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molybdenum 发音

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molybdenum 中文意思翻译



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n. [化学] 钼(金属元素,符号Mo,原子序号42)

molybdenum 短语词组

1、molybdenum dioxydichloride ─── [化] 二氯二氧化钼

2、molybdenum oxide ─── [化] 氧化钼

3、molybdenum dioxysulfate ─── [化] 硫酸双氧钼

4、molybdenum dioxide ─── [机] 二氧化钼

5、molybdenum cast iron ─── [机] 钼铸铁

6、ferro-molybdenum ─── [化] 钼铁; 钼铁合金

7、molybdenum hexacarbonyl ─── [化] 六羰钼

8、molybdenum disulfide lubricant ─── [化] 二硫化钼润滑剂

9、molybdenum hydroxide ─── [化] 氢氧化钼

10、molybdenum hemitrisulfide ─── [化] 三硫化二钼

11、molybdenum blue ─── [机] 钼蓝

12、molybdenum naphthenate ─── [化] 环烷酸钼

13、molybdenum bromide ─── [化] 溴化钼

14、molybdenum iodide ─── [化] 碘化钼

15、molybdenum hemitrioxide ─── [化] 三氧化二钼

16、molybdenum dioxysulfide ─── [化] 一硫二氧化钼

17、molybdenum dichromate ─── [化] 重铬酸(六价)钼

18、molybdenum disulfide ─── [化] 二硫化钼

19、molybdenum hemipentoxide ─── [化] 五氧化二钼

molybdenum 词性/词形变化,molybdenum变形

简写符号: Mo |

molybdenum 相似词语短语

1、molybdates ─── n.[无化]钼酸盐

2、molybdic ─── 六价钼的

3、molybdenosis ─── n.钼中毒

4、molybdenite ─── n.[矿物]辉钼矿

5、molybdate ─── n.[无化]钼酸盐

6、molybdous ─── adj.二价钼的

7、labdanum ─── n.劳丹脂

8、ferromolybdenum ─── n.钼钢;铁铜齐

9、molybdenous ─── adj.二价钼的

molybdenum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Content : selenium, zinc, molybdenum, boron, and strontium which are dissolvable protein, amino acid and vitamin B &E, etc. ─── 内容:硒,锌,钼,硼,锶等多种人体必需的微量元素可溶性蛋白,氨基酸和B,E族维生素

2、Moreover, it is more efficient for those dissolved molybdenum to nucleate and form barium molybdate thin films by cell route. ─── 与之相对应,在恒电流条件下,有相当大一部分钼酸根离子扩散进入了电解液中。

3、The fracture mode of SPS sintered molybdenum belongs to brittle intercrystalline fracture. ─── SPS烧结钼的断口呈沿晶断裂,属于脆性断裂。

4、No significant relationships were observed between grain yields and seed molybdenum. ─── 小麦子粒产量与种子钼含量无显著相关性。

5、In this method,the classic perchloric dehydration gravimetry is changed into molybdenum blue photometry to quickly determine silicon content. ─── 本法将经典的高氯酸脱水重量法分析硅改为钼蓝光度法快速测定硅含量。

6、The effects of Dicyandiamide (DCD) and Molybdenum (Mo) on reducing nitrate accumulation in vegetables were carried out in pot-test. ─── 本文化钼肥和双氰胺降低蔬菜硝酸盐积累的作用进行了盆载试验.

7、Our company has two mines are tungsten and molybdenum ore mine. ─── 我们公司有两个矿山分别是钼矿和钨矿。

8、The Sancha Mo deposit belongs to porphyry molybdenum one,which is a major industry deposit. ─── 三岔钼矿床为斑岩型钼矿床,是该区主要矿床工业类型。

9、The codeposition of Mo-Ni by electroplating and ion implantation were used to add molybdenum into coatings. ─── 又采用钼-镍合金电镀和离子注入钼+铬硅共渗的方法, 得到了含钼的铬硅渗层。

10、This paper briefly introduces the geochemical nature of vanadium, selenium, molybdenum elements. ─── 摘要本文简要介绍了钒、硒、钼的地球化学性质。


12、Accurate control of rotary kiln's temperature is a key technique for ensuring the quality of molybdenum concentrate calcine. ─── 回转窑温度的准确控制是保证钼精矿焙烧质量的技术关键。

13、The thermally evaporated molybdenum oxide (MoOx) was investigated as the effective hole-injection material for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). ─── 本论文研究一金属氧化物材料--氧化钼作为有机发光元件中之电洞注入层。

14、Between 1980 and 1990 he found that compounds containing molybdenum and tungsten were particularly efficient. ─── 在1980到1990年之间,他发现包含钼和钨的化合物催化作用尤其突出。

15、S30V contains carbon as well as high amounts of chromium, molybdenum and vanadium. ─── S30V含有碳元素,此外还有很高含量的铬、钼和钒。

16、Material: Steel, Stainless steel, Carbon, Copper, Aluminum, Brass, Titanium, superalloys, Tungsten, Molybdenum, etc. ─── 材料:钢,不锈钢,碳,铝,黄铜,钛合金,高温合金,钨,钼等。

17、High-quality chrome molybdenum steel forged, the overall hardness up to HRC52-55, mainly used for removal of broken bolt. ─── 优质铬钼钢锻造,整体硬度高达HRC52-55,主要用于拆卸破环的螺栓。

18、Determination of molybdenum in both Ni-Mo alloy deposit and plating solution using DTPA as chelating agent was described with high accurate results. ─── 介绍了以DTPA为螯合剂,采用螯合滴定法测定镍钼合金镀层和镀液中的钼含量。结果表明,该方法准确度高,具有实用价值。

19、Under the optimum factors, the lixiviating rate of molybdenum was near 100%. ─── 在最佳工艺条件下,钼的浸出率接近100%。

20、The first stage is about the Fe2+ being oxidized and the second one is relative to the oxidation of some molybdenum oxides in a lower valent. ─── 反应之一是Fe2+被氧化,反应之二是钼的低价氧化物被氧化。

21、The material used for the heat-resistant modification included boricacid,molybdenum,BMI,polysulfone,benzoxazine,PT resin,CNSL and tung oil. ─── 改性的方法包括:硼酸改性、钼改性、双马来酰亚胺改性、聚砜改性、苯并口恶嗪化合物改性、酚三嗪树脂改性、腰果壳油改性及桐油改性。

22、Analysis of ECG and A Comparison of Serum Trace ElementsSelenium,Magnesium,Zinc and Molybdenum Contents in CHD Patients. ─── 冠心病患者心电图分析及血清硒镁锌钼含量比较

23、The hydrodenitrogenation(HDN) performance of the molybdenum carbide catalyst was evaluated by using 5% pyridine/cyclohexane as a model reactant. ─── 以吡啶/环己烷溶液为模型化合物,在高压微反装置上评价了碳化钼催化剂的吡啶加氢脱氮性能。

24、Sputtering target is usually made of pure molybdenum sheet. ─── 而溅射靶材多以金属纯钼板材为主。

25、The atomization mechinism of molybdenum on the graphite probe surface in the graphite furnace is studied with X ray diffraction experiment. ─── 本文报道了应用X-射线衍射分析及其它一些实验手段,研究钼在石墨炉内石墨探针表面上的原子化机理。

26、Plus , Chee forges his own steel, and he owns the mines back in China for two of its more expensive components, tungsten and molybdenum . ─── 另外,远东用的是自己锻造的特种钢,这种钢含有两种昂贵的金属成分,钨和钼,而远东在中国拥有相应的两种矿场。

27、The manufacturing procedure of 0. 5mm high temperature molybdenum(HTM) sheet is described in this paper. ─── 叙述了用作真空烧结炉发热体的高温钼(HTM)合金板从制粉到轧制成0.5mm板材的工艺过程;

28、Content of Cd aboveground of Chinese white cabbage has the trend of reducing markedly with molybdenum concentrations increasing under cadmium stress. ─── 小白菜地上部对镉的累积随钼离子浓度的增加呈降低趋势,且与对照差异达显著水平。

29、Abstract: Retrospect of 1999 molybdenum market and outlook of 2000 molybdenum market were stated. ─── 文摘:回顾了1999年世界钼市的状况并展望了2000年世界钼市的前景。

30、A new method is presented for determination of sulphur in technical molybdenum oxide by induced plasma emission spectroscopy. ─── 介绍了利用等离子体发射光谱测定工业氧化钼中硫含量的检测方法。

31、FMo-2 can be used as raw material: controlled silicon wafer, molybdenum mandrels and so on. ─── FMo-2可用于可控硅圆片、钼顶头等原材料。

32、The author used VLF method in surveying and explorating gold deposits, ludwigite, copper ore, molybdenum ore and coal ore. ─── 作者在辽东地区把甚低频(VLF)法应用于金矿、硼镁铁矿、铜矿、钼矿和煤矿的普查勘探工作中。

33、Ltd is a specialist in producing molybdenum, tungsten and their down-stream products. ─── 凭着先进的工艺、备,雄厚的技术力量,完善的检测手段,严格的管理体系,在广大客户中形成了良好的企业信誉。

34、Molybdenum disulfide,having good lubricating property,is used as a good solid lubricant. ─── 二硫化钼具有良好的润滑性能,是一种优良的固体润滑剂。

35、The author discusses the investigation of mine-out area in molybdenum deposit, through the multi-electrode resistivity imaging method and seismic profiles interpretation. ─── 摘要利用高密度电法及地震映像法,对钼矿矿区进行地球物理勘探,查明矿区采空区的空间分布。

36、The supply, demand and price of molybdenum in 2003 were revieved,and the prospect of the molybdenum market in 2004 was forecasted. ─── 回顾了2003年世界钼市场的供需状况和价格走势,并对2004年钼市场前景进行了展望。

37、A new chelatometry has been applied to measure molybdenum quantities of molybdenum disulfide lubricant,replacing the traditional weight method. ─── 提出了新的螯合滴定法测定二硫化钼量,用以取代传统的重量法。

38、The supply, demand and price of molybdenum in 2002 were reviwed,and the prospect of the molybdenum market in 2003 was forecasted. ─── 回顾了2002年世界钼市场的供需状况和价格走势,并对2003年钼市场前景进行了展望。

39、A method was established for determination of molybdenum in water by flow injection spectrophotometry with Thiocyanate and Ascorbic acid. ─── 建立了水中钼的硫氰酸盐-抗坏血酸体系流动注射分光光度测定法,优化了试验条件。

40、This paper presents the techniques of welding in the production line of molybdenum wires and the application of welding molybdenum bar. ─── 介绍了钼丝生产线中焊接的工艺设计及其原理,以及焊接方式下的钼杆在钼丝生产过程中的使用情况。

41、The contents of soil microelements-available boron, zinc and molybdenum generally increased in upland and paddy fields. ─── 土壤微量元素中,有效态硼、锌、钼普遍增加。

42、Fine solids in the tailing water of Xinhua Molybdenum Mine always maintain suspended and unsinkable due to high concentration of sodium silicate. ─── 朝阳新华钼矿尾矿水中的细粒悬浮物在大量水玻璃作用下长期悬浮,回用时严重影响选矿指标。

43、The commercial scale test was conducted for impurity molybdenum removal from tungstate solution by selective precipitation method. ─── 对“选择性沉淀法从钨酸盐溶液中除钼”新工艺进行了工业试验。

44、I long product containing vanadium plant, molybdenum, nickel, cobalt, platinum, Spent palladium catalyst. ─── 我厂长期求购含钒,钼,镍,钴,铂,钯废催化剂.

45、The mainland market for IPOs picked up yesterday after Jinduicheng Molybdenum Group announced plans to raise up to $1.3bn on the Shanghai market. ─── 内地的ipo市场昨日也有所好转,金钼股份(Jinduicheng Molybdenum)宣布计划在上海上市,募集至多13亿美元资金。

46、A few modern engines use cast crankshafts, made of special cast-iron containing chromium, nickel, and molybdenum. ─── 多数现代柴油机是整体曲轴,用碳钢或含有镍、铬和钼的合金钢锻造而成。

47、Asia selenium acid, selenium dioxide, tellurium dioxide, molybdenum trioxide, nickel sulfate in Canada. ─── 德国硒粉;亚硒酸、二氧化硒、二氧化碲、三氧化钼、加拿大的硫酸镍等。

48、A simplified mathematical model for electrode protecting system that involves molten glass,AZS refractories,insulating bricks,molybdenum electrodes,cooling water and jacket,etc. ─── 建立了钼电极保护系统的数值模型,把该系统中涉及的电极、水套、冷却水、保温砖、AZS耐火砖、玻璃液等问题关联起来;

49、When molybdenum is deficient, nitrate may accumulate to a toxic level in the plant. ─── 当钼不足时,硝酸盐会积累在植物中达到毒害的程度。

50、Microwave radiation was used as a drying method in the measurement of molybdenum for ferromolybdenum. ─── 将微波辐射作为一种加热方法应用于钼铁中钼含量的测定。

51、Molybdenum-99 is obtained during that time. ─── 钼- 99在这段时间被生成。

52、In 1984, Ganzhou Tungsten and Molybdenum Materials Factory was into production. ─── 1984年,赣州钨钼材料厂投产,引进日本技术,生产出了钨粉、棒、丝等产品。

53、The same is the world's largest iodine, molybdenum and lithium producers. ─── 其同样是全球最大的碘、锂和钼生产国之一。

54、The material used for the heat-resistant modification included boricacid, molybdenum, BMI, polysulfone, benzoxazine, PT resin, CNSL and tung oil. ─── 改性的方法包括:硼酸改性、钼改性、双马来酰亚胺改性、聚砜改性、苯并恶嗪化合物改性、酚三嗪树脂改性、腰果壳油改性及桐油改性。

55、The Yichun Luming molybdenum ore is a big porphyry deposits. ─── 伊春鹿鸣钼矿为大型斑岩型矿床。

56、Technetium-99 is obtained from Molybdenum-99. ─── 锝- 99从钼- 99中获取。

57、Direct reducing and alloying of scheelite and molybdenum oxide is considered by thermodynamic and kinetic calculation and analysis in this paper. ─── 对白钨矿和氧化钼直接还原合金化进行了热力学和动力学计算和分析。

58、Gilt molybdenum wire for Z-pinch experiment by sulfite pulse gilding technique[J]. ─── 引用该论文 章志敏,刘德斌,杨向东,邱龙会,付志兵,余斌.

59、Molybdenum Disilicide Grads Material Product. ─── 二硅化钼梯度材料产品。

60、The influences of presintering craft on the oxidation resistant properties of the surface of molybdenum electrodes were also investigated. ─── 探讨了玻璃基涂层预烧工艺对钼电极表面的防氧化性能的影响。

61、Textbook reactions cannot explain the emergence of unusual isotopes of metals such as molybdenum and ruthenium seen in the sun and meteorites. ─── 不过,课本中所列出的反应,却无法解释某些不寻常金属同位素的出现,例如太阳与流星中所含的钼和钌。

62、Methods: Determining lilypolysaccharide and phosphatide contents through phenol hydrate-sulfuric acid and molybdenum blue colorimetric method. ─── 方法:分别采用苯酚硫酸法和钼蓝比色法测定不同施肥处理的百合多糖及总磷脂含量。

63、The temperature dependence of the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) of molybdenum single crystal has been investigated. ─── 本文研究了钼单晶临界切应力和温度的依赖关系。

64、The density of molybdenum sintered by SPS increases and the hardness of molybdenum decreases with the temperature increasing. ─── SPS烧结钼的密度呈现随烧结温度的升高而增加的趋势,但是其硬度有所下降。

65、A method for determining Mo, Fe, Pb, Cu, SiO2, CaO in molybdenum concentrates by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry was studied. ─── 摘要采用硼酸镶边垫底,粉末压片法制样,用标准样品建立工作曲线,能量色散X-射线荧光光谱法同时测定了钼精矿中钼、铁、铅、铜、二氧化硅、氧化钙的含量。

66、Finally, a comparison between the two technologies catalytic by silver and iron molybdenum was made, merits of exhaust ga... ─── 最后将银法和铁钼法的生产工艺和方法进行了比较,突出了尾气循环银法生产甲醛工艺的优点。

67、After applying different concentration of molybdenum, the absorption ratio of molybdenum decreased first and increased later with culture time. ─── 施用不同浓度钼后,红壤对钼的吸附率随培育时间的延长而表现出先降低后 升高的趋势。

68、In order to meet the requinment of production of molybdenum powder,the problems about APM quality controll in processing were discussed. ─── 主要探讨了仲钼酸铵实际生产过程中,仲钼酸铵质量控制的问题,目的是为钼粉生产提供优质原料。

69、Methods:After the sample was digested by microwave digestion technology,the phosphate was detected by molybdenum blue colorimetric method. ─── 方法:运用微波消解技术进行样品消解,再以钼蓝比色法进行含量测定。

70、Thioglycolic acid(TGA) is adopted as depressant against copper sulfide minerals in the flotation separation of molybdenum from copper sulfide minerals. ─── 巯基乙酸是硫化铜矿物的抑制剂,广泛用于铜钼浮选分离。

71、Our coppany have exported molybdenum wire for EDM and spraying many years.We can supply all kinds of them. ─── 您对此产品满意吗?如果此信息不能满足您的需要,请给我们留言!

72、Molybdenum-99 is transported in special containers. ─── 钼- 99被装在特殊容器中运输。

73、The theory and tryout to produce low Mo alloy roller steel with squeezing block of molybdenum oxide instead of ferro molybdenum are introduced. ─── 介绍了用氧化钼压块代替钼铁生产低钼合金轧辊钢的理论根据和试生产情况。


75、To investigate the effect of Molybdenum on liver microsomal fraction aniline hydroxylase in rats,50 rats were randomly divided into 5 groups. ─── 为研究钼对大鼠肝微粒体中苯胺羟化酶的影响,将50只大鼠随机分为5个组,4个试验组每天分别灌服剂量为8。

76、The catalytic performance of molybdenum, nickel and iron catalysts was studied using Kelamayi VGO as feedstock. ─── 并以克拉玛依VGO为反应原料,考察了单组分铁、钼、镍催化剂的催化性能。

77、The determination method of molybdenum and sodium carbonate content in sodinm molybdate was proposed. ─── 提出了工业钼酸钠中钼和碳酸钠含量的测定方法。

78、Addition of molybdenum, sulphide and other trace elements did not promote the anaerobic phosphorus removal. ─── 外加钼和其它微量元素以及外加还原剂硫化物对厌氧生物除磷没有明显的剌激作用。

79、The recent progress in heterogenization of homogeneous molybdenum containing catalysts used for epoxidation of olefins is reviewed. ─── 介绍了以有机聚合物和无机硅酸盐为载体,负载钼催化剂及其对烯烃环氧化反应催化性能的研究进展;

80、Methods: After the sample was digested by microwave digestion technology, the phosphate was detected by molybdenum blue colorimetric method. ─── 方法:运用微波消解技术进行样品消解,再以钼蓝比色法进行含量测定。

81、Retrospect of 1999 molybdenum market and outlook of 2000 molybdenum market were stated. ─── 回顾了1999年世界钼市的状况并展望了2000年世界钼市的前景。

82、The value of the resources extracted, including copper, gold, silver and molybdenum, is greater than the Comstock Lode, Klondike, and California Gold Rush combined. ─── 挖掘出来的矿藏有铜、金、银和钼,含量比克朗代克的康斯托克矿藏和加州淘金热的矿藏加在一起还要多。

83、The technology of abstracting molybdenum,cobalt and nickel from catalyst by acid treatment,extraction and alkali treatment was studied in this article. ─── 主要研究废催化剂中钼、钴、镍的酸浸、萃取和碱浸提钼两种工艺。

84、Abstract: Review of 2000 molybdenum market and prospect of 2001 molybdenum market were stated. ─── 文摘:回顾了2000年世界钼市场状况并展望了2001年世界钼市场前景。

85、The state of production and export of molybdenum concentrates,ferromolybdenum and molybdenum oxide were presented. ─── 介绍了近几年来我国钼精矿、钼铁、氧化钼的生产及出口情况。

86、Molybdenum Trioxide is a light grey(off white)power,slightly soluble in water,soluble in alkaline and acid,with high purity. ─── 三氧化钼为淡灰色粉末,微溶于水,溶于碱和酸,具有很高的纯度。

87、Molybdenum deficiency is found when legumes are grown on acid soils. ─── 在酸性土壤上种植豆科作物时常发现缺钼。

88、The nanoscaled molybdenum disulfide (MoS_2) was prepared by using supersonic jet mill. ─── 本文采用超音速气流粉碎机对二硫化钼(MoS2)粉体进行粉碎,从而得到纳米二硫化钼。

89、Well-known, in industrial production equipment of molybdenum concentrate roast basically has reverberator, rotary kiln and much chamber stove. ─── 众所周知,在工业生产中钼精矿焙烧设备主要有反射炉、回转窑和多膛炉。

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