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10-02 投稿


matriculation 发音

英:[m??tr?kju?le??n]  美:[m??tr?kju?le??n]

英:  美:

matriculation 中文意思翻译



matriculation 网络释义

n. 入学考试;大学入学许可;录取入学

matriculation 短语词组

1、matriculation examination ─── 大学入学考试

2、matriculation number ─── 学号注册号码

3、matriculation fixation ─── 入学固定

matriculation 词性/词形变化,matriculation变形

动词第三人称单数: matriculates |动词过去式: matriculated |名词: matriculation |动词过去分词: matriculated |动词现在分词: matriculating |

matriculation 相似词语短语

1、manipulation ─── n.操纵;操作;处理;篡改

2、graticulation ─── 方格画法

3、matriculator ─── 预科生

4、fasciculation ─── n.束状;自发性收缩(指肌肉、神经等)

5、maculation ─── n.斑点;污点

6、articulation ─── n.关节;接合;清晰发音

7、matriculations ─── n.入学考试;大学入学许可;录取入学

8、matriculate ─── vt.准许…入学;录取…入大学;vi.准许入学;录取;n.被录取者

9、matriculating ─── vt.准许…入学;录取…入大学;vi.准许入学;录取;n.被录取者

matriculation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wait until my English with the level of progress that, I would still have to enact a separate study program.I reported commercial matriculation. ─── 等到我的英语水平能够跟的上进度时,我就要再为自己制定另外一份学习计划了,就是我所报的商业预科。

2、Please make sure the date of expiry, in order to avoid the illegal residence events, then must arrives the school before the time which the matriculation written notice explained. ─── 录取留学生必须确定其证件有效期限,避免发生非法居留事件,并须在入学通知书说明的时间之前到达学校。

3、????Third, the application time is short, the matriculation is flexible. ─── 第三,申请时间短,入学灵活。

4、Conclusion: Stress of study, less sleep and anxiety in students before matriculation examination are important fac tors associated with TMD. ─── 结论:高考前学生的学习压力、睡眠不足等导致紧张心理、焦虑情绪,是TMD的主要发病因素。

5、The computer programming of the matriculation standard determining according to the single course score ─── 确定单科录取分数线的程序设计

6、I am a high school graduate, wants through to test thinks of Australia to attend the university, Australia's quite good university's matriculation request is elegantly? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>教育/科学>职业教育>我是一名高中毕业生,想通过考雅思到澳大利亚读大学,澳大利亚的比较好的大学的入学要求是?

7、Confirm your intent to enroll by submitting your matriculation form along with the nonrefundable matriculation fee. Download the Graduate Matriculation form. ─── 这个录取费应该什么时候交呢,我听说这个费用有点占座的意思,如果不交还会把资格给别人,不知道是不是这样呢?等高手解答。

8、matriculation Chinese language teaching ─── 预科汉语教学

9、Sha: The most important word I’d like to say to them is to treat the matriculation as an ordinary thing。 ─── 沙:我知道现在一些家长不让孩子看武侠小说,这是不对的!

10、NMET [National Matriculation English Test] ─── 全国高考英语测试

11、This is evident from the fact that they require study of geometry as a prerequisite to matriculation in those schools. ─── 从很多学校要求他们学习几何作为入学考试的一种先决条件可以看出,这是很明显的。

12、As an indispensable question type in the National Matriculation English Test (NMET), Proofreading and Error Correction section (PEC) has been controversial since it was set up. ─── 做为高考英语试卷中必不可少的一个题型,改错题自被设置以来,一直颇有争议。

13、China's college matriculation examination has such weaknesses as the invariability of its form and the overburden of its functions. ─── 中国高考制度存在着形式单一、考试承担职能过多等一系列问题。

14、Candidates should have successfully completed matriculation in Hong Kong, or the equivalent, plus one year of working experience. ─── 申请人须在香港完成预科或同等教育,及最少一年之工作经验。

15、Health matriculation examination, JUPAS will notice the results of admission. ─── 预科生考试后,JUPAS会通知取录结果。

16、I'll go to college if I pass the Matriculation Exam. ─── 如果我通过了升学考试我将去上大学。

17、Unifying the mark line of the entrance examination for college matriculation has once been a hot topic of the“two conferences”this year. ─── “统一高考录取分数线”一度成为今年“两会”期间的热点话题。

18、An Investigation on the Candidates'Mind States and Strained Causes about Taking Matriculation Examination ─── 应届考生考前心理状况与紧张原因的调查研究

19、Graduates will contribute positively to the development of human resources in Hong Kong, as they are better prepared for work than their peers of matriculation standard. ─── 由于副学士毕业生较同年的预科生,有更佳的就业准备,因此将可为本港的人力资源发展,作出正面的贡献。

20、senior matriculation ─── 入学考试

21、Keywords the Matriculation;Higher Education;the High School Education;Relations; ─── 高考;高等教育;高中教育;关系;

22、Conclusion: Stress of study, less sleep and anxiety in students before matriculation examination are important fac tors associated with TMD. ─── 结论:高考前学生的学习压力、睡眠不足等导致紧张心理、焦虑情绪,是TMD的主要发病因素。

23、The physical examination carries on the second examination period unification, when newborn matriculation duplicate examines, details further notice. ─── 体检在复试期间统一进行,新生入学时复检,详情另行通知。

24、7 I will follow the process of matriculation and paying ,finish the matriculation procedure and paying the school fees,otherwise follow the school regulations. ─── 我会按照学校的入学流程和交费流程,办好入学手续和学费的交纳手续,否则按学校规定处理。

25、Matriculation education ─── 入学教育

26、Government Matriculation Maintenance Grants Selection Committee ─── 政府大学预科生活津贴遴选委员会

27、Approximately some 1/5 schools indicated that receives help the result and the sat result no longer is applies for the matriculation the essential condition. ─── 约有1/5的学校表示,托福成绩和sat成绩不再是申请入学的必备条件。

28、The college matriculation dinner was a high point of the term.We were treated to some of the delights of the college wine cellars and a feast for all the senses. ─── 在上课的同时进行这个项目,意味着做出仔细的安排,并且在相当多的时候工作到深夜,而我们也逐渐了解果蝇研究界服务方面的门道。

29、one who matriculates or is a candidate for matriculation ─── 考生新生被大学录取的新生或报考生

30、But to coordinate the national recreation bouncer team the arrangement, their matriculation date dragging until now. ─── 但为了配合国家蹦床队的安排,他们的入学日期拖延至今。

31、China's college matriculation examination has such weaknesses as the in variability of its form and the overburden of its functions. ─── 中国高考制度存在着形式单一、考试承担职能过多等一系列问题。

32、Options for schools please refer to the manual of "well-known British university matriculation List. ─── 可供选择的学校请参考本手册的“英国知名大学预科一览”。

33、It analyzes the application of derivative in the matriculation texts in the last few years. ─── 本文主要分析在近几年的数学高考题中导数方法的应用。

34、Today is the first day of National Matriculation Test. ─── 今天是全国高考的第一天,全国数百万…

35、You will be required to undergo a medical examination for NTU matriculation and student pass application. ─── 在大学注册和申请学生签证之前,国际学生必须进行体检。

36、The Reform of Matriculation Paper and Geography Teaching in Schools--From the Synthesized Ability Test of 2001 Matriculation (Tianjin Test Paper) to View the Geography Test Paper ─── 把握高考改革方向注重地理能力和价值观的培养--从2001年高考文科综合能力测试(天津卷)地理试题谈起

37、Joint Matriculation Board University Entrance Test in English. ─── 联合预科委员会大学英语入学考试。

38、matriculation read the language of visa requirements from the original 5.0 IELTS The adjustment of 4.5 points, matching language courses up to 30 weeks (the default equivalent IELTS 5.5). ─── 读预科签证的语言要求从原来的雅思5.0分调整为4.5分,配套语言课程最多30周(默认等同雅思5.5分)。

39、The Study of American and Chinese Educational System through the National Matriculation Test ─── 从高考制度看中美教育

40、Now, it's a fact that our country's mark line of the matriculation takes on huge diversities. ─── 我国高考录取分数线呈现出巨大差异已经是不争的事实。

41、Is attending the language period university to retain student's matriculation authority. ─── 在读语言期间大学保留学生的入学权力。

42、college matriculation ─── 学生录取

43、The paper also analyzes those factors, that affect the distribution quota and actual number of matriculation, such as the level of cultural development, the number of population and the amount of tax. ─── 然后文章进一步分析了影响各州县学定额与实际取额的因素:文风高下和户口钱粮多寡。

44、on 28th, our province first criticizes thoroughly the matriculation custom practice scientific development concept activity workshop to convene in Fuzhou. ─── 28日,我省第一批深入学习实践科学发展观活动工作会议在福州召开。

45、The entire district elementary school-age child matriculation rate has reached 99.6%, compared in 1957 to raise 59 percentage points. ─── 全区小学学龄儿童入学率已达99.6%,比1957年提高59个百分点。

46、matriculation office ─── 录取中心

47、The superiority which but when the guardians taste this kind the early education when elementary school matriculation has time, even more had believed own education method is incomparably correct. ─── 而当家长们尝到这种“早期教育”在小学入学时所具有的“优势”时,更加坚信了自己的教育方法无比正确。

48、Today is the first day of National Matriculation Test(NMT). Millions of students across the country are attending NMT now. ─── 今天是全国高考的第一天,全国数百万名学生现在正在参加考试。

49、Chinese matriculation stage ─── 汉语预科阶段

50、He suggested that: students to go abroad before matriculation time. ─── 他建议:学生在出国前,应先读预科。

51、On the Evolution of the Matriculation System and Its Influence on Middle School Education ─── 高考制度的演变及其对中学教育的影响

52、college matriculation examinations ─── 高考制度

53、Step 2: The student should send at least half year's tuition fee to the school appointed account after receiving the Matriculation Notice. ─── 第二步:学生接到录取通知书以后,按学校指定的帐号把至少半年的学费寄到学校。

54、Comments on current Matriculation English Oral Test ─── 现行高考英语口试评析

55、By the way, did any of you know what Gandhiji scored in his Matriculation Exams (which is equivalent to our SSC boards today)? ─── 顺便说一句,你们当中谁知道做什么甘地在他的预科考试(得分,相当于我们的南南合作议会今天)?

56、Reflection and Suggestions on Regulating Matriculation for Postgraduate ─── 硕士研究生调剂录取的思考和建议

57、Australian high school students to read and participate in undergraduate study matriculation, IELTS results reached 4.5 points on it. ─── 高中学生去澳洲读预科和参加本科学习,雅思成绩达到4.5分就可以了。

58、After newborn matriculation, must carry on the physical examination reexamination. ─── 新生入学后需进行体检复查。

59、Matriculation English Testing (MET) ─── 英语高考

60、My brother couldn't concentrate upon his guide books for matriculation of postgraduate very long, he was too tired, --or else too sleepy. ─── 我弟弟不能集中精力看他的考研书,他太累了--要不就是太瞌睡了。

61、honor matriculation ─── 以优异成绩录取入学

62、matriculation examination ─── 大学入学考试

63、I honestly wish all the examinees of our country open their breasts to face the matriculation。Just think, Getting enrolled in an university is nothing。 ─── 当然了,我说这话并不是说中小学生光看武侠小说就可以了,这要与学习有机结合起来。

64、There are several Australian students to stay: The first part of Australia to study post-graduate school matriculation 8 months + 2 years master's degree courses, get a master's degree; ─── 大专生留澳有几种方案:一是攻读澳大利亚部分学校研究生预科8个月+2 年硕士课程,拿硕士学位;

65、Liuzhou adjusts the school layout,"Prime School to Junior High School" will be determinted by the household register assignment matriculation ─── 柳州调整学校布局“小升初”以户籍分配入学

66、across South Africa, students are taking matriculation exams. ─── 南非全国各地的中学生正在参加大学入学考试。

67、The intention is to spend a year in which to complete matriculation. ─── 在此打算准备用一年的时间完成那个预科。

68、If students' mailing address is changed, they need to update it through the Matriculation System. ─── 通讯地址若有变更,请至学籍系统更新,以利学校公文书信往来。

69、matriculation standard ─── 录取标准

70、Is this the correct office for undergraduate matriculation? ─── 这是办理入学手续的地方么?

71、Matriculation Education of New Students in Colleges and Universities and Its Guidance Work ─── 高等院校新生入学教育工作探讨

72、matriculation opportunity ─── 入学机会

73、Nowadays, the National College Matriculation System is one of the most important systems of choosing talents in the world. ─── 大学入学考试制度是当今世界各国选拔人才的重要制度之一。

74、In the letter first speech is“ Remembered the university matriculation first day, you register, you came to be late. ─── 信中的第一句话是“记得大学入学的第一天,你报到的时候,来晚了。

75、The intelligent natural talent and the good education, enabled the graceful Chinese zither to pass the Vienna Conservatory's matriculation qualifications test at the middle school time. ─── 聪颖的天资和良好的教育,使曼瑟在中学时期就通过了维也纳音乐学院的入学资格考试。

76、admission matriculation ─── 入学资格

77、three-year college graduates can go to Britain to pursue a master's degree in a year of matriculation courses. ─── 3年制的大专毕业生,则可到英国先修读一年的硕士学位预科班课程。

78、Comparative Researches on Evaluation Criteria of Matriculation Mathematics between China and Russia ─── 中俄高考数学评价细则的比较研究

79、(04) Welcome to Vancouver to study, do not look at the matriculation results. ─── (04)欢迎到温哥华学习,这里不看预科成绩.


81、matriculation certificate ─── 入学许可证

82、Matriculation Learning will foster the ability of these students in China. ─── 预科学习将主要培养中国学生这些能力。

83、Matriculation for institutes of physical Education ─── 体育高考

84、date of matriculation ─── 入学日期

85、The wish will go in next autumn toward the American University matriculation student, mostly must before December will submit all materials. ─── 想要在明年秋季去往美国大学入学的学生,大多要在今年12月份之前提交所有材料。

86、But must point out that although opens the law in British each university to be related nearly the master course, but sees clearly by all means must the matriculation request. ─── 与本科学位相比,研究生课程的专业化程度更高,而且有许多有意思的选修内容,如石油法、犯罪学和国际体育法等。

87、at the beginning of this month, policemen have arrested eight offender that counterfeited and vended fake college matriculation letter. ─── 警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假大学录取通知书的人.

88、Myself thought from the matriculation, has observed the school each rules and regulations, has the good thought moral character, various aspects express outstandingly. ─── 本人自入学以为,一直遵守学校的各项规章制度,具有良好的思想道德品质,各方面表示优秀。有强烈的集体荣誉感和工作责任心,坚持实事求事的原则。...

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