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10-02 投稿


multinucleate 发音

英:[?m?lti?nu?kli?t]  美:[m?lti?nju?kli?t]

英:  美:

multinucleate 中文意思翻译



multinucleate 同义词

multinucleate 词性/词形变化,multinucleate变形

异体字: multinucleated |

multinucleate 反义词


multinucleate 相似词语短语

1、uninucleate ─── adj.单核的

2、multinucleolar ─── 多核仁

3、multinucleolate ─── 多核酸盐

4、multinuclear ─── 多环的;多核的

5、multinucleated ─── (细胞等)多核的

6、binucleate ─── adj.(细胞)双核的

7、multisulcate ─── 多硫酸盐

8、macronucleate ─── 大核

9、micronucleate ─── 微核

multinucleate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It suggests that the gene maybe have functions of taking part in degrading cell wall、forming enlarged cell and multinucleate feeding cells. 4. ─── 推测该基因可能在线虫侵染寄主阶段起到降解寄主细胞壁,诱导巨型细胞形成的重要作用。

2、Virchow in 1851 presented a drawing of a multinucleate tumor cell. ─── Virchow于一八五一年发表一张多核肿瘤细胞图。

3、Keywords multinucleate cells;heating;testis;rat; ─── 多核细胞;热作用;睾丸;大鼠;

4、A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes, as in algae or fungi. ─── 接合孢子由相似的配子结合而成的多核大孢子,如在海藻或真菌中

5、multinucleate giant cell ─── 多核巨细胞

6、multinucleate cells ─── [医] 多核细胞

7、multinucleate epidermal cells ─── 多核表皮细胞

8、A multinucleate mass of cytoplasm formed by the aggregation of a number of amoeboid cells, as that characteristic of the vegetative phase of the slime molds. ─── 原质团由大量变形虫细胞聚集形成的细胞质的多核团,与粘菌的无性繁殖阶段的特性类似

9、They are multinucleate formed by the fusion of myoblasts. ─── 它们是成肌细胞融合形成的多核细胞。

10、fertilization the emdosperm becomes and remains multinucleate for some time, becoming cellular near the time of pit-hardening. ─── 受精以后,胚乳变成多核,并继续存在一个时期,近硬核期时变成细胞状。

11、multinucleate epidermal giant cells ─── 多核表皮巨细胞

12、multinucleate cell ─── 多核细胞

13、multinucleate Rhizoctonia ─── 多核丝核菌

14、characterized clinically by slack skin, plaques, nodules, and histologically by granuloma with lymphoid cell infiltrate and multinucleate giant cells with loss of elastic fibers. ─── 病理特点为皮肤的淋巴样细胞浸润及巨大的多核细胞性肉芽肿伴弹性纤维消失。

15、Selection breeding and genetic stability with the multinucleate filamentous fungus ─── 多核丝状真菌的选育及遗传稳定性

16、Virchow in 1851 presented a drawing of a multinucleate tumor cell. ─── Virchow于一八五一年发表一张多核肿瘤细胞图。

17、Selection breeding and genetic stability with the multinucleate filamentous fungus ─── 多核丝状真菌的选育及遗传稳定性

18、A large multinucleate cell found in growing bone that resorbs bony tissue, as in the formation of canals and cavities. ─── 破骨细胞一种巨大的多核细胞,发现于吸收骨组织的生长骨中,如在管和腔的形成时的生长骨中

19、Results DNA and RNA levels were changed greatly and multinucleate coniospores appeared in the treated cells. ─── 结果用药组DNA、RNA水平发生不同变化,出现多核分生孢子。

20、A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes, as in algae or fungi. ─── 接合孢子由相似的配子结合而成的多核大孢子,如在海藻或真菌中

21、multinucleate syncytial mass ─── 多核合胞体块

22、Objectives: To investigate the appearance and change of multinucleate cells in the seminiferousepithelium induced by local heating of the rat testis. ─── 目的:研究大鼠睾丸局部热作用后生精上皮多核细胞的出现和变化。

23、The result shows that the life cycle of Didymium iridis comprises a unicellular amoeboid or swarm cell stage, a multinucleate plasmodium stage and a sporulation stage. ─── 结果表明,生活史包括单核的黏变形体或游动胞、多核的营养体原质团以及孢子形成阶段。

24、multinucleate mycelium ─── 多核菌丝体

25、multinucleate fiber ─── 多核纤维

26、A line of osteoblasts is present a the center-right forming new bone, but lacunae containing multinucleate osteoclasts are at the center left and lower center destroying bone. ─── 一行成骨细胞正在中右部形成新骨,而腔隙内的多核破骨细胞正在中左与中底部破坏骨。

27、A multinucleate mass of cytoplasm formed by the aggregation of a number of amoeboid cells,as that characteristic of the vegetative phase of the slime molds. ─── 原质团由大量变形虫细胞聚集形成的细胞质的多核团,与粘菌的无性繁殖阶段的特性类似。

28、the multinucleate cells of striated muscle ─── 横纹肌的多核细胞

29、Following fertilization the endosperm becomes and remains multinucleate for some time , becoming cellular near the time of pit- hardening . ─── 受精以后,胚乳变成多核,并继续存在一个时期,近硬核期时变成细胞状。

30、a large multinucleate cell found in growing bone that resorbs bony tissue,as in the formation of canals and cavities ─── 一种巨大的多核细胞,发现于吸收骨组织的生长骨中,如在管和腔的形成时的生长骨中

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