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Methodistic 中文意思翻译



Methodistic 相似词语短语

1、methodic ─── adj.有条理的;有组织的,有秩序的

2、Methodistical ─── 方法论的

3、methodise ─── 有条不紊

4、meroistic ─── 美罗华的

5、methodisation ─── 方法化

6、Jehovistic ─── 犹太教徒

7、Methodistic ─── 一丝不苟

8、Methodists ─── n.循道宗教徒;循道友(Methodist的复数)

9、Methodist ─── n.卫理公会派教徒;adj.卫理公会教派的

Methodistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A few days later, Lee again from the organizations, with their usual "take care of the increase," the enemies of a Methodist. ─── 几天后,李某再次提出退出组织,与平时对其“照顾有加”的卫某反目成仇。

2、He received MA, MALD, and PhD degrees from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy and a BA magna cum laude and honorary Doctor of Humane Letters from Central Methodist College. ─── 他曾获得文学硕士学位、法律外交学硕士学位、弗莱彻学院法学和外交系颁发的博士学位,以优异的成绩获得农学学士学位,被中央卫理公会学院授予人道文学荣誉博士。

3、Pastors and leaders from Hwai Ang Methodist Church, led by Rev.Francis Wong King Sing, visited us on 15 February 2007 to share with us the joy of Chinese New Year. ─── 卫理公会怀安堂的牧者与领袖们在黄敬胜牧师的带领下于2007年2月15日来拜访我们并分享华人新年的欢乐。

4、Group of Methodist churches sharing the same preachers within a particular area ─── (在某地区有同一批传教士的)卫理公会组织

5、A light drizzle was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church, eager to get home and play with the presents that Santa had left for us and our baby sister, Sharon. ─── 天上下著毛毛细雨,我和姐姐吉尔跑出卫理公会教堂,满心只想著快点回到家玩圣诞老人给我们和小妹妹莎伦准备的礼物玩具。

6、World Federation of Methodist Wome ─── 世界卫理公会女教友联合会(女教友联会)

7、Free Methodist Church of North America ─── 北美洲自由循道会

8、a Nonconformist chapel,especially a Baptist or Methodist one ─── 基督新教徒的教堂,尤指浸信会或卫理公会教徒

9、The Methodist Theological School won the champion in the Blood Donation Competition (2005) (Category Inter-Secondary School/Colleges) organized Red Cresent Society Sibu Chapter. ─── 卫理神学院于诗巫红新月会举办的捐血比赛(2005)(校际/学院组)赢得了冠军。

10、Southern Methodist University is highly regarded for its commitment to excellence in education. The Cox School is AACSB-accredited and fully embraces SMU's philo... ─── 南方卫理公会大学是高度重视的承诺卓越的教育。考克斯学校遴选,评审及完全赞成新加坡管理大学的理念,学习是一个终身的过程。

11、a Catholic, Methodist, etc mission in Africa ─── 天主教、 循道宗信徒等在非洲的传教活动.

12、It determined the masterstroke of Russia future economic policy and direction, adumbrative Russia " Methodistic market economy " conception is basic and Anacreontic. ─── 它确定了俄罗斯未来经济政策的主线和方向,预示着俄罗斯“有秩序的市场经济”构想基本明朗。

13、Methodist Church ─── 卫理公会教派

14、World Methodist Council ─── 世界卫理公会协进会

15、Children from Ik Ong Methodist Church, Kanowit, visited us on 29 July 2006 under the lead of Rev Chiong Nguong Siong and some Ik Ong Women. ─── 加拿逸逸恩堂的儿童们在蒋元祥牧师与一些妇女会姐妹的带领下于2006年7月29日来拜访我们。

16、2008 MTS 1st Semester Opening Service was held at the Wesley Methodist Church on 3rd January 2008 at 9.00am. Some of the photos are available here. ─── 卫理神学院2008年第一届开学礼于2008年1月3日早上9点假卫斯理堂举行。一些相片可以看这里。

17、The methodist bishop has come here to tell you what he thinks of him ─── 卫理公会的主教也来到这里陈述他对这小伙子的评价。

18、The now defunct Methodist Bookstore in Singapore helped me get most of the English translations of Kierkegaard's works. ─── 已经停业的新加坡一间卫理书店,帮我买到大部分齐克果著作的英译本。

19、union of the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren ─── 卫理公会和福音联合弟兄会的联合

20、“You wanna see pain? Swing by First Methodist Tuesday nights.” ─── “你想见识一下痛苦吗?周二晚上去教堂看看吧。”

21、The Methodist Theological School won the champion in the Blood Donation Competition (2006) (Category Inter-Secondary School/Colleges) organized Red Cresent Society Sibu Chapter. ─── 卫理神学院于诗巫红新月会举办的捐血比赛(2006)(校际/学院组)赢得了冠军。

22、Adds Don Jones,a Methodist minister who has known her since high school:"Winning that election was liberation day for Hillary." ─── 从高中就认识希拉里的卫理公会会长道·琼斯补充道:“直到赢得议员大选希拉里才得以放松。”

23、He was a staunch Methodist, a lay preacher. ─── 他是个虔诚的卫理公会教徒,一个业余的传道者。

24、Southern Methodist University Underwood Law Library. ─── 南方卫理公会大学法学院图书馆。

25、She is preternaturally cautious, a consequence of her Methodist propriety and 20 years of insane public scrutiny. ─── 卫理公会训诫以及20年的强大公众监督,使得克林顿尤为谨慎小心。

26、A group of youth from Zhuo En Methodist Church, Sarikei, led by Rev. Tony Chieng Tai Ming visited us on 29 December 2005. More here. ─── 一组来自泗里街卓恩堂的青少年在詹泰珉牧师的带领下于2005年12月29日来拜访我们。更多在这里。

27、Christian Methodist Episcopal Church ─── 基督卫理圣公会教派

28、Primitive Methodist ─── 原始卫理公会派教徒

29、a Methodist chape ─── 卫理公会教堂

30、Methodist Research Institute, Indianapolis;Ganoderma lucidum cuts off angiogenic signaling in prostate cancer. ─── 中译:印第安那波里斯(Indianapolis)方法医学研究中心(Methodist Research Institute);

31、Well,a month afterwards,Mrs. Jessup and I were married in a Methodist Church. ─── 唔,一个月以后,我和杰瑟普夫人在一座卫理公会教堂里举行了婚礼。

32、United Methodist Church ─── 卫理公会教派联合会

33、A new South African party, the Congress of the People, picked a Methodist bishop, Mvume Dandala, as its presidential candidate. ─── 一个新的南非政党,人民大会,选择了一位卫理公会主教MvumeDandala作为其总统候选人。

34、On the 31st March 2007, at 8p.m., Seremban Chinese Methodist Church held a combine memorial service. ─── 2007年3月31日晚上八时正,我们举办联合纪念先人礼拜。

35、not broken up into Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Jewish groups ─── 在社会上,教会不仅是一种宗教力量,而且也是一种社会力量,但长老会、卫理公会、路德会、罗马天主教会和犹太教会等教派教徒在社会生活中并不各成体系。

36、In 1843 a group of Holiness ministers founded the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, which became popular in the rural Midwest and South; ─── 1843年一群圣洁派牧师成立了美国卫理公会,流行于中西部和南部的乡村。

37、a Methodist church/preacher ─── 循道宗教会/牧师

38、In the mid-twentieth century two-thirds of all church members in the United States belonged to three different churches: Roman Catholic, Baptist, and Methodist. ─── 在二十世纪中叶,美国三分之二的教徒属于三个不同的教会:罗马天主教会、浸礼会和卫理公会。

39、It has been called "the peculiar institution," "the social system," and the "impediment," as it was called by the General conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ─── 它曾被叫作“特别制度”、“社会制度”和“障碍”,正如卫理圣公会的全体大会所称的那样。

40、on the other hand,it is a rational,methodistic and scientific activity. ─── 另一方面,她又是理性的,类似于条理性科学的活动。

41、The Methodist Church's initiative to use its vacant land to support homeless people's housing and livelihoods in South Africa. ─── 在南非利用空置的教堂图地改善无家可归者的住宿和生计。

42、"Adds Don Jones, a Methodist minister who has known her since high school"Winning that election was liberation day for Hillary." ─── "从高中就认识希拉里的卫理公会会长道·琼斯补充道:"直到赢得议员大选希拉里才得以放松。

43、In central Johannesburg the Methodist church has become a refuge for about 1,000 people, most of them Zimbabweans. ─── 在约翰内斯堡城中心地区,卫理公会派教堂已经成了一个为大约一千人提供住所的避难所,而他们大多数时津巴人。

44、Evangelical Methodist ─── n. 美以美教派教会

45、She has always been deeply religious, and even contemplated becoming a Methodist minister. ─── 她还一直是个虔诚的信徒,甚至考虑成为一名卫理公会[4]的牧师。

46、union of the Methodist Church and the Evangelical United Brethren. ─── 卫斯理宗教会和福音联合弟兄会的联合。

47、Our teachers’ team is becoming larger and larger which is now the backbone of our department, especially those who are smart experienced, diligent as well as methodistic do greatly help our students. ─── 多年的学习与授课经验,勤勤恳恳、一丝不苟的治学态度让自力培训出了一批又一批优秀的学生。

48、You're going around with a Methodist! With a Protestant! ─── “你和一个循道宗信徒混在一起!和一个新教徒在一起

49、He was a pugnacious, tough, liberal Methodist who believed Jesus was sent by his Father God to give us all second chances. ─── 他是位强硬、坚韧、自由派的卫理公会教徒。他坚信,耶稣被圣父派下来就是要再给我们所有人第二次机会。

50、MTS Choir participated in the Choir Festival organized by the Rajang World Chinese Sacred Music Association on 16th October 2007 at Hwai Ang Methodist Church. More photos are availabel here. ─── 卫神诗班于2007年10月16日参加由拉让区华人圣乐促进会假卫理公会怀安堂所主办的诗班观摩会。更多相片可以看这里。

51、Southern Methodist University School of Law ─── 南曼瑟迪斯特大学法学院

52、"Dad, nominally a Methodist, entered Churches only for weddings and funerals." ─── "爸名义上是卫理公会教徒,可只去教堂参加婚礼和葬礼。"

53、World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women ─── 世界卫理公会及其联系教会女教友联合会

54、The snooty English, for instance, have long disparaged Wales, which they caricature unfairly as being populated mostly by Methodist preachers and disaffected sheep. ─── 例如,傲慢的英格兰人长期以来歧视威尔士人,并偏激的宣称,威尔士居住着大多数是卫理公会教徒和一些“不忠的绵羊”。

55、Southern Methodist University Underwood Law Library--- ─── 南方卫理公会大学法学院图书馆.

56、The Calvinistic Methodist or Presbyterian Church of Wales is the only Church of purely Welsh origin, drawing its members from large section of the Welsh-speaking population. ─── 卡尔文主义的卫理公会教士或威尔士的长老派教会是惟一由纯威尔士人组成的教会。

57、North Point Methodist Primary School ─── 北角卫理小学

58、The Work of Mercy of Methodist Theological School assists in medical fees of Mr 张来枝. ─── 卫理神学院的怜悯之工帮助张来枝先生的医药费。

59、a Methodist minister ─── 循道宗牧师

60、Pastors and leaders from Hwai Ang Methodist Church, led by Rev. Francis Wong King Sing, visited us on 18 January 2006 to share with us the joy of Chinese New Year. ─── 卫理公会怀安堂的牧者与领袖们在黄敬胜牧师的带领下于2006年1月18日来拜访我们并分享华人新年的欢乐。

61、A light drizzle was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church. My father asked the man if he had money for bus fare. ─── 回到车里在去温邦的路上爸爸问那男人有没有钱买车票。

62、A Midland, Texas native, Laura Bush holds a BA from Southern Methodist University and an MA in library sciencefrom the University of Texas at Austin. ─── 在中部的德克萨斯州,劳拉毕业于得克萨斯大学,获图书馆学硕士学位。此外她还获得了南曼瑟迪斯特大学的农学学士学位。

63、On 13th March 2007, an intervarsity basketball match between United College Sarawak, Methodist Pilley Institute and Methodist Theological School was held at MTS basketball court. ─── 于2007年3月13日假卫理神学院举办了诗巫联合学院、毕理学院与卫理神学院之间的院际篮球友谊赛。

64、She looked forward to the occasional visits of the minister, Robert Ayers, who was a Methodist circuit rider. ─── 她盼望着卫理公会教派骑马巡回的罗伯特?埃亚牧师的偶然造访。

65、 双语使用场景

66、A Midland, Texas native, Laura Bush holds a BA from Southern Methodist University and an MA in library science from the University of Texas at Austin. ─── 在中部的德克萨斯州,劳拉毕业于得克萨斯大学,获图书馆学硕士学位。此外她还获得了南曼瑟迪斯特大学的农学学士学位。

67、General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church; ─── 基督教卫理公会全球牧师理事会;

68、World Methodist Historical Society ─── 世界卫理公会教徒历史学会

69、The following extraordinary Hopi prophecy was first published in a mimeographed manuscript that circulated among several Methodist and Presbyterian churches in 1959. ─── 下面特别的霍皮人预言是第一次油印手稿出版发行,预言于1959年在好几个卫理公会派教徒和长老会教堂之间传播。

70、Pastors and leaders from Tien Tao Methodist Church, led by Rev.Clement Yek Chiew Ping, visited us on 1 February 2008 to share with us the joy of Chinese New Year. ─── 卫理公会天道堂的牧者与领袖们在叶绍斌牧师的带领下于2008年2月1日来拜访我们并分享华人新年的欢乐。

71、General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church ─── 基督教卫理公会全球牧师理事会

72、A light drizzle was falling as my sister Jill and I ran out of the 1)Methodist Church, eager to get home and play with the presents that Santa had left for us and our baby sister, Sharon. ─── 天上下着毛毛细雨,我和姐姐吉尔跑出卫理公会教堂,满心只想着快点回到家玩圣诞老人给我们和小妹妹莎伦准备的礼物玩具。

73、Southern Methodist University, U.S.A. ─── 南美舍迪斯特大学(美国),

74、"Adds Don Jones, a Methodist minister who has known her since high school:"Winning that election was liberation day for Hillary." ─── "从高中就认识希拉里的卫理公会会长道·琼斯补充道:"直到赢得议员大选希拉里才得以放松。

75、The McTyeire School was originally located on Hankou Road, near what is today the Methodist Moore Memorial Church, where Charlie Soong was the head of the Sunday school. ─── 中西女塾最初坐落于汉口路,邻近今天的卫理公会沐恩堂。宋耀如曾担任那所教堂的主日学校校长。

76、6. a follower of Wesleyanism as practiced by the Methodist Church. ─── 卫理公会派教练习的卫斯理宗教义的追随者。

77、Paya Lebar Methodist Girls' Primary ─── 巴耶利峇美以美女子小学

78、Hillary Clinton said that she was a “praying person” who had once contemplated becoming a Methodist minister. ─── 希拉里?克林顿说自己是一个“爱祷告的人”,曾考虑过成为一为理公会牧师。

79、Tin Shui Wai Methodist College ─── 天水围循道卫理中学

80、2008 3rd English STMS Graduation Service was held on 1st February 2008 (Friday) at 3.00pm at Wesley Methodist Church. More photos are available here. ─── 2008年第三届英语短宣结业礼于2008年2月1日(星期五)下午三点假卫斯理堂举行。一些相片可以看这里。

82、Adds Don Jones, a Methodist minister who has known her since high school: "Winning that election was liberation day for Hillary." ─── 从高中就认识希拉里的卫理公会会长道·琼斯补充道:"直到赢得议员大选希拉里才得以放松。

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