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10-02 投稿


vibratile 发音

英:[?va?br?t?l]  美:[?va?br?ta?l]

英:  美:

vibratile 中文意思翻译



vibratile 词性/词形变化,vibratile变形

名词: vibratility |

vibratile 短语词组

1、vibratile cilia ─── [医]颤动纤毛

2、vibratile corpuscle ─── 振动小体(棘皮动物)

3、vibratile tremor ─── [医] 振动性震颤

vibratile 相似词语短语

1、vibratoless ─── 无振动

2、umbratile ─── 玻璃

3、vibrate ─── vi.振动;颤动;摇摆;踌躇;vt.使振动;使颤动

4、vibration ─── n.振动;心灵感应

5、vibratiuncle ─── 振动

6、vibratility ─── n.振动性;颤动性;震动性

7、vibratingly ─── 振动地

8、vibrative ─── adj.震动的,颤动的

9、vibrating ─── v.振动,(使)震动;颤抖;共鸣;萦绕;(钟摆)摆动(vibrate的现在分词)

vibratile 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The structural innovation and the crack analysis for the support beam of the vibratile riddle ─── 振动筛支承横梁破断分析及结构改造

2、Keywords peripheral vibration drilling machine;loosening of drilling chuck;limit vibratile angular frequency; ─── 周向振动钻床;钻夹头松脱;极限摆振圆频率;

3、security of SIFANG CITY under vibratile load of busses, this paper does a simulative analysis for it with ANSYS. ─── 文章针对明孝陵四方城在车辆振动荷载下的安全性问题,应用有限元软件ANSYS进行了数值模拟分析。

4、vibratile cheiropractic ─── 振动按摩法

5、Observation of Effect of Vibratile Production in Accessory Treatment of Pulmonary Infection ─── 振动排痰辅助治疗肺部感染的疗效观察

6、Serious cardiac muscle is short of blood, cause ventricle to attack move and ventricular and vibratile, intercurrent coronary heart disease and heart disease of lobar source sex cause sudden death. ─── 严重的心肌缺血,引发心室扑动和心室颤动,并发冠心病和肺源性心脏病造成猝死。

7、continuously can produce ventricular and vibratile, heartbeat to stop, breath stops down to to die. ─── 重者可发生心室颤抖、心跳停止、呼吸停止以至死亡。

8、Test and Study on Vibratile Drilling New Laminated Material by Step Type Variable Parameter ─── 阶跃式变参数振动钻削新型叠层材料的实验研究

9、The structural innovation and the crack analysis for the support beam of the vibratile riddle ─── 振动筛支承横梁破断分析及结构改造

10、vibratile cilia ─── 颤动纤毛

11、(What 5) conducts block sluggish without room room is clonic room sex is tachycardia, ventricular attack move, ventricular and vibratile . ─── 没有房室传导阻滞的阵发性室性心动过速、心室扑动、心室颤动。

12、See Wang Mou is low head, the both hands on knee does not live specified amount of vibratile, face is small red, a few desire when character stops again, I am decisive employ exciting therapeutics. ─── 看到王某低着头,膝盖上的双手不住颤动、脸额微红,几次欲言又止时,我果断动用刺激疗法。

13、Experiment of Influence Factors of Wet-type Vibratile Fiber Grille ─── 湿式振动纤维栅除尘性能影响因素的实验研究

14、Provide advises to HCI equipment's designing that suit the vibratile environment. ─── 为设计适合震动环境下的人机交互装置提供依据。

15、vibratile compacter ─── 振动压实机

16、vibratile spinc ─── 振动小棘(棘皮动物)

17、The results indicate that the pavement performance of selected mixture is very good if the tyre roller is applied to the first compaction and vibratile roller is applied to the second compaction. ─── 测试结果表明,应用贝雷法优选设计的沥青混合料,如在初压阶段采用轮胎压路机、复压阶段采用适宜的振动压路机组合具有优良的路用性能。

18、vibratile spine ─── 颤动小棘

19、Oil cooler for hydraulic circuit of engineering machinery, such as excavator, vibratile roller, car-lifter & drill rig. ─── 用于挖掘机、振动式压路机、汽车起重机、钻井机等工程机械油压系统的油冷却器。

20、(What 5) conducts block sluggish without room room is clonic room sex is tachycardia, ventricular attack move, ventricular and vibratile. ─── (5)没有房室传导阻滞的阵发性室性心动过速、心室扑动、心室颤动。

21、vibratile tremor ─── [医] 振动性震颤

22、The acting force and motion of vibratile tumbling machine are analysed theoretically. ─── 对振动光饰机的受力和运动进行理论分析。

23、When the glossal palate face that brushs fluctuation anterior teeth, if tooth bend is narrow, can have vertical stroke of tooth brush head short horizontal stroke to brush vibratile. ─── 刷上下前牙的舌腭面时,如牙弓狭窄,可将牙刷头竖起作短横刷颤动。

24、vibratile corpuscle ─── 振动小体

25、A kind true with life of actor of a kind of folk vibratile. ─── 一种真实和一种民间艺人生命的颤抖。

26、Experiment of Influence Factors of Wet-type Vibratile Fiber Grille ─── 湿式振动纤维栅除尘性能影响因素的实验研究

27、Test and Study on Vibratile Drilling New Laminated Material by Step Type Variable Parameter ─── 阶跃式变参数振动钻削新型叠层材料的实验研究

28、In order to deal with the security of SIFANG CITY under vibratile load of busses,this paper does a simulative analysis for it with ANSYS. ─── 文章针对明孝陵四方城在车辆振动荷载下的安全性问题,应用有限元软件ANSYS进行了数值模拟分析。

29、Observation of Effect of Vibratile Production in Accessory Treatment of Pulmonary Infection ─── 振动排痰辅助治疗肺部感染的疗效观察

30、(What room of 4) height room conducts block sluggish foundation to go up is clonic room sex is tachycardia, ventricular attack move, ventricular and vibratile. ─── (4)高度房室传导阻滞基础上的阵发性室性心动过速、心室扑动、心室颤动。

31、1.The acting force and motion of vibratile tumbling machine are analysed theoretically. ─── 对振动光饰机的受力和运动进行理论分析。

32、It is indicated by test that the effect of step type variable parameter vibratile drilling is more superior than that of common drilling at corresponding conditions. ─── 实验得出,阶跃式变参数振动钻削效果明显优于相应条件下的普通钻削。

33、Wavelet package analysis can pick up the useful vibratile information of hydraulic generators, which is regarded as evidence to diagnose fault. ─── 小波包分析能有效地提取水轮机振动信号中的有用成分,作为故障诊断的依据。

34、On the basis of optimized vibratile drilling mono-ma-terial test, the optimized value variable parameter is selected for vibratile drilling tesl of two kinds laminated materials. ─── 在单材料优化振动钻削实验的基础上,进行了两种叠层材料按优化值变参数的振动钻削实验。

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