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messianic 发音

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messianic 中文意思翻译



messianic 网络释义

adj. 弥赛亚的;救世主似的

messianic 短语词组

1、messianic time ─── 弥赛亚时代

2、messianic gift ─── 救世主的礼物

3、messianic zeal ─── 救世主的热情

4、messianic way ─── 救世主的方式

5、messianic jews ─── 弥赛亚犹太人

6、messianic religious faith ─── 弥赛亚宗教信仰

7、messianic halt ─── 救世主般的停顿

8、messianic legacy ─── 救世主的遗产

9、messianic faith ─── 救世主信仰

messianic 相似词语短语

1、Messianic ─── adj.救世主似的;弥赛亚的

2、Hessians ─── n.麻布(hessian复数)

3、Hessian ─── n.打包麻布;浸沥青的麻绳;n.(Hessian)(美、英、加、澳)赫西让(人名)

4、Isaianic ─── 冰岛语

5、messianically ─── 救世主

6、mesocranic ─── 中颅

7、Ossianic ─── adj.(盖尔人的民间传说)奥西恩风格的;夸张的

8、messianist ─── n.弥赛亚主义的信徒

9、messianism ─── n.对救世主的信念

messianic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、On the Messianic Mission of Jesus ─── 试论耶稣的弥赛亚使命

2、He would have been informed by his court theologians about the Jewish messianic hope. ─── 他的朝廷里的神学家可能已经通知他有关犹太人弥赛亚的盼望。

3、For Wilson, the justification of America's international role was messianic: America had an obligation, not to the balance of power, but to spread its principles throughout the world. ─── 对于威尔逊总统来说,美国扮演国际角色的理由更多地带有救世主的色彩:美国不仅仅对均势负有义务,而且也有义务将其自身的原则传播到全球每个角落。

4、That message, often delivered in sententious, near messianic tones, had little appeal. ─── 这些信息通常以警世名言,接近救世主的语气发出,却鲜有吸引力。

5、messianic movement ─── 救世主运动

6、He had created a stir unlike any other zealot with messianic tendencies. ─── 祂所造成的轰动不同于任何其他好像是弥赛亚的犹太狂热分子。

7、Obadiah's prophecy looks to the future Messianic deliverance of the people of God (the spiritual house of Jacob) from the wicked nations. ─── 俄巴底亚预示到,将来弥赛亚要把上帝的百姓(属灵的雅各家),从邪恶的国度释放出来。

8、This is clearly a Messianic prophecy, for the right to the crown and throne of David belongs to the Lord Jesus alone. ─── 很明显的,这是一段关于耶稣基督作王的弥赛亚预言。

9、messianic hopes. ─── 对救世主的企盼

10、Following their expulsion from Spain in 1492, the Jews were more than ever taken up with messianic hopes and eschatology, and Kabbala found wide favour. ─── 随着于1942年他们被驱逐之后,犹太教徒比以为更采纳救世主的希望和末世学,而卡巴拉带来更广泛的喜爱。

11、Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, and Richard Leigh, authors of The Messianic Legacy, spent over 10 years on their own kind of quest for the Holy Grail, into the secretive history of early France. ─── 魏晋时代,是中国历史上最混乱、最动荡的时代,但却是精神史上“极自由、极解放,最富于智慧、最浓于热情的一个时代”。

12、If Iran really is no more than the“messianic cult”of Mr Netanyahu's imagination, it would be worth running almost any risk to stop it acquiring nuclear weapons. ─── 如果伊朗正是内氏所设想的崇拜弥赛亚世界末日的邪教国家,则为了阻止它获得核武器,冒任何风险都值得。

13、He dedicated himself to the study of the Kabbala with messianic fervor, and in 1570 he journeyed to a center of the movement in Galilee. ─── 他以救世主的热情献身于喀巴拉的研究。1570年他游历到喀巴拉运动的中心加利利。

14、To which nations did the prophet Ezekiel refer when he described how apocalyptic nations would wage war against Jerusalem before the final hour leading to the messianic age (Ezekiel 38-39)? ─── 在中所预言的,在耶稣再来的前一刻,作为前导而在末日战争中攻击耶路撒冷的国家又是哪些国家呢?

15、This symbol might be the seal of the first / second Century Messianic Church in Jerusalem. ─── 查找版本:和合本(上帝版),查找条件:盾,查找范围:律法书,总共出现2次。

16、Messianic Judaism ─── 弥赛亚犹太教

17、The institute reiterated that 'western messianic thought has twisted the cosmovision of ancient civilisations like the Maya'. ─── 研究所重申,“西方的救世主思想,扭曲了玛雅文明等古代文明的世界观。”

18、He did so, moreover, with a nearly messianic fervor and aplomb . ─── 并且,他以近乎救世主般的热情与沉着来做这些事。

19、Actually Capharnaum much more than Nazareth offered to Jesus a twofold advantage as far as his messianic activity was concerned. ─── 事实上葛法翁提供给耶稣救恩行动的关注和助益远大于纳匝勒的双倍。

20、The Messianic Kingdom of the stone, however, would bring the destruction of all the previous kingdoms. ─── 半铁半泥的脚是指这个帝国会分裂、衰弱、易碎。

21、The place of the Transfiguration away from the public, found near to places where some significantly messianic miracles were worked (1:40-45; ─── 耶稣改变容貌的地点较为偏僻,是远离群众的,而行各个神迹的地方却是与群众亲近的(一40-45;

22、For Paul, the appearance of the Messianic Age unfolds into successive epochs. ─── 对保罗来说,弥赛亚世代的来临,展开两个时段。

23、Just as his initial Messianic polling numbers were misleadingly optimistic, his problems should now be put into context. ─── 现在应该把他遇到的问题结合具体事实来分析。

24、the messianic individual that holds the power to save her people. ─── 而最后完成该一任务的人类则被称为“铁之种族”。

25、This is clearly a Messianic reference, the fulfillment of which will come when the Lord Jesus returns to establish His glorious Kingdom. ─── 很明显这是指到弥赛亚主耶稣的来到,要建立祂荣耀的国度。

26、As a child, Soros had what he calls “messianic fantasies”. ─── 当他还是个孩子的时候,就有着他所谓的“救世主幻想”。

27、The cult leader saw himself as a messianic figure. ─── 该邪教领袖把自己看做一位救世人物。

28、messianic nationalism. ─── 以救世主自居的民族主义

29、The foundation for peace is common faith in God and practice of true parental, conjugal and familial love.Hence the value of True Parents, and the messianic power of their words and works. ─── 和平的基台应该建立在人类对神的共同信仰上,实践真实的父母、夫妇和家庭之爱,进而真父母的价值,及弥赛亚般力量的圣言和事工。

30、The book proved such a success that the authors followed it up with "The Messianic Legacy." ─── 该书获得了如此大的成功,以至作者随后又出了一本《天主的遗产》。

31、Convinced that he was" a messianic figure of great but secret importance," he frantically scanned The New York Times for encoded messages from aliens,and fiddled with radio dials to pick up signals from space. ─── 他相信自己是“一个救世主般的重要人物,伟大而又神秘,”他疯狂地浏览《纽约时报》企图寻得编码过的外星信息,拨弄着收音机的调谐度盘试图接收太空信号。

32、The pounding drums of 2008 People's Liberation Army soldiers had signalled the start of a ceremony which captured all the messianic ambition and no expense-spared scale of China's first Games. ─── 2008名人民解放军士兵的击缶表演宣告了开幕式的开始,这场开幕式记录了中国首次举办奥运会的救世主般的雄心以及不计代价的规模。

33、This psalm closes with a Messianic prophecy that exhorts those who know the Lord to preach to all people the imminent return of the Messiah. ─── 这一诗篇以弥赛亚预言为终,劝告那些知道耶和华的人,并向世人传扬弥赛亚即将来临的美好信息。

34、From the first verse of Psalm 22, it is clearly evident that this is a Messianic prophecy. ─── 从诗篇廿二篇第一节来看,显然,这是一篇有关弥赛亚的预言。

35、What were the four Messianic Miracles of Jesus? ─── 什麽是耶稣的四个弥赛亚神迹?

36、At the conclusion of the psalm, we find verses of Messianic significance. ─── 在这篇诗篇结束时,我们看到几节有弥赛亚意义的经文。

37、Messianic Consciousness has been intensively influencing Russia's foreign policy from the day it was formed. ─── 然而,“弥赛亚意识”对俄罗斯外交政策的影响力并非一成不变,而是波折起伏,不断变化。

38、However, in the patriarchal line, this included the spiritual blessing and privilege of carrying on the Messianic lineage as well. ─── 在族长家系里,长子权还包括了属灵的祝福,和承续弥赛亚血统的特权。

39、With a textual analysis of the contemporary Russian ecoliterature, this paper examines its Messianic consciousness and ecological eschatology. ─── 文章通过对当代俄语生态文学的文本分析 ,阐释了其中与生态末世论紧密相连的弥赛亚意识。

40、In that way Jesus was able to spread his messianic message to many persons without running too soon into trouble with the political and religious leaders. ─── 因此耶稣才能散布他救恩的信息给许多人知道而不会太早就被捲入被政治与宗教领袖所注意的麻烦中。

41、Once again, Micah jumps from predicting the immediate future to predicting the start of the Messianic age. ─── 第五章弥迦又从不久的将来,跳到预言弥赛亚时代的开始。

42、However, in the patriarchal line, this included the spiritual blessing and privilege of carrying on the Messianic lineage as well. ─── 在族长家系里,长子权还包括了属灵的祝福,和承续弥赛亚血统的特权。

43、Jurgen Moltmann. The Church in the Power of the Spirit: A Contribution to Messianic Ecclesiology. Fortress Press,1993. ─── 梁家麟,改革开放以来的中国农村教会,建道神学院,1999。

44、In the last few decades these conversions have often taken place via the Messianic Judaism movement. ─── 在最后几十年中,这些归皈者也经常通过弥赛亚式的犹太教运动而出现。

45、But the power of the "free man" is strong among resistance fighters, many of whom see the former scientist as a messianic figure. ─── 但这个“自由人”的力量在抵抗斗士中的力量是强大的,他们中的许多将这位前任科学家视为救世主般的人物。

46、Convinced that he was" a messianic figure of great but secret importance," he frantically scanned The New York Times for encoded messages from aliens, and fiddled with radio dials to pick up signals from space. ─── 他相信自己是"一个救世主般的重要人物,伟大而又神秘,"他疯狂地浏览《纽约时报》企图寻得编码过的外星信息,拨弄着收音机的调谐度盘试图接收太空信号。

47、Just as his initial Messianic polling numbers were misleadingly optimistic, his problems should now be put into context. ─── 只是因为他的救世主式的选票数很乐观而带有要误导性,他的问题就要被放到台面上来了。

48、Will he continue to assert that the U. S. is the leader of the world and believe in its messianic mission to command? ─── 他是否仍然会声称美国是世界的领导者并被赋予救世主的使命?

49、One theory is that He spent years swotting up the Old Testament until He knew all the Messianic prophecies, and then went around fulfilling them. ─── 这种理论说,耶稣花费了好几年的时间来,最后他明白了所有的关于弥赛亚的预言,然后自己去实现这些预言。

50、The resurrection is thoroughly Messianic event. ─── 基督的復活是彌賽亞職分裏的事件。

51、When you read Paul’s sermon to the synagogue in Pisidian Antioch, you see his remarkable ability with the messianic passages in the Old Testament. ─── 从保罗在彼西底的安提阿会堂讲道,我们可以看出他极擅讲解旧约有关弥赛亚的经文。

52、True Parents, I wish to receive the messianic teachings. ─── 真父母,我希望接受弥赛亚的教导。

53、It is believed to have been created and used by the Jewish believers who called themselves Nazarenes in the first Messianic Church. ─── 谁像你这蒙永恒主所拯救的百姓呢?他是你的盾牌,帮助你,是你威荣的刀剑;你的仇敌必投降你,你必踏在他们的高处。”

54、Babism originated as a messianic movement in Shiite Islam. ─── 巴布教原本是伊斯兰教什叶派里的一种救世主运动。

55、The New Testament authors and Jesus Himself understood this psalm as Messianic, and frequently quoted it as being fulfilled in Jesus. ─── 新约作者与耶稣本人都认为这是有关弥赛亚的诗篇,而且经常引用,表明已在耶稣的身上应验。

56、The author writes with messianic zeal about a life-management technique that she invented a dozen years ago and for which she has successfully proselytized ever since. ─── 作者以一种弥赛亚式的热情叙述她在十多年前发明的一种生活管理技巧,她还因此成功的改变了信仰。

57、They cultivated a communal life of ritual purity, called the “Union,” led by a messianic “Teacher of Righteousness. ─── 他们营造了一种纯正仪式的共同生活,称作“联合会”,由一位弥赛亚的“正义之师”领导。

58、The reforms were carried out with an almost messianic zeal. ─── 改革是以极大的热情进行的。

59、Finally, before the close of chapter 18, we find a great Messianic prophecy that God promised through Moses. ─── 最后,在十八章的尾声,我们读到上帝透过摩西所说的有关弥赛亚的伟大预言。

60、Scholars in theological vision discussed messianic criticism based both on Kabbalistic and Messianic complex by means of an analysis of Benjamin's metaphysics of language and philosophy of history. ─── 神学视阈中的本雅明研究主要从本雅明的语言论、历史哲学出发,在卡巴拉阐释学的真理探寻方法与“弥赛亚”情结中揭示本雅明的救赎思想;

61、The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the people's own blindness. ─── 早期的教会并没有不合常规地采取这一立场,即认为没有看到他成就的革命性意义确实是因为人们自己的愚昧。

62、The Essenes were a strict Torah observant, Messianic, apocalyptic, baptist, wilderness, new covenant Jewish sect. ─── 艾塞尼派是一个严格的律法奉行者,弥赛亚的,启示录的,施洗约翰,荒野,新的契约犹太人的教派。

63、The lynchpin of his campaign has been a faith, almost messianic, in his personal excellence. ─── 他的竞选中最关键的是信仰,是对他的出色能力存在的几乎如同盼望救世主般的期待。

64、Significantly, Job's deliverance from the hands of Satan and the salvation of Job's friends was marked by the offering of a sacrifice, which typified the future Messianic sacrifice of Jesus Christ. ─── 更有意义的是,约伯从撒但的手中得到释放,及他的朋友们蒙赦免,都是献祭的结果,这便预表了未来主耶稣基督的弥赛亚之祭。

65、matthew's gospel :with special reference to the messianic hope. ─── 书名 the use of the old testament in st.

66、It also has Messianic significance, for the Apostle Paul quotes verse 18 as referring to Jesus Christ's ascension into heaven (prophetical interpretation). ─── 它也有弥赛亚的意义,因为使徒保罗引用其中的第十八节,指耶稣基督升天的事(预言的解释)。

67、His perspective is very unique in that it is a Janus-faced combination of theology and Marxism.Therefore, the ultimate horizon of his criticism is Messianic redemption which he terms"origin". ─── 但他的批评方法极其独特,是神学与马克思主义的奇妙结合,他对资本主义现代性的批判以弥赛亚主义的救赎为目的。

68、Even the unbelieving Jews never denied that the Old Testament was full of Messianic prophecies. ─── 即使是不相信耶稣的犹太人也从不否认旧约中充满了关于弥赛亚的预言。

69、Somebody must have thought that he was a Messianic figure because that's what the Romans executed him for. ─── 一定有人把他视为弥赛亚了,因为罗马人就是靠这个罪名把他处决的。

70、This was not fulfilled during his reign, but will be during the Messianic reign of Jesus. ─── 这一预见并没有在他统治的期间应验,但是到耶稣弥赛亚的统治时,它就完全实现了。

71、Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands. ─── 以此履行塔姆德的承诺,其中说当救世主到来之时,犹太人已经掌握了全世界所有的财产。

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