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10-02 投稿


muscling 发音

英:[?m?sl??]  美:[?m?sl??]

英:  美:

muscling 中文意思翻译





muscling 词性/词形变化,muscling变形

动词过去式: muscled |动词过去分词: muscled |动词第三人称单数: muscles |动词现在分词: muscling |形容词: muscly |

muscling 短语词组

1、muscling face ─── 肌肉发达的脸

2、muscling up ─── 用力慢上

3、muscling aside cars ─── 把车挤到一边

4、muscling faces ─── 肌肉发达的脸

5、muscling in on ─── 强行挤入,侵入

6、muscling in ─── 硬挤进强夺侵入干涉

7、muscling aside ─── 挤到一边

muscling 常用词组

smooth muscle ─── 平滑肌

skeletal muscle ─── n. 骨骼肌;骨肌

muscle strength ─── 肌肉强度

muscling 相似词语短语

1、muslin ─── n.棉布;[纺]平纹细布

2、mussing ─── v.弄乱(衣服或头发);n.凌乱;争吵,冲突;n.(Muss)(美)马斯(人名)

3、muscling in ─── 硬挤进;侵入;干涉;强夺

4、murling ─── 默林

5、muslins ─── [纺]平纹细布

6、outmuscling ─── v.在权力或力量上超过(outmuscle的现在分词)

7、mushing ─── n.失迷下沉;v.把…碾碎;使…成软糊状(mush的现在分词)

8、mulling ─── v.仔细考虑;将……制成热饮;将……磨成粉(mull的现在分词)

9、musing ─── n.沉思,冥想(等于meditation);诉说想法;adj.冥想的,沉思的(等于meditative);v.沉思,冥想;沉思地自言自语(muse的现在分词)

muscling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Asian firms are also muscling in on the sprawling archipelago's oil and gas industry. ─── 亚洲公司对这个群岛国家的油气业垂涎欲滴。

2、After struggling in the rebounding department against Utah, the Lakers matched the Spurs' rebounding tenacity for the most part, nearly equaling their 42 rebounds by muscling down 41 of their own. ─── 在和犹他爵士奋力拼抢篮板球后,湖人队同样也是奋力和马刺队拼抢篮板球,在他们的42个板中几乎有41个都奋力拼抢的结果。

3、Numerical solution of three-dimensional Euler equations using multi-block and multi-grid computational methods was studied with finite volume method. Modified Van Leer upwind flux-vector-splitting method and MUSCL scheme were used. ─── 全机三维复杂形状绕流数值求解只能采用分区求解的方法,本文采用可压缩Euler方程有限体积方法以及多重网格分区方法对流场进行分区计算。

4、Muscling his way through the crowd of kids who were watching us feed the foal, he got to the front and started yelling, "Let me feed it! Let me feed it! I want to feed it!" ─── 他把一帮观看我们给小马驹喂奶的孩子使劲推开,来到了前头,开始叫 嚷,“让我来喂它!让我来喂它!我要喂它!”

5、Lower thigh is long, broad and powerful, with extensive muscling leading into a strong hock joint. ─── 下腿是长的,宽的和有力的,和广泛的肌肉引起的强壮跗关节一样。

6、The self-funded project is muscling its way through indexing the blogosphere manually. ─── 在传统媒体的架构里,传者和受者是壁垒分明的两个部分。

7、To understand how cells multiply out of control and form tumors, scientists have long focused on proteins that regulate cell growth.But another type of molecule is muscling its way into the field. ─── 为了了解细胞是如何失去控制地倍数繁殖而形成肿瘤,科学家们已长期关注在调节细胞生长的蛋白质分子,不过另一类型的分子正试着挤身进入这个领域。

8、Having spent two decades muscling in on one manufacturing sector after another, China wants to spend the next two decades moving from “Made in China” to “Invented in China”. ─── 中国花了20年时间,打入一个接一个的制造业领域,在接下来的20年,它希望从“中国制造”,转向“中国创造”。

9、Africa may be Europe's neighbour and Europe its biggest trading partner, but China has lately been muscling in on the action. ─── 非洲算是是欧洲的近邻,而欧洲是其最大的贸易伙伴,但中国近来正对非洲大陆展开大力角逐。

10、Muscling must range from good with some deficiencies, to excellent. ─── 肌肉必须从有一些不足的好到优秀。

11、We don't want any of the big companies muscling in on the project. ─── 我们不希望任何一家大公司强取这一工程。

12、Thighs are powerful with muscling carrying well down into the second thigh. ─── 大腿非常有力,肌肉发达,且即若延伸到第二节大腿。

13、Wherever you look, newcomers are muscling in on what was once a Western domain. ─── 无论何地,你都可以看到新来者都在向曾经为西方独占的领域展示肌肉。

14、Duncan even got a pair of bank shots to drop Saturday. He put the game away by muscling inside for a layup and a foul. ─── 邓肯在周六的比赛中甚至连续进球。他通过在内线进球和博得一次犯规而使比分拉开。

15、A tough kid comes to a new high school and begins muscling his way into the drug scene. ─── 一个性格坚毅的年轻人进入了一所新的高中,开始涉足毒品交易。

16、Numerical Comparison of the Second-order Godunov Scheme MUSCL and the Fifth-order FD-WENO Scheme for Compressible Euler Equation ─── 五阶FD-WENO格式与二阶Godunov格式MUSCL的数值测试与比较

17、but Anglicans, too, are worried that the state is increasingly muscling in on areas that should be left to private conscience and religious teaching. ─── 不过,国教也对国家对那些本应留给个人良心以及宗教教义的领域越来越多的干涉感到忧虑。

18、He held off the back-tracking Ronaldo and skipped past Alvaro Mejia and Guti before racing into the area and muscling past Sergio Ramos. ─── 他摆脱了从后面追过来的罗纳尔多,跳过了梅西亚和古蒂,然后带球高速前奔,用身体抗过了拉莫斯。

19、Cohen complained that Kravis was muscling in on his deal. ─── 科恩抱怨克莱维斯正强行插足他的生意。

20、Mainly used for: an assistance drug of general anaesthetics as the muscl relaxtant in the windpipe surgical operation . ─── 主要用于:作为全麻辅助用药, 用于全麻时的气管插管及手术中的肌肉松弛。

21、MUSCL scheme ─── MUSCL格式

22、Veal calves showing heavy muscling should be deemed suspect. ─── 显示出重肌肉的小牛应被认为有嫌疑。

23、We should work towards creating an even arc in the spine, rather than muscling through and focusing on the size of the pose. ─── 我们应当想象脊柱是一个有弧型伸展的运动趋势,而不是仅仅让肌肉努力的工作或仅关注于体式的程度。

24、Duncan even got a pair of bank shots to drop Saturday. He put the game away by muscling inside for a layup and a foul. ─── 邓肯在周六的比赛中甚至连续进球。他通过在内线进球和博得一次犯规而使比分拉开。

25、Hollywood studios are muscling domestic film-makers aside. ─── 好莱坞电影这个庞然大物也将本土影业挤到了一边。

26、6.Yang is the muscling principle in nature and Yin is the opposite. ─── 阴和阳是贯通整个世界的两个相对立的力量。

27、Toyota has yet a third route to success: muscling up on its hybrid strength. ─── 丰田以第三条道路制胜:靠混合动力发展壮大。

28、maximum thickness of muscling ─── 肌肉极厚

29、The neck is long and strong with no excess skin or throatiness, sweeping smoothly into the muscling of the forequarters. ─── 颈部:长而结实,没有多余的皮肤或赘肉,平滑的逐渐变粗,融入肌肉发达的前躯。

30、muscl segment ─── [医] 肌节

31、When Heaven is about to place a great responsibility on a great man, it always first frustrates his spirit and will, exhausts his muscl... ─── 天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,增益其所不能

32、If Americans are not keen to see suave and sophisticated foreign carriers muscling in, this is the time to encourage all-American relationships. ─── 如果美国人不想看到温文尔雅而又精明世故的国外航空公司挺进美国市场,那么现在就是鼓励本国合作的最佳时机。

33、Poets, painters, musicians, sculptures, photographers and writers need not worry that science is muscling in on their territory. ─── 诗人,画家,音乐家,雕塑家,摄影师和作家无需担心科学家试图开拓他们疆土的野心。

34、In this paper,the flow fields inside isolator has been simulated using three order up-wind MUSCL sche-me,and K-turbulence model,so it is easy to catch the shock train in the isolator flow field. ─── 隔离段是双模态超燃冲压发动机实现双模态和模态转换的一个重要部件,同时,它把进气道和燃烧室隔离开,以防止燃烧室高压干扰进气道,引起进气道不启动。

35、Africa may be Europe's neighbour and Europe its biggest trading partner, but China has lately been muscling in on the action. ─── 非洲算是是欧洲的近邻,而欧洲是其最大的贸易伙伴,但中国近来正对非洲大陆展开大力角逐。

36、Muscling a combine over undulating fields, mules generated the horsepower to reap a Washington State wheat crop in the early 1900s. ─── 狂野的奔驰,1900世纪初的华盛顿市大量使用驴子收割小麦。

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