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10-02 投稿


misadjustment 发音


英:  美:

misadjustment 中文意思翻译



misadjustment 相似词语短语

1、overadjustment ─── n.过度调整

2、readjustment ─── n.重新调整;重新适应;再调整

3、misadjusted ─── 失调的;[自]误调的

4、misadjusting ─── 失调

5、minor adjustment ─── 小调整

6、maladjustment ─── n.失调,不适应

7、maladjustments ─── n.失调,不适应

8、tax adjustment ─── [税收]税收调整

9、adjustment ─── n.调整,调节;调节器

misadjustment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、However, if you plan to use a laser collimator in Step 3, you should be aware that even a tiny misadjustment here will throw off the final collimation. ─── 然而,如果你计划在第3步中继续使用激光校准器的话,你就要仔细调整了,否则差之毫厘,谬以千里。

2、The coupling coefficients between the fundamental mode and the low order transverse modes reach their maximum values when mismatch and relative misadjustment satisfy some conditions. ─── 当腔失配和失调满足一定条件时,基模到低阶横模之间的功率耦台系数达到极大值。

3、Besides having advantages of PLMS, it has faster beginning convergence rate, lower misadjustment of weight, and better robustness aganist noise and disturbance. ─── 除具有PLMS算法的优点外,它还具有更高的起始收敛速率,更小的权失调噪声,更大的抑噪能力。

4、The Misadjustment Analysis of BP Algorithm and an Improved Algorithm ─── 多层前向神经网络中BP算法的误调分析及其改进的算法

5、The key point is study the interference pattern of sub-mirrors and the wavefront and draw conclusion in the field of physical optics to get the trait and date of the misadjustment. ─── 研究重点是通过对子镜的干涉图和波前判研以及对系统的物理光学分析获得失调特征和数据,从而指导装调。

6、Timer modules protect solenoids from burnout caused by engine over-cranking or linkage misadjustment. ─── 定时器模块保护螺线管从倦怠所造成引擎过度推或联系失调。

7、Applying this model, the influence of minute cavity misadjustment on measured reflectivity of cavity mirrors in the stable resonator is analyzed, which is compared to that in confocal resonator. ─── 通过数值模拟,研究了这种稳定衰荡腔中,腔微小失调对反射率测量结果的影响,并与相同失调情况下共焦衰荡腔的测量结果进行了对比分析。

8、It begins with cells;on the condition of the influence of enviroment,it leads to living body aging.Basic metabolism is the misadjustment of cellular metabolism function. ─── 人体的衰老始于细胞,在一定的环境条件影响下,细胞的代谢机能失调是生物机体产生衰老的根本机理。

9、It was found that the coupling coefficients between even and odd indexed Hermit-Gaussion modes are not zero when misadjustment occurs. ─── 结果发现,当腔之间失调存在时,厄米-高斯光束奇偶模之间存在耦合;

10、The author holds that government functions' misadjustment is an important reason for the slow advance of the reform. ─── 经过转变政府职能的改革与实践,从管理到服务已是我国政府职能转变的一个现实趋势。

11、Correction of horizontal misadjustment in direct return hot water heating systems ─── 异程式热水供暖系统水平热力失调的修正方法

12、Correction of horizontal misadjustment in direct return hot water heating systems ─── 异程式热水供暖系统水平热力失调的修正方法

13、Influence of length misadjustment on metrical precision by cavity ring-down method ─── 腔长失调对光腔衰荡法测量精度的影响

14、This algorithm has not only a very high beginning convergence speed, but also a good tracking capability and low misadjustment. ─── 该算法不仅具有极高的起始收敛速度,而且还有较强的跟踪能力和小的失调量。

15、The convergence speed and misadjustment can be controlled separately using a complementary pair filters.And under the criterion of the least mean square error, the proportion of weight is adjusted. ─── 该检测器通过两个滤波器分别控制检测器的收敛速度和稳态性,并在最小均方误差的准则下调整权值比例。

16、Misadjustment tolerance study of the sub-mirror's for segmented mirror synthetic aperture optics ─── 拼接式合成孔径光学系统的失调误差分析研究

17、Simulation results show low complexity, fast convergence rate, and low misadjustment of the proposed algorithm. ─── 仿真结果表明,该算法在减小计算量的同时还能保证很快的收敛速度和低的失调。

18、Influence of length misadjustment on metrical precision by cavity ring-down method[J]. ─── 引用该论文 易亨瑜,吕百达,胡晓阳,田小强,张凯.

19、formulas for the convergence condition, convergence rate and misadjustment are derived. ─── 所推导的公式与实验情况基本吻合。

20、steady-state misadjustment ─── 稳态失调

21、It ensure the misadjustment is small and the algorithm has a high speed of convergence in the forepart of adaptation. ─── 保证了失调误差较小,同时使算法在自适应初始阶段有较快的收敛速度。

22、The algorithm utilizes the correlation of output error signal to adjust the step size,solves the inconsistency problem of misadjustment and convergence time,and allows more flexibility in using. ─── 该算法利用误差信号的相关值去调节步长,解决了算法收敛时间与稳态误差间的矛盾,为实际应用提供了更大的灵活性。

23、Experimental results show that the algorithm has higher convergence rate and lower misadjustment as compared with other algorithms. ─── 实验表明,该算法与其它算法比较,具有更高的收敛率和较低的失调。

24、7.Used as ring-down cavity, this stable resonator has, firstly, more influence of misalignment of cavity mirrors on its measured reflectivity, but less of length misadjustment; ─── 结果表明,这种稳定腔用作衰荡腔,测量结果受腔镜角度失调影响较大,而受腔长失调影响小;

25、Besides having advantages of SPLMS, it has faster beginning convergence rate, lower misadjustment of weight, and better robustness aganist noise and disturbance. ─── 更小的权失调噪声,更大的抑噪能力。

26、The technician corrected the misadjustment which had caused the watch to run slow. ─── 表调整不当,走得太慢,技师已经把它校正好。

27、relative hydraulic misadjustment ─── 相对水力失调度

28、Abstract: According to experimental parameters, a theory model is made up to simulate measurement of reflectivity for length misadjustment of ring-down cavity. ─── 摘要: 只考虑腔长失调因素下建立了反射率模拟测量的理论模型。

29、The technician corrected the misadjustment which had caused the watch to run slow. ─── 表调整不当,走得太慢,技师已经把它校正好。

30、The coupling coefficients between the fundamental mode and the low order transverse modes have been expressed as a function of mismatch and relative misadjustment parameters. ─── 用相对失调参数的函数形式给出了基模到低阶横模之间的模式耦合系数。

31、The analysis shows that the measurement precision drops rapidly with length misadjustment and spot offset brought by cavity mirrors' tilt. ─── 分析表明,腔镜微小倾斜产生的衍射损耗的变化可以忽略,但导致的腔长变化和衰荡光斑漂移,会限制测量的精度。

32、Influence of length misadjustment on metrical precision by cavity ring-down method ─── 腔长失调对光腔衰荡法测量精度的影响

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