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10-02 投稿


survival 发音

英:[s?r?va?v(?)l]  美:[s??va?v(?)l]

英:  美:

survival 中文意思翻译



survival 词性/词形变化,survival变形


survival 常用词组

survival rate ─── 存活率

survival time ─── 生存时间;存活期

survival of the fittest ─── 适者生存

survival 短语词组

1、Prelaunch Survival Probability ─── 发射前生存概率

2、recurrence-free survival ─── 无复发生存

3、survival curve ─── [化] 存活曲线

4、survival kit n. ─── 求生背包

5、struggle for survival ─── 生存竞争

6、survival time ─── [医] 生存时间, 存活期

7、Survival Project ─── 生存项目

8、survival action ─── [法] 诉讼中的辛存者

9、survival function ─── [计] 残存函数

10、survival of the fittest n. ─── 适者生存

11、survival skill ─── 生存技能

12、survival percent ─── 成活率

13、the survival of the fittest ─── 适者生存

14、Air Drop Survival Kit ─── 空投生存工具包

15、ark survival evolved ─── 方舟生存进化

16、Deep Water Survival ─── 深水生存

17、survival ability ─── [医]生存能力

18、survival signal ─── 生存信号

19、Survival horror ─── 生存恐惧

survival 相似词语短语

1、surgical ─── adj.外科的;手术上的;n.外科手术;外科病房

2、surveyal ─── 调查

3、survives ─── vt.幸存;生还;幸免于;比……活得长;vi.存活;继续存在

4、survive ─── vt.幸存;生还;幸免于;比……活得长;vi.存活;继续存在

5、survivable ─── adj.使可幸免于难的;不致命的

6、survived ─── v.幸存;从……中坚持过来(survive的过去式和过去分词)

7、survivals ─── n.幸存,残存;幸存者,残存物

8、survivor ─── n.幸存者;生还者;残存物

9、surmisal ─── surmisal公司

survival 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、But he derives the courage and the survival strength from Shelley. ─── 但他从雪莱的身上汲取爱的勇气和生存的力量。

2、Our pay channel "strives for the survival in the crevice". ─── 二是付费频道节目内容不具备吸引力。

3、They are still fighting for survival. ─── 他们还在为生存而斗争。

4、The ethnic hatred seems to have been pushed aside and now people are pushing a common agenda and pursuing economic survival. ─── 种族的仇恨似乎已经被抛在两边,现在人民正在推行共同的议程,追求经济上的生存。

5、But too few people carry the gene to assure its long-term survival. ─── 但是携带这种基因的人为数太少,这种特质因此无法长期存在。

6、Survival rates were observed with FUDR+DDP+EADM+Iodine oil. ─── 使用药物FUDR+DDP+EADM+碘化油,观察存活率。

7、The doctor told my wife I had a fifty-fifty chance of survival. ─── 医生告诉我的妻子, 说我活下去的可能性只有50%。

8、The doctor told his wife he had a fifty-fifty chance of survival. ─── 医生告诉他的妻子,说他活下去的可能性只有50%。

9、As actor Peter Sellars of Pink Panther fame put it, "Survival? ─── 以《粉红豹》闻名的演员彼得沙列曾经说过:“生存?

10、Doctors had given him an even chance of survival. ─── 医生给了他同等的生存的机会。

11、Israeli politics go to survival. ─── 以色列的政策是为生存。

12、Life in the old West was often a case of the survival of the fittest. ─── 从前美国西部的生活往往是遵循适者生存的原则。

13、The doctors were zealous in their efforts to ensure the survival of premature babies. ─── 医生们在努力保证早产婴儿成活方面热情很高。

14、Survival biology can be equated to codependent love. ─── 幸存生态能被等同于共同依赖性的爱。

15、The drought had worsened their chances of survival. ─── 出现乾旱後他们就更难活命了.

16、You mean like survival of the fittest? ─── 你比较倾向于适当的侥幸。

17、That is an imperative of their commercial survival. ─── 它们要在商业上继续生存,就必须这么做。

18、The outlook for survival is bleak. ─── 存活希望极微。

19、The chances of his survival are only fifty to fifty. ─── 他生还的可能性只占一半。

20、Based on my experience, I do think my enemy should be ready to become a droop angle spiral slide in air, as they have no chance of survival. ─── 基于我的经验,我认为我的对手应该准备自己做“低垂角螺旋下滑”,因为他们没有任何生存的机会。

21、Most essentials of survival grow on trees. ─── 大多数生活必需品生长在树上。

22、The primary goal that any system seeks is survival. ─── 任何系统寻求的首要目标都是生存。

23、The readiness to keep on learning is vital to our continued survival. ─── 国家的继续生存,这是一大因素。

24、An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host. ─── 寄生生物一种在另一有机体上生长并以该有机体维持生存或蔽护但对宿主的生存毫无益处的生物

25、Today the survival of our species is threatened. ─── 今天人类的生存受到了威胁。

26、The management of the business objectives can be summed up in the survival, development and profitability. ─── 企业的管理目标可以概括为生存、发展和盈利。

27、What does "Survival of the Fittest" mean? ─── “适者生存”意味着什么?

28、Hoping you is an use the intelligence survival! ─── 希望你是个用智慧生存的人!

29、Finish the game without dying in survival mode. ─── 在生存模式中以一条命于60分钟内全破游戏14个关卡。

30、It stops natural selection and genetic survival dead in its tracks. ─── 大意指将会停止自然选择适者生存。

31、The median survival was 11 months, with a 3-year survival of 24%. ─── 平均生存时间是11个月,3年生存率为24%。

32、Our survival is inextricably linked to the survival of the rainforest. ─── 我们的生存与雨林的生存息息相关。

33、If it suits extremist ends to spin a fantastical tale of survival or trickery to gullible ears, expect to hear it. ─── 如果编造一个令人难以置信的幸存故事或一个令人轻信的诡计更适合极端分子的终结的话,那愿意信的人就去信吧。

34、Human management capacity and survival capacity as alarming. ─── 人的管理能力与生存能力同样惊人。

35、Things are a natural survival, things can also be redesigned. ─── 万物都自然的生存着,万物也都可以被重新设计。

36、For Agnar's faithful, survival is the main virtue. ─── 以艾格内尔的信仰来说,幸存的人是最英勇的。

37、Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival. ─── 如今早产儿成活的希望非常大。

38、Only you stand between survival and the Obli... ─── 一款火爆的飞行射击游戏.

39、Again, if survival is all we are after, art is far from necessary. ─── 但就像我们先前提及,如果我们只关心生存,艺术便可有可无。

40、Megatron: Strong Survival ability; Less idealistic of humanity. ─── 威震天:生存能力超强;实干而不理想化。

41、This includes the belief in the survival of the spirit after death. ─── 其中也包括相信人死后灵魂依然存在的观念。

42、Hopes are fading for the survival of the missing climbers. ─── 失踪的登山者幸存的希望越来越渺茫。

43、Two girls battling the elements, desperate for survival. ─── 两个女孩与自然战斗不顾一切为了生存。

44、In times like these KNOWLEDGE IS THE KEYb TO SURVIVAL. ─── 就现在的时势来看,只有知识才是生存之本.

45、He taught the tricks and strategies of survival to the young fawns. ─── 他教给小鹿们生存的技巧与谋略(改译:他向小鹿传授生存的技巧和谋略)。

46、The five-year survival rate is only about fifteen percent. ─── 五年的存活率只有仅仅15%而已。

47、For many people, survival is their only goal in life. ─── 以许多人来说,生存是他们一生唯一的目标。

48、On the vast sea, the hope of survival was slim. ─── 在这茫茫的大海上,生还的希望渺茫。

49、operation was Kelly's only hope of survival. ─── 手术是凯利生存的唯一希望。

50、Exporting is necessary for our economic survival. ─── 必须有出口,才能维持我们的经济。

51、She is the only survival in the accident. ─── 她是事故中的惟一幸存者。

52、In SC's survival area, lots of phagocytes were observed. ─── 并在雪旺细胞存活区有巨噬细胞浸润。

53、Commercial exploitation of resources threatens our survival. ─── 开发自然资源作商业用途威胁我们的生活。

54、Her slim chance for survival lay in finding a bone marrow donor. ─── 她微弱的生存机会取决于找到合适的骨髓捐献者。

55、Odds of survival in 10 years: Game over. ─── 10年内存在的可能性:游戏结束。

56、This paper studies a multistage survival model. ─── 分阶段生存模型的均衡保费计算。

57、His own prospects for survival seemed to be diminishing. ─── 他逃命的机会似乎愈来愈少了。

58、During the desert crossing we learned a lot of survival tips. ─── 在横越沙漠的过程中,我们学到了很多求生技巧。

59、Vector is a useless survival, or offshoot from quaternions. ─── 向量是无用的幸存物或四元数的无价值的支流。

60、They picked the ones who had the best chance of survival. ─── 他们选择了几个救活可能性最大的人。

61、His chances of survival are dim. ─── 他生还的可能性不大。

62、To them, slavery was no longer just a question of right or wrong. It was a necessity for survival. ─── 对于他们而言,拥有奴隶不再是一个对与错的问题,而是生存之所必须。

63、The survival of civilization is under threat. ─── 人类文明的生存在受到威胁。

64、So, the diversity is a major factor for our national survival. ─── 因此,社会多元化是国家生存的重要因素之一。

65、Elected officials depend on publicity for survival. ─── 当选的官员们依靠宣传而生存。

66、T1 phage displayed a higher survival than poliovirus. ─── T1噬菌体的存活高于脊髓灰质炎病毒。

67、Product quality is my plant survival instinct! ─── 产品的质量是我厂生存的本能!

68、The aver age survival time was 6 months. ─── 平均生存时间为6个月。

69、I think filling the gaping holes in our knowledge with made-up (and often wrong) information is some sort of a natural survival instinct. ─── 我认为用我们自己制造的(经常是错误的)的一些信息来弥补我们知识当中的漏洞是一种自然的求生本能。

70、There seemed no hope of survival. ─── 似乎没有了生存的希望,

71、Nature is what we humans depend upon for survival. ─── 大自然是人类赖以生存的有限空间。

72、In dry areas an organic sheet may be helpful and improve survival. ─── 在干旱地区用有机质纸张育种有助于提高成活率。

73、They are struggling for survival most of the time. ─── 他们大部分时间在为糊口而努力。

74、Doctors say her chances of survival are good. ─── 医生说她的存活几率很大。

75、The survival of human nature can not leave. ─── 人类的生存绝对不能离开大自然。

76、But each survival artist builds the wall. ─── 但各位生存艺术家修造墙壁。

77、Of course the arts in and of itself is not crucial to our survival as a nation. ─── 当然,艺术本身不是国家生存的关键。

78、Let 's hope for his survival . ─── 希望他能活下来。

79、Survival over dry seasons was mainly as immature stages. ─── 在未成熟时期要度过一个干燥季节。

80、All animals have an instinct to seek survival. ─── 动物都有求生的本能。

81、The median survival time for the entire sample was 34 months. ─── 二年及五年的存活率各为65%及25%。

82、Life became a struggle for survival. ─── 生活变成了一场争取生存的斗争。

83、We do not choose survival as a value; it chooses us. ─── 并不是我们把生存作为一种价值而选择了它;而是它选择了我们。

84、"Mitochondria are guardians of cell survival," said Sinclair. ─── “线粒体保证细胞存活。”

85、When you age, you think survival. ─── 当你变老时,你心中想著“生存”。

86、A type of symbiosis, as among certain ants, in which one species is dominant and makes the members of another species perform the tasks required for their mutual survival. ─── 共生(现象), 役生现象一种共生(现象), 如某些蚂蚁,在这种现象中,一个种处于支配地位,并使得别的种的成员承担他们共同生存所需完成的任务

87、Promote good growth and survival of prawn shrimp. ─── 可提高幼虾苗生长速率及生存率。

88、Thus explaining the Marksmanship first, Survival second build. ─── 因此先加射击后加生存。

89、It was survival of the mediaeval sanctuaries. ─── 它是中世纪庇护所的遗风。

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