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10-02 投稿


matriculated 发音

英:[m??tr?kjule?t?d]  美:[m??tr?kjule?t?d]

英:  美:

matriculated 中文意思翻译



matriculated 短语词组

1、matriculated student ─── 被录取的学生

2、matriculated admitted ─── 被录取

3、matriculated at ─── 入学时间:

4、matriculated undergraduate ─── 预科本科生

matriculated 词性/词形变化,matriculated变形

名词: matriculation |动词第三人称单数: matriculates |动词过去分词: matriculated |动词过去式: matriculated |动词现在分词: matriculating |

matriculated 相似词语短语

1、auriculated ─── 耳廓的

2、matriculatory ─── 大学预科

3、matriculates ─── vt.准许…入学;录取…入大学;vi.准许入学;录取;n.被录取者

4、matriculating ─── vt.准许…入学;录取…入大学;vi.准许入学;录取;n.被录取者

5、unmatriculated ─── 不受限制的

6、nonmatriculated ─── 非矩阵的

7、matriculate ─── vt.准许…入学;录取…入大学;vi.准许入学;录取;n.被录取者

8、matriculation ─── n.入学考试;大学入学许可;录取入学

9、matriculator ─── 预科生

matriculated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Later, I indeed matriculated into the Department of Diplomacy at Chengchi university.As a university sophomore, I went to Vietnam as a Young Student Representative to attend a meeting. ─── 大二为青年学生代表到越南开会,当时是经过救国团推荐录取的,只考一科英文。

2、She matriculated in 1968. ─── 她于1968年升入大学。

3、This morning two people come here for the interview.But only one is matriculated. ─── 可是老外也信风水,确实让我感到有些诧异,不过看多了也就见怪不怪,毕竟入乡随俗嘛。

4、He stood out for teaching himself of computer and English and now he has been matriculated in Wuhan University. ─── [他坚持自学电脑和英语,考上武汉大学]用英语怎么翻译?

5、One and a half years later, Lolisy was matriculated by Los Angeles University for studying writing.Then she got married and became a reporter few years. ─── 一年半后,洛蕾丝考取洛杉矶大学学习写作,几年后成为一名记者,并结了婚。

6、I have matriculated for the fall semester. ─── 秋季的课程我已经注册了。

7、I am sure my master career will be a fruitful stage of my life if I am matriculated. ─── 如果我被录取,我的研究生生涯将成为我人生道路上收获颇丰的一个阶段。

8、The software development and management degree program enables the matriculated student to study, develop, and become proficient in the practices, methodologies,... ─── 该软件开发和管理学位课程,使学生的录取研究,开发,并成为做法,方法熟练,和技术在软件开发过程的各个层面。

9、That has presented Occidental, or Oxy, as it's often called, with a problem: How to deal with its most famous student who matriculated but didn't graduate. ─── 这给西方学院出了个难题:如何对待其名声最显赫的学生,他被这所学校录取,但却没有从这里毕业。

10、5.There were significant differences between the matriculated opportunity with students’ subjective factors such as the student expectation, the equitable recognition of the matriculated plan, etc. ─── 五、学生在主观因素变项对入学机会呈现部份差异现象。

11、Graduates from Class of 2006 have matriculated at the following schools. ─── 2006届毕业生就读于以下大学。请以学校英文名称为准。

12、2.There were significant differences between the matriculated opportunity with the degree of parents education. ─── 二、学生在家庭社经背景变项之入学机会呈现部份差异现象。

13、Graduates from Class of 2005 have matriculated at the following schools. ─── 2005届毕业生就读于以下大学。请以学校英文名称为准。

14、A grade of C or better satisfies the Communication Intensive requirement for students who have matriculated since the summer of 2001. ─── 从2001年夏季起被录取的学生要得到C级或以上的等级才能满足强化沟通课程的要求。

15、the environment will surely change after being matriculated to nus . i don't know whether i can quickly adapt to it or not . ─── 以后的事情到时就知道了,昨天刚买了新锅,现在要下去做点粥了(半年没吃到了哦)!

16、According his excellent academic performance, it is likely for him to be matriculated by that well-known university without examination. ─── 根据他出色的学习表现,他有可能免试被那所著名大学录取。

17、Nowadays it isn't a difficulty that to be matriculated. ─── 如今进大学读书并不是难事.

18、Qiu Yaxuan, matriculated in North China University of Technology in 2006, majoring in art and design. ─── 邱雅璇,北方工业大学艺术学院艺术设计系06级学生,来自湖北省张咀村。

19、Staudinger was educated in Worms, matriculated in 1899, and continued his studies first at the University of Halle , later at Darmstadt and Munich. ─── 在中学时,他曾对植物学发生浓厚的兴趣,所以中学毕业后,他考入哈勒大学学习植物学。

20、Well Ben, have you matriculated yet? ─── 本团体是开放的。

21、Just in that year, Eggie was said to learn medical and matriculated by some hygiene school in Yu county. ─── 是年,坊间传曰蛋亦习读素柩,见录于渝州府某卫生学堂。

22、Perhaps, those effects enhance my desire for knowledge, I was matriculated by Nantong University. ─── 或许,愈加增强了对知识的渴望,我开始了我的大学。

23、Mr. Dewitt: Mr. Seaver, when you were under my tutelage I was prohibited by law from inflecting bodily harm; Now that you've matriculated, I can wail the totter outta ya. ─── 校长:西弗先生,以前在我学校里,因为教育法我不便教训你,现在你总算毕业了,那我就可以让你好好尝尝我的厉害了。

24、Guo Hui, matriculated in Datong University in 2004, majoring in art.Guo Hui is from Xiaqin village in Shanxi province. ─── 郭辉,山西大同大学艺术学院美术系04级学生,来自山西下秦村。

25、Zhong Jinling, matriculated in North China University of Technology in 2005, majoring in art and design.She is from Zhuanshan village in Liaoning province. ─── 仲金玲,北方工业大学艺术学院艺术设计系05级学生,来自辽宁转山村。

26、Three years later he matriculated for advance study. ─── 三年后他入大学深造。

27、And then, the fact was that I passed the final exam and successfully matriculated in the university. ─── 当然最后我顺利通过了语言课并已经成功进入学期课程。

28、The normal school students were that couldn't be matriculated by the other universities. ─── 基本上你做的工作都会比较简单,决策权当然在上层的手中。

29、He stood out for teaching himself of computer and English and now he has been matriculated in Wuhan University. ─── [他坚持自学电脑和英语,考上武汉大学]用英语怎么翻译?

30、Lizi Merry said after she had been admitted and matriculated by a private college . ─── 这是莉齐-梅丽在被一所私立专科学校录取后在惊喜之中说的话。

31、Matriculated with certificate in IT related subjects or equivalent academic qualification is an advantage. ─── 大学专科或以上学历,电脑或通信类相关专业为佳;

32、He had been matriculated in the university. ─── 他已考上这所大学。

33、He matriculated in the English Literature Department at the Tokyo Imperial University. ─── 他被东京帝国大学英语文学系录取了。

34、Have been matriculated by Qinghua University,he began his bright future. ─── 被清华大学录取后,他为自己开创了美好的前程。

35、6. Matriculated with certificate in IT related subjects or equivalent academic qualification is an advantage. ─── 大学专科或以上学历,计算机或通信类相关专业为佳;

36、Wang Fang, matriculated in Suzhou Institute of Trade and Commerce in 2006, majoring in interior design.She comes from Xingzhuang village in Liaoning province. ─── 王芳,苏州经贸职业技术学院室内设计系05级学生,来自辽宁省兴庄村。

37、Candidates can be matriculated instantaneously after passing our interviewing. ─── 通过面试后可以立即入职。

38、A grade of C or better satisfies the Communication Intensive requirement for students who have matriculated since the summer of 2001. ─── 从2001年夏季起被录取的学生要得到C级或以上的等级才能满足强化沟通课程的要求。

39、Lu Xiaohui, matriculated in Southwest Jiaotong University in 2004, majoring in design.Lu Xiaohui is from Shantian village in Jiangxi province. ─── 卢晓辉,西南交通大学室内设计系04级学生,来自江西省山田村。

40、He matriculated in 2008,majoring in chemistry. ─── 他在2008年考入大学,主修化学。

41、Graduates from Class of 2007 have matriculated at the following schools. ─── 2007届毕业生就读于以下大学。请以学校英文名称为准。

42、The Cause and Effect of Declining Rate of Matriculated Students Registering to Teachers Colleges and Universities and Its Counterstrategies ─── 高师院校新生报到率下降的原因、影响及对策

43、Of all full-time matriculated undergraduates who enrolled in 2004,: 13,592 applied for aid, ─── 资助助学金,奖学金,短期贷款,校方资金低息长期贷款,校外贷款,勤工俭学,兼职,

44、just a few minutes after finishing the above words, i get another news: he has been matriculated by PKU with the first place interview score and the second place in the overall scores. ─── 朋友劝我要是这么痛苦就再找一个,我做不到,至少现在做不到,我已经没有空间去接纳其他的人,现在的伤痛或许要好长一阵子才能恢复吧。

45、She matriculated in 1968. ─── 她于1968年升入大学。

46、Some students haven't received the message to tell them thay had been matriculated to Shanghai.And some of them called me to inquire. ─── 有些学生没有收到被录取去上海的短消息,很是着急,一直给我电话。

47、3.There were significant differences between the matriculated opportunity with students’ family location. ─── 三、学生居住地点之差异对入学机会有显著影响。

48、Graduates from Class of 2008 have matriculated at the following schools. ─── 2008届毕业生就读于以下大学。请以学校英文名称为准。

49、” Lizi Merry said after she had been admitted and matriculated by a private college . ─── 这是莉齐-梅丽在被一所私立专科学校录取后在惊喜之中说的话。

50、And the I was matriculated by pharmacy specialty of Sichuan university, In 2004,I graduate from it, besides courses in pharmacology, biochemistry, management science in medicine and so on. ─── 在校期间我学习了药理学,药事管理学,生物化学等专业的医学知识,而我同时也涉猎了如:顾客心理学等部分心理学知识。

51、matriculated student ─── 被录取的学生读学位的学生

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