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10-02 投稿


moonrise 发音


英:  美:

moonrise 中文意思翻译



moonrise 网络释义

n. 月出时分;月光

moonrise 短语词组

1、moonrise primo ─── 月出第一

2、moonset moonrise ─── 月落 ─── 月升

3、moonrise moonset ─── 月出 ─── 月落

4、moonrise halos ─── 月亮升起光环

5、moonrise ume ─── 月出ume

6、moonrise over monument valley ─── 纪念碑谷月出

7、Moonrise (novel) ─── 月亮升起(小说)

8、Moonrise Kingdom ─── 月亮王国

moonrise 相似词语短语

1、moonlike ─── 卫星状

2、moonfishes ─── n.月鱼(moonfish的复数形式);翻车鱼(moonfish的复数形式);琴鲤科

3、moonphase ─── 月相

4、moonish ─── adj.反复无常的;如月的

5、mainprise ─── n.保释

6、motorise ─── v.(给车辆、装置)装发动机;(使部队)摩托化(等于motorize)

7、moonfish ─── n.翻车鱼

8、moonstrike ─── 可能的

9、colourise ─── 着色

moonrise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties. ─── 月亮升得很慢,但每时每刻都有微妙的差异。

2、I've seen countless sunrise and sunsets in my life, but I have never seen a moonrise. ─── 以前日出日落看过无数次,可是今天我第一次看月出。

3、Her Boat turns Back without waiting moonrise To yoyal house amid amorous sighs. ─── 回舟不待月, 归去越王家。

4、At moonrise,as we slow our minds to the pace of the heavens,enchantment steals over us. ─── 月亮升起的时候,因为我们放慢了对天空思索的节拍,大自然的魅力博得了我们的心。

5、As sure as moonrise over Possession Island, king penguins gather each year for ecstatic display. ─── 就像月亮必然会在谱瑟斯恩岛上升起一样,每一年,帝企鹅都会毫无疑问地为“狂欢炫耀”而聚集。

6、I say concept, I agree on the new moonrise, almost a random combination of several capital letters, can trigger a trend, which is also capable of consumers north and south, east and west; ─── 一说概念,那是月月出新,几乎几个英文大写字母随机一组合,就能引发一种新潮流,消费者哪还分得清东西南北;

7、A while ago Ming Ming told us the riverbank by his house is a great location to see the moonrise. I never had the chance to go. ─── 记得前些日子铭铭说过在他家旁的江边看月出很棒,但是一直没有机会去看。

8、At moonrise, the moon will appear even larger than it will later in the night when it's higher in the sky. ─── 月出时分的月亮显得比它在更深的夜晚升得更高时要大。

9、When it was good and dark, I slid out from the shore before moonrise. ─── 天完全黑了,我就在月亮出来之前从河岸上溜出去了。

10、When it was good and dark, I slid out from shore before moonrise. ─── 天完全黑了。我就在月亮出来之前从河岸上溜了出去。

11、SunCatchers at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico stand dormant at moonrise. ─── 在新墨西哥州的桑迪亚国家实验室,阳光采集器晚上处于休眠状态。

12、A second circular LCD display around the edge shows the times of moonrise and moonset. ─── 环绕表盘的第二圈的液晶屏显示月生月落。

13、How can you know what time to expect moonrise or moonset? ─── 你是如何知道何时期盼月起月落的?

14、Never again will a citizen of this galaxy watch a moonrise in quite the same way.He will stare at that moon, and remember that the Empire is firmly in control. ─── 就一般的山寨杂志来说,这本书是很厚道的,不过那光盘的内容渣到极点了,就是为了把书以音像制品的方式出版而已。

15、At moonrise, as we slow our minds to the pace of the heavens, enchantment steals over us. ─── 月亮升起时,当我们放慢自己的思想,以跟随天国的脚步,一种心醉神迷的感觉就会流遍全身。

16、moonrise and moonset tables ─── 月亮出没时间表

17、Come moonrise, they were back in their saddles, trotting eastward under a mantle of stars. ─── 在月初时分,他们回到马上,在星幕下向西小步疾行。

18、Tell himTell him that the sun and moonRise in his eyes ─── 去告诉他他的眼睛里有日月

19、But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. for that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely. ─── 但我来观看的是月出的活剧。因为,这使我心中重新获得被城市过于慷慨地消耗掉的宁静与明澈。

20、How can you know what time to expect moonrise or moonset? ─── 你是如何知道何时期盼月起月落的?

21、At moonrise, as we slow our minds to the pace of the heavens, enchantment 32)steals over us. ─── 但无论怎样,月亮依然牵动我们的心灵。

22、Born in 1949, 12 Moonrise Suzhou. ─── 1949年12月出生于苏州。

23、But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. for that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely. ─── 但我来观看的是月出的活剧。因为,这使我心中重新获得被城市过于慷慨地消耗掉的宁静与明澈。

24、After the moonrise, we went to have dinner at my favorite Mediterranean Cafe on Da Gu Road. ─── 看完了月出,跟朋友去大沽路的地中海餐厅吃饭。

25、At moonrise, the moon will appear even larger than it will later in the night when it's higher in the sky. ─── 月出时分的月亮显得比它在更深的夜晚升得更高时要大。

26、Never again will a citizen of this galaxy watch a moonrise in quite the same way. ─── 前者注重的是玩乐和时尚,后者强调独行和荒野。

27、At moonrise, the moon will appear even larger than it will later in the night when it's higher in the sky.This is an illusion that scientists can't fully explain. ─── 初升的月亮看起来比逐步升高的月亮要更大一些,科学家对这种假象尚无圆满的解释。

28、The expert explained that tonight different latitude area, moonrise time basic same. ─── 专家解释,今晚不同纬度的地区,月出时间基本相同。

29、Her boat turns back without waiting moonrise, ─── 回舟不待月

30、Summer is a man with his coat off, wet sand between your toes, the smell of a garden an hour before moonrise. ─── 夏日是赤裸着上身的男人,是浸入你脚趾间的湿露露的沙子,夏日朝阳初升前一小时的那花园里的清香味。

31、Anxious Moonlight and Happy Moonrise ─── 揪心的月夜怡心的月色

32、Western Europe will see the beginning stages of the eclipse before moonset, while western Asia will get the later stages after moonrise. ─── 欧洲西部将会在月落之前看到月食的开始阶段,而亚洲西部在月升之后将看到后期阶段。

33、is slow and serried with subtleties. ─── 是缓缓的,而又充满惊喜的。

34、the sunset and moonrise my pathos, and unimaginable realms of faerie;broad noon shall be my England of the senses and the understanding; ─── 晨曦是我的亚述古国日落和明月是我梦想中的帕弗斯仙境正午是我感觉与理解中的英格兰;

35、moon rise (moonrise) ─── 月出

36、But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. ─── 然而,真正令我神往的,却是那美异如戏的月出。

37、at moonrise, an we slow our minds to the pace of the heavens, enchantment steals over us. ─── 月出之时,当我们放慢自己的思想,让她跟天国的节奏同步,一种心醉神迷的感觉就会流遍全身。

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