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10-02 投稿


Daedalus 发音

英:[?ded?l?s]  美:[?di?d?l?s]

英:  美:

Daedalus 中文意思翻译



Daedalus 网络释义

n. 代达罗斯(建筑师和雕刻家,曾为克里特国王建造迷宫)

Daedalus 短语词组

1、daedalus and Icarus ─── 代达罗斯和伊卡洛斯

Daedalus 相似词语短语

1、logodaedalus ─── 咬文嚼字者

2、Daedalid ─── 丹达利德

3、Daedalus ─── n.代达罗斯(建筑师和雕刻家,曾为克里特国王建造迷宫)

4、Daedalic ─── adj.代达罗斯雕塑风格的

5、dactylus ─── n.长短短格;扬抑抑格;指节

6、Tantalus ─── n.上锁透明酒柜

7、baetulus ─── 贝图卢斯

8、baetylus ─── 巴伊修斯

9、daedal ─── adj.错综复杂的;千变万化的;巧妙的

Daedalus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When these two wings were finished, Daedalus bound them on himself. ─── 两只翅膀做成后,代达罗斯把它们绑在自己身上。

2、while escaping from Crete with his father (using the wings Daedalus had made) he flew too close to the sun and the wax melted and he fell into the Aegean and drowned. ─── 在和父亲逃出克里特时他飞的离太阳太近蜡翼受热后融化坠海而死。

3、66. At last Daedalus found a way for them to escape from the tower. But they had to hide themselves in the loneliest part of the island. ─── 代达罗斯终于发现了一条能从塔中逃出去的通道,但他们又不得不在岛上最孤独寂寞的处所藏身。

4、"Daedalus:a legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth." ─── "代达罗斯:著名的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者."

5、Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return. But Icarus could not hear his father, for the wind was so swift it carried all sound away. ─── 看到他这个样子,代达罗斯狂怒地喊他回来。可伊卡洛斯这时已听不见父亲的喊声,疾速的风把所有的声音都吹跑了。

6、If Daedalus seems like a foreign language to you, then you're in luck because we're here to hook you up with some info. ─── 因为我们在这里向上以一些信息钩住你,所以如果泰达路斯对你像一种外国的语言,然后你在运气中。

7、In 1950s, US Air Force Team Daedalus was supposed to be the first team to be sent to space.However, when NASA was formed, NASA decided to send a chimpanzee to space instead. ─── 五十年代在美国,一队被称为神匠的美国空军本应会成为第一批被派上太空的人。

8、Many ancient Greek myths take their location from Minoan Crete more than ten centuries before Plato. Daedalus, the ancient scientist, was supposedly the architect of the palace at Knossos. ─── 很多比柏拉图时期早一千年的古希腊传说是发生在克里特岛文明。代达罗斯,古代科学家,按照推测是克诺索斯宫殿的建筑师。

9、6. Daedalus took refuge in Gretan Cnossus, where King Minos delighted to welcome so skilled a craftsman . ─── 代达罗斯在克里特岛的克诺索斯避难。弥诺斯国王极为乐意地接纳了这位多才多艺的工匠。

10、I invoke the Daedalus in me, everything that has gone into making me, hoping it will be my liberation. ─── 我似乎是代达罗斯附身,所以东西都和我融合在一起,希望那能使我解放。

11、When he had finished a smaller pair of wings, Daedalus bound them on his son.Then he warned Icarus not to wander off alone in the air but to follow him closely . ─── 代达罗斯把做好的两只小些的翅膀绑在儿子身上,然后告诫他不要在空中独自飞行,要紧紧跟在他的身后。

12、The son of Daedalus who, in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father ─── 伊卡罗斯代达罗斯的儿子,他乘着他父亲做的人工翅膀逃离克里特时,由于离太阳太近以致粘翅膀用的蜡溶化了,而掉进了爱琴海

13、Daedalus flew westward. ─── 代达罗斯向西飞行。

14、Daedalus: a legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth. ─── 代达罗斯:著名的艺术家和发明家,是迷宫的建造者。

15、An ancient city of northern Crete near present-day Iraklion. The center of a Bronze Age culture that probably flourished from c.2000 to1400 b.c., it is the traditional site of the labyrinth of Daedalus and the palace of King Minos. ─── 克诺索斯克里特北部的一个古城,位于现在的伊腊克林附近。青铜时代文明的中心,它可能是从公元前2000年到1400年很繁盛,它是代达罗斯迷宫和米诺斯国王宫殿传说的所在地

16、Daedalus and his son Icarus were prisoners on the island of crete. ─── 代达罗斯和他的儿子伊卡洛斯是克里特岛上的囚犯。

17、(Greek mythology) son of Daedalus; while escaping from Crete with his father (using the wings Daedalus had made) he flew too close to the sun and the wax melted and he fell into the Aegean and drowned. ─── (希腊神话)代达罗斯之子;在和父亲逃出克里特时他飞的离太阳太近蜡翼受热后融化坠海而死。

18、Tu Weiming: "Implications of the Rise of 'Confucian' East Asia", in Daedalus, Winter 2000, special issue on Multiple Modernities, p. 207. ─── 其实,这个要求不仅仅适用于西方、适用于美国,也适用于包括中国在内的所有民族。

19、After that, Daedalus was idle no longer. Plucking feathers from all the birds that icarus could kill, he began to make two great wings. ─── 从那以后,代达罗斯不再无所事事了。他用伊卡洛斯能杀死所有的鸟身上拔下来羽毛,着手制作两只大翅膀。

20、Daedalus was a famous Greek artist. He had designed the building where they were held prisoner ─── 他们被关在其中的塔楼就是他设计的

21、Knossos was the site of the legendary labyrinth of Daedalus. ─── 克诺索斯是传说中的代达罗斯迷宫的所在地。

22、Daedalus had designed it at the command of King Minos of Crete. When the labyrinth was finished, the king was delighted. ─── 这是一座有名的迷宫,宫内通道纵横交错、迂回曲折。代达罗斯是奉克里特国王迈诺斯之命设计这座迷宫的。

23、If Daedalus seems like a foreign language to you, then you're in luck because we're here to hook you up with some info. ─── 因为我们在这里向上以一些信息钩住你,所以如果泰达路斯对你像一种外国的语言, 然后你在运气中。

24、Taking the bird in is hands, Daedalus turned it over slowly, examining the wings. ─── 代达罗斯把这只死鸟拿在手中,慢慢地把它的身子翻过来,仔细察看它的翅膀。

25、Daedalus was a legendary artist and inventor, builder of the Labyrinth. ─── 代达罗斯是著名的艺术家和发明家,克里特迷宫的建造者。

26、The good developer mentioned in the readme text that "this release of Daedalus for the PSP is currently in the very early stages of development. ─── 在自述文件本文中被提到的好开发者 "PSP 的泰达路斯的这释放现在是在发展的非常早阶段中。

27、Else we'll be back to using balloons like "Project Daedalus, " serviced by nuclear ramjets. ─── 否则我们将倒退到像“代达罗斯项目”使用气球,由核动力喷气机来维护。

28、Mike: Ok, let's go back home. I wouldn't want to be a Daedalus to your Icarus. ─── 好的,我们回家去。我不想当那位会让你掉入海里的飞行专家。

29、Seeing this, Daedalus called frantically for him to return. ─── 看到他这个样子,代达罗斯狂怒地喊他回来。

30、(Greek mythology) son of Daedalus; while escaping from Crete with his father (using the wings Daedalus had made) he flew too close to the sun and the wax melted and he fell into the Aegean and drowned ─── (希腊神话)代达罗斯之子;在和父亲逃出克里特时他飞的离太阳太近蜡翼受热后融化坠海而死

31、But ever after he mourned his son, and never again did Daedalus try to fly. ─── 但在哀悼过儿子之后,代达罗斯再也不想去飞行了。

32、an ancient city of northern Crete near present-day Irlion. The center of a Bronze Age culture that probably flourished from c.2000 to 1400 b.c.,it is the traditional site of the labyrinth of Daedalus and the palace of King Minos ─── 克诺,索斯克里特北部的一个古城,位于现在的伊腊克林附近。青铜时代文明的中心,它可能是从公元前2000年到1400年很繁盛,它是代达罗斯迷宫和米诺斯国王宫殿传说的所在地

33、After that, Daedalus was idle no longer. ─── 那以后,代达罗斯不再无所事事了。

34、Daedalus heard his cry and flew to the spot. Nothing could be seen of icarus or his wings but a few white feathers floating on the water. ─── 代达罗斯听到他的呼叫声后飞向出事地点。伊卡洛斯和他身上的翅膀已踪影全无,唯有几根白色的羽毛漂浮在水面上。

35、Daedalus and his son Icarus were prisoners on the island of Crete. ─── 代达罗斯和他的儿子伊卡洛斯是克里特岛上的囚犯。

36、Dr: The Daedalus Team and I are still convinced the Tacitus is our best approach. ─── 代达罗斯小组和我仍然认为塔西佗是最好的解决之道。

37、the son of Daedalus who,in escaping from Crete on artificial wings made for him by his father,flew so close to the sun that the wax with which his wings were fastened melted,and he fell into the Aegean Sea ─── 伊卡罗斯代,达罗斯的儿子,他乘着他父亲做的人工翅膀逃离克里特时,由于离太阳太近以致粘翅膀用的蜡溶化了,而掉进了爱琴海

38、The Daedalus spacecraft weighed around 50, 000 tonnes, almost all of which would have been a very rare Helium isotope called Helium-3. ─── 代达罗斯飞船重约5万吨,大部分都是它携带的燃料——氦3。

39、"If you fly too low, the dampness of the sea will make your feathers heavy and you will sink into the water, " said Daedalus. ─── 假如你飞得太低,海水的湿度将加重你身上羽毛的重量,你就会掉进水里。

40、1. (Greek mythology) son of Daedalus; ─── (希腊神话)代达罗斯之子;

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