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monsieur 发音

英:[m??sj?:r]  美:[m??sj?:]

英:  美:

monsieur 中文意思翻译



monsieur 网络释义

n. (法)先生;绅士

monsieur 短语词组

1、monsieur melody melody ─── 先生

2、petit monsieur ─── 小先生

3、high monsieur beaucaire ─── 高级博凯尔先生

4、monsieur mickey ─── 米奇先生

5、oldelaf et monsieur d ─── 奥德拉夫和D先生

6、pour monsieur blogspot ─── 对于Blogspot先生

monsieur 词性/词形变化,monsieur变形


monsieur 相似词语短语

1、m'sieur ─── n.先生(等于monsieur)

2、sonsier ─── adj.开朗的;丰满的;好性情的(sonsy的变形)

3、Monseigneur ─── n.阁下;有此荣衔的人

4、monoskier ─── 单人滑雪运动员

5、messieurs ─── n.(用于法国人名前)各位先生,先生们(monsieur的复数形式)

6、donsie ─── 驴

7、moner ─── n.无核原生物

8、mon Dieu ─── n.我的天啊!(等于myGod)

9、monster ─── n.怪物;巨人,巨兽;残忍的人;adj.巨大的,庞大的

monsieur 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Waiter: Monsieur et Madame, Drummond should be along shortly. Bon Appetit! ─── 侍者:邓蒙德先生和夫人马上就来,祝你们愉快。

2、But Monsieur Fitzgerald that they keep asking me about? ─── 可是人们不断向我打听的那位菲茨杰拉德先生呢?

3、Monsieur Sorel: Mademoiselle Caron, voici Paul. Paul, voici mademoiselle Caron. ─── 卡伦小姐,这位是保罗。保罗,这位是卡伦小姐。

4、"Has not Monsieur le Baron perused my letter? ─── “难道男爵先生没有读过我的信吗?”

5、"Well, by taking post-horses, Monsieur cannot reach Arras before to-morrow. ─── “那么,用邮局的马的话,先生也不能在明天以前到达阿拉斯。

6、Bertuccio appeared."Monsieur Bertuccio, you understand that I intend entertaining company on Saturday at Auteuil." Bertuccio slightly started. ─── 伯爵身为巨富,此处虽身临时住所,却也装饰得富丽堂皇,因此从外面看他的府邸犹如宫殿一般。

7、"Monsieur Vernet," Fache said, before the man could even speak, "I am sorry I did not call you earlier. ─── “韦尔内先生,”法希还没等那人开口,就先说道:“我很抱歉刚才没打电话给你。

8、"Good-day to you, Monsieur the Elector! ─── “早安,选董先生

9、"Monsieur le Baron, I will tell you all, leaving the recompense to your generosity. ─── “男爵先生,我一切都向您直说,酬劳由您慷慨赏赐好了。

10、You will do well to make your compliments to Madame St. Germain and Monsieur Pampigny. ─── 你应该向圣?日耳曼夫人和庞比尼先生问安。

11、"Monsieur l'Abbe, have me arrested. ─── “教士先生,您去叫人来捉我吧。

12、The valet come and gone, Monsieur the Marquis walked to and fro in his loose chamber-robe, to prepare himself gently for sleep, that hot still night. ─── 侍从来了又走了。 侯爵大人穿上宽松的睡袍,在屋里踱来踱去,在那个平静闷热的夜里安详地准备着睡觉。

13、Unlike Monsieur Yquem's dodgy plonk, this book is the genuine article. ─── 不像以奎姆酒先生精心包装过的劣等廉价葡萄酒,本书是货真价实的好文章。

14、"No more than yourself!" retorted Marius rudely, who had begun to notice that this police agent had not yet said "monsieur" to him. ─── “不会比看见您更害怕些。”马吕斯粗声大气地回答,他开始注意到这探子还没有对他称过一声先生。

15、One evening as I was walking through the village, I heard a voice coming from a cottage, "Bonsoir, Monsieur". ─── 一天晚上,当我走过村庄时,我听到一声声音从小屋传来,“晚安先生”。

16、"Did not Monsieur le Maire order a tilbury? ─── " “难道市长先生没有要过一辆小车吗?”

17、"Did you have a pleasant trip, Monsieur le Maire? ─── “您一路上都好吧,市长先生?

18、I begged Monsieur Duval to sit down by the fire, which he did, taking from his pocket a handkerchief with which he momentarily hid his face. ─── 我请迪瓦尔先生在炉边坐下。他一面就坐,一面从口袋里掏出一块手帕,把脸捂了一会儿。

19、They began to descend; Monsieur Defarge going first with the lamp, Mr. Lorry closing the little procession. ─── 他们开始下楼,德伐日先生提着灯走在前面,罗瑞先生断后。

20、Your resemblance to your sister is amazing, Monsieur De Nostredame. It's striking! ─── 你和你妹妹惊人的相似,诺查丹玛斯先生。太惊人了。

21、"The one dragging the other, Monsieur le Maire," said the Fleming, with a broad smile. ─── “马带车子,市长先生,”那佛兰德人呵呵大笑地说。

22、"Precisely, monsieur," replied Monte Cristo with one of those smiles that a painter could never represent or a physiologist analyze. ─── “一点不错,阁下。”基督山微笑说道,他的这个微笑是画家都无法用画笔表现出来的,心理学家也无法分析出来的。

23、And, with a poignant accent, he added: "Monsieur Pontmercy, this is not common sense, I am an honest man. ─── 于是他用一种痛心而强调的语气继续说:“彭眉胥先生,这不合乎常情,我是一个诚实的人。

24、Sie irren sich, Monsieur, das ist nicht mein Taschentuch. ─── “您弄错了,先生,这不是我的手帕。”

25、YVETTE: Monsieur Louis? You don't want any supper? ─── 伊薇特:路易先生,你不吃晚饭吗?

26、On the other hand, by the arrangements of Monsieur the Provost, the Mystery was to last from noon till four o', and they were obliged to say something. ─── 只是府尹大人有令,圣迹剧必须从正午演到下午四点钟,所以总得说点什么。

27、Bonjour Monsieur Soleil ! / Good morning Mr. Sunshine ! ─── 63文档讨论7会员加入此群组?

28、In the midst of his revery he heard some one saying to him, "Will Monsieur do me the honor to follow me? ─── 他在梦魂萦绕中听到一个人向他说:“先生肯赏光让我带路吗?”

29、"My children," said the grandfather, "here you are, Monsieur le Baron and Madame la Baronne, with an income of thirty thousand livres. ─── “我的孩子,”外祖父说,“你们现在是男爵先生和男爵夫人了,有三万利弗的年金。”

30、"Monsieur le Cure, this is for your poor people. ─── “神甫先生,这是给您的穷人的。

31、"I tell you that there is no Monsieur Madeleine and that there is no Monsieur le Maire. ─── “我告诉你,这儿没有马德兰先生,也没有市长先生。

32、"Willingly, sir," said Monsieur Defarge, and quietly stepped with him to the door. ─── “说吧,先生,”德伐日先生说,平静地跟他走到门边。

33、Oh, poor Monsieur Armand!What a sad day today has been!This morning, Marguerite could not get her breath. ─── 今天这个日子是多么凄惨啊,可怜的阿尔芒先生!

34、DRESSMAKER: Monsieur, I need more light. I shall go blind if you do not bring me a lamp, or let me fit this child during the day. ─── 女裁缝:先生,我需要更多的亮光。要是你不把那灯拿给我,我会瞎的,让我白天再为这孩子做衣服吧。

35、La voiture de monsieur Lemoine est jeune. Elle est grande. ─── 勒梦先生的车是黄颜色的,它(车子)很大。

36、Manager: Ah! The famous Monsieur poirot. I grovel in mortification, I grovel! ─── 乔德利:啊,著名的波洛先生,我未免太失敬了,失敬了。

37、"Mais, monsieur," the concierge pressed, lowering his voice to an urgent whisper."Your guest is an important man. ─── “可是,先生,”接待员赶紧打断了他,压低了声音,急迫地耳语道:“您的客人是位重要人物。”

38、In a poor district in Paris, in the year 1775, there was a wine shop, the owner of which was Monsieur Defarge. ─── 1775年在巴黎的贫民区有一家酒店,酒店的老板是德法奇先生。

39、Monsieur the Officer,' said Defarge, getting down, and taking him gravely apart, 'these are the papers of monsieur inside, with the white head. ─── “那就看这儿,军官先生,”德伐日说,走下车把卫兵拉到一旁,“这是车里那位白头发先生的证件。

40、Monsieur to a convict is like a glass of water to one of the shipwrecked of the Medusa. ─── “先生”对于罪犯,正象一杯水对于墨杜萨的遭难音。

41、Could not we all, monsieur? The construction area adjacent to our compound can be a good source of contraband. ─── 先生,没有吗?建设区就在我们的区域旁边,是个很好的违禁品来源。

42、Monsieur Cartier; Monsieur Jacques Cartier. ─── 卡蒂埃先生; 雅克卡蒂埃先生

43、"Do you content the people-I will undertake to appease Monsieur the provost, who, in his turn, will appease Monsieur the Cardinal. ─── “快满足群众的要求。 我负责去恳求典吏息怒,典吏再去请红衣主教大人息怒。”

44、Good Madame, recommend us to the prayers of your sainted relative, Monsieur the Cardinal. ─── 仁慈的夫人,请您代求贵戚红衣主教先生为我们祷告。

45、Some half-dozen other particular friends promptly hauled him out, and presented him breathless to Monsieur the Marquis. ─── 另外五六个好朋友立即把他拽了出来,气喘吁吁地送到侯爵大人面前。

46、Monsieur, das ist das Taschentuch einer wohlhabenden Dame. Pariser Arbeit. Mit der Hand gestickt. ─── “先生,这是有钱的女士用的手帕。是巴黎货,是手工刺绣的。”

47、"Every drop, Jacques," answered Monsieur Defarge. ─── “每一滴都喝光了,雅克,”德伐日先生回答。

48、In the very midst of his revery, his old servant Basque entered, and inquired:-- "Can Monsieur receive M.Marius? ─── 他正深深陷在这种梦想中时,他的老仆人巴斯克走进来问道:“先生,能接见马吕斯先生吗?”

49、"Monsieur," said he, "how many beds do you think this hall alone would hold? ─── “先生,”他说,“您以为,就拿这个厅来说,可以容纳多少床位?”。莲。华南植物园。

50、"Monsieur," said the girl, "are they going on? ─── “先生,他们还演吗?”

51、"Then it must have been at Chateaubriand's that I have seen Monsieur! ─── “那我就是在夏多勃里昂家里见到过先生!

52、The faucet marked C gave me boiling water.But, Monsieur, C stands for chaude - Fren... ─── “这太可恶了,”他抱怨道,“标着C的龙头流出的是开水。”

53、Monsieur the Marquis ran his eyes over them all, as if they had been mere rats come out of their holes. ─── 侯爵老爷的眼睛扫过他们全体,好象他们都不过是跑出洞外的耗子。

54、Und jetzt die 5000, Monsieur Mesmer. ─── 5000元,麦斯墨先生,现在。

55、"I beg Monsieur le Maire's pardon. ─── “我请市长先生原谅。

56、Perhaps, monsieur, you would make some more calculations. ─── 也许,先生,您又得做些计算了。

57、"Excuse me," said the implacable young girl, "Monsieur Albert claims and well deserves his share. ─── “原谅我,”欧热妮深恶痛绝地说,“阿尔贝先生应该逃脱不了那种羞耻。

58、Non , Monsieur , il y a erreur . Je suis Mme Pierre Duval . ─── 不,先生,您弄错了,我是皮埃尔.杜瓦尔夫人。

59、I believe I'm honest, monsieur, but, to be outspoken , I've had several trades. ─── 先生,我自信还是个诚实人,但是说实在话我干过很多种行业了。

60、"How did this happen,monsieur"said I. ─── “这是怎么发生的呢,先生?”我说。

61、"What, Monsieur Pierre! You think assassination is greatness of soul?" Said the little princess, smiling and moving her work nearer to her. ─── “皮埃尔先生,您把谋杀看作是精神的伟大吗?”矮小的公爵夫人说道,她一面微微发笑,一面把针线活儿移到她自己近旁。

62、Have you heard about Monsieur Poirot's anonymous letter? ─── 你听说波洛收到匿名信了吗?

63、Monsieur the Marquis ran his eyes over them all, as if they had been mere rats come out of their holes. ─── 侯爵老爷的眼睛扫过他们全体,好象他们都不过是跑出洞外的耗子。

64、I shall ask permission of my husband for you to be `Monsieur Jean. ' I hope that he will not consent to it. ─── 我要问我的丈夫是否允许我称您让先生,我希望他不同意。

65、"It is the knell, Monsieur Madeleine. ─── “这是报丧钟,马德兰先生。

66、As soon as he had left the bank, Darnay opened the letter. It was from Monsieur Gabelle, who had been arrested and taken to Paris. ─── 一离开银行,代尔那就打开了信。信是加贝尔先生写来的,他已经被抓了起来而且被送到了巴黎。

67、"Bien, Monsieur le Commandant," said Madame Bernaud evenly. ─── “好吧,长官,”伯纳德夫人不动声色地说。

68、"Yes, my good Monsieur Courfeyrac. ─── “是啊,我的好古费拉克先生。

69、"It is late, Monsieur le Commandant, and it is so dark upstairs. ─── “天晚了,长官,楼上那么黑。

70、Then, raising his voice:-- "Hold, Monsieur the director of the hospital, I will tell you something. There is evidently a mistake here. ─── 他自言自语地说,随着又提高嗓子,“瞧,院长先生,我告诉您,这里显然有了错误。

71、"Monsieur," said the woman, "my boy tells me that you wish to hire a cabriolet. ─── “先生,”老妇人说,“我的孩子告诉我,说您想租一辆车子。”

72、"So be it, Monsieur le Baron. ─── “好吧,男爵先生,我说清楚点。

73、Monsieur Sorel:Une question, Paul! ─── 保罗,有一个问题。

74、Non, Monsieur, vous devrez changer a Paris. ─── 不是的,先生,您需要在巴黎换车。

75、Versailles was designed by Louis Le Vau and his assistant Monsieur Paul Chatal. ─── 凡尔赛宫是由路易·勒沃和他的助手保罗·查塔尔先生设计的。

76、Do you want to see Monsieur Duval, sir? continued the gardener, who walked at my side. ─── “先生是不是想去拜访迪瓦尔先生?”走在我旁边的园丁接着说。

77、"Monsieur le Baron, a sewer is not the Champ de Mars.One lacks everything there, even room. ─── “男爵先生,一条阴沟不是‘马尔斯广场’,那里什么都缺,也缺地方。

78、"This is Monsieur Meursault," the warden said to her. ─── “默而索先生,”院长介绍说。

79、Jean Valjean resumed: "Have no fear, Monsieur Pontmercy, I adjure you. ─── 冉阿让又说:“彭眉胥先生,不用担心,我恳求您。

80、"Monsieur le Baron, deign to listen to me.There is in America, in a district near Panama, a village called la Joya. ─── “男爵先生,请听我说,在美洲巴拿马那边一个地区,有一个村子叫若耶,这村子只有一所房子。

81、Olympe drove by in an elegant carriage which Monsieur de N has given her. She tried to cut me with a look. ─── 奥林普坐在一辆N先生送给她的漂亮的马车里经过,她想用眼光来侮辱我。

82、"Monsieur le maire," said the Bishop, "is that really all? ─── “乡长先生,”主教说,“就只是这点小事吗?

83、"If Monsieur desires to witness a case, it is rather late. ─── “假使先生您要看审案,时间少许迟了点。

84、"Monsieur Javert," said she, "I beseech your mercy. ─── “沙威先生,”她说,“我求您开恩。

85、Good-day to you, Monsieur the Elector! ─── “早安,选董先生!”

86、"It was yourself, monsieur," said the obsequious waiter. ─── “就是你自己,先生。”堂倌奉承道。

87、Monsieur Verdoux was one of Chaplin's later films. ─── 杜先生》是卓别林后期的一部影片。

88、but , continued monsieur duval with embarrassment , the least i can do is to give you what you paid for it . please take it as a gift. ─── “但是,”迪瓦尔先生不好意思地说,“那么至少我也得把您付掉的书款还给您。”

89、"Go, then, and monsieur and I will strive our best to forget your absence," replied the countess, with the same tone of deep feeling. ─── “去吧,那么,我一定尽力使我们的贵客忘记你已出门

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