香气和较高的含酸量,高产的白比诺在Spumante地区被用来与麝香品种(muscat)的葡萄酒混合。

34、Changes of Volatile Compounds in'Muscat Hambourg'for Various Trellis Systems during Maturity ─── 不同架式栽培的玫瑰香葡萄成熟期挥发性物质的变化

35、Glittering crescent on the Gulf of Oman, Matrah beckons west of Muscat, the capital. ─── 意译:阿曼图片画廊。金光闪闪的新月形在阿曼海湾,马特拉招手马斯喀特以西的资本。

36、Muscat wines are often deep yellow or golden colored with very rich noses and abundant concentrated sweet fruit flavors. ─── 酒色呈现深黄或是金黄,香气饱满厚实,充满甜果的芳香。

37、Effect of growth regulators on berry size and quality of Muscat Hamburg ─── 膨大剂对玫瑰香果粒膨大及其品质的影响

38、Photo ID: SIN0467. Muscat street. Modern office towers, old houses, Malay lady passersby, TOYOTA van, the street sign, it's picture full of information. Singapore Jan 2006. ─── 照片号SIN0467。新加坡穆士卡特街。现代大楼,老房子,丰田车,马来妇女,街道指示牌,这张图片包含了很多信息。2006年1月。

39、It will astonish your aperitif papillae by its muscat fragrances and the with mellifluous by its mouth. ─── 她会以她浓郁的麝香味道和蜜汁的丰盈口感,给您的味觉一个美妙的惊喜。

40、Mathematic Analysis of Antiseptic Effect for Preventing Plasmopara viticola on Muscat Hamburg Grape ─── 数学分析玫瑰香葡萄霜霉病防治效果

41、In the following years a fort was built and cannons brought in from Muscat were mounted on it. ─── 在以下岁月堡垒被修造了并且大炮被带来从麝香葡萄登上了对此。

42、The flame now heads to the Omani capital Muscat. ─── 火炬传递的下站是阿曼首都马斯喀特。

43、He planted Muscat Hamburg grapes over the entire ten mu of his vineyard, to be picked one month later. ─── 亩葡萄园都种植了玫瑰香,再过一个月就可以采摘了。

44、Grafting Culture Technics of Hongqitezao Muscat Hamburg ─── 红旗特早玫瑰香葡萄嫁接栽培技术

45、As for devices that claim to protect agai t radiation," There's no evidence that they work," says Muscat. ─── 对于那些宣称能保护人体免遭辐射的装备,米斯卡认为:"没有证据表明它们能起什么作用。"

46、Business Standard reported that, Bank Muscat said that it has sold 40% of its stake in HDFC Bank Limited and would offload the entire holding over a period of time. ─── 资讯按原样提供,仅供参考,不宜用于交易用途或作为建议,而且信息可能有延迟。

47、The aged whiskies and musky grappa are made from local grapes like gewürztraminer, muscat and catawba. ─── 陈酿的威士忌和麝香格拉巴酒是由当地的葡萄制成的,如琼瑶浆,麝香葡萄和卡托巴。

48、Croatia) Muscat Declaration ─── 马斯喀特宣言

49、The optimal concentration of CPPU, GAS and PCPA for berry enlargement and the effect on fruit quality of 12-year-old"Muscat hamburg"were discussed in this paper. ─── 本文以12年生玫瑰香作为实验材料,探讨了CPPU、赤霉素(GAS)、对氯苯氧乙酸(PCPA)诱导葡萄果实膨大的适宜浓度及其对果实品质的影响。

50、Joshua Muscat, Ph.D., of the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, New York, also recommends using the newer digital phones, which have less radiation than analog. ─── 纽约凡尔海拉美国保健基金会的乔舒亚·米斯卡博士还建议使用新式的数字手机,它比模拟手机的辐射量要少。

51、Muscat Saint Jean de Minervois is the smallest of France's Muscat appellation areas. ─── 这里就是法国最小的蜜思嘉葡萄法定产区。

52、Musky: Tasting term used to indicate a floral, perfumed aroma, typical of aromatic grapes of the Muscat family. ─── 麝香味的:品尝术语,用来指花香、香水味,麝香族葡萄典型的葡萄香味。

53、Recently, the Omani embassy in London kept my passport for a week and then returned it to me, saying I must get a relative in Oman to sponsor me before their superiors in Muscat would grant me a visa. ─── 最近,阿曼驻伦敦大使馆将我的护照扣了一个星期才退回给我,并告知,我必须找一个阿曼亲戚做担保,然后他们在马斯喀特的上级才能允许给我发签证。

54、Sohar passed the headland at Muscat to a chant ─── 在歌声中,“苏哈尔”号越过马斯喀特的陆岬。

55、Study on Predicating Method of Cutting Survival Rate of Muscat Hanaburg Grape ─── 玫瑰香葡萄插条扦插成活率预测方法的研究

56、1. He ordered ten cases of beaujolais and twenty cases of muscat . ─── 他订了十箱博若莱葡萄和二十箱麝香葡萄酒。

57、Factor analysis on Muscat Hamburg berry rot and chap during storage in Tianjing coastland ─── 天津滨海玫瑰香葡萄贮藏裂果烂果因素分析

58、Very expressive nose of exotic fruits like quince and nashi pears.Made from 100% Muscat grown in the centre of Spain. ─── 来自于西班牙的精选葡萄酒,酒香细腻馥郁,是采用了上等的麝香葡萄酿制而成的。

59、A stylish looking profiterole with white chocolate icing is a great partner for the delicate Sittella Alexandria Muscat from the Swan Valley. ─── 看上去精精致致的空心甜饼上面有一层巧克力糖衣,佐餐佳酿应该是天鹅河谷斯泰拉亚历山大酒厂生产的马斯卡特牌葡萄酒。

60、The sweet Muscat has delicate notes of white flowers andtangerine, as well as hints of quince and citrus. It is a lively, freshand luscious style. of wine. ─── 这清甜蜜思嘉白葡萄酒富花与橘果香,浸出点点榅桲及柠檬味,充满生气,清新而诱人。

61、The sweet Muscat has delicate notes of white flowers andtangerine, as well as hints of quince and citrus. It is a lively, freshand luscious style of wine. ─── 这清甜蜜思嘉白葡萄酒富花与橘果香,浸出点点?X?K及柠檬味,充满生气,清新而诱人。

62、Application of a chemical 'Putaosangaosu' to grape 'Muscat Hamburg ─── 葡萄三高素在玫瑰香葡萄上的应用试验

63、Product made exclusively from Muscat grapes that give a must which is extraordinarily fragrant and very sweet grape juice. To be served at about7℃. ─── 该甜葡萄酒是以怡人的口感和美妙的芳香广受人们好评的莫斯卡苔尔葡萄酿制。

64、Residue of Streptomycin in Berry and the Effect of Expanding Reagents on Berry Quality in'Muscat Hamburg'Grape ─── 链霉素在葡萄果粒中的残留分析及膨大剂的处理效果

65、Joshua Muscat, Ph。D。, of the American Health Foundation in Valhalla, New York, also recommends using the newer digital phones, which have less radiation than analog。 ─── 纽约凡尔海拉美国保健基金会的乔舒亚米斯卡博士还建议使用新式的数字手机,它比模拟手机的辐射量要少。

66、At a low-key ceremony in the capital, Muscat, the sports minister and representatives of the Chinese diplomatic mission greeted the torch upon its arrival from Tanzania. ─── 在首都马斯喀特一个低调的仪式上,阿曼体育大臣和中国外交使团的代表迎接从坦尚尼亚前来的火炬。

67、The beer's flavour, as sensed in the mouth, comes from the smell of hops: above all it is the fruity notes of muscat and raisins that give this beer a particularly attractive aroma. ─── 香味来自啤酒花的气味。最重要是果味的麝葡萄与葡萄干的水果给予特殊的味道。

68、This low alcohol wine of 5.5%, highlights the natural fruit flavours of the Muscat grape. ─── 这款酒度只有5.5%的葡萄酒,带有麝香葡萄典型的果香。

69、InterContinental Al Bustan Palace Muscat: Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

70、2.Hailing from North of Italy, Christian Frigo worked at Intercontinental Muscat Hotel, Middle East, opening “Tomato Restaurant” from 2005 ? 2007. ─── 出生于意大利北部的福瑞安先生,自2005年至2007年,曾在中东阿曼首都马斯喀特的洲际酒店的“番茄餐厅”参与开业工作。

71、Known as the Champagne of teas eause of the unique flavour of muscat grapes.We select the finest first flash teas grown on the highest tea gradens, it is best enjoyed without milk or sugar. ─── 选自印度大吉岭的优雅茶品,带有麝香葡萄酒的风味,被称为“茶中之香槟”,直接冲泡不加牛奶或砂糖风味更佳。

72、You'll start at exotic Muscat, the capital of Oman, which is situated on a cove flanked by rugged volcanic mountains. ─── 这趟航程始于充满异国情调的阿曼首都马斯喀特,此城滨临一个小海湾,海湾两旁是崎岖的火山山脉。

73、Report on introduction of grape variety Black Muscat in Shanghai Region ─── 上海地区黑玫瑰葡萄引种栽培简报

74、The Muscat rosebush oil and sweet almond oil bring a feeling of extreme comfort without leaving any oily trace.The soothing and healing properties help the renewal of cells. ─── 马斯喀特玫瑰油及甜杏仁油可修护、纾缓疲惫的手部肌肤,促进细胞更新,易于吸收,不油不腻。

75、Keep your phone away from your body when you're not using it.Joshua Muscat, Ph.D. ─── 甘斯勒说:"研究表明使用手机10到15年似乎不会增加患癌症的机率,但超过那个期限我们没有任何研究结果。"

76、A pleasant dry white wine made from 60% Fernao Pires and 40% Muscat de Frontignan. ─── 这款酒由60%费尔诺-皮埃斯和40%小粒玫瑰香混合酿制。

77、wine from muscat grapes. ─── 用麝香葡萄制成的酒。

78、“I was very impressed again with Kevin Muscat, Matthew Kemp and Evan Berger, but Danny (Allsopp) and Archie (Thompson) just didn't get enough service in the second half.” ─── “这里的天气相当闷热潮湿,因此我们的队员非常疲累,但他们踢出了高质量的比赛,对此我没有感到失望,”

79、The Olympic flame, carried in a specially-designed lantern, was flied to Islamabad on a chartered plane from Muscat, the capital and largest city of the Sultanate of Oman. ─── 奥运圣火被装在特制的火种灯里,搭专机从阿曼的首都也是最大的城市马斯喀特出发。

80、The ritziest hotel in Muscat offers a helicopter landing pad out back. ─── 最豪华的酒店后面提供一个直升机停机坪。

81、Enhancing Purity of Muscat Hamburg Grape by RAPD ─── RAPD技术提高玫瑰香葡萄优系纯度研究展望

82、Beixiang is an interspecific hybrid cultivar derived from Vitis thunbergii and Muscat of Alexandria(V.venifera). ─── ‘北香’由‘??葡萄’与‘亚历山大’杂交育成。

83、and Muscat, Oman.Legend continues from Dubai to Singapore for another 12 nights, calling at Mumbai, Goa (Mormugao) and Cochin, India;Phuket, Thailand;and Kuala Lumpur (Port Klang), Malaysia. ─── 然后神话号将从迪拜继续12夜的航行抵达新加坡,途经印度果阿的Mumbai和印度Cochin、泰国普吉岛和马来西亚吉隆坡。

84、Dynamic Changes of Polyphenols and Their Relationship with Antioxidant Capacity in the Muscat Hamburg Grapevine ─── 玫瑰香葡萄生长期酚类物质含量及抗氧化活性的变化

85、Geoffrey Claeys Kevin Muscat Daniel... ─── Kristian Sarkies 前锋/中锋: Daniel...

86、It was in 1729 that Kolachi-jo-Goth was transformed from a fishing village to a trading post when it was selected as a port for trade with Muscat and Bahrain. ─── 1729年是,Kolachi-jo-Goth被变换了从一个渔村对一个贸易的岗位当它被选择了当口岸为贸易用麝香葡萄和巴林。

87、Reminiscent of fresh Muscat grape, with hints of flowers and subtle touches of toast (roses, honey). ─── 充满了新鲜的葡萄芬芳,及淡淡的花香与烘烤香气(蔷薇、蜂蜜)。

88、The refrigerating storage did not make much difference about the Aroma component and phenylethyl alcohol contents of Muscat Hambourg wine. ─── 冷冻处理对香气成分的影响不大,苯乙醇的含量也没有明显变化。

89、Effect of bentonite on fermentation and wine quality were evaluated in two varieties such as chardoney and muscat by simple bentonite addition and bentonite fining pre-inoculation. ─── 以霞多丽和玫瑰香为原料,通过优化和添加两种皂土处理方式,研究皂土对酒精发酵和葡萄酒质量的影响。


阳光玫瑰(Shine Muscat)又叫晴王,是日本以安芸津21号为母本,白南为父本杂交选育出的欧杂交种葡萄。










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