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10-02 投稿


malic 发音

英:[?m?l?k]  美:[?m?l?k]

英:  美:

malic 中文意思翻译



malic 常用词组

malic acid ─── n. [化]苹果酸;羟基丁二酸

malic 短语词组

1、acetyl-malic acid ─── [化] 乙酰基苹果酸; 乙酰基丁二酸

2、malic dehydrogenase ─── [化] 苹果酸脱氢酶 ─── [医] 苹果酸脱氢酶

3、malic acid fermentation ─── [机] 苹果酸发酵

4、dichloro-malic acid ─── 二氯苹果酸

5、malic amide ─── [化] 苹果酰胺

6、chloro-malic acid ─── [建] 氯代苹果酸, 氯代羟丁二酸

7、malic acid food grade ─── 苹果酸食品级

8、malic enzyme ─── [化] 苹果酸酶

9、malic acid ─── [化] 苹果酸 ─── [医] 苹果酸

malic 相似词语短语

1、malefic ─── adj.有害的;邪恶的

2、Salic ─── adj.萨利族的;萨利族人的;adj.(salic)(岩石)硅铝质的

3、magic ─── n.魔法,巫术;魔术;魅力;(非正式)有魅力之物;(非正式)罕见才能;adj.有魔力的;魔法的;神奇的;(非正式)极好的;v.(像)用魔法变出(或移动、改变等);n.(Magic)(美)马吉克(人名)

4、manic ─── adj.躁狂的;狂热的;n.躁狂症者

5、malice ─── n.恶意;怨恨;预谋;n.(Malice)人名;(意)马利切

6、maleic ─── adj.顺丁烯的

7、mafic ─── adj.铁镁质的

8、malik ─── n.巴基斯坦酋长;n.(Malik)人名;(孟、阿拉伯、哈萨、乌兹、塔吉、吉尔、土库、塞、印、印尼、巴基、英、德、捷、俄)马利克

9、melic ─── adj.可歌咏的;歌的;诗的

malic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The problem that Microsoft faces is: Development, Gu Ge and rebarbative malic ad. ─── 微软面临的问题是:发展、谷歌以及令人讨厌的苹果广告。

2、Made of sugar, gum base, dextrose anhydrous, corn syrup, softener(glycerin),citric & malic & tartaric acids, gum Arabic, artificial flavor, artificial color. ─── 原料:白糖、胶姆基、无水葡萄糖、玉米糖浆、柔软剂(甘油)柠檬酸+苹果酸+酒石榴,阿拉伯胶,人工香精,色素

3、Practice: Cut the apple slimy account, or it is to use juicer to take out pomace (the malic sludge that Yi Ke uses a baby to take surplus) add yoke and flour agitate even can. ─── 做法:将苹果削成泥状,或是用榨汁机将苹果渣取出(亦可使用婴儿吃剩的苹果泥)加上蛋黄及面粉搅拌均匀即可。

4、Arabinose,malic acid,ascorbic acid,succinic acid, hyaluronic acid,stryptophan, citric acid, sodium citrate, xylose, gulonic acid, glutamic acid, lysine etc. ─── 一水柠檬酸、无水柠檬酸、柠檬酸钠、古龙酸、谷氨酸、赖氨酸、乳酸以及富马酸、阿拉伯糖,苹果酸,琥珀酸(丁二酸)、透明质酸、色氨酸

5、Malic Dehydrogenase, heart, Rabbit anti-Swine. ─── 苹果酸脱氢酶,心脏,兔抗猪。

6、It is broken down by a reversal of the first two pathways, or by deamination to glyoxylate, followed by conversion to malic acid and further breakdown in the Krebs cycle. ─── 它可在前两种方法中被分解,或者通过脱氨作用生成乙醛酸,然后转化为苹果酸,进一步在三羧酸循环中被分解。

7、Malic Acid (MA) ─── L-苹果酸

8、malic enzyme, soluble ─── 可溶性苹果酸酶

9、The principal acids used are phosphoric, citric, fumaric, tartaric, and malic acids. ─── 主要添加的酸有磷酸、柠檬酸、富马酸、酒石酸和苹果酸。

10、In the meantime, schmidt of Gu Ge CEO still is directorate member of the apple, gu Ge keeps away from probably to compete with malic front everywhere in digital music domain. ─── 同时,谷歌CEO施密特还是苹果的董事会成员,谷歌很可能在数字音乐领域处处避开与苹果的正面竞争。

11、Application and Improvement of Immobilized Cell Technology in Production of Malic Acid ─── 固定化细胞技术在苹果酸生产中的应用及改进

12、Pineapple of Hainan Island is rich in carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamin C, organic acid, malic acid, citric acid and protein decomposition enzyme and so on. ─── 海南岛产的菠萝内含糖类、脂肪、蛋白质、维生素C、有机酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸及蛋白质分解酵素等。

13、Contain vitaminic C, mineral, candy and malic acid, have alimentary, astringent, protect wet effect. ─── 并含有维他命C、矿物质、糖及苹果酸,具有滋养、收敛、保湿的功效。

14、In addition, it containing malic acid, organic acids such as citric acid (about 0.7%). ─── 此外,它还含苹果酸、枸橼酸等有机酸(约0.7%)。

15、Patristic Qiaobusi is taking the apple the malic ticket that this oneself produces, where to stick, where can be born new classical. ─── 苹果教父乔布斯拿着这枚自家产的苹果标签,贴到哪里,哪里就会诞生一个新的经典。

16、The co-crop of Sedum alfredii Hance and Z. mays restrained the exudations of malic and formic acids, but enhanced the exudations of acetic and succinic acids. ─── 玉米和超富集东南景天套种明显抑制根系苹果酸和甲酸的分泌,而乙酸和琥珀酸的分泌大幅度增加;

17、In a preservation experiment, TP (tea polyphenols), TP + CA (citric acid), TP + MA (malic acid) and TP + AA (ascorbic acid) were added to rape salad oil before AV (acid value) and POV (peroxidation value) in it were determined. ─── 在添加TP的菜籽色拉油中加入有机酸CA ,MA及AA ,对油脂的AV及POV进行测定。 结果表明 ,在添加TP的油样中加入有机酸可有效阻遏贮放中油脂AV及POV的升高。

18、With the technique of trusted computing,dsigned and implemented the mechanism of resisting malic... ─── 利用可信计算技术设计并实现恶意代码防御机制。

19、In fact, "False Qiaobusi " rich guest never has released any malic trade secrets, because this apple lawyer does not have reason,intervene. ─── 事实上,“假乔布斯”博客从未发布过任何苹果商业机密,因此苹果律师没有理由介入。

20、MLF not only helps to attenuate high malic acid concentrations (Pinot being a cool climate grape), but is also reputed to contribute complexity. ─── 多边基金不仅有助于减轻苹果酸浓度偏高(比诺葡萄是气候凉爽)也是被誉为贡献复杂。

21、And rise abruptly quickly what Microsoft and Yahoo company also need to answer malic company to go up in mobile phone market. ─── 而且微软和雅虎公司也都需要应对苹果公司在手机市场上的迅速崛起。

22、Keywords Immobilized cells;Malic acid;Ammonium fumarate;Bioreactor; ─── 固定化细胞;苹果酸;富马酸铵;酶反应器;

23、[Ingredients] Health Hawthorn, Ilex, cassia, American Ginseng, chitosan, fructooligosaccharides, L-carnitine, malic acid peptide. ─── 生山楂、苦丁茶、决明子、花旗参、壳聚糖、低聚果糖、左旋肉碱、多肽苹果酸。

24、Effect of Applying Malic Acid with Different Amounts on Nonvolatile Organic Acid in Tobacco ─── 不同用量苹果酸对烟叶中非挥发性有机酸的影响

25、But who can having be to apply intuition to judge pair of wrong generation to oppugn to malic employee? ─── 但有谁又会对苹果员工是运用直觉来判断对错产生质疑呢?

26、Be in malic company, thin bone of figure it may be said is like bavin, can look from his gaunt body reach his food and healthy state. ─── 在苹果公司,乔布斯的身材可谓瘦骨如柴,从他的憔悴身体可以看得出他的饮食和健康状况。

27、A salt or an ester of malic acid. ─── 一苹果酸的盐或酯

28、As the complexity steps and high cost of synthetic poly malic acid, producing poly malic acid fermentation is especially important. ─── 由于人工合成聚苹果酸步骤复杂,成本高,因此生物发酵生产聚苹果酸就显得尤为重要了。

29、The contamination of heavy metals in soils is a serious problem.Organic acids such as citric, oxalic and/or malic acid, are important metal chelators in hyperaccumulator. ─── 摘要有机酸是植物体内一种重要的金属配体,在超积累植物的解毒机制中具有重要作用。

30、During the process of fruits ripening, the contents of citric acid and malic acid declined gradually but the contents of oxalic acid, ascorbic acid and lactic acid increased. ─── 在果实成熟过程中,柠檬酸、苹果酸呈逐步下降的趋势,草酸、抗坏血酸和乳酸的含量均呈逐步上升的趋势。

31、After desalting, there are only malic acid and citric acid in the desalt sample. ─── 低盐化后样品中有机酸检出种类仅有苹果酸及柠檬酸。

32、The Kindle that thinks malic Iphone, IPad and Yamaxun two years this the new terminal unit of these fashionable whole worlds. ─── 想想这两年苹果iphone、iPad和亚马逊的Kindle这些风靡全球的新终端设备。

33、malic acid fermentation ─── [机] 苹果酸发酵

34、Keywords TOA;malic acid;extraction equilibrium;complex; ─── 三辛胺;苹果酸;萃取平衡;萃合物;

35、After the net that clean out treasure learns a case, had contact quickly with malic company. ─── 淘宝网获知情况后,迅速与苹果公司进行了联络。

36、The software that wants you to write only dazzles quite, so the product promotion, business that sells and so on gives entirely malic company became good. ─── 只要你编写的软件够炫,那么产品推广、销售之类的事情就全部交给苹果公司好了。

37、Determination of Malic Acid by Incompleted Suppressed Conductivity Detection in Ion Chromatography ─── 不完全抑制电导检测离子色谱法测定饮料中的苹果酸

38、In addition, the message says, richard will find new job malic company. ─── 此外,有动静称,理查德将跳槽到苹果公司。

39、A pot trial was conducted to systematically study the effects of malic acid, oleic acid and FA on maturity, physiological and nutrition metabolism of flue-cured tobacco. ─── 摘要通过盆栽试验,研究了不同有机酸对不同成熟度烤烟生理代谢与营养代谢的影响。

40、Of course, malic company is done not have desolate those users that favore eye shot expanse, screen of a liquid crystal is 17 inches PowerBook, also roll out together. ─── 当然,苹果公司并没有冷落那些偏爱视野宽阔的用户,一台液晶屏幕为17英寸的PowerBook,也一同推出。有人担心此次苹果在PowerBook上下的功夫,是一种黔驴技穷的表现。

41、'Malic' enzyme ─── “苹果酸”酶

42、But express according to SamSung company, predict to such as the company mixes Nuojiya the Shan Cunxin of the big client such as malic company piece for should not be affected. ─── 但据三星公司暗示,估量向诸如诺基亚公司和苹果公司等大客户的闪存芯片供给不会受到影响。

43、Some N-acylating chitosan derivatives were synthesized through the reaction of malic anhydride and chitosan in the presence of acetic acid and acetone in homogeneous solution. ─── 以醋酸和丙酮为反应介质,利用马来酸酐在均相条件下对壳聚糖进行水溶性N-酰化改性;

44、It is shown that complex of RE malic and Zn stearic has go od stabilization synergy. ─── 并用苹果酸稀土与硬脂酸锌进行复配,发现具有很好的协同效应。

45、Abstract: The simuhaneous determination of organic acids, such as oxalic acid, aconitic acid, malic acid and citric acid by capillary electrophoresis was discussed. ─── 文章摘要: 研究了毛细管电泳法分离测定草酸、乌头酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸等有机酸的条件。

46、Love join: Malic flavour can make a person cheerful, and the flavour of orange can make a person hearten. ─── 爱连接:苹果的味道能够令人愉悦,而柑橘的味道则会令人振奋。

47、During the process of fruits ripening,the contents of citric acid and malic acid declined gradually but the contents of oxalic acid,ascorbic acid and lactic acid increased. ─── 在果实成熟过程中,柠檬酸、苹果酸呈逐步下降的趋势,草酸、抗坏血酸和乳酸的含量均呈逐步上升的趋势。

48、The banana from in the past (green.Yellow.Red) the red Fuji that anguine fruit goes to Japan of area introduce a fine variety, red now Fuji already held malic output 20 % . ─── 从过去的香蕉(青.黄.红)蛇果到面积引种日本的红富士,现在红富士已占苹果产量20%。

49、From Microsoft tall canal accepts the situation that cover to look, those ad that malic company makes had let Microsoft become so not conceited. ─── 从微软高管接受采访的情况来看,苹果公司做的那些广告已经让微软变得不那么自负了。

50、Another looks, the headgear of a batch of bullion of two the MP3 of malic card, old mobile phones and cummer disappears without trace. ─── 再一看,苹果牌的MP3、两部旧手机和女友的一批金银首饰都不翼而飞。

51、Tranexamic Acid, Glycyrrhetinic Acid, Glycyrrhizinate, Malic Acid, Tocopherol Acetate, Allantoin, Squalane, Rose Essential Oil. ─── 传明酸、甘草酸、甘草酸单铵、苹果酸、维生素E、尿囊素、角鲨烯、玫瑰精油。

52、Nevertheless, this message brings about malic share price to steep fall immediately. ─── 不过,这则消息立刻导致苹果股价暴跌。

53、Keywords DL - malic acid;chemical oscillatory reaction;inductory phase;mechanism; ─── 关键词DL-苹果酸;化学振荡反应;诱导期;机理;

54、As a result, 13 fusants were obtained, among which the 10th fusant had the best malic acid-reducing capability and the best fermenting performance. ─── 共获得13株融合株,其中10号融合子发酵、降酸性能较佳。

55、Prophetic people walk into a garden, resist hard malic fragrance. ─── 先知们走进园子,难以抵御苹果的香味。

56、The effects of malic acid-lactic acid fermentation (MLF) on the contents and the proportion of main volatile components in grape wine were studied. ─── 摘要研究MLF对赤霞珠葡萄酒中主要挥发性成分的含量和比例的影响。

57、Effect of different coated organic acids (including citric acid, oxalic acid, and malic acid) on detoxification of aluminum of wheat in red soil was studied using pot experiment. ─── 摘要通过盆栽试验研究红壤施用柠檬酸、草酸和苹果酸三种不同包膜有机酸对不同小麦品种解铝毒的作用。

58、The concentrations of 300 mg/L and 400 mg/L ethephon reduced the contents of chl a,chl b and carotenoid, and the activity of malic enzyme, and the decreases were greater with the concentrations of ethephon applied in the treatment. ─── 300mg/L,400mg/L则降低了甘蔗叶片叶绿素a、叶绿素b及类胡萝卜素的含量,对NADP-苹果酸酶活性也有明显的抑制作用,且浓度越大,抑制作用越强。

59、Keywords Schizophyllum commune;Fermentation;Malic acid;Carbon source;Nitrogen source;Inorganic salt; ─── 关键词裂褶菌;发酵;苹果酸;碳源;氮源;无机盐;

60、Primary study of NAD malic enzyme was carried out in facultative CAM plants Sedum aizoon and Mesembryanthemum cordifolium. ─── 以土三七(Sedum aizoon)和露花(Mesem bryanthem um cordifolium )为材料,对兼性景天酸代谢(CAM)植物的NAD-苹果酸酶作了初步研究。

61、More important, and a new generation of organic acids, such as acetic acid, pyrrole-carboxylic acid, oxalic acid, malic acid, citric acid, and so on. ─── 更重要的是,又生成了新的有机酸,如乙酸、吡咯酮羧酸、草酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸等。

62、Establishing earlier, malic computer company ever carried pensile the jolly Roger on the head in the building, allege to common people " I am extraordinary " . ─── 在创办初期,苹果电脑公司曾在楼顶悬挂海盗旗,向世人宣称“我就是与众不同”。

63、Stevioside and citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid, organic acids, amino acid combination, after taste of stevia Disinfectants significant effect, improving the quality of sweetness; ─── 8. 8. 甜菊糖与柠檬酸、苹果酸、酒石酸、乳酸、有机酸、氨基酸等合用,对甜菊糖后味有明显消杀效果,提高甜味质量;

64、In the meantime, the malic China general manager that just assumes a post repeatedly, Li Bin that comes over to be less than 3 months from IBM airdrop also fails escape by sheer luck. ─── 同时,连刚刚到任的苹果中国总经理、从 IBM 空投过来不到3个月的李滨也未能幸免。

65、Citric Acid and Malic Acid Powder(Snucop) RNL Life Science,Ltd. 2012.12 ─── 枸橼酸、苹果酸粉(速可净)韩国RNL生命科学有限公司(2008)外兽药证字04号2008.01-

66、Ingredient:Water,Sugar,Glucose Syrup,Pectin,Sodium Benzoate,Citric Acid,Malic Acid,Lactic Acid,Artifical Flavor, Artifical Colors (E129,E102,E133) . ─── 成分:水,糖,葡萄糖浆,果胶,苯甲酸钠,柠檬酸,苹果酸,乳酸,食用香料,食用色素(E129,E102,E133).

67、Additional, with fruit vinegar, for example malic vinegar and shampoo of water of grape vinegar add can let send qualitative fleeciness softness. ─── 另外,用果醋,例如苹果醋和葡萄醋兑水洗头则可以让发质蓬松柔软。

68、Actually, what worry for many industry companies is, cannot appear in China " malic shop " such company, operation business will use his absolutely channel forestall to replace. ─── 实际上,为不少业界公司担心的就是,在中国出现不了“苹果商店”这样的公司,运营商将利用自己绝对的渠道垄断取而代之。

69、Compared with conventional batch fermentation, this novel method increased both glucose conversion rate and L malic acid production rate evidently, decreased the fermentation period conspicuously. ─── 与常规分批发酵相比,采用分离发酵法生产L-苹果酸,能明显提高菌体的糖转化率和产酸速率,并显著缩短发酵周期。

70、In the produced organic acids, the contents of lactic acid, malic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid and acetic acid were higher than oxalic acid. ─── 有机酸则以乳酸、苹果酸、柠檬酸、琥珀酸、酒石酸、乙酸含量较高 ,草酸含量较低 ;

71、For example, fumarase catalyzes the interconversion of malic acid and fumaric acid. ─── 如延胡羧酸酶能催化苹果酸和反丁烯二酸的可逆反应。

72、Regard malic company heavyweight as the character, his healthy state has the bound outside sufferring pays close attention to. ─── 作为苹果公司重量级人物,他的健康状况备受外界关注。

73、malic acid ─── n. [化]苹果酸, 羟基丁二酸

74、The mutual depend on sb or sth for existence between buyer and bargainor concerns with what restrict each other, namely " malic market " fundamental connotation. ─── 买方与卖方之间的相互依存和相互制约的关系,就是“苹果市场”的基础内涵。

75、Malic acid occurs naturally in grapes. ─── 葡萄中天然含有苹果酸。

76、Pharmaceutical and chemical industries: all kinds of press tablet and granule, boric acid, borax, dihydroxybenzene, malic acid, maleic acid and so on; ─── 医药化工:各种压片颗粒、硼酸、硼砂、苯二酚、苹果酸、马来酸等。

77、They contain nitrogen and usually occur as salts of asids such as citric, malic, and succinic acids such as citric, malic, and succinic acids. ─── 它们是一类含氮的,一般由酸性盐如柠檬酸,苹果酸,琥珀酸所形成。

78、Malic Dehydrogenase, placenta, Rabbit anti-Human. ─── 苹果酸脱氢酶,胎盘,兔抗人。

79、The aim of this research is to establish a analytical method for the determination of phytic acid , glycolic acid , lactic acid , malic acid and mandelic acid in cosmetics. ─── 本研究目的在于建立植酸、甘醇酸、乳酸、苹果酸与杏仁酸之混酸溶液之分析方法。研究中针对管柱的种类、移动相之种类与组成、移动相之流速等因素。

80、2, malic eye film: Cut the apple chip apply to be in eye ministry lower part, if effect of the cold storage in preexistence freezer will be better. ─── 2、苹果眼膜:将苹果切薄片敷在眼部下方,如果先在冰箱里冷藏效果会更好。

81、malic acid-lactic acid fermentation (MLF) ─── MLF

82、Most vintners let the wine age a bit so bacteria can turn malic acid into the "softer, " "rounder" lactic acid. ─── 大多数葡萄酒商会将葡萄酒存放几年,细菌即可将苹果酸变成一种口感更加“柔和”、更加“圆润”的乳酸。

83、Gum rosin,terpene phenolic resin and malic resin were analysed and identified by FTIR.The results show this way is simple,rapid and accurate. ─── 本文对脂松香、石炭酸松香树脂和马林酸松香树脂的红外光谱进行剖析并鉴定,方法快速、简便、准确。

84、Formic, acetic, propyl, butyl, lactic, crylic, malonic, succinic, malic, tartaric, maleic, salicylic and p-nitryl benzyl acid were extracted with n-octanol as diluent. ─── 以正辛醇为稀释剂对甲酸、乙酸、丙酸、丁酸、乳酸、丙烯酸、丙二酸、丁二酸、苹果酸、酒石酸、马来酸、水杨酸和间硝基苯甲酸等羧酸进行萃取。

85、Become toothpaste besmear in malic surface additionally cleaner, this method is very good also with. ─── 另外将牙膏涂在苹果表面当清洁剂,这个办法也很好用。

86、Genetic figure - I am genetic malic contrast figure of the mother, this kind of figure increased cardiac pressure. ─── “苹果”形身材的女性保持身材的最好办法就是吃低脂肪的食物。多吃些水果、蔬菜和高纤维食品,外加适量的蛋白质。

87、There are two groups of chelating compounds found in hyperaccumulators, e.g. low molecular weight compounds including oxalic acid, histidine, malic ac-id,... ─── 本文就超积累植物体内的小分子螯合物质及其生理作用作一概述。

88、Its delicate blend of malic acid and sugar, together with that melt-in-your-mouth texture make them ideal for any number of sweet and savoury delights. ─── 它的宜人的味道精妙的混合了果酸和糖,还有它入口即化的质地,使得它成为一切芳香可口味道的理想。

89、Two isozymes, malic enzyme (ME) and esterase (EST), were analyzed by using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and biochemical staining in Spinacia oleracea. ─── 摘要采用聚丙烯酰胺不连续垂直平板电泳(PAGE)技术,对菠菜雌株雄株叶片和花器官的酯酶同工酶(EST)及苹果酸酶同工酶(ME)酶谱进行了比较分析。

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