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10-02 投稿


motte 发音

英:[m?t]  美:[mɑ?t]

英:  美:

motte 中文意思翻译



motte 词性/词形变化,motte变形


motte 短语词组

1、motte sheep ─── 莫特羊

2、motte and bailey n. ─── 城寨 ─── 城堡(欧洲中世纪的一种 ─── 城堡)

3、motte-and-bailey castle ( ─── 旧时的)大型城堡(堡垒建在高地, 带围墙)

motte 相似词语短语

1、mote ─── n.尘埃;微粒;小错;n.(Mote)人名;(英、法、塞)莫特

2、mott ─── n.丛林(美国西部大草原)

3、botte ─── n.一击,一刺;n.(Botte)(法、德、意、美)博特(人名)

4、matte ─── n.冰铜;无光粗糙层;影像形板;adj.无光泽的;不光滑的;n.(Matte)(德、英、法、西、意)马特(人名)

5、lotte ─── n.乐天(品牌名)

6、moste ─── v.(古语)可能,也许(mote的过去式);n.(Moste)(美)莫斯特(人名)

7、monte ─── n.三猜一牌戏(起源于墨西哥,用三张牌,类似三牌猜皇后);n.(Monte)(美)蒙特(人名)

8、mottle ─── n.斑点;杂色;斑驳;vt.使呈杂色;使显得斑驳陆离

9、mottes ─── n.丛林;n.(Motte)人名;(日)物袋(姓);(德、法、英)莫特

motte 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、MOTT method ─── MOTT方法

2、Converting a Village into a Motte & Bailey makes the settlement less conducive to trade, but allow for more diverse recruitment options. ─── 村庄转换为城寨会降低贸易规模,但能够招募更多种类的部队。

3、"Then in the marriage union, the independence of the husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal" (Lucretia Mott). ─── “在一桩婚姻中,丈夫与妻子的独立性是平等的,依赖性是互相的,而他们的责任也是彼此之间的”(卢克丽霞·莫特)。

4、The veneration of man has been misdirected(Lucretia Mott)See Synonyms at honor ─── 人类的崇敬已被误导了(卢克雷蒂娅 莫特)参见

5、Bad Company are an English hard rock supergroup founded in 1973, consisting of band members from Free (Paul Rodgers, Simon Kirke), Mott the Hoople (Mick Ralphs), and King Crimson (Boz Burrell). ─── 点击展开更多介绍 Fame And Fortune专辑介绍: is an album by Bad Company with Brian Howe in place of Paul Rodgers as lead vocalist, released in 1986.

6、(stopping a passerby) Excuse me, can you tell me where Mott Street is? ─── (叫住一个过路人)对不起,您能告诉我莫特街在哪儿吗?

7、Mott cross section and the modified Bethe equation are used to describe the elastic and inelastic scattering of electrons in solids, respectively. ─── 模型应用 Mott散射截面和 Joy方法修正的 Bethe方程描述和计算低能电子在固体中弹性和非弹性散射 .

8、Mott model ─── Mott模型

9、Jeane-Marie de la Motte Guyon ─── 居伊昂夫人(1648-1717),法国人,奥秘神学家、著作家。

10、Pardon me.I wonder if you could tell me how to get to Mott Street? ─── (对过路老人)打搅您了,你能告诉我去伦敦西北地区怎么走吗?

11、Sleep. It knew everything about Mr Mott. ─── 它知道有关莫特先生的一切事情。

12、6.The memory robot followed Mr. Mott all the time. ─── 智能机器人总是跟随着莫特先生。

13、Excuse me,can you tell me where Mott Street is? ─── 打扰一下,您能告诉我莫特街在哪儿吗?

14、Some famous British companies, such as ERM, Mott Macdonald and Weir Pumps, came to Chongqing for collaborative environmental protection projects. ─── 之后,诸如麦克唐纳、韦尔泵业等英国公司也先后来到重庆,与重庆在环保的各个层面展开合作。

15、The pulmonary tuberculosis cases in Shanghai were infected mainly with M.tuberculosis(97.3%)and infected by MOTT only 2.3%,but the high resistance rate of MOTT should be pay great attention. ─── 上海市肺结核患者感染菌种主要为人型结核分支杆菌(97.3%),而牛型(0?4%)和非结核分支杆菌(MOTT,2?3%)所占比重很小,明显低于全国水平。 MOTT耐药率高应引起重视

16、In addition, before the hold beautiful season, the match average backboard ranking first 10 players also include the two second round rising star: Richard - Muba Mott and Richard - Hendrix. ─── 此外,占据新秀季前赛平均篮板排行榜前10位的球员还包括两位第二轮的新秀:的理查德-姆巴莫特和的理查德-亨德里克斯。

17、Festival times, Mott the Bucks with the help of poor will be reduced to 7 minutes, but the Timberwolves will soon lead to the expansion of more than 10 points. ─── 次节,雄鹿在莫特的帮助下将分差缩小到7分,不过森林狼队很快又将领先优势扩大到10分以上。

18、Will you please tell me when we get to Mott St.? I'm a stranger here. ─── 到模特街的时候请你告诉我好吗?我对这里不熟悉。

19、A research group in Munich has demonstrated for the first time the quantum phase transition of a superfluid state to the Mott insulator state of a BEC confined in a 3D optical lattice. ─── 德国Munich研究小组首次在三维光晶格中观察到了超冷原子从BEC超流状态向Mott insulator状态的量子相变.

20、"On Isle La Motte you can see how it evolved from simple little mounds into what I call a reef city. ─── 在莫特岛上,你可以看见它是如何从简单的小土堆形成如今的岩石城的。”

21、Can you tell me where the bus stop for Mott St. is? ─── 你能告诉我去莫特大街的公共汽车站在哪里吗?

22、Moreover, there is another transition below 50K in some films, included a possible Mott transition. ─── 在一些薄膜中还发现50K以下存在另一个相变,其中包括Mott转变。

23、When you come to it, there is a bridge. Just walk across it. Follow the sign that says" To Mott Street". ─── 当您到了河边,会看到那儿有座桥,穿过桥,沿着那个写着“去莫特街”的标记走。

24、De La Motte ─── 德拉莫特

25、The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation ─── 接下来要感谢的是密执安州弗林特的查尔斯·斯图尔特·莫特基金会

26、Ai to yuki to mokori wo motte tatakauyo But I will flight for you with love, courage, and pride in my heart ─── 但我会用爱勇气的自豪堂堂正正的决斗的

27、Use of Mott cross section in the simulation of electron scattering and transmission through mask in a projection lithography system ─── 弹性散射截面对计算电子束投影成像衬度的影响

28、Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence. ─── 城寨是简易前沿防御基地,略强于哨塔和栅栏。

29、Mott Better late than never.Better to light one candle than to cruse the darkness. ─── 不抱怨,不堕落,踏踏实实做事或者开始认真做事。

30、Robert L. Mott,2000,“Applied Fluid Mechanics,5th ed”,prentice-Hall,Inc. ─── 流体力学,张世乡,陈维方,龚杰,钟明吉译,全华科技图书股份有限公司,台北.

31、Effects of Next-nearest-neighbor Hopping on the Phase Diagram of the Mott Insulating Phase in Optical Lattices ─── 光学晶格中次近邻耦合对Mott绝缘相相图的影响

32、"The veneration of man has been misdirected" (Lucretia Mott) ─── “人类的崇敬已被误导了”(卢克雷蒂娅·莫特)。

33、From Mott insulators to high temperature superconductors: duality between spin magnetism and superconductivity ─── 从Mott绝缘体到高温超导体:自旋磁性与超导电性的互偶关系

34、Later, Mott Diaz hit a slap in the face, Diaz was angry, but he said nothing, but wrote in the sand: "Today, my good friend hit me a slap in the face. ─── 后来,莫特打了亚丝一巴掌,亚丝很生气,但他什么也没说,只是在沙子上写道:“今天,我的好朋友打了我一个耳光。”

35、I want to daydream about have a big house with a big swimming pool and hurst motte wood. ─── 我想有一个很大的房子和很大的游泳池,树林。

36、"Then in the marriage union,the independence of the husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual,and their obligations reciprocal" (Lucretia Mott). ─── “在一桩婚姻中,丈夫与妻子的独立性是平等的,依赖性是互相的,而他们的责任也是彼此之间的” (卢克丽霞·莫特)。

37、I have to look up a man living in Mott Street. ─── 我得去看看住在莫特街的一个人。

38、When you come to it, there's a bridge. Just walk across it. Follow the sign that says "To Mott Street". ─── 当您到了河边,会看到那儿有座桥,穿过桥,沿着那上写着“去莫特街”的标记走。

39、Two local preservation groups bought the parcel in the middle of the Isle La Motte at the northern end of Lake Champlain.The purchase price was not disclosed. ─── 佛蒙特大学地质学系负责人梅尔腾正在研究这片巨型岩从纽芬兰岛到天纳西州的部分,但他指出,莫特岛地段的岩石是暴露在地面最多的部分。

40、The act of converting a Motte and Bailey into a Village significantly changes the way that the settlement will work, and what you can build there. ─── 城寨转换为村庄将会明显改变城邑运作方式以及可供修建的建筑种类。

41、mott cell ─── 桑椹状细胞

42、We warmly invite you to attend Aussino South African Wine Tasting - La Motte. ─── 我们盛情邀请您参加南非精品酒庄-乐梦迪品尝会。

43、B: Yes. Turn right and walk two blocks and you'll find a bus stop sign. Take No. 5 which goes to South Ferry. You get off at Mott St. ─── 乙:哦,向右转,走过两个街口,您就可以看见一个公共汽车的站牌,您搭到南轮渡码头去的五路车,在莫特街下车。

44、the manager of the Mercure La Grande Motte Port, would like to welcome you. ─── 在美居,我们将尽一切可能,确保您能度过一个美好的夜晚!

45、Excuse me, can you tell me where Mott Street is? ─── 劳驾,你能告诉我莫特街在哪里吗?

46、Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me where the bus stop for Mott St. Is? ─── 对不起,先生,你能告诉我去莫特大街的公共汽车站在哪里吗?

47、The act of converting a Village into a Motte &Bailey significantly changes the way that the settlement will work, and what you can build there. ─── 村庄转换为城寨将会明显改变城邑运作方式以及可供修建的建筑种类。

48、37. Lucretia Mott‘s influence was so significant that she has been credited by some authorities as the originator of feminism in the United States. ─── 是美国境内最为荒凉和人迹罕至的地区之一,此处有大量的野生动植物而且大多受(法律)保护。

49、House Glover of Deepwood Motte - A silver fist on scarlet. ─── 一片猩红之上,一个银色的拳头。

50、House Glover of Deepwood Motte - A silver fist on scarlet. ─── 一片猩红之上,一个银色的拳头。

51、“Then in the marriage union, the independence of the husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal” (Lucretia Mott). ─── “在一桩婚姻中,丈夫与妻子的独立性是平等的,依赖性是互相的,而他们的责任也是彼此之间的”(卢克丽霞"莫特)。

52、Comparing to the Mott one,the optical electron polarimetry has more advantages. ─── 因光学极化度测量仪与Mott极化度测量仪相比有许多优点而倍受关注 .

53、bandwidth-controlled-type Mott compound ─── 带宽调控型Mott化合物

54、Can you tell me where Mott Street is? ─── 您能告诉我莫特街在哪吗?

55、Traditional methods are critically examined for their potential to describe the Mott transition. ─── 传统的方法被认真地为他们的潜能检查描述莫特过渡。

56、A: Pardon me. I wonder if you could tell me how to get to Mott Street? ─── 对不起,不知道你能否告诉我到莫特街怎么走?

57、After retiring from the Navy, Mott entered the aerospace industry and played an important role in the long-term development of many of America's most advanced military aircraft. ─── 从海军退下来后,莫特进入航空工业并在长期的研究美国先进的军用飞机方面担当一个重要的角色。

58、Converting a Village into a Motte &Bailey makes the settlement less conducive to trade, but allow for more diverse recruitment options. ─── 村庄转换为城寨会降低贸易规模,但能够招募更多种类的部队。

59、Mott Life is one drop ─── 格言:生活是一粒糖

60、Excuse me, Can you tell me where is the bus stop going to Mott St.? ─── 对不起,先生,请你告诉我哪里有巴士站可以搭车去模特街。

61、Mott plasma cell ─── Mott浆细胞

62、Mott plasma cell Mott ─── 浆细胞

63、The memory robot followed Mr Mott . ─── 智能机器人一直跟着莫特先生。

64、And in Mott street in July ─── 在七月的莫特街

65、R. L. Mott, “Machine Elements in Mechanical Design”, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall. ─── 小栗富士雄原著,台隆书店编译,”标准机械设计图表便览”。

66、Mott variable ─── Mott变程跳跃

67、All right. Excuse me. Can you tell us the way to Mott Street? ─── 好吧。劳驾,您能告诉我们去莫特街的路吗?

68、Excuse me, Madam. Can you tell me where the bus stop for Mott St. is? ─── 对不起,女士,您能告诉我去莫特大街的公共汽车站在哪里吗?

69、No. Can you tell me where Mott Street is? ─── 不认识。你能告诉我莫特街在哪里吗?

70、Once converted to a motte and bailey, this settlement can be upgraded to a wooden castle as soon as you have the money required, rather than relying upon the population to make it grow. ─── 一旦转换为城寨,无须等候人口增长,只要财力允许即可立即升级为木堡。

71、7.(stopping another passerby) Excuse me. How do I get to Mott Street, please? ─── 叫住另一位过路人)对不起,请问莫特街怎么走?

72、Then in the marriage union, the independence of the husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal (Lucretia Mott). ─── 在一桩婚姻中,丈夫与妻子的独立性是平等的,依赖性是互相的,而他们的责任也是彼此之间的(卢克丽霞 莫特)。

73、Excuse me. Can you tell us the way to Mott Street? ─── 劳驾,您能告诉我们去莫特街的路吗?

74、(stopping another passerby) Excuse me. How do I get to Mott Street, please? ─── (叫住另一位过路人)对不起,请问莫特街怎么走?

75、Mott Don't regret and let's try. ─── 不要气馁,要去尝试。

76、I can provide you with horses, provisions, guides, whatever is required to get you as far as Deepwood Motte. ─── 我可以提供马匹,给养,向导以及其它必需的帮助,确保你抵达深林堡。

77、But I have to look up a man living in Mott Street. ─── 但是我得去看看住在莫特街的一个人。

78、Mott, I.K. and Fleeting,R., “Design Aspect of Marine Propulsion Shafting System”, The Institute of Marine Enginneers, June,1967. ─── “商船机关部轴系标准之解说”,关西造船协会造机研究委员会编,海文堂。

79、ANN: Thank you, Mr Mott. ─── 安:谢谢你,莫特先生。

80、Labourers collect water-chestnuts from a pond at Motte Majra village in the northern Indian state of Punjab November 3, 2010. ─── 工人们在印度旁遮普邦北部的一个村庄MotteMajra的池塘里采摘水栗子。

81、You get off at Mott St.? ─── 你是在莫特大街下车吧?

82、La Motte ─── 拉莫特

83、Not too far behind its neighbor Massachusetts, Vermont's first established colony dates back to 1666, smack dab on the Isle of La Motte in Lake Champlain. ─── 1666年,继它的近邻马萨诸塞州建立殖民地不久,在该州的尚普兰湖莫特岛建立了又一块殖民地。

84、Mott insulating phase ─── Mott绝缘相

85、Yes , It's in downtown manhattan between Mott St. and Canal St. ─── 可以,它是在曼克(应该是“哈”字吧,书是否印错了字呢?)顿商业区模特街和水渠街之间。

86、Yes, Turn right and walk two blocks and you'll find a bus stop sign. Take No. 5 which goes to South Ferry. You get off at Mott St. ─── 哦,向右转,走过两个街口,你就可以看见一个巴士站的牌子,你搭到南轮渡码头去的五号车,在模特街下车。


韩剧《A-Teen》(又名《18岁》),是一部网剧,由申艺恩、申承浩、李娜恩和金东熙主演,被誉为“猜不中结局的青春校园剧”。剧中的歌曲也非常有特色,如:MOTTE的《Don't Run Away》、Seventeen的《A-Teen》,B站上有资源,还有中文翻译。

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