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10-02 投稿


meshed 发音

英:[me?t]  美:[me?t]

英:  美:

meshed 中文意思翻译




meshed 常用词组

wire mesh ─── 金属丝网;铁丝网

steel mesh ─── 钢网;钢丝网

metal mesh ─── 金属网;钢丝网

meshed 短语词组

1、meshed network ─── 网状 ─── 网络

2、fine meshed ─── 细筛孔; ─── 细网格; ─── 细网目

3、fine-meshed ─── 带细孔, ─── 带细孔的

meshed 词性/词形变化,meshed变形

异体字: Mashhad |

meshed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Number of entries stored in the attribute table for the mesh. ─── 存储在网格的属性表中的项的数量。

2、Inflating the tube strains the mesh, providing a powerful pulling force. ─── 往橡皮管里充气能使网罩变形,产生强大的拉力。

3、Objects that specifies the mesh creation options. ─── 对象的数组,用于指定网格创建选项。

4、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains a sphere. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含球体的网格。

5、Stents are small, mesh tubes that prop open narrowed arteries. ─── 心脏支架是小的网状管道以撑开狭窄的动脉。

6、Fixed a problem with not being able to change the material on multi meshed objects. ─── 固定问题不能够改变物质的多环状物体.

7、A new mesh auto-generation algorithm of arbitrary quadrilateral is presented. ─── 在继承已有研究成果的基础上,发展一种任意不规则区域全自动四边形网格划分方法。

8、For most analytical applications, 100 to 200 mesh beads are sufficient. ─── 对于大多数分析工作来说,100目至200目的颗粒已经足够。

9、The Polygon Mesh Object library. ─── 多边形网格库

10、In order to analyse both the vertical and the horizontal strain at the same time, the elastic object is meshed by 8 node uniform parameter element. ─── 为了同时分析两个互相垂直方向平面应变状态,本文分析被压斜锲应变,采用8节点空间等参单元来划分斜锲连续体,被测平面节点呈互相垂直两个方向排列。

11、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains a torus. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含圆环的网格。

12、You'll also need raffia, decorative gravel or rocks, and wire mesh screen. ─── 加厚面层还可进行多次打磨翻新处理,从而增加使用年限。

13、How are we building our terrain mesh? ─── 我们如何建立地形模型?

14、We are specialized in manufacturing Fiberglass alkaline-resistance mesh fabric. ─── 其中耐碱涂覆玻纤网格布是我公司的主导产品。

15、Mesh is wear-resistant, breathable,light and ripstop. ─── 优质网布透气性好,轻量化、耐磨、抗撕裂。

16、Discs for cutting metal bouble mesh flat type. ─── 双网薄片树脂型切割片。

17、A vertically set fishing net of three layers, consisting of a finely meshed net between two nets of coarse mesh. ─── 三层刺网一种三层竖向安置的渔网,由一层细目网夹在两层粗目网中构成

18、Open mesh nylon upper for best breathability and quick drying. ─── 上部为透气尼龙网最佳休憩、快速干燥.

19、Rotary Air compressors use two meshed rotating positive-displacement helical screws to force the gas into a smaller space. ─── 充分发挥经济师在经济建设中应有的作用,提高行业道德水平,促进我省工程造价咨询业持续、健康、有序的发展。

20、Such enduring and intricately meshed levels of technical achievement outstrip by far anything achieved by our distant ancestors. ─── 迄今为止,这种耐用且复杂的网状物的技术成就所达到的水平超越了我们远古祖先的任何一项成就。

21、MPLS also scales to accommodate very large numbers of sites fully meshed, so phoning among corporate sites via VoIP shouldn't be a problem. ─── MPLS的也表,以容纳大量的网站完全啮合,所以打电话给其中的企业网站通过网络电话应该没有问题。

22、Gantois, the leading French company for perforated and meshed metal, and assembling these products... ─── 分类标题:金属筛网和金属滤网|穿孔钢板...

23、The following example shows the steps to create a mesh in this manner. ─── 下面的示例演示了以此方法创建网格的步骤。

24、The combined hydraulic cylinder adopts multiple sections of cylinder barrels which are meshed and fixed on a conical surface. ─── 筒体组合式液压缸,采用多节缸筒与缸筒组合联接型式为圆锥面啮合定位联接;

25、Using this method and related software, the oil pool of the thrust bearing was meshed. ─── 应用该算法实现了推力轴承油池网格的自动生成。

26、Install finer mesh strainer element in the strainer. ─── 在过滤器内安装更细筛网的过滤器元件。

27、Lots of fishes are meshed today. ─── 今天捕获很多鱼。

28、Mesh net wrapped around the quilt for improved air circulation. ─── 压边的网眼有助于流通空气。

29、Manufactures plastic bag, mesh, organza products. ─── - - 生产胶袋、环保袋及软胶制品。

30、In Gibbon's models, blood dripped over a wire mesh to expose it to oxygen. ─── 在吉彭的机器上,血液滴穿一个金属网,使血液暴露在氧气之中。

31、It involves dividing the globe into a finely meshed grid. ─── 它包括把地球表面划分为一个有细小网眼的网状区域。

32、A mesh for holding the hair in place. ─── 发网固定头发的圈

33、It is mostly engaged in producing plastic mesh bag. ─── 专业主要从事塑料网眼袋的生产与经营。

34、Is called, the mesh attribute buffer contains an attribute table. ─── 则网格属性缓冲区包含属性表。


36、Array that contains three values for each face in the mesh. ─── 一个数组,该数组中对网格中的每个平面都包含三个值。

37、Converts point representative data to mesh adjacency information. ─── 将点表示形式的数据转换为网格邻接信息。

38、She is scouting around for mesh stockings. ─── 她到处找长筒丝袜。

39、The Ziploc bag is strengthened with the plastic mesh bag (1.). ─── 平时用网袋包裹起来以保护它。

40、And with your bodies meshed tight in the tub, your guy can fondle your breasts and stroke you below the belt as he thrusts. ─── 你们的身体在浴缸里紧密接触,在插入时,你的男伴可以抚摸你的乳房,按摩你的下体。

41、They anchored a mesh over their bed. ─── 他们在床上支起帐子。

42、Their senses of humour meshed perfectly. ─── 他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。

43、Geometrical topics include partitioning and mesh generation. ─── 几何主题包括分割和网格生成。

44、Since people are very well-trained in having conversations, they are often able to take turns within milliseconds, resulting in a conversational flow of smoothly meshed behaviors. ─── 由于人们在交谈方面受过非常好的训练,他们通常能够在几毫秒内轮流进行交谈,从而形成流畅的对话。

45、The faces are defined in terms of the vertices and normals of the mesh. ─── 平面是根据网格的顶点和法线来定义的。

46、Three cog-wheels in mesh representing Industry. ─── 三个彼此咬合的轮代表工业。

47、Mini mesh stockings big temptation, it is well appreciated. ─── 大网眼丝袜的迷你诱惑,值得好好欣赏。

48、If the cogs don't mesh correctly, the gears will keep slipping. ─── 如果嵌齿不能完好啮合,齿轮就会脱落。

49、Use the Optimize method to create a new mesh with optimized data. ─── 使用Optimize方法以优化数据创建新网格。

50、Uses a left-handed coordinate system to create a mesh that contains a cylinder. ─── 使用左手坐标系创建包含圆柱体的网格。

51、A new mesh fixation method without stapling. ─── 外文期刊 Laparoscopic incisional hernia repair.

52、In engineering practice, several gears meshed with each other are usually used to change velocities of rotation and transmit power, which can be explained as follows. ─── 我们常见到在工程中,用一系列互相啮合的齿轮来实现变速,它们变速的基本原理是什么呢?

53、It specifies two types of network, point-to-multipoint and mesh modes. ─── 它制订了两种型态的网路,一个是点对多点,另一种是网状网路。

54、Gaulish coat of chainmail, of a very fine mesh. ─── 一件锁子甲制的高卢外衣,有很好网眼。

55、Converts mesh adjacency information to an array of point representatives. ─── 将网格邻接信息转换为点表示形式的数组。

56、Welded Wire Mesh serves as guards in buildings and factories, as anima... ─── 发布者:王大鹏所在地:河北衡水市行业:冶金矿产职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

57、In surface high grinding, adapts mesh point high accuracy big area printing. ─── 回答5.表面中高磨削,适应网点高精度大面积印刷.

58、His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs. ─── 他的理论把各种政治和宗教信仰完美地结合起来了。

59、Globalization did not mesh eastern and western culture into one. ─── 全球化并没有使东方文化或西方文化成为单一的文化。

60、These use carbon or mesh to catch impurities. ─── 它们是利用活性炭或者过滤网来捕捉杂质的。

61、Your plan and mine don't mesh well. ─── 你的计划与我的 (计划) 配合不起来。

62、His feet thrust him into a net and he wanders into its mesh. ─── 因为他被自己的脚陷入网中,走在缠人的网罗上。

63、In a mesh topology, each forest contains a server running MIIS 2003. ─── 在网状拓扑中,每个林都包含一台运行MIIS 2003的服务器。

64、The preprocessed mesh is exported by mesh file and imported into FLUENT. ─── 前处理生成的网格以mesh文件输出,再将输出文件导入FLUENT。

65、This happens when ink is solidified between ink nozzle and chamber of mesh. ─── 墨水在喷嘴和滤网之间形成凝结块,会出现堵头现象。

66、Both perforated plasterboard and mesh are OK when this openness is achieved. ─── 如果能达到此通透程度,穿孔的石膏板和钢网都可以使用。

67、That contains the vertex data associated with the mesh. ─── 它包含与网格相关联的顶点数据。

68、Their characters just don't mesh. ─── 他们的性格就是合不来。

69、For example the marble is the which one of my stairs: I copied it several times and I meshed it with Photoshop to eliminate the “tile” effect. ─── 例如大理石其实就是我家的楼梯:我将它复制了几个,然后将它网格化,消除它的块状效果。

70、All kinds of wire, wire mesh, wire mesh machine. ─── 我们是生产各种金属丝,丝网及丝网机器的厂家。

71、TGlib received signal SIGFPE (arithmetic exception) ERROR: Face face 10 of Volume Volume.18 could not be meshed. ─── 好像是说“面10"没有成功划分网格,我试着重新划分”面10“的网格,可还是不行,请问这是什么造成的?是因为”面10“有问题吗?

72、He is mending the wire mesh in front of the chicken coop . ─── 他正在鸡笼前面修理铁丝网。

73、Made of silver calfskin, its flap shines with Silver Shade Crystal Mesh. ─── 做银色小牛皮,它的挡水板发光与银色树荫水晶滤网。

74、Also making mesh caps, knitted caps, bucket hats, visors and so on. ─── 同时,也制作网眼帽,针织帽,礼帽、无顶帽等等。

75、The other method is to pass the powder through 200 or fine mesh screen. ─── 另一种是把软木粉用200目或更细的筛网进行筛

76、NEW Mesh ring with heart. Large heart. Made of Zircon and sterling silver. ─── 大心型镶嵌锆石编织网戒指。

77、Being in gear; meshed. ─── 嵌入的; 有网孔的

78、To become interlocked; mesh. ─── 啮合咬合在一起;融合

79、SIP can communicate via multicast, a mesh of unicast relationships, or a combination of multicast and unicast. ─── SIP可以通过多波(单波关系网)或多波与单波的结合,进行通信。

80、Determine the domain of influence for each node in the mesh. ─── 定义每个节点的影响域。

81、Second, The flywheel is meshed by solid element, and an apt connection of beam element and solid element is presented. ─── 对飞轮采用实体单元进行网格划分,并提出连接两类单元的方式。

82、Today updated a BALI new mesh livingroom, clothes and lots. Hope you like them. ─── 今天更新一套巴厘风格餐厅、2件女装和2栋房屋。欢迎下载。

83、Nian SS, Wu YS, Wang QG, Hou TS, Zhang CC.Mechanism of meshed relaxing short incision improving survival of tension skin flap in rats. ─── 年申生,吴岳嵩,王秋根,侯铁胜,张春才。网状减张缝合提高张力皮瓣存活率的机制。第二军医大学学报

84、Our ways of looking at these problems don't mesh with each other. ─── 我们对这些问题的看法并不一致。

85、Calfskin leather key ring with clear Crystal Mesh; stainless steel. ─── 小牛皮皮革钥匙圈有明确的晶体网格;不锈钢。

86、Gear racks are arranged at the side face of the transverse arm part and are meshed with the driving gear. ─── 所述横臂部件侧面装有齿条,齿条与驱动齿轮啮合。

87、A meshed network of lines, figures, or fibers. ─── 孔状网线、图或纤维的孔状网。

88、That describes the content of the vertices associated with the mesh. ─── 它描述与网格相关联的顶点的内容。

89、Within a few months, they had meshed their wide ranging influences to create the band's rich musical texture. ─── 数月之内,他们罗织自身的广泛影响,营造出乐队丰硕的音乐特质。

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