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metabolize 发音

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metabolize 中文意思翻译




metabolize 词性/词形变化,metabolize变形


metabolize 相似词语短语

1、metabolizer ─── 代谢剂

2、metabolizes ─── vt.使新陈代谢;使变形;vi.新陈代谢

3、metabolites ─── n.[生化]代谢物;代谢分子(metabolite的复数形式)

4、metabolises ─── v.(物质)新陈代谢;(使)新陈代谢(metabolise的过去式及过去分词,metabolise等于mteabolize)

5、metabolise ─── v.(物质)新陈代谢;(使)新陈代谢(metabolise的过去式及过去分词,metabolise等于mteabolize)

6、metabolized ─── vt.使新陈代谢;使变形;vi.新陈代谢

7、metabolite ─── n.[生化]代谢物

8、catabolize ─── vt.使异化;使发生分解代谢;vi.异化;发生分解代谢

9、metabolised ─── v.(物质)新陈代谢;(使)新陈代谢(metabolise的过去式及过去分词,metabolise等于mteabolize)

metabolize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our bodies constantly metabolize the food we eat. ─── 我们吃的食物在体内不停分解产生代谢变化。

2、Keywords thiobacillus thiooxidans;nitrogen metabolize;pyrite;desulphurization; ─── 氧化硫硫杆菌;氮代谢;黄铁矿;脱硫;

3、On top of this, sugar is also devoid of minerals, vitamins and fiber so your body must draw upon its micro-nutrient stores in order to metabolize it. ─── 当我们减少牛奶的摄取之后,我们发现孩子们很少有喉咙痛以及耳朵发炎的毛病。

4、Keywords PCBs;dolphin;distribution;metabolize; ─── 多氯联苯;海豚;分布;代谢;

5、Influence on "Weiermei" Chinese Herbal Medicine in Fodder to Nutrition Metabolize of Fatten Pig ─── "味儿美"中药制剂对育肥猪营养代谢的影响

6、It shows high performance,low remanining and resistance against light.Pyrethroid pesticides are easy to metabolize and excrete in mammal,but endanger the water ecosystem. ─── 它具有高效广谱、低残留的特点,对光稳定,在哺乳动物体内代谢、排泄迅速,但是对水生态系统危害较大。

7、EDF is metabolize in liver. ─── EDF在肝脏中代谢。

8、Human constitution is a relatively s teady trait on human function and activity,metabolize period and form an d structure. ─── 体质是机体在功能活动、代谢过程、形体结构上相对稳定的特征。

9、At term, the functional maturity of the liver is somewhat incomplete.Most enzyme systems for drug metabolism are developed but are not yet induced (stimulated) by the agents they metabolize. ─── 新生儿肝功能尚未发充成熟,大多数代谢药物的酶系统未被诱导。

10、Your body can take the time necessary to metabolize fats. ─── 你的身体需要足够的时间来把脂肪代谢掉。

11、So the dissimilatory Fe (III) reduction has important geological and environmental significance because this process can relate with the organic metabolize and volatile element form translation. ─── 因而,异化铁还原过程将有效的与土壤中有机质代谢、变价元素的形态转化过程相偶连,所以其具有重要的地学和环境意义。

12、The roots of the locap plant pierce through the planet's honeycombed crust, and metabolize the plasma, distilling and naturally stabilizing it in the digestive process. ─── 洛卡普植物根穿进蜂窝般的星壳,使浆液产生代谢变化,在消化过程中对浆液进行蒸馏和自然稳定。

13、metabolize kinetics ─── 代谢动力学

14、I guess it will take a few days to let me metabolize the lactic acid produced by the muscle. ─── 且不说上山给我腿部肌肉带来的那些无氧呼吸产生的乳酸,下山时,那些接连不断的台阶简直让人想死。

15、There is no one “right” percentage of fat intake for all individuals, it depends on how you metabolize the fat you do ingest. ─── 每个人摄取的脂肪以及如何进行代谢的情况不尽相同,所以没有一个所谓的“正确的”脂肪吸收百分比。

16、Zhang Shuping, Lu Juming, Pan Changyu.ExperimentStudy on Diabete Peripheral Neuropathy Treated by Mikebao[J ].Chinese Incretion Metabolize Magazine,1998, 14(2): 133. ─── [3]张蜀平,陆菊明,潘长玉.弥可保对糖尿病周围神经病变治疗作用的实验研究[J].中华内分泌代谢杂志,1998,14(2):133.

17、It shows high performance, low remanining and resistance against light.Pyrethroid pesticides are easy to metabolize and excrete in mammal, but endanger the water ecosystem. ─── 它具有高效广谱、低残留的特点,对光稳定,在哺乳动物体内代谢、排泄迅速,但是对水生态系统危害较大。

18、Abstract As an abundant CYP450 form in human liver, CYP2C9 can metabolize and/or activate a large variety of drugs, pre-carcinogens, pre-toxins and mutagens. ─── 摘 要 CYP2C9是人类肝脏中含量丰富的一种CYP450酶,它能代谢和/或活化许多种药物、前致癌物、前毒物和致突变剂。

19、Abstract : This paper reviewed research advance of the structure, metabolize, health care function and applications of flax lignan. ─── 摘要 : 综述了亚麻木酚素的结构、代谢、功能及应用方面的研究进展。

20、But exercise makes the muscle cells metabolize glucose, by combining its carbon atoms with oxygen and extracting the energy that is released. ─── 但是,运动使得肌肉细胞代谢葡萄糖,其碳原子与氧结合和能量释放。

21、It is slower to metabolize and likelier to die before it has reproduced. ─── 后者在再造之前的代谢更慢并更不易死。

22、Effect of Intravascular Irradiation with He-Ne Laser on Grease Metabolize,Fluidness and Deformability of Red Blood Cell Membrane for Cerebral in Farction Patients[ J].Laser Journal,1998,19 (3):58. ─── He-Ne激光血管内照对脑梗塞患者红细胞膜脂代谢,膜流动性及变形性影响的研究[J].激光杂志,1998,19(3):58.

23、Under special procedure, some organisms could metabolize Se to produce element selenium in the form of colloid nano red elemental Se (NS). ─── 一定条件下,生物体对硒的代谢可产生红色纳米级胶体元素硒,传统认为,生物体内元素硒的合成是生物体解除硒毒性的有效机制。

24、1.Chinese rhubarb can remove again small loop obstacle, restore to organize a cell to metabolize to be supplied with blood normally, make liver rejuvenesce. ─── 大黄又能解除微循环障碍,恢复组织细胞正常代谢和血液供给,促使肝细胞再生。

25、Based on the kinetics of mi cro bial growth, the equations of microbial growth, nutrient consumption and metabol ites production have been set up. ─── 从微生物生长动力学出发,得到了微生物新陈代谢表达式和生长方程;

26、Influence of Acute Endurance Exercise on Monoamine Neurotransmitters and Its Metabolize Product in Different Brain Region of Rats ─── 急性耐力运动对大鼠不同脑区单胺类神经递质及其代谢产物的影响

27、Aerobic An organism, such as top fermenting ale yeast, that needs oxygen to metabolize. ─── 一种生物体,像上部发酵用做淡色啤酒的酵母一样,需要氧气来进行新陈代谢。

28、The high concentration of heavy metal ion from landfill leachate restrains the growth and metabolize of microorganism badly in bio-chemical treatment of wastewater. ─── 垃圾渗滤液中的高浓度重金属离子严重抑止了废水生化处理过程中微生物的生长与代谢。

29、As an abundant CYP450 form in human liver, CYP2C9 can metabolize and/or activate a large variety of drugs, pre-carcinogens, pre-toxins and mutagens. ─── CYP2C9是人类肝脏中含量丰富的一种CYP450酶,它能代谢和/或活化许多种药物、前致癌物、前毒物和致突变剂。

30、The analysis results of gas chromatography showed that the isolates could metabolize isobutyl acetate to produce iso-butanol and butyric acid. ─── 气相色谱的分析结果表明,该菌可降解醋酸异丁酯生成异丁醇和异丁酸。

31、Promote the animal's growth, improving the metabolize. ─── 促进动物的生长,改善代谢和吸收。

32、Whether can you check in blood piece the candy that did not metabolize crystallizes ? ─── 血液中是否能检查出有未代谢的糖结晶?

33、Strain CCH is able to metabolize sucrose and raffinose, and the others are not. ─── CR-2、CR-42、AC不能利用蔗糖和棉子糖,但CCH却与之相反。

34、Clinical Study on Insulin Resistance and Lipide Metabolize in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease ─── 冠心病与胰岛素抵抗及脂质代谢的临床研究

35、An athlete of power energy metabolizes the biggest characteristics is a protein inside the body to metabolize the speed to compare quickly. ─── 力量型运动员能量代谢最大的特点是体内蛋白质代谢速度较快。

36、Prospect and study progress of plant endophyte and its metabolize matter were reviewed in this paper. ─── 就植物内生真菌及次生代谢产物的研究情况进行系统的阐述,并就其开发应用前景作以综合的介绍。

37、metabolize mechanism ─── 代谢机理

38、Especially when we compare sleeping with weaken, the function of blood circulating system is decreasing apparently, and the basic metabolize becomes slow, the circulating of air in our body is also weakened obviously. ─── 尤其睡眠与清醒相对比,血液循环系统的功能明显下降,基础代谢趋于缓慢,体内经气的运行也明显减弱。

39、The Discussion Between Energy Metabolize and Fatness Problem ─── 关于能量代谢与肥胖问题的探讨

40、"Make sure you've given yourself adequate time to metabolize," she says. ─── “保证给自己足够多的时间新陈代谢,”她说。

41、N6 Weed-clean metabolize into innocuous substance in grass.It is safe to warm-season grasses, as Zoysia grass, Bermudagrass, etc. ─── N6杂草净在草坪草植株体内迅速代谢为无害物,对暖季型草如结缕草、狗牙根安全性高。

42、Healthy cell walls made from high-quality fats are better able to metabolize insulin, which keeps blood sugar better regulated. ─── 由优质脂肪构成的健康细胞壁能更好地去新陈代谢胰岛素,而胰岛素能保持更好地调节血糖。

43、Effects of aerobic training on blood pressure, lipid and glucose metabolize in essential hypertension ─── 有氧运动对原发性高血压病患者血压、脂代谢及糖代谢的影响

44、As the disintegrator of ecosystem, the special character of microorganism such as rapid propagate and metabolize made them become the best material to restore. ─── 微生物作为生态链中的分解者,由于其具有易繁殖、适应性强、代谢快等特性,是作为生物修复的极佳材料。

45、Metabol ic syndrome ─── 代谢综合征

46、Your body can take-time necessary to metabolize tats. ─── 你的身体需要足够的时间来把脂肪代谢。

47、Our bodies constantly metabolize the food we eat ─── 我们吃的食物在体内不停分解产生代谢变化

48、Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. ─── 开水可以抑制食欲,并有助于身体代谢掉储存的脂肪。

49、Brain cells require an adequate, but not excessive, amount of sugar to metabolize normally ─── 大脑细胞需要适量的而不是过量的糖,以进行正常的新陈代谢。

50、Some pathogen are returned but adsorptive at spermatozoon surface, disturb its to metabolize, make its function is lost; ─── 有些病原体还可吸附于精子表面,干扰其代谢,使其功能丧失;

51、Metabolize Syndrome is going to be the Century Epidemic ─── 代谢综合征将成为世纪流行病

52、After taking absorb quickly, metabolize in liver, have a kind of child among them very weak fall blood sugar action, the quantity is very few. ─── 服后迅速吸收,在肝中代谢,其中有一种产物有很弱的降血糖作用,量很少。

53、Applying the knowledge about energy metabolize and sport technique, analyzing structure of the strength and discussing the characteristic of the professional strength capacity. ─── 从体能消耗与供能系统,技术结构及技术环节,运动素质的特殊要求等方面分析冰球运动员力量素质的构成,论述其专项力量素质的特点。

54、Both types of tissue were also able to metabolize BPA. ─── 两种类型的组织都能够代谢双酚a。

55、To metabolize(glucose, for example) in the body. ─── 代谢体内的新陈代谢(例如葡萄糖)

56、RU21 is formulated to support the body's ability to metabolize alcohol, which means interfering in a metabolic process. ─── RU21 作为一种促进人体自身代谢酒精能力的食品,它介入到人体的新陈代谢过程中。

57、metabolize imaging agent ─── 代谢显像剂

58、Many East Asians can't metabolize alcohol because they carry a mutation that prevents them from making ADH. ─── 很多中东人都有基因突变现象,导致不能产生乙醇脱氢酶。

59、When you have exhausted feeling, it is exhausted that soft comfortable massage function have alleviation, muscle ache , promote blood cycle , quickly metabolize. ─── 当你感觉疲劳时,轻柔舒适的按摩功能,有缓解疲劳,肌肉酸痛,促进血液循环,加快新陈代谢。

60、An athlete of power energy metabolizes the biggest characteristics is a protein inside the body to metabolize the speed to compare quickly. ─── 摘要力量型运动员能量代谢最大的特点是体内蛋白质代谢速度较快。

61、metabolize without oxygen ─── 无氧代谢

62、While normal yeasts preferentially degrade sucrose rather than maltose, special rapidly fermenting yeasts are used which metabolize both disaccharides at the same rate, shortening the fermentation time. ─── 正常的酵母通常会优先分解蔗糖而不是麦芽糖,而我们所使用的特殊的快速发酵酵母,可以使上述两种二糖以同一速率进行分解代谢,因而可缩短发酵时间。

63、Biological Effects of Chitosan and its Metabolize Research Progress in Vivo ─── 壳聚糖的生物学作用及在体内代谢的研究进展

64、If an expectant mother can't metabolize sugar properly, her fetus may start producing extra insulin. ─── 假如孕妇不能正常代谢糖分,可能会导致胎儿分泌过剩的胰岛素。

65、L4 Weed-clean metabolize into innocuous substance in grass.It is safe to Cool-season grasses, such as Bluegrass, Bentgrass, Ryegrass, Fescue etc. ─── L4杂草净在草坪草植株体内迅速代谢为无害物,对冷季型草如早熟禾、翦股颖、黑麦草和高羊茅等安全。

66、People who don’t get enough sleep can put on weight and develop high blood pressure because their bodies don’t have time to fully metabolize what they eat. ─── 人谁没有得到足够的睡眠可以使体重增加,开发高血压,因为他们的身体没有足够的时间充分代谢他们吃。

67、Therefore, HepG2 - GS -3A, which overexpresses CYP 3A4 and GS, was applied to Kigunasu as our artificial liver to metabolize diazepam and ammonia. ─── 人工生物肝脏循环器中培养HePGZ一GS一3A4细胞,并体外测定其安定与氨的代谢率。

68、Diabetics cannot metabolize glucose properly. ─── 糖尿病患者不能使葡萄糖进行恰当的新陈代谢。

69、Phosphorous metabolize of animal and research of endogenesis phosphorous ─── 动物磷的代谢与内源磷的研究

70、But our bodies metabolize only a small fraction of them. ─── 但是我们的身体只能代谢一小部分气体。

71、Moisture metabolize ─── 水分代谢

72、A more environmentally benign approach is to bioremediation, which uses natural or engineered microbes that can metabolize the organic components of crude oil. ─── 一个对环境更有利的方法是生物修复,它使用天然或人工改造过的可以代谢原油有机成分的微生物。

73、To metabolize(glucose,for example)in the body. ─── 代谢体内的新陈代谢(例如葡萄糖)

74、Young lava fleas are only a meter tall at first, but by feeding on soft rocks, they are able to metabolize nutrients directly from the cooling lava through an armored feeding tube. ─── 年幼的熔岩蚤一开始只有一公尺高,以较软的岩石为食,牠们可以藉著一支有甲壳的进食管直接由冷却的熔岩代谢养分;

75、Helps to stimulate lymph circulation, to metabolize; expel trash and poison; make skin tight and elastic。 ─── 主要疗效:帮助刺激淋巴加速循环代谢,排废物水肿,改善蜂窝组织,收敛紧实肌肤。

76、It can promote the intestinal tract crawling and break up the toxin in body so as to clear the intestinal tracts and strengthen the ability to absorb, break up, digest and metabolize. ─── 含有益活菌群、多种复合酵素群、有机矿物质群、维他命群、多种氨基酸及各类均衡营养素和耐高温、耐强酸的糖化酵母菌。

77、At the same concentration of glucose you metabolize less and to have the same metabolism glucose consumption must increase. ─── 此时想要代谢和不服药时相同量的血糖,就必须要增加摄入的血糖量。

78、Persons with phenylketonuria do not metabolize phenylalanine properly and must adhere to a diet free of it. ─── 患有苯丙酮尿症的人不能进行苯丙氨酸的正常代谢,必须采取没有苯丙氨酸的饮食方式。

79、A measured dose of faster, anaerobic training will teach your muscles and blood to metabolize and buffer lactic acid. ─── 一种经计算过份量和频次的氧债速度训练能使你的肌肉和血液代谢和缓解乳酸。

80、Keywords sterol regulatory element binding protein 1C;glucose-regulated protein 94;Homocysteine;Lipids Metabolize;Hepatocytes; ─── 固醇调节元件结合蛋白1C;葡萄糖调节蛋白94;同型半胱氨酸;脂质代谢;肝细胞;

81、Every cell will use more fat energy to metabolize all the nutrients. ─── 每个细胞将用更多的脂肪能量来代谢所有的营养

82、Valuation of nutrition metabolize situation for unlike producing the stage milk cow group ─── 不同生产阶段奶牛群体营养代谢状况的评价

83、Infrared Radicalization Spectrum of Human Surface and The Relationship with ATP Energy Metabolize ─── 人体体表穴位点红外辐射光谱特征及其与ATP能量代谢的关系

84、BDP does not directly influence the intercellular RNA metabolize of the lymphocyte. ─── 不直接影响淋巴细胞内的RNA代谢。

85、Metabolize of ALA Take Orally on Skin and Tumor ─── 口服ALA在皮肤及肿瘤中的代谢

86、On the basis of applying Robertson Navel (madarin rootstock ten years) as an testing material, the effects of HC-3 and phosphate on changing organic acid content in fruit and enzyme activities related to organic acid metabolize are studied. ─── 以红桔砧 10年生罗伯逊脐橙为试材 ,研究了HC - 3和磷酸盐处理对果实发育过程中有机酸代谢中酶活性变化及有机酸含量的影响。

87、So when you bring the carbohydrate fuel tank to empty, the body is forced then to metabolize fat rather than carbohydrates. ─── 所以,当你把碳水化合物的“油箱”用空以后,你的身体被迫用脂肪进行新陈代谢,而不是用碳水化合物。

88、Metabolize of HPD associate with ALA take orally on brain and tumor[J]. ─── 引用该论文 王宇,朱菁,张慧国,严敏,陆丽萍.

89、LL Chromium/Vanadium: Helps insulin metabolize fat and converts sugar into energy. ─── 帮助胰岛素代谢脂肪,及把醣类转化为能源。

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