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10-02 投稿


misbehave 发音

英:[?m?sb??he?v]  美:[?m?sb??he?v]

英:  美:

misbehave 中文意思翻译



misbehave 网络释义

vi. 作弊;行为不礼貌vt. 使举止失礼;使行为不端

misbehave 同义词

up | behave badly |act up | act | misdemean | play up | behave | misconduct | badly | cut up | disobey

misbehave 反义词


misbehave 词性/词形变化,misbehave变形


misbehave 相似词语短语

1、misbehaves ─── v.行为不端,举止失礼;发生故障,失灵

2、behave ─── vi.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用;vt.使守规矩;使表现得…

3、misbelieve ─── vt.不信;vi.信奉异教;持错误观点

4、misbehavior ─── n.品行不端;不礼貌(等于misbehaviour)

5、to misbehave ─── 行为不当

6、misbehaved ─── v.行为不端,举止失礼(misbehave的过去式和过去分词)

7、misbecame ─── vt.不适当,不合

8、misbehaving ─── v.(使)行为不端;举止失礼,不礼貌;(机器)出现问题(misbehave的现在分词形式)

9、misbehaver ─── 行为不端

misbehave 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mother: "Susie, every time you misbehave, I get another gray hair." Susie: "Gosh, mom, you must have been a terror! Just look at Grandma! ─── 母亲:“苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发。”苏茜:“天哪,妈,那你肯定一直都表现很糟。看看外婆吧!

2、The question under debate was, Do the children misbehave because they are punished, or are they punished because they misbehave ? ─── 辩论的问题是,儿童因为受罚而行为失当,还是因为行为失当而受罚?

3、People misbehave when their boss, or the person in authority, is absent.. ─── 形容当老板,或是威信人物离开的时侯,其它的人们就开始不规矩,活蹦乱跳起来。

4、If I regularly misbehave in class I will be sent to the principal to explain my behaviour and my parents will be contacted. ─── 如果我屡教不改,我将会被送到校长室,为我的不良行为道歉,老师也会和家长联系。

5、Q: Does visiting new cities give you more licence to misbehave? ─── 参观新城市给你更多放纵行为的许可了吗?

6、My mom grounds me if I misbehave. ─── 如果我不守规矩,妈妈就不准我出去。

7、Don't misbehave yourself again! ─── 可别再不守规矩啦!

8、I'll let you off today, you piece of trash. But if you dare misbehave in front of me again, I will not be that kind to you again. ─── 我今天先饶你一条狗命,下次再犯在我手里决不客气。

9、However, it will misbehave if the string between the two quotes contains zero characters - I don't think scanf can handle that situation. ─── 不过,将其身不正 , 如果两者之间的引号的字符串包含零个字符-我不认为scanf可以处理这种情况。

10、The Chongqing Municipal Government recently decided to mete out harsher punishments to government officials who misbehave in air pollution control. ─── 重庆市政府最近决定,对那些在空气污染控制问题上行为失当的政府官员给予更加严厉的处罚。

11、On rare occasions, a student continued to misbehave even after having identified a behavior as being on an unacceptable level. ─── 较罕见的情况是即使当一个学生的行为被认定是在不被接受的层级时,他仍继续不良的行为。

12、lose control of oneself; misbehave; forget oneself ─── 失态

13、Kids misbehave every day. ─── 孩子们每天都不守规矩。

14、This sense of entitlement is crucial to understanding why people misbehave in high office. In its absence, abuses will be less likely. ─── 这种特权感对于理解不轨行为总是发生在高层的原因有着决定性的影响。

15、The first thing to remember now is that no one of us dare misbehave because we are angry ─── 现在要记得的首先是我们中间没有一个人胆敢因为愤怒而做出不当行为。

16、I'll disown you if you misbehave. ─── 要是你不规矩,我就和你断绝关系。

17、I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave. ─── 孩子们淘气时,我强捺住性子不发脾气。

18、If you misbehave, I'll tell ─── 如果你表现不好,我就去告发你。

19、There are no statistics in Germany, but officials estimate that each year some 100,000 passengers on board German airplanes misbehave seriously. ─── 没有德国的统计学,但是官员每年估计在机上的一些 100,000位乘客德国飞机严重地行为无礼貌。

20、Grandmother pardons us when we misbehave ─── 我们行为不当时,老祖母总是原谅我们。

21、The fact that your career is likely to end humiliatingly if you misbehave is a strong incentive to do the right thing. ─── 如果你行为不端,你的职业生涯可能会从此以不光彩的形式结束,这是激励记者遵从规则的强大动力。

22、Researching alarm problems will lead to unexpected discoveries about the quality of control room information and the many reasons alarms misbehave. ─── 主要专家进行的培训对恰当放置的基础也是有帮助的,这个基础对成功的报警管理过程是必需的。

23、Engage in improper sexual relations; misbehave oneself with the opposite sex; be carrying on with sb; swin ─── 乱搞男女关系

24、Mother: Susie, every time you misbehave, I will get another gray hair. ─── 母亲:苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就会多长一根白头发。

25、Mother: "Susie, every time you misbehave, i get another gray hair." ─── 母亲:"苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发."

26、Participants who misbehave may be asked to leave the building and risk being disqualified from the tournament. ─── 行为不端的参赛队员将被驱逐出场,还将可能被取消比赛资格。

27、e.g.Parents often try to pass the buck to teachers when children misbehave in school. ─── 传递给下一位玩家的时候,此发牌者的职责就结束了。

28、TEACHER: And didn't I promise to punish you when you misbehave? ─── 老师:还有,我是不是说过如果你表现不好就要处罚你?

29、The best way to behave is to misbehave. ─── 不当的举止是最好的举止。

30、Try to start your lesson as soon as students are seated; before they have a chance to misbehave. ─── 当学生坐妥后尽快开始上课,使他们没有机会来胡搞瞎搞。

31、I scold my daughters gently when they misbehave, and try to limit their intake of both television and junk food. ─── 当她们不乖时,我会轻声呵斥她们,尽量限制她们看电视的时间和少让她们吃垃圾食品。

32、Many high school students misbehave with teenage girls. ─── 许多高中生与少女胡来。

33、"Becky, you can't have that telephone today, but if you misbehave you can have a spanking. ─── “贝基,今天不能买那个电话机,如果妳再胡闹的话我就要打妳屁股了。”妈妈皱起眉头握紧了我的手。

34、NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Parents of unruly children may not like the sound of new research results on why children misbehave. ─── 路透社纽约健康消息 一项关于小孩为什么会淘气的研究结果可能会令这些问题儿童的父母不太高兴。

35、Mother: Susie, every time you misbehave, I will get another gray hair. Susie: Gosh, mom, you must have been a terror! Just look at grandma! ─── 母亲:苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就会多长一根白头发。苏茜:天哪,妈妈,那你肯定一直都表现很糟。看看外婆吧!

36、BP: The look on David's face often seems to indicate that he does not misbehave intentionally. ─── 大卫脸上的表情常常似乎表明他不是有意地行为不当。

37、If you take him down when he is misbehaving, you will be reinforcing the idea "If I misbehave, she will quit doing what I don't like. " ─── 如果你带他下来时,他是行为不检,你将加强想法,“如果我可以胡作非为,[size=-1]她将退出做什么,我[size=-1]不喜欢”。

38、Not to misbehave sexually but to behave well is like gaining a happy family. ─── 不邪淫而自重,如在幸福家庭中受表扬;

39、"Becky, you can't have that telephone today,if you misbehave you can have a spanking. ─── “贝基,今天不能买那个电话机,你再胡闹的话我就要打你屁股了。”妈妈皱起眉头握紧了我的手。

40、Like that time he got your dress dirty, for example.After he'd had a spanking, he remembered from then on never to misbehave around you." ─── 譬如他那一次弄脏了你的衣服,吃了一顿打,从次他记在心里,不敢跟你胡闹。”

41、Americans are curious,unable to keep a secret,not given to subtlety,and prone to misbehave in public. ─── 美国人很好奇,很难保守秘密,不会刨根问底,有时还会在大庭广众之下失态。

42、children too much attention when they misbehave can be self-defeating. ─── 孩子有不良行为时,小题大做可能适得其反。

43、To continue talking or behaving in an excited manner; to be indiscreet; to misbehave; to weep hysterically; to continue ─── 以兴奋的态度不停地说或做某事;轻率地;行为不礼貌;歇斯底里地;继续

44、A Pasadena high school teacher has been placed on administrative leave for disseminating a letter stating that, at his campus,most students who misbehave and are low academic achievers are African American. ─── 近日,美国加州帕萨迪纳一所高中的一名教师被勒令停职,原因是他四处散发信件,宣称校内大部分行为不端、成绩较差的都是美籍非裔学生。

45、He cried, begged for forgiveness, and promised over and over again not to misbehave. ─── 这时汤姆心里比他的身体更加酸痛,汤姆哭了,恳求姨妈原谅他,再三答应改过自新。

46、Mother:“Susie,every time you misbehave,I get another gray hair.” ─── 幽默母亲:“苏茜,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发。”

47、But when they misbehave, they can give you a terrible headache. ─── 但是当他们不乖时,你会觉得一个头两个大。

48、Does visiting new cities give you more licence to misbehave? ─── 参观新城市给你更多放纵行为的许可了吗?

49、It is easy, for example, for a teenager to be led astray by bad company and misbehave. ─── 稍微不留意,孩子便有可能误入歧途,做出一些为社会所不容的事。

50、I'll let you whip if I misbehave! ─── 如果我对有冒犯,你可以挥动鞭子!

51、Paying children too much attention when they misbehave can be self-defeating. ─── 孩子有不良行为时,小题大做可能适得其反。

52、Mother: Susie, every time you misbehave, i get another gray hair. ─── 母亲:每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白发.

53、In the West the media has greater impact; people in top positions are forced to resign if they misbehave. ─── 在西方,媒体具有较大的影响力;权高位重的人们如果行为不端,那么就会被迫辞职。

54、Participants who misbehave may be asked to leave the building and risk being disqualified from the tournament. ─── 行为不端的参赛队员将被驱逐出场,还将可能被取消比赛资格。

55、I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave. ─── 孩子们淘气时,我强捺住性子不发脾气。

56、As different kinds of external environment are possible to produce big temperature changes, pyroelectric detector is inevitable to be affected and misbehave. ─── 由于各种外界环境都可能产生一定的温度场变化,因此热释电型探测器难免受到外界干扰而引入误差。

57、baby,every time you misbehave ,i get another gray hair . ─── 孩子,每次你表现不好,我就多长一根白头发。

58、When will a dog most likely misbehave? ─── 小狗很可能在何时不守规矩?

59、If parents allow their children to misbehave they're just playing into their hands. ─── 如果父母任由孩子不守规矩就是让他们摆布了。

60、Does your dog seem anxious and misbehave when left alone? It may be due to an underlying pessimistic state of mind. ─── 你家的狗在独处时是否表现出焦虑和不乖的行为?如果是那样,那可能是源于它心理上存在的悲观情绪状态。

61、One key question being pondered by Berliners is what to do about the children.“Do we threaten to take them to see the bogeyman Hitler if they misbehave? ─── 希特勒的蜡像引起了激烈的反对,柏林市长和犹太人中心委员会为此专门提出了允许希特勒入住的条件。

62、Of course it can happen that, when a player doesn't play much, unconsciously he doesn't work as hard during training, but it's one thing to do that and another to misbehave. ─── 当然了,当一名球员不能上场的时侯,不知不觉地他就会训练中心猿意马。

63、Shaw, of the University of Pittsburgh, said that some children are born with a negative outlook that makes them more likely to misbehave. ─── 如果母亲社会地位较低、情绪低落或有不正确的教子观念,儿童通常会有行为问题。

64、No wonder they start to misbehave." ─── 所以这些孩子们在学校表现不好也不足为奇。”

65、I came to this planet only once the opportunity, passer by, in my room there, I not allowed to misbehave, you have to accept my rules, fair rules, otherwise I will become your nightmare! ─── 我来到这个星球的机会只有一次,过客而以,在我存在的空间内,我不允许胡作非为,你们必须接受我的规则,公平的规则,否则,我将会成为你的噩梦!

66、If you misbehave , I will tell . ─── 如果你行为不检点,我就去告发你。

67、to misbehave in the face of the old man ─── 在老人面前表现卑怯

68、Parents often try to pass the buck to teachers when children misbehave in school. ─── 孩子在校举止失礼,家长往往把责任推给老师。

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