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10-02 投稿


mora 发音


英:  美:

mora 中文意思翻译



mora 词性/词形变化,mora变形

名词复数: morae |

mora 相似词语短语

1、moria ─── n.童样痴呆

2、moras ─── n.音节延长度;短音节;猜拳;调形;n.(Mora)人名;(法、捷、拉脱、罗、马达、尼日利、塞、葡、瑞典、泰、西、意、英)莫拉

3、moray ─── n.海鳝;鯙;n.(Moray)(美、英、法、阿根廷)莫拉伊(人名)

4、amora ─── n.阿莫拉(犹太教律法学者,犹太教口传律法集《塔木德》的编集者)

5、morae ─── 短音;短音节(mora的复数)

6、moral ─── adj.道德的;精神上的;品性端正的;n.道德;寓意;n.(Moral)人名;(德、法、西、葡、土)莫拉尔

7、morat ─── 桑葚酒

8、moira ─── n.莫伊拉(女子名)

9、mowra ─── 割草机

mora 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Teresa Vena Mora Finamore wrote:" I am an Italian teacher of math and science for students from eleven to fourteen. ─── 特雷沙费那莫写道:“我是意大利的数学和科学老师,教11岁到14岁的学生。

2、Peppino had a little spare time, so he had a game of mora with the facchini, lost three crowns, and then to console himself drank a bottle of Orvieto ─── 庇皮诺闲得无事,便和闲汉们玩骰子,输了三个艾居,为了安慰自己,喝了一瓶奥维多酒。

3、"The boats are coming back half empty, so we hope to take advantage of that, " said Mr Mora. ─── 穆桥石表示:“这些船回来的时候有一半是空的,所以我们希望利用这一点。”

4、Nobody ever dares to venture that far north of the city but for a few brave pilgrims seeking to visit the shrine of Hermaeus Mora. ─── 没人敢冒生命危险到城市的远北方探险,但有些寻访赫玛耐斯?莫拉圣坛的勇敢的朝圣者除外。

5、Mora 's desperate digging finally draws the attention of her hungry cubs. But their prey has long since given them the slip. ─── 莫拉绝望的挖掘最终吸引了自己饥饿幼仔的注意。但它们的猎物很长时间都没有犯错误了。

6、Navarro J F,Mora C,Muros M,et al.Effects of atorvastatin on lipid profile and non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors in diabetic patients on hemodialysis.Nephron Clin Pract,2003,95(4):128-135. ─── 郭彦聪张凌.低分子肝素对血液透析患者脂代谢影响的回顾性分析[J].中国血液净化,:.

7、"La Mora" Morellino Di Scansano DOC ─── 赛奇莫瑞里诺-赛奇酒园

8、Marco Mora Chief Operating Officer, SMIC, ─── 中芯国际集成电路制造有限公司首席运营官

9、mora solvendi ─── [法] 履行迟延, 给付迟延

10、German Coordinate-Measuring-Machine companies include the industry leading Zeiss CMM who is the largest along with Wenzel, Mora, and Steifflmeyer, the latter three are all famous for Horizontal CMM's. ─── 德国坐标测量机公司包括测量机工业领先者蔡司公司,以及温泽,马尔和Steifflmeyer。后三者以生产水平臂测量机著称。蔡司公司后来并购了Steifflmeyer。

11、Eduardo Medina Mora, the sacked attorney-general, was a former businessman and a powerful and independent figure. ─── 被解雇的爱德华多?梅迪纳?莫拉曾经是位商人,也是一位颇具影响力的独立人物。

12、The four-time titleholder, coming off an impressive points victory over Mora in their rematch, is a better all-around fighter than Pavlik but he'd be moving up from 154 pounds and he's 38. ─── 这位四次头衔获得者上次在二番战中赢了莫拉,给人很深印象,但38岁的他还得从154磅升级(到160磅)。

13、Wang came back out for the eighth, retiring Mora before turning the ball over to Mike Myers. ─── 赛后,王说到他从没想过本季会拿到17胜,且九月还有四场比赛。

14、Francisco Mora from Colunbia Colombia says the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not half have to work until they finish their basic education. ─── 哥伦比亚的弗兰西斯.马诺说,波哥大的一个城市付费给父母,所以学生不用工作直到他们完成基础教育。

15、Mora Directions to College Students'Life after Class ─── 大学生课余生活的道德牵引

16、“I think he's been a really good leader for us,” coach Jim Mora said when asked to assess Hasselbeck's season. ─── “我认为它已经成为了一个很好的领袖,”当被问到如何评价哈塞尔贝克这个赛季时,教练吉姆莫拉说。

17、mora creditoris ─── [法] 债权人的迟延

18、Mora therapy ─── 摩拉生物治疗

19、mora fat ─── 莫脂

20、Then Cameron and Mora each hooked an arm under his shoulders, while Petro supported his back and held his hand. ─── 随后,喀麦隆和莫拉俩人一边一个,挽起他的胳膊,而皮特罗则潜游到马克留尔的背部,用力将他顶起来。

21、The people of Mora changed their minds and sent their two best skiers to bring Vasa back. ─── 莫拉人民稍后改变心意,并指派两位滑雪高手请回瓦萨。

22、ex mora ─── [拉]由于迟延

23、” After the performance, the artists left for the Schiesser’s, where a dinner had been organized by Fondation Beyeler director (and former Art Basel director) Samuel Keller and press rep Isabela Mora. ─── 公众被感动到忘我,高呼安可,这也许是整个行程中第一个和谐的音符吧。

24、Later that night, McClure reached Mora on the phone. ─── 当天晚上,马克留尔打通了莫拉的电话,可由于疲劳,也由于太激动,结果尽管电话通了,他还是久久说不出话来。

25、Francisco Mora from Colombia says the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education. ─── 陈庭明抟来自越南的说,奖励是重要的,因为他们准备的学生具有竞争力的生活。

26、To urge to drink by playing a game of mora ─── 侑觞花枚

27、Thank for your comment Katerina. Puno pozdrava s Jadranskog mora. ─── 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。

28、Marcella Mora:It's not considered cheating, it's considered part of the game. ─── 这个球没有被看作是欺骗,而被看作是比赛的一部分。

29、mora debitoris ─── [法] 债务人的迟延

30、Mora and Zara watch hungrily as the warthog makes its getaway. ─── 莫拉和萨拉饥饿地看着疣猪逃跑了。

31、"The boats are coming back half empty, so we hope to take advantage of that," said Mr Mora. ─── 穆桥石表示:"这些船回来的时候有一半是空的,所以我们希望利用这一点。"

32、Mora had punctured her foot on a fish bone while helping McClure out of the bay, so once he was safe, the young women headed for the campus infirmary, where a nurse bandaged her wound. ─── 原来,就在把马克留尔拖上岸的时候,莫拉的脚扎进了一根鱼骨,等她们确认马克留尔已经安全了以后,便一头奔向学校卫生室,让护士包扎伤口。

33、Hotel Villa Mora : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

34、G. Ciccarella, M. D. Mora, and A. Germani, “A Luenberger-like Observer for Nonlinear Systems”, Int.J. Control, vol.7 No.3,pp.537-556, 1993 ─── 陈俊生,”发展以史密斯预测器为基础之强性控制器及其应用于压电致动器磁滞补偿之研究”,硕士论文,国立中正大学机械工程研究所,2001

35、Mora Education class in primary school ─── 小学品德课

36、Francisco Mora from Colombia says the city of Bagda_Bogota pays parents so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education. ─── 来自哥伦比亚的F.M说,波哥大付钱给父母,以便学生在完成基础教育之前,不需要去工作。

37、MORA Minimum Off Route Altitude ─── 最小偏离航道高度

38、Francisco Mora from Colombia says, the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education. ─── 哥伦比亚的弗朗西丝莫里说,波哥大城市付钱给父母,所以儿童直到他们完成基础教育前都不用工作。

39、And if Mora can beat Forrest, there's a chance (however small) that he could also outbox Pavlik on a given night. ─── 既然莫拉能击败弗雷斯特,也会有机会(当然很小)赢下帕弗里克。

40、Meyers remembers the day when he and his partner sat down with IPN USA President Luis De la Mora and his staff to tell the story of their new beverage system. ─── 迈尔斯还记得有一天,他和他的伙伴坐下来穿美国总统路易斯德拉莫拉和他的工作人员来讲述他们的新饮料系统。

41、Mora's hunger lures her back to the warthog burrow. ─── 莫拉的饥饿把它诱回到疣猪洞。

42、Mora accipiendi(creditoris) ─── 债权人迟延

43、De Mora was part of a team that developed an arsenic detector for contaminated water in Bangladesh. ─── DeMora是孟加拉国研制针对污染水的砷检测器团队的成员。

44、CHAMORRO Mora,Javier ─── 哈维尔·查莫罗·莫拉

45、mora hair moss ─── 铁兰纤维

46、in mora ─── 失约[拉]在迟延中

47、De la Mora notes that in handling other small co-packing jobs, his company had developed slow- and medium-speed equipment and chemical filling capabilities. ─── 德拉莫拉指出,在处理其他小公司包装工作,他的公司已经发展缓慢和中等速度的设备和化学灌浆能力。

48、The measures have had some success, said Ylva Mora, who heads a Caracas-based nonprofit that tracks inflation. ─── 这些措施取得了一些成功,伊尔瓦·毛拉表示,他是加拉加斯一家跟踪通胀的非营利机构负责人。

49、Fonseca Mora,C.Foreign Language Acquisition and Melody Singing[J].ELTJournal,2000(54/2). ─── 邵玲.英语教学中实施教唱英文歌曲的实验研究[J].湖北教育学院学报,2005(4).

50、At the end of a game in which he had 6 goals, a scout Antonio Mora persuaded him to join Vicenza, a Serie C team at that time. ─── 在一场罗伯特进了6球的比赛结束后,青年球探安东尼奥?莫拉劝说他加入当时还在丙级联赛的维琴察队。

51、Francisco Mora from Colombia says, the city of Bogota pays parents, so children do not have to work until they finish their basic education. ─── 哥伦比亚的弗朗西丝莫里说,波哥大城市付钱给父母,所以儿童直到他们完成基础教育前都不用工作。

52、Jorge Mora, President of Veolia Environment Asia ─── 威利雅环境集团亚太总裁穆桥石

53、Caused by common pathogens were Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae and Moraxella bacteria Mora. ─── 引起感染的常见病原体为流感嗜血杆菌、肺炎链球菌和卡他莫拉菌。

54、ordinary people's mora education ─── 凡人德育

55、2.Sergio Mora (21-1-1, five KOs): The former junior middleweight titleholder and “Contender” winner could be a nice backup if the Duddy fight can't be made. ─── 塞吉奥.莫拉(21-1-1,5KO):如果达迪打不成,就由前超次中量级拳王和“有你无我”系列比赛的获胜者莫拉顶上。

56、But Mora is showing interest in a warthog burrow. In the wild, lions normally eat every 3-4 days, when prey is readily available. ─── 但莫拉正对一个疣猪洞发生兴趣。在野外,捕食方便的话,狮子通常在猎物丰富时每3-4天进食一次。

57、In the past four years, Mora said, his force had seized 11 tons (tonnes) of cocaine and 40 northbound speedboats. ─── 莫拉表示,过去四年中,他们部队查获了11吨的古柯碱和40艘企图北上的快艇。

58、Mora solvendi(debitoris) ─── 债务人迟延

59、Keywords acute skin allergy;Mora therapy;frequency;efficacy; ─── 皮肤急性过敏;摩拉生物治疗;频率;疗效;

60、Pod ono malnje lepo podrazumevam da svako mora da se lisi necega da bi dogovor bio moguc .Znaci samozive i razmazene osobe me ne zanimaju. ─── 个性简述 Zeleo bi da nadjem zenu koja je zrela i spremna na zajednicki zivot i sve ono lepo i manje lepo sto on donosi.

61、keep on trusting and just be mora careful who you trast next time. ─── 别人常常伤害你,你应该继续保持信任别人。但是你要小心挑选下一次信任的人。

62、I was Mora.I am Shell.But I'll be Mora forever. ─── 我也是喜欢1和4,特别是1,看着发了好久呆....

63、Silva Gonzalez, E.Sanchez Mora, P. ─── 作者:Mou Pal, Umapada Pal, R.

64、Baltimore cut the lead in half, 3-2, in the third when Miguel Tejada hit an RBI-groundout, scoring Mora, who singled earlier in the inning. ─── 洋基马上把领先的优势拿回到手上.二局下技安两分打点全垒打,比数在麻吉的牺牲打之后变成3比1.

65、Mora, for instance-he's happy about his life, he's a calm person, so we have this harp [for him]. ─── 莫拉很满足于自己的生活,他性格沉稳,所以我们用竖琴为他配乐。

66、Mora's desperate digging finally draws the attention of her hungry cubs. But their prey has long since given them the slip. ─── 莫拉绝望的挖掘最终吸引了自己饥饿幼仔的注意。但它们的猎物很长时间都没有犯错误了。

67、Bioethics And Armed Conflict: Mora Dilemmas Of Medicine And War ─── 生物伦理学与武装冲突

68、Cherry sweet mora virus ─── 甜樱桃莫拉病毒

69、the Power of Mora poems ─── 摩罗诗力

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