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10-02 投稿


postoffice 发音

英:[?po?st ɑ?f?s]  美:[?p??st ?f?s]

英:  美:

postoffice 中文意思翻译



postoffice 短语词组

1、postoffice manager ─── 邮局经理

2、postoffice network list ─── [计] 邮局网络表

3、postoffice location ─── 邮局的位置

4、postoffice connection ─── 邮局的连接

5、postoffice address list ─── [计] 邮局通讯名单

postoffice 相似词语短语

1、outoffices ─── 办公室

2、post-office ─── n.邮局;美国邮政局

3、box-office ─── 票房;售票处

4、box office ─── 票房;售票处

5、postfire ─── postfire

6、postface ─── n.刊后语

7、post offices ─── 邮局(postoffice的复数)

8、post office ─── n.邮局;美国邮政局

9、outoffice ─── 办公室

postoffice 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tom dropped me off at the postoffice and I've walked the rest of the way. ─── 汤姆让我在邮局下了车,剩下的路我就步行了。

2、4.There used to be a Postoffice at the corner of this road. ─── 4.从前在这条马路的拐角处有家邮局。

3、Must I go to postoffice to buy stamps? ─── 能不能不去邮局买邮票,而去商店或者超市呢?

4、No.1buyer might to my shop during the three days by ****** or postoffice or bank pay after please tell me about you receive goods correct message through date will be looked as give up! ─── 邮局或者银行转账的方式在三天以内完成汇款;货款后请告知我您的确切收件信息逾期将视作弃权处理!

5、There's a department store next to the postoffice. ─── 在邮局旁边有个百货公司。

6、Use your feet or bike to bring your mail to the postoffice. ─── 善用你的双脚或骑自行车带著明信片/邮件到邮局寄信。

7、I gave it to the postoffice today. ─── 我把它给了邮局。

8、The small postoffice on the corner deals in a lot else besides stamps and postal orders. ─── 除了邮票和汇票以外,那个街角的邮局还有许多别的业务。

9、22. The postoffice is opening up a new branch. ─── 邮局新开设了一个分局。

10、From the curbstone he darted a keen glance through the door of the postoffice ─── 他从人行道的边石那儿朝邮政局门口投了锐利的一瞥

11、Work here( there, at this factory, at the postoffice, on a farm) ─── 在这里(那里,这个工厂,邮局,农场)工作

12、All along go ,until you may see the postoffice. ─── 一直走,直到你看到邮局.

13、Instead, some dealers recommend you ship your items via the U. S. Post Office, which allows you to buy up to $25, 000 in insurance. ─── 相反,有些交易商建议你通过美国邮政总局(U.S.PostOffice)发送金制品,最多你可购买2.5万美元的保险。

14、My brother is a postoffice??? ─── 我的兄弟是一个邮局???

15、The building opposite the postoffice is a bookstore . ─── 邮局对面的那座楼房是一间书店。

16、There is a postoffice nearby. ─── (2.)在附近有一个邮局。

17、opposite to the postoffice is a bookstore . ─── 邮局对面的那座楼房是一间书店。

18、The Saigon Postoffice near the church is always full of tourists. ─── 教堂附近的西贡邮局里面总是熙熙攘攘。

19、a) Try to stay away, or at least don't stay long at crowded and busy places, such as markets, shops, postoffice, subways, stations, hospital, school etc. ─── 少去人多的市场、商店、邮局、地铁、车站、医院、学校等繁忙的公共场所。

20、6.Conveniently enough, there's a postoffice near my house. ─── 这家饭店位于高速公路旁,交通十分便利。

21、Tom's letter was written in due form that evening and safely lodged in the postoffice. ─── 那天晚上,汤姆的信就被象象样样地写好,并稳妥地投入了信箱。

22、Hardly had he got to the postoffice after he bought some stamps. ─── 他一到邮局便买几张邮票。

23、Keep on till you get to the postoffice and then turn right. ─── 一直往前走,到了邮局再往右拐。

24、It doesn't matter without special brand pubishing money,through ShushangZ,minor enterprises can get their brand published by independent domain name,genaral web site and selfowned company postoffice. ─── 没有专门的品牌推广费用不要紧,应用数商Z,中小企业不仅可以通过独立域名、通用网址、自有企业邮局等网络品牌产品来打造自己的品牌形象。

25、Less than one month after leaving the postal service, he finished his first novel, Post Office. ─── 离开邮局不到一个月,他完成了第一部小说《邮局》(PostOffice)。

26、in the war department in separate lavatories: in the postoffice department building separate lavatories; ─── 在军事部有隔离的洗手间。在财政部大楼有隔离的洗手间。

27、yes definitely let me know when you get it, so next time I can tell our postoffice guy. heehee. ─── 网站新推出不久,确实还有很多问题。谢谢你提醒。希望能有机会跟你好好聊聊。

28、Sam.b who is the meatmen in this country losed his money when he taked his deposit tothe postoffice. ─── 当地的屠户萨姆.本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。

29、Sam Benton, the local butcher, had lost his wallet while taking his savings to the postoffice. ─── 当地的屠户萨姆本顿在把存款送往邮局的途中把钱包丢了。

30、I am going to POstoffice to post my letter. ─── 例如:那个男人要买一辆轿车。

31、This three-stories building was burnt down as well as the adjacent postoffice and theater. ─── 这座三层楼房被烧毁,附近的邮局和剧场也遭损坏.

32、postoffice address list ─── n. 邮局通讯名单

33、The building opposite to the postoffice is a bookstore . ─── 邮局对面的那座楼房是一间书店。

34、postoffice connection ─── 邮局连接

35、postoffice location ─── 邮局位置

36、To get some stamps; the postoffice ─── 买邮票;邮局

37、I am going to the postoffice. ─── 我要去邮局了。

38、Windows For Workgroups included Microsoft Mail, which could send email via PostOffice to other users on a network. ─── WindowsForWorkgroups包括了MicrosoftMail,可通过PostOffice把邮件发送到其它在线网络用户。

39、3. Conveniently enough, there's a postoffice near my house. ─── 很方便的是我家附近有一家邮局。

40、Postoffice branch information management VC, a postoffice information managment system writed by a student, with simple function. ─── 邮局支局信息管理vc.是一个学生写的邮局信息管理系统,功能一般。

41、The Saigon Postoffice near the church is always full of tourists. ─── 教堂附近的西贡邮局里面总是熙熙攘攘。

42、the restaurant is in front of the postoffice. ─── 饭店在邮局的前面。

43、postoffice manager ─── 邮局管理器

44、The main distribution channel of publishing houses usually is Xinhua Bookstore, while our distribution channels includes Xinhua Bookstore, Postoffice channels, rail channels and civil channels. ─── 出版社方面一般是以新华书店为主体的渠道,而我们的渠道则是书店,邮局渠道,铁路渠道,民间渠道组成的成立体型的发行渠道。

45、I got off before we reached the postoffice. ─── 电车还没到邮局我就下来了。

46、postoffice network list ─── n. 邮局网络表

47、Conveniently enough, there's a postoffice near my house. ─── 我家离公共汽车站不远,非常方便。

48、Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the postoffice? ─── 能告诉我到邮局怎么走吗?

49、go straight until you see the postoffice. ─── 4.一直走,直到你看到邮局.

50、Excuse me,where is the nearest postoffice? ─── 请问最近的邮局在哪里?

51、The postoffice doesn't have this kind of service. ─── 我不得不想一想。

52、My brother works at a postoffice. ─── 我的兄弟在邮局工作。

53、There is a postoffice nearby. ─── 在附近有一个邮局。


mall, bank, stadium, gym, museum, hospital, factory, etc....


你好是一个词组,邮局的意思i work in the post office:我在邮局工作

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