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10-02 投稿


minibus 发音

英:['m?n?b?s]  美:['m?n?b?s]

英:  美:

minibus 中文意思翻译



minibus 网络释义

n. 面包车(等于microbus);小型公共汽车;中客车vi. 乘中客车

minibus 词性/词形变化,minibus变形

名词复数: minibuses |

minibus 相似词语短语

1、fidibus ─── n.(点烟斗用的)纸捻

2、minibars ─── n.迷你吧(旅馆房间内的小冰箱)

3、minimum ─── n.最小值;最低限度;最小化;最小量;adj.最小的;最低的

4、minibar ─── n.迷你吧(旅馆房间内的小冰箱)

5、minimus ─── n.最小的东西;小指;adj.最年轻的;微小的

6、minims ─── n.量滴(液量最小单位);极小的东西;二分音符;adj.最小的;微小的

7、minibuses ─── n.面包车(等于microbus);小型公共汽车;中客车;vi.乘中客车

8、minimums ─── n.最低限度;最少量(minimum的复数)

9、mini-bus ─── 小型公共汽车;小巴士

minibus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I would have been more impressed if I hadn't been the veteran of a number of minibus journeys to Cardiff for big football matches. ─── 假如我没有乘坐小型公车到卡迪夫观看重要赛事的丰富经验,我或者会觉得更刻骨铭心。

2、Abstract A minibus concept design method using a parametrized model of the frontal crashworthiness of the vehicle structure was suggested. ─── 摘要 提出了应用车辆结构正面抗撞性的参数化模型进行微型客车概念设计的方法。

3、We will go in the minibus from Calgary. ─── 我们将从卡尔加利乘小巴出发。

4、Take green minibus 8 or 22 from Star Ferry Pier in Central and get off at Caine Road, walk down Ladder Street and turn right into Caine Lane. ─── 乘地铁至中环站,从中环天星码头乘8或22线绿色小巴至坚道,沿楼梯街步行,再右转至坚巷。

5、JCL minibus is a chinese manufacuturer,we focus on providing perfect quuality 3-15 seats minibus. ─── JCL 公司专业从事3-15座轻客制造,品质上乘,做工精细,更新,更持久。。

6、The Setting Up of Parameterized Model for Frontal Impact of Minibus Body Structure ─── 微型客车车身结构正面碰撞参数化模型的建立

7、The club bought a minibus which can carry 14 people. ─── 俱乐部买了一辆可乘十四人的面包车。

8、Which is correct: " minibus " or " miniature bus "? ─── "minibus"和,"miniature bus"哪 个正确?

9、Finishing Technology and Process of Modified Polypropylene Plastic Coatings for Bumpers of Minibus ─── 微型汽车改性聚丙烯塑料保险杠的涂装技术及涂装工艺

10、ISTANA minibus ─── 伊思坦纳商务车

11、We took the MTR to the Wong Tai Sin Station, exited at C2, and caught a red minibus going in the the Mongkok direction, which brought us to the East Gate of this Qing Dynasty styled garden. ─── 我们搭地铁到黄大仙站,由C2出口处找往旺角的红顶小巴带我们到公园附近下车,再走约五分钟到达公园东门。

12、The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street. ─── 那名男生过马路时被一辆小型公共汽车撞倒了。

13、You can take the Airport Minibus service directly to the hotel at the price of HUF 2300 per person. ─── 取消政策:如果在入住日1天之前,取消预订酒店将不收取费用。如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。

14、When the taxi or minibus approaches give a clear signal to the driver. ─── 当的士或小巴驶近,你应向司机发出清楚的信号,示意他靠站停车。

15、But they were also against a sharp increase in minibus-taxi fares, the main form of transport for poor people throughout Africa. ─── 但他们同样抗议国内小巴士出租车(非洲穷人主要的交通方式)费用的高涨。

16、Analysis to Causes of Oil Leak in Rear Axle of Minibus and Shooting Measurement ─── 微型汽车后桥渗油、漏油常见原因分析及处理措施

17、S_A_M__Bianchini_Autonoleggio [Rimini] Noleggio pullman, minibus, auto e Limousine, anche con autista; noleggio auto per cerimonie ed eventi speciali. ─── 地区/亚洲/中国/广东/深圳/商业与经济/制造业-深圳建鸿来实业有限公司生产塑胶制品、弹簧及系列五金制品,含公司简介及厂房介绍。

18、Safety Design of Minibus Collision and Research of Its Technical Improvement ─── 微型客车的碰撞安全性设计与改进技术研究

19、Kate: I can see a car, a taxi, a bus, a minibus and a bike. ─── 我能看到一辆小汽车、一辆出租汽车、一辆公共汽车、一辆中巴和一辆自行车。

20、One morning after we'd been in North America for a few days, we were driving in the minibus which our American hosts had arranged. ─── 抵达北美几天后的一个早晨,我们乘坐美国主办方安排的一辆小型客车外出。

21、air minibus ─── 小型客机

22、As I pulled up to the gates in a hired minibus, two armed guards straightened their backs and saluted. ─── 出租小巴士一路把我带到庄园门口,两个武装警卫昂首挺胸,向我敬礼致意。

23、We need a minibus. ─── 我们想租一辆面包车。

24、On holidays they even take a minibus out to the mountains to admire the scenery.With such group activities arranged, there is not much time for homesickness. ─── 平常大夥去上班,喜欢美术、习画多年的她就在房间内作画,她还拜了一位越南老师学油画。

25、Experiment Analysis on Noise of the Minibus Exhaust Muffler ─── 微型汽车排气消声器的噪声实验分析

26、Systematic Improving Design of A Minibus According to The Frontal Impact Regulation ─── 微型客车针对正面碰撞法规的系统改进设计

27、Minibus stand or taxi stand ─── 小巴终站或的士站

28、As I pulled up to the gates in a hired minibus, two armed guards straightened their backs and saluted. ─── 出租小巴士一路把我带到庄园门口,两个武装警卫昂首挺胸,向我敬礼致意。

29、The previous night, the soliders were returning home together by minibus after trainning at [] Camp northeast of Baghdad. ─── 前一天晚上,这些士兵在巴格达东北的基尔库什军营结束了训练,并一起乘坐汽车回家。

30、During the year, a green minibus operators selection exercise was conducted and minibus operators were selected to operate a total of 10 routes. ─── 年内,当局进行了一次绿色专线小巴营办商甄选工作,遴选小巴营办商经营共10条新路线。

31、A train crashed with a minibus in southern Israel on Thursday, killing at least seven people, the Magen David Adom ambulance service said. ─── 一列火车相撞,在以色列南部与周四小巴,造成至少7人,红大卫盾会救护车服务机构说。

32、Design of the New Type Energy Absorbing Steering Column Assembly of Minibus ─── 微型客车新型吸能转向管柱总成设计

33、Restyling of Zhong Yi Minibus's Front Face ─── 中意车前围改型设计及模型制作

34、If a taxi stand or a minibus stand or stop for the route you want is near-by, then go there and wait. ─── 如果附近设有的士站或小巴站,而这些车站有适合你的路,你便应该在这些车站候车。

35、You can tell the pension’s name to a minibus driver waiting on the main road and they should take you directly to the hotel. ─── 到达酒店后,您只需付住宿的费用。若您按照酒店的取消政策在限定的时间内取消订房,毋需付额外的费用。

36、I would have been more impressed if I hadn't been the veteran of a number of minibus journeys to Cardiff for big football matches. ─── 假如我没有乘坐小型公车到卡迪夫观看重要赛事的丰富经验,我或者会觉得更刻骨铭心。

37、For Hyundai County minibus, 18 passengers regular order. IF YOU CAN SUPPLY ,PLEASE CONTACT US. ─── 寻找汽车现代车的汽车控制器,请供应商与我们联系.

38、The children go to school in a minibus. ─── 孩子们乘小型公共汽车上学。

39、Four deadly sins of Beijing minibus ─── 北京小公共四宗罪

40、Which is correct:"minibus" or"miniature bus"? ─── “minibus”和“miniaturebus”,哪个正确?

41、Our dependable minibus was waiting to load the luggage and take us to the hotel where everyone went their separate ways. ─── 我们的可靠的小型公共汽车正在等待装载行李并且把我们带到旅馆,在那里每个人去他们的单独的方式。

42、"People descended the minibus that shuttled guests to the nearby . . . beach" (Howard Kaplan) ─── “人们从将乘客载往邻近海滨的小公共汽车上走下来”(霍华德·卡普兰)

43、minibus body ─── 微型客车车身

44、Obviously, he does not know how to repair minibus at all. ─── 很明显,他一点儿也不知道怎样修理小汽车.

45、Appropriate notices will be displayed inside the minibuses and at minibus stops to inform passengers of the above arrangements. ─── 小巴车厢内及小巴站均会张贴适当告示,通知乘客上述服务安排。

46、You must always wear a seat belt when sitting in the front seat or middle front seat of a minibus or taxi. ─── 坐在小巴或的士前座或前中座时,必须佩戴安全带。

47、Numerical Simulation on Frontal Crash Characteristics of a Minibus Body Structure ─── 微型客车车身结构正面碰撞特性的数值模拟

48、A minibus is trapped on an ice-covered road in Chenzhou, Hunan province. ─── 一辆小巴被困在湖南郴州一条被冰覆盖的公路上。

49、He was then taken by minibus to the military base. ─── 接着他被小型公共汽车带到了军事基地。

50、You may hail or request a red minibus to stop anywhere the driver is allowed to stop. ─── 在红色小巴可以停车的地方,乘客可截停这些小巴登车,或要求司机停车,让他下车。

51、BIW of a minibus ─── 微型客车白车身

52、Up to 12 people are reported to have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on a minibus carrying foreigners near the Afghan capital, Kabul. ─── 阿富汗首都喀布尔附近一辆载有外国人小型公交车遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击,多达12人死亡。

53、Of course, traveling on the minibus is fast and safe. But the price is too expensive. ─── 当然,乘小汽车旅行又快又安全,但是价格太贵。

54、Continue by minibus to Chiang Rai handicraft center. ─── 坐汽车就可以到达清莱的手工艺品中心。

55、It may not entirely be a coincidence when in the afternoon we get in our speedy riverboat (it's a bit like a wide minibus) and visit some husky kennels upriver. ─── 所以,我们下午的活动看来不完全是偶然的:乘有点像小巴的交通船去参观爱斯基摩犬的狗舍。

56、Are you going to take a bus, or a minibus? ─── 你坐大客车还是小公共汽车?

57、Minibus, taxi and heavy vehicle drivers say they will consider taking radical action if the government fails to extend the current preferential tax arrangement for ultra low sulphur diesel. ─── 小巴,的士及重型车司机说,如果政府不延长超低硫柴油的税务优惠,他们考虑会有进一步激烈行动。

58、I saw a guy who dresses very honourably on the minibus that is taken。 ─── 我在搭乘的中巴车上,看到一个穿得挺体面的小伙子。

59、Since Phoenix Valley Scenic Area is open to the public, battery-driven boats, bamboo rafts, minibus and other transportation facilities have been successively established. ─── 凤凰谷风景区向社会开放后,先后建立了电瓶船、竹筏、中巴车等交通游览设施;

60、They catch Spareribs, a minibus driver who has become an adict because he foolishly believed in a quack doctor.Wong and Chow decide to give Spareribs another chance and he offers to be an informer. ─── 小巴总站被芋黑帮控制经营白粉,才误听道友奇为他打捕针,及后始发现奇为其注射的乃白粉针,才痛悔不已。

61、a ten-seater minibus ─── 十座小公共汽车

62、Minibus prices continue to work with the previous month. ─── 微型客车价格继续与上月持平。

63、Details of the franchised bus and green minibus services to be commenced together with the opening of the new control point are as follows ─── 与落马洲支线管制站同时投入服务的专营巴士及专线小巴的服务详情如下

64、During 1998, a green minibus operator selection exercise was conducted to select suitable operators to operate a total of 19 new routes. ─── 一九九八年,当局进行了一次绿色专线小巴营办商甄选工作,遴选小巴营办商经营共19条新路线。

65、The model has been validated by testing, which supports the rapid design of minibus body structure frontal crashworthiness during concept design phase. ─── 所建的参数化模型已经通过了有效性验证,而且该模型支持微型客车概念设计阶段的结构正面抗撞性快速方案设计。

66、Frontal crashworthiness of minibus with different collision modes ─── 不同碰撞模式的汽车正面结构抗撞性设计

67、Notices will be displayed by the green minibus operator to advise passengers of the above fare adjustment. ─── 专线小巴营办商将会张贴通告,通知乘客上述收费调整的安排。

68、I come to school by minibus. ─── 帕特,你怎样来学校的?

69、Speaking specifically in regards to public transportation, what people see are rising minibus prices and taxis who won't go by the meter. ─── 具体到公交而言,大家从巴士涨价和的士不打表也可以看出来。

70、Take any bus or green minibus service running via Caine Road and alight at Ladder Street. ─── 乘搭途经坚道的巴士及专线小巴前往博物馆。

71、Continue by minibus to visit Chian Saen Museum which houses a remarkable selection of ancient buddha images and antiques.Visit nearby Wat Chedi Luang. ─── 接下来就乘小型公共汽车,就可以去参观清盛博物馆,里面有值得注意的古代佛像和古董。

72、big minibus ─── 大面包车

73、One group of journalists were crowded into a minibus. ─── 一群记者挤满了一辆面包车。

74、The driver of the minibus was trapped in the vehicle and was rescued by firemen. ─── 小巴司机被困在车内,由消防员救出。

75、The next thing they knew, however, they were being loaded onto a minibus with several other children and taken to a factory in the next province, where they were pressed into service making bricks. ─── 下一件事物他们知道,然而, 他们是与一些其他的孩子一起载入一个小型公共汽车而且被拿到在他们进入制造砖块的服务之内被压的下一个省中的一间工厂了。

76、Transport: from Wenzhou, to the long-distance bus in Taishun, Yang Zhen Ya Village minibus ride after three rounds of motorized or rent that is 10 kilometers to go. ─── 交通:从温州发往泰顺的长途班车,到雅阳镇后转乘乡村小巴或租三轮摩托走10公里即到。

77、They bought a new minibus with the proceeds from the auction. ─── 他们用拍卖得来的钱买了一辆新面包车。

78、" " so you can drive minibus only in heaven. ─── “那么你在天堂只能开面包车。”

79、Identification of Minibus's Surface Noise Source ─── 微型客车表面噪声源的识别

80、Minibus is most popular in towns. ─── 小面包车在城镇很吃香。

81、Parallel analysis of minibus crashworthiness improvements ─── 并行计算在轻型客车耐撞性改进中的应用

82、I am told this minibus can go jar on very little petrol. ─── 我听说这种小客车能靠很少汽油开很多路。

83、minibus taxi ─── 小公共出租车

84、We take a minibus to Milkway. ─── 我们乘小公汽去牛奶路。

85、People not in the loop stand at the bus stops stamping their feet, gazing longingly in anticipation that a bus will appear.But in the end, all that shows up is a minibus or taxi with raised prices. ─── 不知情的人们在车站跺着脚,望眼欲穿的期待着公交车的出现,可终于、等来的却是涨价了的中巴和的士。

86、The automobile manufacturer continued to produce minibus to meet the farmers' demand at low profit. ─── 这家汽车制造商为了满足农民的需求,继续以低利润生产小型公共汽车。

87、I want to hire a minibus for our summer camp in August. ─── 我想为我们八月份的夏令营租一辆小型公共汽车。

88、Transport: Bus routes: 360 in urban areas reached by the town after a minibus Mirs Yangmei Hang up. ─── 交通:公交路线:在市区乘坐360到达大鹏镇后有小巴可达杨梅坑村。

89、In the past, we developed our reputation and we have good relation with most of the market leaders, expecially in taxi, minibus, advertising production and installation. ─── 我们努力建立公司的信誉,令我们能够与各媒体中的领导者建立互信关系,尤其在的士、小巴、广告制作及安装方面,我们一直处于领导地位。

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