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10-02 投稿


mechanist 发音

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mechanist 中文意思翻译



mechanist 相似词语短语

1、machinist ─── n.机械工;机械师;机械安装修理工

2、mechaniser ─── 机械化器

3、mechanise ─── v.使机械化(等于mechanize)

4、mechanists ─── n.机械论者;机械技师

5、mechanism ─── n.机制;原理,途径;进程;机械装置;技巧

6、mechanised ─── adj.机械化的,用机械装置的;v.使机械化,使……用机械装置(mechanise的过去式和过去分词)

7、mechanisms ─── n.机制;[机]机构(mechanism的复数);机械;[机]机构学

8、mechanistic ─── adj.机械论的;机械学的

9、mechanises ─── v.使机械化(等于mechanize)

mechanist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、My spies tell me that meddling Mechanist has been removed from the picture. I only wish I had that tin-man's shell to gloat over! ─── 我的间谍告诉我那个干涉机械论者已经从这张照片中被移除。我只是希望我能有那个铁家伙的壳在那边幸灾乐祸!

2、Answer me, mechanist, has Nature arranged all the springs of feeling in this animal to the end that he might not feel? ─── 那麽,说动物是机械论者,请告诉我,自然之母难道给了这只动物所有感觉的泉源,却不容许牠有感觉?

3、Shortage of credit: the mechanist barrier of deepening enterprises'market distribution ─── 信用缺失:企业市场营销深化的机制性障碍

4、Well, Hobbes took this mechanist view of nature to its extreme. ─── 霍布斯将自然机械论观点发挥到了极致。

5、Endangered Situations and Mechanist of Species Diversity of the Ornamental Plants in Guizhou Mountain Regions and Its Conservation ─── 贵州山区珍稀观赏植物物种多样性濒危现状及保护

6、Shortage of credit: the mechanist barrier of deepening enterprises'market distribution ─── 信用缺失:企业市场营销深化的机制性障碍

7、Endangered Situations and Mechanist of Species Diversity of the Ornamental Plants in Guizhou Mountain Regions and Its Conservation ─── 贵州山区珍稀观赏植物物种多样性濒危现状及保护

8、Such pathologies in modern classroom as domination,separation and linearity may be attributed to the dominant mechanist views. ─── 机械论与生态论是截然不同的两种宇宙论,控制、分离与线性等现代课堂病理都可归为机械论主导。

9、25 My spies tell me that meddling Mechanist has been removed from the picture. I only wish I had that tin-man's shell to gloat over! ─── 我的间谍告诉我那个干涉机械论者已经从这张照片中被移除。我只是希望我能有那个铁家伙的壳在那边幸灾乐祸!

10、Hobbes took this mechanist view of nature to its extreme. ─── 霍布斯将自然机械论观点发挥到了极致。

11、We have many engineers and mechanist with rich experiences. ─── 作为专业水处理设备制造公司,我们能供应各种类型和规格的水处理设备。

12、On a Mechanist for Settlement of Trade Disputes in the Cross-Strait Cooperation ─── 建立两岸经济合作中的争端解决机制

13、On a Mechanist for Settlement of Trade Disputes in the Cross-Strait Cooperation ─── 建立两岸经济合作中的争端解决机制

14、Mechanist Quartermaster Sergeant ─── 机械军需军士

15、Objective:To research the functional mechanist of Children Cough Pellet(CCP)and to evaluate its clinical efficacy. ─── 目的:评价小儿止咳颗粒治疗小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘的临床疗效。

16、Study the Ppublic Participation Mechanist Integration of Environment and Development in Decision-making ─── 探讨公众参与环境与发展综合决策的机制

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