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10-02 投稿


moff 发音

英:[['m?f]]  美:[['m?f]]

英:  美:

moff 中文意思翻译



moff 相似词语短语

1、mofo ─── 模具

2、boff ─── n.卖座的戏;为博取大笑的台词;高声大笑

3、miff ─── n.微怒;小争执;vt.使……恼怒;vi.恼羞成怒

4、-off ─── adv.离开;脱掉;出发,起跑;结束,取消;(电)未连接;没有;下班;减价;在剧院舞台的后面;prep.离开;偏离;从……去掉;下班;削价;戒除;不在;(非正式)远离;(非正式,一般是暂时)厌恶;adj.远离的;空闲的;(食物)不新鲜的;不能接受的;发挥失常的;(车轮等成对的物体之中)右边的;(某些体育比赛)越位的;(非正式)令人不快的;(非正式)不舒服的;(非正式)不友好的;n.(非正式)起跑;(板球)击球手对面的半场;(非正式)休息日;;v.(非正式)杀死(某人);(非正式)离开

5、coff ─── abbr.通用目标文件格式(CommonObjectFileFormat);n.(Coff)人名;(罗)科夫

6、meff ─── abbr.西班牙期货和期权交易所(MercadoEspa?oldeFuturosFinancieros)

7、muff ─── n.暖手筒,皮手筒;保暖套;(古,尤指运动或手工方面)笨拙的人;漏接(球);(粗俚)女子阴部;v.错过(机会);搞砸,把(某事)弄糟,做错;漏接(球),接(球)失误;n.(Muff)(美、瑞、丹)穆夫(人名)

8、doff ─── vt.脱(衣,帽等);丢弃,废除;落纱

9、koff ─── 科夫

moff 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moff Tarkin was the Imperial governor of the Outland Regions, and a key figure in the development of the Death Star project. ─── 星区总督塔金是外域地区的帝国总督,死星项目的重要策划者。

2、It was a move the Moff Council would come to regret. ─── 这是个星区首长议会将后悔的决定。

3、When Grand Moff Tarkin's Death Star was destroyed by the Rebels, it was believed that Vader had been lost to the void. ─── 莫夫塔金总督的死星遭反抗军摧毁时,维德被认为消失在宇宙深渊中了。

4、Pellaeon wasn't about to take any chances, however, with either Solo or the Moff Council, so he called in a favor from Admiral Daala, who agreed to watch his back during the fighting. ─── 不过,佩莱昂不信任索洛或星区总督会议,所以,他叫达拉上将帮忙,对方答应在战斗中保护他。

5、Motti, together with Grand Moff Tarkin and General Tagge, formed the command triumvirate for the battle station. ─── 莫提连同高等星区首长塔金和塔吉将军,构成了这座战斗站的三巨头。

6、This caused a division in the ranks of the Moff Council, and prompted Tahiri to confront Pellaeon about his actions. ─── 这导致星区总督会议的分裂。塔希莉强烈反对佩莱昂的这一举动。

7、Seven years after the Battle of Endor, A'Kla helped Corran Horn rescue his wife, Mirax, from ex-Moff Leonia Tavira. ─── 恩多战役七年后,阿克拉帮助科兰·霍恩从前星区总督莉奥妮娅·塔维拉手里救出霍恩的妻子米拉克丝。

8、The Imperial fleet officer commanding the Mon Calamari operation presented Ackbar as a slave and gift to Grand Moff Tarkin. ─── 指挥蒙卡拉马里行动的帝国海军军官把阿克巴作为奴隶和礼物送给高级星区总督塔金。

9、At the behest of Grand Moff Tarkin, Vader released Motti, and it was a lesson that the admiral wasn't soon to forget. ─── 高等星区首长塔金一声令下后,维德放开莫提,这应该是上将久久不能忘怀的一课。

10、The corrupt Moff Flirry Voru controlled a sizable fragment, while other remains were reformed into Black Nebula by Lord Dequc. ─── 堕落的星区总督弗利里·沃鲁曾控制黑日很大一部分,同时,剩下的残余势力被改组成德库克大人的黑云。

11、He then waited for Solo to make contact with the Moff Council, to see how badly he wanted the Imperials to be working with the Alliance. ─── 然后,他就等着索洛联系星区总督会议,看看索洛希望帝国入盟的想法到底有多迫切。

12、It was the gateway to the Maw Cluster, wherein resided a top-secret Imperial think-tank devised by Grand Moff Tarkin. ─── 此地是Maw星团的入口,里头座落著由最高星区首长塔金设计的最高机密帝国智库。

13、Caedus allied the GA with the Moff Council, and attacked the Verpine, hoping to gain control of the valuable munitions facility. ─── 凯度斯令联邦与莫夫评议会结盟,并攻击了维派因,希望能够控制宝贵的军需设施。

14、Moff Tarkin of the Outer Rim Territories took notice of young Daala's determination and skill. ─── 位于外星域的星区首长塔金注意到了妲拉的决心和技巧。

15、I remember when it came out, I wrote him a letter saying, "What on earth is a Grand Moff? ─── 记得刚公映的时候,我给他写了一封信,问他:“GrandMoff到底是什么东西?

16、He knew perfectly well that Dunhausen intended to be rid of him, and would have reported the Moff to the ISB had Nkik not removed his data transmitter. ─── 他很清楚顿豪森想除掉他。如果不是因为恩基克拆除了他的数据传输器,他肯定会向帝国安全局告发顿豪森。

17、She joined the New Republic mission to hunt down Moff Sarne in the Kathol Rift, eventually becoming commander of the FarStar, which tracked him down. ─── 参加在卡托尔窄缝为新共和国追捕星区总督萨内的任务后,她终于成为了“远星号”的指挥官,而且利用这艘飞船找到了萨内。

18、Greejatus was one of several Imperial officers discovered to have goaded Moff Tarkin into seizing absolute power with the superweapon. ─── 人们发现有几名帝国高官唆使星区总督塔金凭借那个超级武器攥取绝对权力,格里贾特斯也是其中之一。

19、In his 90s, Pellaeon was still considered a valuable resource by the Moff Council, which often refused to act until he had provided input. ─── 90岁以后,他依然被星区总督会议看成重要的支柱。没有他的介入,星区总督会议经常拒绝行动。

20、In his 90s, Pellaeon was still considered a valuable resource by the Moff Council, which often refused to act until he had provided input. ─── 90岁以后,他依然被星区总督会议看成重要的支柱。没有他的介入,星区总督会议经常拒绝行动。

21、The Jedi, along with Jagged Fel, were able to have the Moff Council join them, and brought the Confederation to the bargaining table. ─── 绝地武士和贾格德·费尔,以及加入他们阵营的莫夫评议会一道,与同盟开始了谈判。

22、The Imperial fleet officer commanding the Mon Calamari operation presented Ackbar as a slave and gift to Grand Moff Tarkin. ─── 指挥蒙卡拉马里行动的帝国海军军官把阿克巴作为奴隶和礼物送给高级星区总督塔金。



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