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10-02 投稿


musette 发音

英:[mj??zet]  美:[mju??zet]

英:  美:

musette 中文意思翻译




musette 网络释义

n. 小风笛;风笛曲n. (Musette)人名;(法)米塞特

musette 短语词组

1、musette pipe ─── [网络] 小提琴管

2、musette tango ─── 探戈博物馆

3、musette on violin ─── 小提琴博物馆

4、musette bag n. ─── 士兵作战时用的野战背包

5、musette in d major d ─── 大调音乐博物馆

6、musette in d d ─── 博物馆

musette 词性/词形变化,musette变形


musette 相似词语短语

1、amusettes ─── 娱乐

2、cuvette ─── n.透明小容器;小池,电池

3、buvette ─── n.(Buvette)人名;(法)比韦特

4、burette ─── n.[分化]滴定管;量管

5、Susette ─── n.苏泽特(女子名,等于Susanna或Susannah)

6、musettes ─── n.缪塞特笛;缪塞特曲;缪塞特舞;小型双簧管;一种小型背包(musette的复数)

7、curette ─── n.刮匙;刮器;耳挖;vt.用刮匙刮

8、cunette ─── 干壕底沟;子沟

9、amusette ─── n.小野战炮

musette 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、bal musette ─── 大众化舞厅

2、Handel: Musette: Larghetto (Concerto grosso in G minor, Op. 6, No. 6 ─── 亨德尔:风笛舞曲-小广板(G小调大协奏曲,作品六之4)

3、All the people were dancing and shouting joyfully, swinging their bodies with the musette played by Master Mornet, including the judges, the competitors and the audiences. ─── 留学归来的业内人士不断带来如同德国,俄罗斯,乌克兰,意大利等国不同类型的手风琴风格和作品与国内进行交流,各种大赛也在中国如火如荼的展开着。

4、Musette simplifies creation and distribution of public domain songs as lyrics and music are included together in files that download in seconds. ─── 整体变形难度中上,难点在手部和腿部。人形稳定性很好,脚掌接地面积大,并有改良球形关节可以水平方向转动,不会有前轻后重的感觉。

5、87. He packed his musette bag, commandeered an airplane and, under the impression that Florence too had been captured by the Allies. ─── 他打好野战背包,调动了一架飞机,心里以为佛罗伦萨已经被盟军攻占了。

6、If you can tap your foot and count, Musette will help you get the music right. ─── 腰部为了迁就变形机构没有设置水平转动位。大腿关节可动性良好,膝盖可动性一般,车轮在一定程度上妨碍了活动范围。

7、 ,Louis Vuitton Monogram Perforation Musette; ─── 消费要知所节制;

8、You can change the pitch and tempo, and Musette highlights each word as it plays so it’s easy to sing along. ─── 武器方面只有一个,大炮枪,可以装在右手,变形可连动,也可拆下,有弹射功能。变车形时可装在车尾上但好像没逻辑。

9、In “2005 Tanjing International Accordion Festival”, the french pop-accordion (musette) come out first. ─── 手风琴事业也是如此,近几年来,手风琴事业发展迅速。

10、I'm sure of it. He has a musette. I think we played together. ─── 我确定。他有一支法国的小风笛,我们还一起演奏过。

11、He packed his musette bag , commandeered an airplane and , under the impression that Florence too had been captured by the Allies . ─── 他打好野战背包,调动了一架飞机,心里以为佛罗伦萨已经被盟军攻占了。

12、 ,Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas Musette Tango; ─── 不过在家我还是很能喝的么 。。

13、musette bag ─── n. 士兵作战时用的野战背包

14、Gavot & Musette 2.Good Morning Baltimore / 1.Bach 2. ─── 林博之 县立丰田国小 自选二首自选曲参赛 1.

15、A musette bag. ─── 一个小行囊

16、Musette automatically aligns the words with the music. ─── 缺点是人形部分位置如脚部可动性比较不佳,声光效果较简陋。

17、 ,Louis Vuitton Damier Canvas Musette Salsa; ─── 就会一辈子也摆脱不了的。

18、Musette bag with ammo, my webbing, my. 45, canteen. . . ─── 携物袋加预备弹药,我的伪装网,45手枪,水壶。

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