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10-02 投稿


malleability 发音

英:[?m?li??b?l?ti]  美:[?m?li??b?l?ti]

英:  美:

malleability 中文意思翻译



malleability 短语词组

1、malleability of memory ─── 记忆可塑性

2、malleability natural ─── 天然延展性

malleability 相似词语短语

1、danceability ─── 舞蹈性

2、saleability ─── 可销售性

3、millability ─── n.可铣性

4、manageability ─── n.易处理;易办;顺从

5、mailability ─── 可邮寄性

6、alienability ─── n.可让与性;可疏远性;可转让性

7、allowability ─── 容许性

8、unmalleability ─── 无法收回

9、alterability ─── n.可更改性,可变更性

malleability 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It provides an environment of incomparable textual malleability and further fulfills many deconstructive hypotheses about text. ─── 它提供文本文字无比的可塑性,更具体实现了解构理论对“文本”的各种假设。

2、Most studies of the relationship between culture, economics and politics underline their malleability and lack of rigid predetermination: Lucian Pye's views were at one end of the spectrum. ─── 许多有关文化、经济和政治相互关系的研究都在强调这种关系的可塑性,并且不认为存在这种刚性的预先决定的事情。白鲁恂的观点是非常极端的。

3、To compensate for you models permanent state of malleability, some artists like to infuse some permanency by using some form of lacquer on the completed model. ─── 为了弥补模型的永久柔韧性,一些艺术家喜欢将漆用于完成的作品上,从而给模型注入永久性。

4、The epigenome’s malleability highlights the power we can have over the health of ourselves and our children, said Jirtle.And gives hope that complicated diseases will someday have cures. ─── 杰特说表观基因的能屈能伸彰显出我们拥有把握自己和子女的健康的能力,也带给我们未来征服疑难杂症的希望。

5、Part of the power that you see -- which is also a great weakness -- is the language's great malleability. ─── 该语言很好的延展性是它的一种优势,但同样也是其缺点所在。

6、Two mechanisms allow for such self-concept maintenance: inattention to moral standards and categorization malleability. ─── 两种方法可以获得这样的自我概念维持:忽视道德保准和延展分类。

7、If you use a slightly thicker paper (such as the aforementioned Japanese papers), you will lose some of the malleability, but will have a much more solid looking model, due to its increased thickness. ─── 若你使用微厚的纸(如前所说的日本纸),将失去一些柔韧性,但由于厚度增加的缘故,你的模型看上去更为牢固。

8、Based on the production condition, a rational cooling schedule was established for improving the product strength and malleability to fit the subsequent cold rolling process. ─── 为提高产品的强度及韧性,适应以后的冷轧工艺,根据某厂现场条件,制定了合理的冷却制度,效果良好。

9、Metals are elements that can be defined by their properties,such as ductility,toughness,malleability,electral and heat conductivity,and thermal expansion. ─── 金属是根据可锻性,刚性,可塑性,电热导通性以及热膨胀度等特征来定义的多种元素的复合物。

10、Solvents and other substances are typically added to products during the manufacturing process in order to affect malleability and other properties, Dr.Anderson explains. ─── 溶剂和其他物质,通常添加到产品在制造过程中,以影响可塑性和其他财产,安德森博士解释说。

11、Many attribute both Mr Cameron's success and his recent stumble to the apparent malleability of his views. ─── 很多人把卡梅伦的成功和其最近的跟头归因于他的观点的明显的韧性。

12、A material's loss of malleability due to chemical treatment or physical change. ─── 材料由于化学处理或物理变化丧失了柔韧性。

13、The low cost high income of electronic business affairs, open sex and develop malleability are in international banking crisis more highlight its value. ─── 电子商务的低成本高收益、开放性和拓展性在国际金融危机中更加凸显其价值。

14、One of the most promising properties of glassy metals is their high strength combined with high malleability. ─── 玻璃金属最有前景的一个特征是高强度与高延伸性的结合。

15、65, Malleability is a physical property. ─── 65,延展性是物质的一个物理特性。

16、Strength and hardness increase with increasing amount of cold work and at the same time the remaining ductility and malleability decreases (Figure 6.1). ─── 随着冷处理的增加金属的刚度和强度得到提升,但同时韧性和延展性降低了。

17、malleability n. ─── 可锻性;

18、who likewise showed me a treatise he had written concerning the malleability of fire, which he intended to publish. ─── 他还给我看了他撰写的一篇关于火的可锻性的论文,他打算发表这篇论文。

19、Despite their reverence, the ancients were quick to recognize gold's practical qualities, particularly its malleability, which made it ideal for jewelry. ─── 尽管受到尊敬,但古人很快就认识到黄金的实用性,尤其是它的延展性,这使它成为制作珠宝的理想材料。

20、The results indicate that the per-tension deformation increases yield strergth and tensile strength,reduces the malleability of the X60 pipeline steel. ─── 结果表明:预拉伸变形增大了X60管线钢的屈服强度、抗拉强度,降低了材料的塑韧性;

21、8.One of the most promising properties of glassy metals is their high strength combined with high malleability. ─── 玻璃金属的一个最有前途的特性,是它的高强度与高延展性相结合。

22、Another indication of malleability is that I.Q. has risen sharply over time. ─── 其它可以表明智商可塑性的是随着时间的推移智商会急速上升。

23、As an alloy element,silicon manganese can alloy the steel,strengthen the intensity,hardness,malleability toughness and wearability of the steel. ─── 作为合金元素加入钢中可使钢合金化,增加钢的强度、硬度、延展性、韧性和耐磨性等。

24、4. Metals are elements that can be defined by their properties,such as ductility,toughness,malleability,electral and heat conductivity,and thermal expansion. ─── 金属是根据可锻性,刚性,可塑性,电热导通性以及热膨胀度等特征来定义的多种元素的复合物。收藏指正

25、malleability wrought iron ─── 展性锻铁

26、38.One of the most promising properties of glassy metals is their high strength combined with high malleability. ─── 38.玻璃金属的一个最有前途的特性,是它的高强度与高延展性相结合。

27、These spells seem to rely on the malleability of natural law more than their weaker cousins, and as magick wanes, natural law becomes more rigid and these powerful spells begin to fail. ─── 和一般的思维正好相反,由于魔法衰弱的原因,失效的魔法都是那些最强大的魔法。

28、Secondly, neuroplasticity appears to be firmly established, and the brain has extraordinary malleability and is able to adapt to different contexts over time. ─── 另外一个方面,神经可塑性似乎已经牢固地建立起来了,而且大脑具有超常的可塑性,从而经过一定时间后能够适应不同的环境。

29、It is malleability that allows metal to deform permanently under compression without rupture. ─── 正是展性使金属在压力下永久变形而不断裂。

30、1.Tests used to assess the ductility and malleability of stainless steel subjected to bending. ─── 测试不锈钢在弯曲状态下的延展性及可锻性。

31、The malleability between hedonic and utilitarian goods and the managerial implication of the constraints mental budgeting imposes on consumers are discussed. ─── 最后,我们将讨论享乐型商品与实用型商品间的模糊性与心理预算对消费者之限制的管理意涵。

32、A child is forever learning, has a boundless enthusiasm, innocence, and malleability that an adult just doesn’t possess. ─── 一个孩子永远在学习,且有大人所缺乏的无穷热诚、纯真、及可塑性。

33、Tests used to assess the ductility and malleability of stainless steel subjected to bending. ─── 测试不锈钢在弯曲状态下的延展性及可锻性。

34、who likewise showed me a treatise he had written concerning the malleability of fire, which he intended to publish. ─── 他还给我看了他撰写的一篇关于火的可锻性的论文,他打算发表这篇论文。

35、that much data analysed Japanese economic depression is opposite again on the foundation here analysis of the malleability before the structural sex reform that Japan undertakes at present undertook. ─── 在此基础上又对日本目前进行的结构性改革进行了前展性分析。

36、It has the gloss of the natural silk, the straightens out the hemp, the malleability of the fabric. ─── 有天然丝的光泽、麻的挺括、绒的展性、滑爽、舒展;

37、A measurement of the malleability of stainless steel in terms of the amount of deformation it will withstand before failure. ─── 不锈钢延展性的度量单位,以检测不锈钢可以承受多高的变形极限。

38、2.It is this nodular microstructure of carbon in Ductile Iron which produces high ductility and shock resistance while the flake form of cast iron results in no malleability. ─── 正是这种碳的球状微观结构,使得球墨铸铁具有更加良好的展延性和抗冲击性,而铸铁内部的薄片形式导致铸铁没有展延性。

39、With great luster and malleability, these precious metals were sought after for hundreds or even thousands of years. ─── 与伟大的光泽和延展性,这些贵金属后,徵求了数百甚至数千年。

40、Software has the ability to adjust cutting precision to solve and prolong the inconsistent problems of size differently when all kinds of materials of malleability are cut. ─── 软件可调切割精度,从而解决具有不同延展性的各类材质切割时尺寸不一致的问题。

41、So we have to make do with knowing thing like the color and the malleability and the density and so forth. ─── 所以,我们只好去了解,颜色,延展性,密度这样的东西了。

42、The second aspect analyse the malleability of prolonging in Yu Hua's novel of the concrete technique rhetoric is used, namely: to use irony, to use metaphor and symbolization, to simplify and omit. ─── 第二个层面分析具体修辞格在余华小说中的延展性运用,即:反讽,隐喻和象征,简化与省略。

43、It has a yellowish appearance and its malleability is dependent on how high the carat is. ─── 它有一个黄色的外观,其延展性是克拉有多高依赖。

44、malleability test ─── 锻造性试验

45、Metals, which possess strength, ductility, malleability, and other remarkable properties, have supplanted classes of engineering materials to a considerable extent. ─── 由于金属具有强度、可延性、韧性以及其它显著特性,因而在很大程度上已替代了其他种类的工程材料。

46、A movable map of the corridors of MIT and their relation. The malleability of this map allows different arrangements of space to be explored, to discover unknown places. ─── 麻省理工学院可移动的走廊地图以及它们之间的联系。这个地图的延展性让人们可以对将探索的空间进行不同的安排,以发现未知地点。

47、Metals, which possess strength, ductility, malleability, and other remarkable properties, have supplanted other classes of engineering materials to a considerable extent. ─── 由于金属具有强度、延展性、韧性以及其它显著特性,因而在很大程度上已替代了其它种类的工程材料。

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