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10-02 投稿


Mormonism 中文意思翻译



Mormonism 短语词组

1、rebaptism mormonism ─── 再乐观主义摩门教

2、Mormonism and Christianity ─── 摩门教和基督教

Mormonism 相似词语短语

1、Byronism ─── 拜伦主义

2、Peronism ─── n.庇隆的信仰、政策和政府;庇隆主义(以国家复兴和民族解放为主,同时主张集权)

3、Mormonism ─── n.摩门教

4、morphinism ─── n.[内科]吗啡瘾;慢性吗啡中毒

5、Communism ─── n.共产主义

6、mammonism ─── n.拜金主义;贪财

7、moronism ─── n.低能,鲁钝

8、Germanism ─── n.德意志精神;亲德国;德语习语

9、Bourbonism ─── n.顽固的保守主义

Mormonism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The gentleman who uttered the cries was evidently a belated Mormon ─── 四点差几分,他们已经又回到了车站,他走进车厢,坐到原来的座位上。

2、Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon Church) ─── 后期圣徒教会(摩门会)

3、Indo-European is much older than the Book of Mormon time period, yet vestiges of Indo-European exist through all of Europe and parts of Asia. ─── 印欧语系是一个比《摩门经》里的时期更古老,但是印欧语系的残馀存在于全欧洲和部分亚洲地区。

4、The Utah branch of Mormonism dissolves the distinctions between the priesthood and the laity. ─── 摩门教犹他会解除了祭司与世俗者之间的区别。

5、[[Farms Owned By The Mormon Church]]. ─── [[摩尔门教会的农场]].

6、Meanwhile, Hollywood has put itself in the business of dressing up fundamentalist Mormon polygamy, as though it is nothing more than a sexual romp among consenting adults. ─── 期间,好莱坞已经将自己打扮成信奉一夫多妻的原教旨主义者,尽管认同此举的只不过是一小撮人而已。

7、Mormon tea ─── 硫酸镁糊

8、The Book of Mormon describes a time period from 2000 BC to 400 AD and millions of people. ─── 《摩门经》描述一段从公元前两千年到公元四百年的历史和数以百万计的人口。

9、Baptist Mid-Missions Mormon Ministries Council - A religious ministry project proselytizing in Utah. Gives contact and philosophical information. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

10、The Mormon cricket, an old threat in modern day western USA: A search for fungal pathogens ─── 美国西部重要害虫摩门螽斯病原真菌的研究

11、Mormon War ─── 摩门战争

12、The Church is in the process of revising the Chinese Book of Mormon. ─── 教会正在重新修订中文的摩门经。

13、Today, the major Christian branches include Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodox Christianity, and Mormonism . ─── 今天,主流基督教派别包括天主教,新教,东正教和摩门教等。

14、Even more interestingly, although the Mormon mates were genetically very close to each other (they're Mormons, after all), the genes in their MHCs were often very different. ─── 有趣的是,尽管摩门人彼此基因上十分相近(毕竟他们都是摩门人),但是MHC中的基因却差异很大。

15、Mormon Church To make (a marriage, for example) binding for life; solemnize forever. ─── 有约束力:使(如婚姻)永具约束力;使永远正式

16、Mormon, Book of ─── 摩门经

17、Evidence proves that Mormonism is not true Christianity. ─── 摩門教是基督教嗎?

18、In 1832, a mob tarred and feathered him, marking the beginning of a long battle between Christian America and Smith's Mormonism. ─── 1832年,一名歹徒在史密斯身上涂满焦油,并且裹以羽毛,导致美国基督徒与摩门教徒陷入旷日持久的争斗中。

19、Jun: Well, after the Mormon Utah desert, I can use as much lushness as I can get. ─── 小君:经历了摩门犹他州的沙漠之后,再多的绿意我都不嫌多。

20、mormon cricket ─── 摩门蟋蟀

21、Why does the Book of Mormon repeatedly addresses 19th century readers? ─── 为什麽《摩门经》重复地将十九世纪的读者当作发表对象?


23、Many history scholars are studing the Book of Mormon. ─── 很多历史的学者都在研究摩门经。

24、The Book of Mormon is not arranged according to chronological order. ─── 摩门经的记录不是按照时间的顺序安排。

25、Bob :They were in a mysterious language. Joseph Smith translated those tablets into The Book of Mormon in 1830. ─── 鲍伯:它们是用神秘的文字记载的。约瑟夫史密斯在一八三零年把这些刻写板的字翻译成《摩门经》。

26、Mormon church says this is a question often asked by those who wish to denigrate Mormonism; it refers to the Mormon belief that God is the father of all. ─── 摩门教会说这是那些希望诋毁摩门教的人经常问的问题;它来源于摩门教的信仰,即上帝是世间万物之父。

27、Mormon sandstone ─── 摩门砂岩莫尔蒙砂岩

28、And within America, by one estimate, Mormonism is the fourth-largest denomination. ─── 有人估计,摩门教是美国国内第四大的宗教。

29、Seen by many as a potential Republican presidential contender, Huntsman is fluent in Chinese from his days as a Mormon missionary in Taiwan. ─── 亨茨曼是共和党党员,许多人认为他是下届总统的潜在候选人。

30、If the Book of Mormon took place outside of Mesoamerica (like in New York where the Hill Cumorah supposedly is), why are written languages of ancient America only found in Mesoamerica? ─── 如果《摩门经》发生在中美洲之外(像在克谟拉山岗被宣称所在的纽约州),那为什麽有书写文字的语言只有在古代中美洲被找到?

31、For example, the founder of Mormonism said, according to the scripture there were some kind of people living on the moon. ─── 好似创这教那条友话,根据经典记载,有人住在月球上。

32、Control of eclosion timing in the common mormon butterfly Papilio polytes ─── 玉带凤蝶羽化时间的控制

33、Why does the Book of Mormon describe wood forts with pickets to protect people?much like the forts of frontier? ─── 为什麽《摩门经》描述木桩堡垒和盯哨来保护人群--就像拓荒先锋的堡垒?

34、Common Mormon ─── 玉带凤蝶(凤蝶科)


36、Ironically, Mormonism's Mecca is such a place. ─── 讽刺的是,摩门教的圣地是这样一个地方。

37、revealed to Joseph Smith in 1830 by an ancient prophet Mormon; supposedly a record of ancient peoples of America translated by Joseph Smith. ─── 1830年一位远古的先知摩门透漏给约瑟夫史密斯;按理推测是约瑟夫史密斯翻译的美洲原始民族的记录。

38、revealed to Joseph Smith in 1830 by an ancient prophet Mormon; supposedly a record of ancient peoples of America translated by Joseph Smith ─── 1830年一位远古的先知摩门透漏给约瑟夫史密斯;按理推测是约瑟夫史密斯翻译的美洲原始民族的记录

39、Special Program: The Mormon Tabernacle Choir Performs Christmas Music ─── 特别节目:摩门合唱团表演的圣诞音乐

40、It is a universal faith, but also “very American”, reckon Richard and Joan Ostling, authors of the excellent “Mormon America: The Power and the Promise”. ─── 巨著“MormonAmerica:ThePowerandthePromise”的作者Richard和JoanOstling猜测,这是一个世界性的宗教信仰,但是同样“非常美国式”。

41、In 1997, a Mormon wagon train re-created the journey of these pioneers, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Brigham Young's arrival in Utah.The trip took three months! ─── 1997年,一长列的摩门篷车队伍,重现当初的拓荒者旅程,藉以做为杨百翰抵达犹他州的150周年纪念活动,而这趟旅程总共花了他们三个月的时间!

42、Mormon State ─── n. 摩门州(美国犹他州Utah的别名)

43、The Effects of Photoperiod and Temperature on Diapause Inducing of the Great Mormon Butterfly Papilio memnon Linnaeus ─── 光周期和温度对美凤蝶滞育诱导的影响

44、If God was inspiring the translation process of the Book of Mormon, why were 4,000 changes necessary? ─── 如果神驱使了《摩门经》的翻译过程,为什麽还需要更动超过四千个地方呢?

45、Jeffs is ecclesiastical head of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, an offshoot of mainstream Mormonism that believes polygamy brings exaltation in heaven. ─── 杰夫是耶稣基督末世圣徒原教旨教会的教主,该教会是主流摩门教的一个分支,认为多妻制会带来天堂般的福祉。

46、Influence of the Photoperiod and Temperature on Larval Developmental Periods of the Great Mormon Butterfly Papilio memnon Linnaeus ─── 光周期和温度对美凤蝶幼虫发育历期的影响

47、Why is polygamy condemned in the Book of Mormon, but condoned in portions of the D&C (condemned in others) and still believed to be necessary in church doctrine for exaltation in the after-life? ─── 为什麽重婚在《摩门经》里面被谴责,却在《教义与圣约》里面部分章节被赦免呢(在其他章节被谴责),并且在教会的教义仍然被相信是死后高升的必要条件呢?

48、The latest study, published on September 12, examined the genomes of fertile Mormon and Yoruba couples to see how exactly their MHCs differed. ─── 9月12日最新发表的一项研究对繁衍旺盛的摩门宗族和非洲约鲁巴人部族夫妇的基因组进行了测验,试图观察他们的MHC有多大差异。

49、But as Rachel succumbs to her summer of misery and shakes up the tiny Mormon town, Georgia notices something is changing within her granddaughter. ─── 她的这种变化也一直被姥姥看在眼里,两人的关系开始解冻。

50、How did the Book of Mormon language evolve so rapidly into non-related Indian languages? ─── 《摩门经》里面的语言是如何这麽快速地演变到没有关联的印地安语系?

51、There was no market awaiting the coming of the train-or any product to haul back east-except the Mormon city, which was a long way away until the lines met. ─── 对中央太平洋公司来说,那意味着需要穿越巴拿马或是绕着南美洲运输材料。

52、Why didn't any of the place names from the Book of Mormon still exist when Columbus arrived? ─── 为什麽这些《摩门经》的地名没有任何一个存留到哥伦布到达新大陆的时代?

53、First published in 1830, it is held by all branches of Mormonism to be a divinely inspired work translated by the founder of their religion, Joseph Smith. ─── 1830年首次出版,摩门主义的各个派别都认为它是由本教创始人斯密约瑟受到神的启示翻译过来的作品。

54、the ancient gold plates that Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, unearthed in upstate New York, the musical's saviour has come in an unexpected package. ─── 在纽约北部,约瑟夫·史密斯挖出了古老的金页天书——《摩门经》,从而创建了摩门教。书中所述种种出人意料,连同名音乐剧也不走寻常路。

55、The threat of being eaten could drive the march of Mormon crickets as they munch their way across millions of acres in the arid West, new research suggests. ─── 新调查显示:因受到自相残杀,被互相吃掉的威胁,摩门蟋蟀的行进队伍浩浩荡荡,啃吃完美国西部旱地上几百万英亩的植物。

56、The founder of Mormonism, America's most famous homegrown faith. ─── 创始人、美国最知名的本土信仰。

57、The church, a radical polygamous Mormon sect, meant to build a compound. ─── 此教会实际上是一个一夫多妻主义者的教会,它旨在建立一个大院。

58、As for other independent churches, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the Mormon Church, sent its first missionaries to Taiwan in 1956. ─── 最为大家津津乐道的是,先知戈登兴革莱最后一次拜访并重新奉献台湾台北圣殿时,所引用的什一奉献的见证,正是胡教长的见证。

59、Why does the Book of Mormon appear to paraphrase from the preface to the King James Version of the Bible in Helaman 5:31 and Alma 19:6? ─── 为什麽《摩门经》的希拉曼书五章三十一节和阿尔玛书十九章六节看起来像是《圣经》英王詹姆士译本的前言的改述呢?

60、This missionary work has helped to make Mormonism one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. ─── 正是这种对传教工作的重视,使得摩门教成为世界上发展最快的宗教之一。

61、No evidence indicates that these items existed, in their Book of Mormon forms, during Book of Mormon times. ─── 没有任何证据显示这些东西在《摩门经》的时代以《摩门经》描述的形式存在。

62、Neither the archaeological record nor any account besides the Book of Mormon suggests their presence in pre-Colombian America. ─── 除了《摩门经》之外,无论是考古学的记录还是任何一笔账目都没有提到在美洲的前哥伦比亚时期有这些东西存在。

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