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10-02 投稿


Marseillaise 中文意思翻译



Marseillaise 相似词语短语

1、Marseillaise ─── n.马赛曲(法国国歌)

2、malaise ─── n.不舒服;心神不安;n.(Malaise)人名;(德、瑞典)马莱塞

3、marcella ─── n.凹凸纹细布;玛塞拉(女名)

4、marseilles ─── n.马赛(法国港口城市)

5、the Marseillaise ─── 马赛曲

6、Bordelaise ─── adj.波尔多调味汁的;n.波尔多调味酱;波尔多液

7、capillaire ─── 铁线蕨;n.(Capillaire)人名;(法)卡皮莱尔

8、marbleise ─── 大理石花纹

9、marseille ─── n.法国马赛市

Marseillaise 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"The Marseillaise" is the national anthem of France. ─── "马赛进行曲"是法国国歌。

2、1836 Rouget de Lisle, French Army officer and composer of La Marseillaise, died. ─── 法国陆军军官、《马赛曲》作曲者鲁热·德利勒逝世。

3、Marseillaise "is the national anthem of France." ─── 马赛进行曲”是法国国歌。

4、C:Yes,What is the bouillabaisse a la Marseillaise?I don't understand French cuisine. ─── 是的,什么叫做有马赛进港的鱼羹?我不懂法国烹调。

5、A bit like the U. S. culture of the Statue of Liberty, the French culture of the La Marseillaise. ─── 有点像美国文化里的自由女神,法兰西文化里的马赛曲。

6、An officer called Rouget de Lisle wrote a song for the republican army The Marseillaise, which has become the national song of France. ─── 一位名叫鲁歇。得。里尔的军官为共和军写了一首歌曲《马赛曲》,成了法国的国歌。

7、La Marseillaise to lead a chorus and a chorus ─── 女声领唱混声合唱马赛曲

8、(Fr.) Marseillaise (the national anthem of France) ─── 马赛曲

9、Will you sing us the Marseillaise? ─── 给我们唱马赛曲,好吗?

10、A bit like the U.S. culture of the Statue of Liberty, the French culture of the La Marseillaise. ─── 有点像美国文化里的自由女神,法兰西文化里的马赛曲。

11、To the notes of the Marseillaise, Pope Benedict was welcomed at Orly airport in Paris by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and First Lady Carla Bruni. ─── 罗马天主教皇本笃十六世星期五开始抵达法国,进行为期4天的访问,他将造访爱丽舍宫和圣母院。这是本笃十六世第一次以教皇的身份访问法国。

12、Cap:It is a French seafood cuisine.Flathead,searobin,lobster,clarm and some other seafood cooked in broth and flavored soup with saffron.It is very famous as cuisine Marseillaise in France. ─── 这是法国海鲜的烹饪法,扁头、龙虾、蛤以及其他海鲜煮的清汤和有芳香味橘红色汤,这是如同法国马赛烹饪同样有名的。

13、La Marseillaise to lead to sing in unison in male voice ─── 男声齐唱马赛曲

14、La Marseillaise ─── 《马赛曲》(法国国歌)

15、The woman began to sing the Marseillaise . ─── 那个女人开始唱起了马赛曲。

16、said he, with a broad Marseillaise accent, and a grin that displayed his ivory-white teeth. ─── 他带着很重的马赛口音开口说道,露出满口白得如象牙一样的牙齿笑着。

17、French Army officer and composer of la Marseillaise, died. ─── 法国陆军军官、马赛曲作曲者鲁热·利勒逝世。

18、sing us the Marseillaise? ─── 我们唱马赛曲,好吗?

19、said he,with a broad Marseillaise accent,and a grin that displayed his ivory-white teeth ─── 他带着很重的马赛口音开口说道,露出满口白得如象牙一样的牙齿笑着

20、The Marseillaise calls the people to revolution and freedom but does not specifically cite the glory of France. ─── 《马赛曲》号召人们起来革命争取自由,但并没有特别赞颂法国的光荣。

21、a new and wonderful song spread through the land, a song that still warms the blood like wine, the Marseillaise. ─── 一首精彩的新歌传遍大陆,这首歌——《马赛曲》今天依然像美酒一样让人热血沸腾。

22、The diminution of a pile of crowns made bankers sing the Marseillaise. ─── 看到白银堆降低了,银行家就唱起《马赛曲》。

23、4. said he, with a broad Marseillaise accent, and a grin that displayed his ivory-white teeth. ─── 他带着很重的马赛口音开口说道,露出满口白得如象牙一样的牙齿笑着。

24、The idea then, proposed by Benjamin Raspail, a deputy, was to create a “national festival”, as part of a republican package that also included adopting “La Marseillaise” as the French national anthem. ─── 然而,议员BenjaminRaspail提出的观点乃是制定一个全国性的节日,作为具有共和色彩的一揽子计划的一部分,该计划还包括采纳马赛曲为法国国歌。

25、Will you sing us the Marseillaise ? ─── 给我们唱马赛曲,好吗?

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